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Fandom Help!! I Have Lost My Mind!![Multi-Fandom Survival RP]

Rick had the same grumpy expression, " Ahh, what the hell? Boner boy is really getting on my n-*buuuuuuuUUUUUUuuuurp*nerves... wha-?! He took my dna samples! That boney son of a b-! " Jake stretched up to help Rick out of the tree, " Jake-O's here to help! " he lowers Rick from the tree, " Thanks dog, hey I think we should get out of this place, Jake. I can't stand that Sans guy. I didn't think it was possible to be a fat skeleton but he found a way somehow. " Jake let him onto the ground, " Hey, you gotta fix up that attitude of your's. I don't appreciate you insulting good ol' Sandy like that. Especially since he was nice enough to let us stay in his encampment! " Rick leaned against the tree and drank more booze, " You know what?! I don't give a F@#K what you think about Jake! " he said this as he drank some more beer. Jake gasped, " Wha-? Why are you doin' this to me?! What did I ever do to you to make you be so drizzin' bonkers to me? It's not us! It's you Rick! You're the dog! " he said as he walked backwards into his house and closed the door, " You're the doooooooog >3> " said Jake as he shut the door again. He opened his door shortly after, " Hey, a guy! " he stretched over to Scout, " Yo, my name is Jake! The magical stretchy dog! " he said as he wiggled around his skin. He grew into a big King Kong looking thing as he beat his chest, " Pretty neat, huh? "
Jacenio said:
Sans looked at Al. "It wouldn't hurt although I don't know what harm this guy could do." Sans said.
Scout jumped back a little surprised. "What the crap!?" He yelled. Then he looked over and saw Rick, he was the one the stretchy dog had been talking to. "So you're da one dat dogs talkin' about." Scout took one look at him, and he didn't like him. "I'm gonna guess you're dat one guy dat no on really likes ain't ya." He said. It wasn't a question. He felt a tap on his shoulder, it was Sans. "Look, you can stay with us just don't cause any trouble alright?" Sans said. "Wha- Seriously. I mean yeah... yeah i can work wit dat" Scout said. Sans nodded and let Scout in. Sans looked at Rick. "As for you Rick if you pull one more damn stupid stunt, I will personally drag you down to hell." Sans said his smile exactly as it was when he first came here, though with the pinpricks un his sockets gone the smile only served to make him look more threatening. Then he shook his head his friendly demeanor returning. "Hey Jake you can bunk with me I'm sure I can convince Al to make a Doggy bed for ya." He said. "Also Rick, that yellow ball better still be alive in the morning alright?" Scout looked at Sans. "Okay... rule on of livin' here don't piss off anyone, 'cept for maybe lab coat over dere."
Al walks over to everyone else." I set up the other room as well if the dog wants to sleep with us as well." He thinks for a moment."oh, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Alphonse Elric, nice to meet you both. What is your names?" He asks looking at jake and scout.

