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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.png.051142ad772c33132b1fc8d6bba7c86c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109438" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.png.051142ad772c33132b1fc8d6bba7c86c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>What is wrong with me.....



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Actually.... What happens if Bismarck uses his power when reading Satans law? That would be pretty interesting
okay so been reading this thread a lot....looked up hell city found demon city then the ova if they are related in anyway.

I still cant find out about the sins and how they work so would love some info on that before I apply....I am hoping to play a daughter to a mafia or crime leader and work as a singer at a gentlemans club or some other kind of club in Hell's city.....hell if they got a playboy type mansion I could be a bunny there.....but yes clearly I was thinking my char might fit lust even if she doesn't mean to flirt or realize what she is doing due to how she is taught at her job to interact with people.

Okay so if i re-read the rules right are the sins the bosses of the crime groups.....if so I probably will not aim to be lust since she is more of an innocent char than a crime char.
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Kaylin said:
okay so been reading this thread a lot....looked up hell city found demon city then the ova if they are related in anyway.
I still cant find out about the sins and how they work so would love some info on that before I apply....I am hoping to play a daughter to a mafia or crime leader and work as a singer at a gentlemans club or some other kind of club in Hell's city.....hell if they got a playboy type mansion I could be a bunny there.....but yes clearly I was thinking my char might fit lust even if she doesn't mean to flirt or realize what she is doing due to how she is taught at her job to interact with people.

Okay so if i re-read the rules right are the sins the bosses of the crime groups.....if so I probably will not aim to be lust since she is more of an innocent char than a crime char.
0:. YAY NEW PERSON!. Time to be a actually useful co-GM instead of that guy that accepts sheets, xD .

Alrighty, first of all as far as I'm aware this thread isn't related to any one thing. It's a mass fandom where people bring characters and elements from all kinds of animes and things and use them here. The sins also are not the leaders of the crime orginizations, no. The previous Sin of Lust just so happened to run a gang. The only active gang thus far is Llyria Harp(Yes we need more gangs, in my eyes you are free to make one should you want multiple characters) and Schwarz-Kreuz(if @Colt556 is still interested in this).

Technically the Hell City Police Department is too, but it's not really a gang nor is there an actual IC head for it. Your character idea sounds fine to me, though at the current point in time she'd be unable to be the daughter of a player character crime lord/mafia guy seeing as there isn't any exactly old enough(except for Gilad in Schwarz).

The Sins are the leading antagonists/plot characters in this RP, not nessacarily leaders of gangs.

Anymore questions feel free to ask ^-^
Cool....should I make some npc baddies that anyone can use as neutral characters....maybe her mother is the leader of some crime family like the ones in Black Lagoon....She could make videos for adults too at night to earn more side cash to pay for her social butterfly daughter. I figure her father could be italian and ex-bodyguard and the mother could be the Russian Mob head trying to make brothels and clubs in the city to sell various drugs and experiences....of course most lust will be fade to black or off screen hints to it but I feel that this char Balalaika running hotel moscow is a perfect example and rep for a big big bad to be in the city that does murder and hits for cash under her whole side cash job.

Kaylin said:
Cool....should I make some npc baddies that anyone can use as neutral characters....maybe her mother is the leader of some crime family like the ones in Black Lagoon....She could make videos for adults too at night to earn more side cash to pay for her social butterfly daughter. I figure her father could be italian and ex-bodyguard and the mother could be the Russian Mob head trying to make brothels and clubs in the city to sell various drugs and experiences....of course most lust will be fade to black or off screen hints to it but I feel that this char Balalaika running hotel moscow is a perfect example and rep for a big big bad to be in the city that does murder and hits for cash under her whole side cash job.
You can make pretty much anything you want to so long as it's human/normal as far as NPC characters for the plot, yes. As for Sins they are allowed 2 gifted powers, you can use my sheet or any of the other Sin's sheets for reference. I look forward to reading your sheet as well, it sounds lime they'll be interesting.

Feel free to tag anyone you think might be interested as well.

my idea for this char....please note this is not a submission yet just some ideas for her

Name: Gwendolyn Koshechkin (Mother never took father's name but father took hers)

Alias/Title: Princess Gwen / Baby Gwen

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Weight: 104 lbs

Height: 5"6'

Race: Italian / Russian (human mutant)

Sexuality: Bi

Appearance: suggested above

Gear: (Items which your character may own or carry around that at all times, description & pictures are both accepted)

Affiliation: (Which gang or organization are you apart of?)

Rank: Princess

Crush: hmm will need to see if anyone wants to have her crush on them or vice versa

Likes: Cheese, cute heroic guys, anime, dresses and skirts,

Dislikes: Bullies, perverts, murderers, thieves

Fears: Aracniphobic, bugs, webs, guns (Figured she shot a friend by accident when a kid playing cops and robbers)

Personality: more will come but think innocent cute bleeding heart caretaker spit fire and curious

History: ha havent thought of it too much

Fighting Style: Runner / Medical type

Crimes Committed/Achievements: None surprisingly

Abilities: Able to heal people through her exchanging her fluids...aka spit or blood...she gets tired doing so though and many get mixed feelings when she kisses someone to make sure she can heal them. She is also a fast healer and can regrow limbs....just not her head.

