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Fandom Help!! I Have Lost My Mind!![Multi-Fandom Survival RP]

Donder172 said:
Kota walked to the three "I think that's a good idea." He says then turns to the newcommer "My name is Rahm Kota." He then let's out a sigh "I wonder how many will follow us to this island without memory how."
@White Shamrock
Alphonse bows."I'm Alphonse Elric, nice to meet you sir."he gets up."since I left, we were low on food, so I went out to scavenge, what are you doing out here Rahm Kota?" He asks politely. He tries to be respectful to those older then him.
MTchaos1134 said:
Alphonse bows."I'm Alphonse Elric, nice to meet you sir."he gets up."since I left, we were low on food, so I went out to scavenge, what are you doing out here Rahm Kota?" He asks politely. He tries to be respectful to those older then him.
Having just woken up, and shot some crabs, Problem Sleuth was not in the best of spirits. Walking around, he found a group of people also walking around. His first instinct was to shoot them all with his tommy gun.


He then threw a ring of keys at the passers-by.

And missed also.
Magnadeus said:
Having just woken up, and shot some crabs, Problem Sleuth was not in the best of spirits. Walking around, he found a group of people also walking around. His first instinct was to shoot them all with his tommy gun.

He then threw a ring of keys at the passers-by.

And missed also.
As soon as he heard someone yell, he instinctively punched the mans face using alchemy to make a fist of stone, after a moment, he realized it was someone who probably forgot thier memories too."sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. You just surprised me!" He jogs over to sleuth. And crouches down."are you ok sir?"
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Donder172 said:
Ulfric looks for a moment at the Giant, then takes his sword and hands it over to the giant blacksmith "There you go."
The giant takes the sword and begins to inspect it "Hmm. New Blade. Will Melt Down Old. Forge Better. You Come Next Day. Blade Will Better"
MTchaos1134 said:
As soon as he heard someone yell, he instinctively punched the mans face using alchemy to make a fist of stone, after a moment, he realized it was someone who probably forgot thier memories too."sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. You just surprised me!" He jogs over to sleuth. And crouches down."are you ok sir?"
Problem Sleuth was not, by definition, ok. But with his newfound ability to talk, coupled with the fact that he didn't have voices telling him what to do, he figured that he was ok enough to be ok.

Shadowlugia711 said:
Location: Beach, near Bungalows

Form: Kitsune

Status: Normal

"And who are you?" the now kitsune rebounded sharply at the man in armor. Its eyes glowed gold, and it swung around to face this new person. It grabbed the nine-pronged sword on its back with its mouth, and growled, "It looks like you want to fight me. I hope you don't have death wish." Cackling, it reared up on its rear legs, grinning malevolently.

@White Shamrock
Magnadeus said:
Problem Sleuth was not, by definition, ok. But with his newfound ability to talk, coupled with the fact that he didn't have voices telling him what to do, he figured that he was ok enough to be ok.
"Like not hurt." He helped sleuth up."so what is your name? I'm Alphonse."he sets his hand out,so he can shake the new mans hand. This one is interesting. Al wonders if they don't have thier memory too.
MTchaos1134 said:
Alphonse bows."I'm Alphonse Elric, nice to meet you sir."he gets up."since I left, we were low on food, so I went out to scavenge, what are you doing out here Rahm Kota?" He asks politely. He tries to be respectful to those older then him.
"I was looking around if anyone relse was here lost." Kota says towards Alphose

