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Fandom Help!! I Have Lost My Mind!![Multi-Fandom Survival RP]

Zer0 said:
- Rapunzel -

"You're right, Amethyst . . ." said Rapunzel, sitting back down. "Shall we wake up early tomorrow and head out to the Crystal Cave?-Oh, hi there!" she added when the pretty nine-tailed fox approached them.

"I'm Rapunzel, please have a seat and some hot dinner." she said offering the fox a bowl.

"This island is called Avasola," she told the fox candidly, "but that's all I know so far. There's this person called the Gordo who lives in the Crystal Oasis who might know who placed us here, want to come with us tomorrow?"

(OOC: @billthesomething, @Shadowlugia711 ,@budgieboo, I'm ready to time-skip to morning and visit the smith, then immediately head off to the Crystal Oasis.)
The Group arrived the next day in-front of the blacksmith's hut, but were joined by Ninetailes this time. Solaire hands the giant blacksmith his map back "Thank you blacksmith" Solaire bows his head in appreciation. "No Need. Happy To Have Work." The Giant Motions for Ulfric to come forward "You Remind Me Gwyn. Built Weapon For Kings. And Blade Is Only For Lords. You Will Live Up To This. Your New Weapon"

and the blacksmith hands him the sword (@Donder172 ) he then motions for Rapunzel to come closer and he hands her a long staff with a circular spade on the top "This Weapon. No Kill. Only Hurt"
Thepotatogod said:
"Yeah. . .I only recall coming back from Egypt. Aside from that, i also recall having a spirit helping me. . .Somehow, i call him Star Platinum." Jotaro tucked his hat, "I don't what he is, but i can feel as if he is one with me." he said to Jacket, looking at him once more. "Let's hope we'll be on good terms." He attempted to smile, which he is not very good at.
(@billthesomething )
"huh?, you actually remember more then most of us." Jacket returned his own awkward smile, he himself having the habit of not really smiling. he studied Jotaro who looked to be in his late teens. he hands Jotaro a pair keys "Those are the keys to one of the Bungalows, which one it is should be on the key-chain. by the number on the key chain or you can come in if you have more questions"
billthesomething said:

[/b]and the blacksmith hands him the sword (@Donder172 ) he then motions for Rapunzel to come closer and he hands her a long staff with a circular spade on the top "This Weapon. No Kill. Only Hurt"
Ulfric steps forward "Thank you." He says as the smith hands him the sword, his words remembered him something. Looking a bit blankly at the sword for a second. Then shakes his head a bit "I remember something... king... lord... Jarl... Jarl of Windhelm. I am the Jarl of Windhelm. But further..." he thinks for a moment, trying to remember what happened, but with no success "...further I can't remember."
- Rapunzel -

"Oh, thank you!" said Rapunel, receiving the staff gratefully with both hands. She was relieved that it wasn't something sharp and pointy.

She bounced the polearm in her hands with great interest, testing the weight and trying to get a feel for the weapon, then practiced a wide swing which accidentally knocked down a bucket of precious gems and sent the precious stones clattering and rolling away all over the floor.

"Oops, sorry, I'll get those!" she said and scrambled for the gems, accidentally hitting the shins of some people with the staff as she turned, twisted, and ran around the room. "Er-sorry, Solaire-oh! Apologies, Jarl of Windhelm!-Ah, th-that was an accident, Ninetails . . ."

@billthesomething, @Shadowlugia711 , @Donder172
Zer0 said:
- Rapunzel -

"Oh, thank you!" said Rapunel, receiving the staff gratefully with both hands. She was relieved that it wasn't something sharp and pointy.

She bounced the polearm in her hands with great interest, testing the weight and trying to get a feel for the weapon, then practiced a wide swing which accidentally knocked down a bucket of precious gems and sent the precious stones clattering and rolling away all over the floor.

"Oops, sorry, I'll get those!" she said and scrambled for the gems, accidentally hitting the shins of some people with the staff as she turned, twisted, and ran around the room. "Er-sorry, Solaire-oh! Apologies, Jarl of Windhelm!-Ah, th-that was an accident, Ninetails . . ."