MTchaos1134 said:
Al walks over to everyone else." I set up the other room as well if the dog wants to sleep with us as well." He thinks for a moment."oh, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Alphonse Elric, nice to meet you both. What is your names?" He asks looking at jake and scout.
Scout racked his brain. "I honestly can't remember my name." He said. Sans looked at him. "Well that's new." He said. "Well, all I can really remembah is my role. So i guess ya can call me Scout." He said. Sans thought about this. "He can't even remember his own name. I have theory about that, he's either a clone, or he's more of an amnesiac then anyone on this island has been, and since the second option is extreamly doubtful..." Sans said thoughtfully. Scout Smirked. "Hey if I'm a clone that means I worth somthin' not to mention I bet I'm better than the original me." He said.
Rick rolled his eyes at Sans' threat as he walked off to his hut. Pac-Man glanced at Rick and said, " Aren't you just a tad bit spooked by that skeleton fellow? I ain't no yellow belly, despite the fact that I'm all yellow but whenever he causes his crazy corneas to go kaput it just fills my gut with the heebie jeebies! Is it because you're always ossified with that there whiskey of yours? You really should lay off that giggle water son. Dulls the mind. " said Pac-Man, he had a very strange scratchy sound whenever he spoke almost like a record player. " Okay, I know I don't remember anything. But that doesn't mean I lost all my work. I was clearly a scientist and based off all this booze. I must have been reeeeal messed up in the head. So even though I have no memories doesn't mean the crippling feeling of depression doesn't haunt me every night you walking ballsack. Now go the F@#K to sleep. " Pac-Man put his hands on his hips, " Yeesh, what a wet blanket. Not literally though, these are dry. I mean it in the metaphorical sense in reference to Rick. I don't know who I'm talking to. Well I reckon it's time for Pac-Man to go outside and take a walk. Can't be healthy to spend all my time with a guy who's always spifflicated off his high horse. " Pac-Man walked out of the hut and to Jake, " What's up pooch? " Jake had a big smile on his face, even his tail was wagging. " These guys are hooking me up with a brand new crib, man! I'm getting my own bed! I get to bunk with Sandy! " he runs into the new hut and hops into his doggy bed, " Mm-mm yeah! Doggie stylez. Hey sandy! You got any bedtime stories? Jake's got an itch for em' we can trade off tomorrow and I'll tell YOU one! "
Jacenio said:
Sans looked at Jake. "Stories? Yeah sure why not?" He said. "How exactly are we gonna do sat, no one 'ere remembers anythin' I can't even remember my own name." Scout said.
Jake stretched his jowls out into the shape of a beard and stroked it a bit. " Let's see... " he snapped his fingers, " Hey, nothing beats the ol' noggin! Let's come up with it as we go! " he clapped his hands and crossed his arms. " Alright I'll start! So once upon a time...there was a scarecrow! A uh... a tin man. And uh human that got stuck in a strange land that he was unfamiliar with, but at least he had his great dog sidekick by his side to have his back...and a giant yellow thing. "
Jacenio said:
Sans looked at Jake. "Stories? Yeah sure why not?" He said. "How exactly are we gonna do sat, no one 'ere remembers anythin' I can't even remember my own name." Scout said.
sgtmickey said:
Jake stretched his jowls out into the shape of a beard and stroked it a bit. " Let's see... " he snapped his fingers, " Hey, nothing beats the ol' noggin! Let's come up with it as we go! " he clapped his hands and crossed his arms. " Alright I'll start! So once upon a time...there was a scarecrow! A uh... a tin man. And uh human that got stuck in a strange land that he was unfamiliar with, but at least he had his great dog sidekick by his side to have his back...and a giant yellow thing. "
"Sorry for interrupting but is one of the charaters you Jake?"Al asks, sitting down next to sans.
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MTchaos1134 said:
"Sorry for interrupting but is one of the charaters you Jake?"Al asks, sitting down next to sans.
" No, any characters or events in the story that are similar or congruent to real life are completely coincidental. " said Jake with a cute smile on his face
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sgtmickey said:
" No, any characters or events in the story that are similar or congruent to real life are completely coincidental. " said Jake with a cute smile on his face
Al nods."ok, please continue." Looking at the smile, it was adorable.
MTchaos1134 said:
Al nods."ok, please continue." Looking at the smile, it was adorable.
Jake cleared his throat, " Alright, so once upon a time the human, gumball and the dog met a very funny scarecrow and a very friendly tin man. They were trapped in this new land but they were friendly enough to let them stay in their village of funny guys. "
sgtmickey said:
Jake cleared his throat, " Alright, so once upon a time the human, gumball and the dog met a very funny scarecrow and a very friendly tin man. They were trapped in this new land but they were friendly enough to let them stay in their village of funny guys. "
Al seemed very interested in the story, he leaned in to hear the story better."what happened next?" He asked.
sgtmickey said:
Jake cleared his throat, " Alright, so once upon a time the human, gumball and the dog met a very funny scarecrow and a very friendly tin man. They were trapped in this new land but they were friendly enough to let them stay in their village of funny guys. "
MTchaos1134 said:
Al seemed very interested in the story, he leaned in to hear the story better."what happened next?" He asked.
Sans was listening a little but was able to tell where the story was going. Scout however wasn't listening to the stro at all. He was jumping from branch to branch on each tree. He jumped off of one branch and landed on Rick's house. Then he stomped on the roof. "What's up lab coat?!" He asked loudly. "I gotta question for ya, ya dumb drunk, does dis give you a headache!" He yelled stomping loudly on the roof. "I'll wait for an answer."
Jacenio said:
Sans was listening a little but was able to tell where the story was going. Scout however wasn't listening to the stro at all. He was jumping from branch to branch on each tree. He jumped off of one branch and landed on Rick's house. Then he stomped on the roof. "What's up lab coat?!" He asked loudly. "I gotta question for ya, ya dumb drunk, does dis give you a headache!" He yelled stomping loudly on the roof. "I'll wait for an answer."
Rick snored loudly, he was so incredibly wasted that he was completely passed out, a small turret comes out of the roof and began beeping, it aimed toward scout. A mickey mouse looking glove that pushed scout off of the house, the hand grew a small speaker, " This is a pre recorded message by Rick, I know I'd usually build some sort of elaborate gun that would zap you to oblivion but due to Sans' BS rules and him being the chief of whatever this place is it's in my best interest not to piss him off so I made this thing, so if you would be so kind, please go away, scout... " A visible forcefield formed around the house after the scout was pushed out of the perimeter. Pac-Man knocked on the force field realizing that he'd been locked out. " Well I'll be stuffed, I've been hoodwinked! " he made his way back to where everyone else was.