Lordvader59 said:
Fordo instantly trained one pistol of Ninetails and Scar each. "I do not know where I am." He looked around, seeing the beach and the forest in the background. "Kashyyk, maybe?" He shrugged "that is beyond the point. I need you to drop your weapon and lead me to the nearest civilization where I may contact that GAR."
@White Shamrock @ManyFaces
Kota senses Ordo's presence, which sensed awfully familiar to something, remembering a bit of his past, he walks towards the clone "Stand down... clone." he says, mentioning the word 'clone' with a bit of disgust.
Donder172 said:
"I was looking around if anyone relse was here lost." Kota says towards Alphose
Kota senses Ordo's presence, which sensed awfully familiar to something, remembering a bit of his past, he walks towards the clone "Stand down... clone." he says, mentioning the word 'clone' with a bit of disgust.
"Who are you?" With Kota's unorthodox method of dressing, Fordo didn't recognize him as a Jedi.
Lordvader59 said:
"Who are you?" With Kota's unorthodox method of dressing, Fordo didn't recognize him as a Jedi.
"My name is Rahm Kota. What is your number, clone?" Kota says towards the clones, not looking amused to the clone at all.
Donder172 said:
"My name is Rahm Kota. What is your number, clone?" Kota says towards the clones, not looking amused to the clone at all.
"Kota... your name is familiar...." then, holstering his pistols, he snapped to attention and saluted. "I am ARC trooper number 77 General sir!"

Lordvader59 said:
"Kota... your name is familiar...." then, holstering his pistols, he snapped to attention and saluted. "I am ARC trooper number 77 General sir!"
"Don't bother looking for the GAR here, they're not here." Kota says towards the clone "Are you alone, clone or are there others with you as well?"
The batter lifted his bat up and put it over his shoulder following the others "Which way to camp, and are there unpure souls here?" he asked no one specifically allowing any of the group to answer his question. A camp with other people could assist him with purification, or at least give him information on what was going on "Who else is here?" he asked, pondering the amount of people that might just be on this island. So far it might just be an oasis and his purification wouldn't be needed.

@White Shamrock
Alex shrugged "I just got here so I can't help you, I just came from killing a demon," he said putting away the gun and following. He looked over at the batters attire "What exactly are you, you have a very odd wear, and seem very shy," he said stepping a few inches away in case the batter tried to attack.

@MTchaos1134 @Donder172 @ManyFaces
MTchaos1134 said:
"Like not hurt." He helped sleuth up."so what is your name? I'm Alphonse."he sets his hand out,so he can shake the new mans hand. This one is interesting. Al wonders if they don't have thier memory too.
"THE NAME THAT BELONGS TO ME IS PROBLEM SLEUTH." Problem Sleuth looked around to see if anybody else was there. It certainly didn't seem so. "AND YOU?"
Alex appeared to catch The Batters interest with mention of a demon, The Batter pulled his cap down some "I'm just The Batter, I don't know how I got my clothes but they're just a baseball uniform. Not shy just straight forward" The Batter replied with a shrug.

@White Shamrock
Donder172 said:
"Don't bother looking for the GAR here, they're not here." Kota says towards the clone "Are you alone, clone or are there others with you as well?"
"I haven't located any others if there are, General. We appear to be cut off.
Magnadeus said:
"THE NAME THAT BELONGS TO ME IS PROBLEM SLEUTH." Problem Sleuth looked around to see if anybody else was there. It certainly didn't seem so. "AND YOU?"
"Like I said, I am alphonse, nice to meet you."he sets his hand out to help sleuth up."we have others here that have forgotten thier memories, did you forget yours as well sleuth?"so many people here have forgotten almost evreything.h wonders if this man lost theirs too.

Location: Beach, near Bungalows

Form: Kitsune

Status: Normal

"I beg your pardon, but I have no idea what you are talking about. What even is a gar?" Ninetails snarled, swishing her tails around furiously. Her gleaming eyes locked onto the pistol pointed at her. While not something she recognized, she felt like she was at arrowpoint. Growling, "And I am not putting down my sword until you put your weapon down. And for all we know, there is no nearby civilization. We are stranded on a deserted island."

Turning to the other man who called himself Kota, "And how do you know anything about this armored man, Kota," Ninetails spoke sharply, spitting out the name.