@billthesomething, @Shadowlugia711 , @Donder172
"Be Serious with weapon." The Blacksmith says, his voice rising only slightly. but enough to convey his concern and anger, Concern for her safety and anger over her poor handling of the weapon. Solaire rubs his sore shin "No need to worry yourself Rapunzel, I have taken worse" Solaire says with slight chuckle. "Beware. The Child. and Machine of Steam. Lost friends to both"
"Woah, hey, Rapunz!" she yelped, chuckling as she was dodging Rapunzel's rather violent swings of the staff. "It seems like you've gotten the hang of fighting! You're basically a weapon of mass destruction!" Amethyst joked. Though she had some sarcasm in her voice, it was still rather light hearted.
Barbas said:
After shooting one of the Radscorpion's eyes, Revolver Ocelot aims his revolver at the other Radscorpion's head and fires.
@billthesomething @MTchaos1134
Al finishes dealing with the fast zombie, leaving it in a cage. He then quickly runs over and stomps on a scorpion."are you ok sir?" Alphonse asks, with slight worry.
Noticing that Al was approaching him, Ocelot turns around and aims his revolver at Al's chest before shouting an order." Don't move or else you'll throw off my aim!" Ocelot than fires his revolver two times, causing the bullets to hit both of the Radscorpion's heads ricocheting off of Al's armor.

@MTchaos1134 @billthesomething
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Barbas said:
Noticing that Al was approaching him, Ocelot turns around and aims his revolver at Al's chest before shouting an order." Don't move or else you'll throw off my aim!" Ocelot than fires his revolver two times, causing the bullets to hit both of the Radscorpion's heads ricocheting off of Al's armor.

@MTchaos1134 @billthesomething
Al stops. And backs up quietly, the guns won't do much but he does not want to bother ocelot. Al approaches the fast zombie and looks at it. Wondering what was on the head of the most likely corpse.
Barbas said:
Noticing that Al was approaching him, Ocelot turns around and aims his revolver at Al's chest before shouting an order." Don't move or else you'll throw off my aim!" Ocelot than fires his revolver two times, causing the bullets to hit both of the Radscorpion's heads ricocheting off of Al's armor.

@MTchaos1134 @billthesomething
with a final screech the radscorpions collapse dead in the sand. the Fast zombie however continues to claw at the cage around it
billthesomething said:
"huh?, you actually remember more then most of us." Jacket returned his own awkward smile, he himself having the habit of not really smiling. he studied Jotaro who looked to be in his late teens. he hands Jotaro a pair keys "Those are the keys to one of the Bungalows, which one it is should be on the key-chain. by the number on the key chain or you can come in if you have more questions"
"Thanks. . ." Jotaro said, pocketing the keys. He started walking around of the Hut before going to his Bungalow. He'd rather go to his Bungalow and rest, but it's best to be familiar with the main area first before heading to his room. He saw a table, probably where the Blonde was once. Jotaro saw a piece of bread on the table. Since he's hungry from lying there probably for two days or so, Jotaro decided to eat it.
billthesomething said:
with a final screech the radscorpions collapse dead in the sand. the Fast zombie however continues to claw at the cage around it
Barbas said:
After killing the Radscorpion's, Ocelot aims his revolver at the zombie's head and precedes to fire.
@billthesomething @MTchaos1134
"We didn't need to kill them! We could have kept and found out more about it."al removes the cage surrounding the zombie."should we head to the camp now ocelot?"alphonse asks.
After making sure that there were no more enemies around, Ocelot reloads his revolver before returning it to it's holster. Afterwards, Ocelot turns his attention to Al." Sure. Let's head over to your camp. With any luck I may be able to gain some useful information."


Location: Beach

Form: Kitsune

Status: Normal

Clambering out of the sea and shaking the salt water from her fur, Ninetails sat down on the deck outside, not wanting to get stuck in the doorway or knocking something over with her tails. she watched as a large metal man gave another man a sword, and the girl who had offered her soup a pike.