Meanwhile Jake continued his story, " So then, the boy scout was forced to run away from the gang of evil goblins. The firebreathing dragon tried to stop him from grabbing the important enchilada. All was not lost however, as the tin man began defending the boy scout with his mighty strength " the story went on for a while, it was clear which character was supposed to be who. Jake described Alphonse as a very strong sweetheart character, Sans was a crooning womanizing heart throb who was a very skilled assassin, the boy scout was the speedy cocky type but that didn't stop Jake from giving him his cool moments in the stories as well.
sgtmickey said:
Rick snored loudly, he was so incredibly wasted that he was completely passed out, a small turret comes out of the roof and began beeping, it aimed toward scout. A mickey mouse looking glove that pushed scout off of the house, the hand grew a small speaker, " This is a pre recorded message by Rick, I know I'd usually build some sort of elaborate gun that would zap you to oblivion but due to Sans' BS rules and him being the chief of whatever this place is it's in my best interest not to piss him off so I made this thing, so if you would be so kind, please go away, scout... " A visible forcefield formed around the house after the scout was pushed out of the perimeter. Pac-Man knocked on the force field realizing that he'd been locked out. " Well I'll be stuffed, I've been hoodwinked! " he made his way back to where everyone else was.
Meanwhile Jake continued his story, " So then, the boy scout was forced to run away from the gang of evil goblins. The firebreathing dragon tried to stop him from grabbing the important enchilada. All was not lost however, as the tin man began defending the boy scout with his mighty strength " the story went on for a while, it was clear which character was supposed to be who. Jake described Alphonse as a very strong sweetheart character, Sans was a crooning womanizing heart throb who was a very skilled assassin, the boy scout was the speedy cocky type but that didn't stop Jake from giving him his cool moments in the stories as well.
Scout hadn't been listening to the story as he was at Ricks house. Sans was listening more intently ever since the Characters really began to be something, ""Damn how did he know it was me?" He sapt under his breath. He sat down and saw them roasting marshmellows. "Where did ya find those." He asked. Sans looked at Al. "Tin Man's very good at turning sugar into treats." He said. Then he pulled his marshmallow off of his stick. "And now for a secret ingredient." He said pulling one of the ketchup bottles from his pocket and putting ketchup on the marshmellow. He then proceeded to eat it. Scout looked at him with a face of disgust. "Whatta hell is with ya?" He asked. Sans shrugged. "Hey Pac, I hear that you can eat anything, well from what I know most people don't eat a ketchup marshmallow, could you pull it off.
Jacenio said:
Scout hadn't been listening to the story as he was at Ricks house. Sans was listening more intently ever since the Characters really began to be something, ""Damn how did he know it was me?" He sapt under his breath. He sat down and saw them roasting marshmellows. "Where did ya find those." He asked. Sans looked at Al. "Tin Man's very good at turning sugar into treats." He said. Then he pulled his marshmallow off of his stick. "And now for a secret ingredient." He said pulling one of the ketchup bottles from his pocket and putting ketchup on the marshmellow. He then proceeded to eat it. Scout looked at him with a face of disgust. "Whatta hell is with ya?" He asked. Sans shrugged. "Hey Pac, I hear that you can eat anything, well from what I know most people don't eat a ketchup marshmallow, could you pull it off.
"As long as I have the right materials I can change just about any material into another." He says, making a small statue of scout from the ground. And offering it to scout. He faces sans, I'm sorry for asking, but what can you do?" He asks.
MTchaos1134 said:
"As long as I have the right materials I can change just about any material into another." He says, making a small statue of scout from the ground. And offering it to scout. He faces sans, I'm sorry for asking, but what can you do?" He asks.
Sans Chuckled. "I can do this." He said. His left eye glowed blue and he teleported, used telekinesis, and threw magic bones into a tree that went straight through and left holes in it."
Youmu woke up slowly, rubbing her eyes, and feeling the sudden rise in heat and moist atmosphere. She glanced at the palm trees that were above her, and gasped at the new world she was brought into. She immediately sits up, attempting to grip at the situation. She walks over to the water carefully, glancing at herself for a moment. She still remember that she was Youmu, but she couldn't seem to grasp why she had two swords, one being longer than the other; or the swirling half-ghost following her around. She poked at it, the half-phantom bouncing back in the other direction but then moving back to its original revolution.