@White Shamrock
"It was good to seeing you, Blacksmith" Solaire says as he leaves towards the boat. "Same Friend." The giant says as he begins to melt down Ulfric's sword, He watches the group leave "Remember. Come Next Day. Will Have Weapons" He calls out to the group or more specifically Ulfric & Rapunzel.

Solaire sits down in the boat and waits for the rest of the group to arrive before beginning to row towards the Bungalows. When they arrived they see that Jacket had finished cleaning up the corpses, and was missing his jacket having taken it off due to it's smell. @Computing Magus @Zer0 @Donder172 @budgieboo
billthesomething said:
"It was good to seeing you, Blacksmith" Solaire says as he leaves towards the boat. "Same Friend." The giant says as he begins to melt down Ulfric's sword, He watches the group leave "Remember. Come Next Day. Will Have Weapons" He calls out to the group or more specifically Ulfric & Rapunzel.
Solaire sits down in the boat and waits for the rest of the group to arrive before beginning to row towards the Bungalows. When they arrived they see that Jacket had finished cleaning up the corpses, and was missing his jacket having taken it off due to it's smell. @Computing Magus @Zer0 @Donder172 @budgieboo
"I will remember." Ulfric says towards the Blacksmith and walks with the group to the boat and gets into the boat.
- Rapunzel -

Rapunzel finished the copy of the map and was satisfied with her work. It was accurate, yet she could not resist adding some little trees, a tiny hut with a tiny image of the giant smith, a small simplified version of the bungalows, and had begun to paint a fancy fiery frame around it, when Solaire said it was time to go.

Bundling up her things and placing them inside her satchel, she thanked the smith one last time before gracefully following Amethyst and Reimu out, a bounce to her step.

"So!" she said to the two girls when they reached the bungalows. "Amethyst, Reimu, shall we go ahead? Solaire, I'll leave the original map to you."

@billthesomething, @Computing Magus, @budgieboo
Zer0 said:
"So!" she said to the two girls when they reached the bungalows. "Amethyst, Reimu, shall we go ahead? Solaire, I'll leave the original map to you."
Solaire takes the map and nods "I'll see to it, that it will stay safe. That i ensure you, now then we will have a long day ahead of us. so i suggest we get us a meal then rest, Rapunzel i ask of you to give us the honer of your cooking once more, your last meal was an absolute delight" he praised
"We should, Rapunzel. Sooner is always better than later." Reimu replied to Rapunzel's question. Then came Solaire's suggestion of some R&R. She thought a good rest would be a bit better too.

"Yeah, Rapunzel. I liked that meal you made earlier, if I believe that was you." Reimu said halfheartedly. She remembered that she didn't quite finish the one Rapunzel made, but that didn't mean she enjoyed it. Then again, if she did why not finish the whole bowl? Whatever, hopefully the next food will be great.

Reimu spotted Jacket and noticed his jacket was gone. That reminded her of something.

"Jacket, should I wash that jacket now? We're basically just resting anyway. Where is it?" Reimu asked to the man who was missing the attire she was fine to wash. If he removed it because of the blood, it must be worse than she thought.

@Zer0 @billthesomething
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- Rapunzel -

"Thank you, I'm glad you all like it!" said Rapunzel cheerfully to Solaire and Reimu.

When meat was once more caught and after Rapunzel foraged for some more herbs, she cooked up a steamy broth with meat so tender they fell off the bones. Sweet yam and other tubers was once more on the menu, and some fresh scallops on the side.

There were coconuts too, to quench their thirst.

Rapunzel ate while examining her paintings in her sketch pad. She came upon a prose framed in flower, sun, and stars. It seemed familiar, and this was how it went . . .

"Flower, gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt

Change the Fates' design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine "​

She read it aloud, then her words turned to song. Suddenly, her hair glowed, and either because her hair had been braided or it was still a bright afternoon, Rapunzel didn't take any notice as she continued to sing to the end.

@billthesomething, @Computing Magus
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