"I hope I am not intruding."

@Zer0 @billthesomething @budgieboo @Donder172
Thepotatogod said:
"Thanks. . ." Jotaro said, pocketing the keys. He started walking around of the Hut before going to his Bungalow. He'd rather go to his Bungalow and rest, but it's best to be familiar with the main area first before heading to his room. He saw a table, probably where the Blonde was once. Jotaro saw a piece of bread on the table. Since he's hungry from lying there probably for two days or so, Jotaro decided to eat it.
A headcrab lied in wait for the Japanese teen to turn away from it, as it waited in the dark corner of the bungalows and when the teen turns to eat the bread, it launches itself from the dark corners and towards the teen
billthesomething said:
A headcrab lied in wait for the Japanese teen to turn away from it, as it waited in the dark corner of the bungalows and when the teen turns to eat the bread, it launches itself from the dark corners and towards the teen
Jotaro soon realized a crab-looking creature launching at him from the corner, he took a bite out of the Bread as Star Platinum appeared right on the headcrab's direction and unleashed a rush of punches while yelling 'ORA ORA ORA' Repeatedly.
The Batter while a distance away from the bungalows thought he heard a call of distress. Of course now would be a good time as any to rid this world of an unpure soul. He left his current company briskly running towards the yelling with his bat poised to strike, however he was dissapointed and only got to see the problem being taken care of. Though he could clearly see through the bungalow windows he still decided to be polite and knock on the bungalow door.

Lewis on the other hand found his way to the hut, he didn't know if anyone was currently inside or if he could just let himself in. He went with knocking and tried to look unintimidating so that he could have a normal chat with whoever was inside. Or perhaps multiple people but he couldn't do that if they thought he was going to attack them. After knocking he moved away from the door so that way if anyone came out swinging he could get away without having to engage in combat.

Barbas said:
After making sure that there were no more enemies around, Ocelot reloads his revolver before returning it to it's holster. Afterwards, Ocelot turns his attention to Al." Sure. Let's head over to your camp. With any luck I may be able to gain some useful information."

Alphonse nods."evreyone would like some answers here." As al starts walking, he watches evreything around him, they could be attacked again, so al will make sure he is prepared."we should move before anything else decides to attack."
Kota sits outside the Bungalows, pondering about the memories he got back. He was a general of the Republic, but it made him wonder what happened after and what happened before. Maybe he will get more of his memories back, maybe not.
ManyFaces said:
The Batter while a distance away from the bungalows thought he heard a call of distress. Of course now would be a good time as any to rid this world of an unpure soul. He left his current company briskly running towards the yelling with his bat poised to strike, however he was dissapointed and only got to see the problem being taken care of. Though he could clearly see through the bungalow windows he still decided to be polite and knock on the bungalow door.
"Hmm? again?" Jacket says as he backs towards the door and opens it up to see the Batter "Let me guess you don't know anything and are wondering if i have any answers? Well sorry bud i don't." He steps aside to let the batter in "i am in as much of trouble of remembering anything, Though i few answers. one this land is called Avasola, two don't let those headcrabs anywhere near your head and three stay out of the water unless you have a boat" he demonstrates the third one by going out to the balcony and throwing in a dead headcrab, which is quickly grabbed by a tentacle that springs from out of the water
Barbas said:
"Lets get going, than. Though I don't mind doing some more target practice." Ocelot than begins to follow Al back to the camp.

A small kobold followed after the duo. doing her best from not being noticed, not taking into account of avoiding the snapping twigs. but thinking that she had seen Revolver had turned around, The Small Kobold dives behind a rock not taking account of her ears sticking out
Scar felt he was no longer needed in the group and went into the jungle. He searched for new prey, his clicking became growls as he strolled through it. He turned his seeker on but found nothing, he tried to remember anything else but his name but couldn't as he let out a sigh. He leaned on a tree and took off his mask, he looked at the markings and color wondering why he had worn it.

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