She glanced around her surroundings. She was on a beach, that she knew. She saw smoke and a plane in the distance, but it seemed deserted. She kept a note to herself to not go in there alone. There might be dangers she herself couldn't defend from. Adjusting her outfit and patting down the sand on her dress, she caught sight of a nearby hut. She squinted her eyes, making a roof with her hand to block the sun. Perhaps she could find civilization there, she thought. The inhabitants could help her.

Or rather, they could kill her, a counter-thought rising against her. She shivered at the thought of it, despite the land being so warm. She quickly waved it off, attempting to look on the bright side, and began slowly walking to the hut. She can look for help there, assuming they all spoke the same language.
Bored out of his mind the Scout stood up and Ran to the Beach where he had first woke up. He wanted to see what was happening at this point and if that plane had crashed. He wanted to know if there was anyone there. As it turned out there was someone there.
ShredKnives said:
Youmu woke up slowly, rubbing her eyes, and feeling the sudden rise in heat and moist atmosphere. She glanced at the palm trees that were above her, and gasped at the new world she was brought into. She immediately sits up, attempting to grip at the situation. She walks over to the water carefully, glancing at herself for a moment. She still remember that she was Youmu, but she couldn't seem to grasp why she had two swords, one being longer than the other; or the swirling half-ghost following her around. She poked at it, the half-phantom bouncing back in the other direction but then moving back to its original revolution.
She glanced around her surroundings. She was on a beach, that she knew. She saw smoke and a plane in the distance, but it seemed deserted. She kept a note to herself to not go in there alone. There might be dangers she herself couldn't defend from. Adjusting her outfit and patting down the sand on her dress, she caught sight of a nearby hut. She squinted her eyes, making a roof with her hand to block the sun. Perhaps she could find civilization there, she thought. The inhabitants could help her.

Or rather, they could kill her, a counter-thought rising against her. She shivered at the thought of it, despite the land being so warm. She quickly waved it off, attempting to look on the bright side, and began slowly walking to the hut. She can look for help there, assuming they all spoke the same language.
Scout saw her in the distance and Ran to her with his inhuman speed. He helped her up. "Hey Yo are ya Okay?" He asked. Then he looked at her up and down she was quite cute. He gulped.
Jacenio said:
Scout saw her in the distance and Ran to her with his inhuman speed. He helped her up. "Hey Yo are ya Okay?" He asked. Then he looked at her up and down she was quite cute. He gulped.
Youmu blinked to the new stranger, accepting his offer. She nodded, her blue eyes locked on the stranger. Getting up, she responds, "Y-yes, I'm fine. Are you stuck here, too?"
Jacenio said:
Sans Chuckled. "I can do this." He said. His left eye glowed blue and he teleported, used telekinesis, and threw magic bones into a tree that went straight through and left holes in it."
"Wow you have some great powers sans, and the eye is awesome as well !"he said, complimenting his powers.
ShredKnives said:
Youmu blinked to the new stranger, accepting his offer. She nodded, her blue eyes locked on the stranger. Getting up, she responds, "Y-yes, I'm fine. Are you stuck here, too?"
Scout nodded. "We're all stuck 'ere." He said. "I can take ya to da othas if ya like." Scout said.
MTchaos1134 said:
"Wow you have some great powers sans, and the eye is awesome as well !"he said, complimenting his powers.
Sans looked at Al. "Thanks," He said.
Jacenio said:
Scout nodded. "We're all stuck 'ere." He said. "I can take ya to da othas if ya like." Scout said.
Youmu beamed up at the stranger. She wasn't too sure as to completely trust him, but the idea of other people in the same situation relieved her extremely. "Really? That would be great, thank you so much!"
ShredKnives said:
Youmu beamed up at the stranger. She wasn't too sure as to completely trust him, but the idea of other people in the same situation relieved her extremely. "Really? That would be great, thank you so much!"
Scout nodded. ""Course, Uh... I'm Scout by da way... do ya have a name?" He asked. Then he took her hand and bean to lead her to the camp. The smell of fire helped lead him back to the camp as he followed it reaching back to them.

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