Strengths: haha funny....very weak and fragile, she is very seductive, persuasive, very attractive, Kind heart, dancer, singer, healer.

Weaknesses: Trouble magnet, target to get to her mother and father, heavy objects, not skilled fighter, ect ect.
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weird the belalika stuff is missing that I just wrote....huh

here was my idea for the mother being an npc that anyone could control or use....


She would be married to an ex bodyguard who is italian and he took her last name.

She would be mainly focused on lust which has lots of fade to blacks due to her editing videos and selling them online

She would run clubs or playboy houses for the city

her group would be very military and be focused on doing hits for clients inside the shadows

She would only allow her daughter to sing, dance, or waitress on people or else
Drakerus said:
The overview
It hurt my eyes to try and read it T_T.
Quote it and read it in the message box, easier ^-^.

Kaylin said:

my idea for this char....please note this is not a submission yet just some ideas for her

Name: Gwendolyn Koshechkin (Mother never took father's name but father took hers)

Alias/Title: Princess Gwen / Baby Gwen

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Weight: 104 lbs

Height: 5"6'

Race: Italian / Russian (human mutant)

Sexuality: Bi

Appearance: suggested above

Gear: (Items which your character may own or carry around that at all times, description & pictures are both accepted)

Affiliation: (Which gang or organization are you apart of?)

Rank: Princess

Crush: hmm will need to see if anyone wants to have her crush on them or vice versa

Likes: Cheese, cute heroic guys, anime, dresses and skirts,

Dislikes: Bullies, perverts, murderers, thieves

Fears: Aracniphobic, bugs, webs, guns (Figured she shot a friend by accident when a kid playing cops and robbers)

Personality: more will come but think innocent cute bleeding heart caretaker spit fire and curious

History: ha havent thought of it too much

Fighting Style: Runner / Medical type

Crimes Committed/Achievements: None surprisingly

Abilities: Able to heal people through her exchanging her fluids...aka spit or blood...she gets tired doing so though and many get mixed feelings when she kisses someone to make sure she can heal them. She is also a fast healer and can regrow limbs....just not her head.

Strengths: haha funny....very weak and fragile, she is very seductive, persuasive, very attractive, Kind heart, dancer, singer, healer.

Weaknesses: Trouble magnet, target to get to her mother and father, heavy objects, not skilled fighter, ect ect.
Alrighty. I'll point out a few minor things that need to be changed that I see so far.

  • Mutant humans aren't a thing, we also don't mean nationality as far as race goes. If you're making the Sin of Lust their race would be Human/Sin of Lust.
  • Incredibly interesting power for the auras. The ability to regrow limbs would need to be fleshed out a bit, such as more drawbacks and weaknesses than just not being able to regrow heads.
  • Fighting style will need to be expanded on a bit as far as her actual style, a few brief sentences will work.
  • Her being weak and frail would go to weaknesses, not strengths(Not exactly against the sheet, just a design flaw I should point out)
  • Personality needs to be expanded upon, I'm decently sure you intended to do so already. At-least a paragraph is required.
  • 106 lbs at 5'6 would put her grossly underweight, not sure if that was intended or you're unaware of average female weight. General thing is 5'0 is 100 lbs for a healthy optimal weight, every inch after should add 5 lbs. Again, not saying you have to change it just helping you out in that aspect.

Everything else looks perfect so far ^-^. Again most of what I listed is mostly advice you don't have to use.
Mitchs98 said:
Quote it and read it in the message box, easier ^-^.
Alrighty. I'll point out a few minor things that need to be changed that I see so far.

  • Mutant humans aren't a thing, we also don't mean nationality as far as race goes. If you're making the Sin of Lust their race would be Human/Sin of Lust.
  • Incredibly interesting power for the auras. The ability to regrow limbs would need to be fleshed out a bit, such as more drawbacks and weaknesses than just not being able to regrow heads.
  • Fighting style will need to be expanded on a bit as far as her actual style, a few brief sentences will work.
  • Her being weak and frail would go to weaknesses, not strengths(Not exactly against the sheet, just a design flaw I should point out)
  • Personality needs to be expanded upon, I'm decently sure you intended to do so already. At-least a paragraph is required.
  • 106 lbs at 5'6 would put her grossly underweight, not sure if that was intended or you're unaware of average female weight. General thing is 5'0 is 100 lbs for a healthy optimal weight, every inch after should add 5 lbs. Again, not saying you have to change it just helping you out in that aspect.

Everything else looks perfect so far ^-^. Again most of what I listed is mostly advice you don't have to use.
  • Mutant humans aren't a thing, we also don't mean nationality as far as race goes. If you're making the Sin of Lust their race would be Human/Sin of Lust.

-------So how would we have powers if not a mutant and human...or do we just give them powers....if not maybe she is part demon....

  • Incredibly interesting power for the auras. The ability to regrow limbs would need to be fleshed out a bit, such as more drawbacks and weaknesses than just not being able to regrow heads.

---------------Also yes I figured as much reason I posted to see if anyone had some suggestions. Was thinking it takes a lot of time and food....her carbs could burn out faster when she regrows limbs

  • Fighting style will need to be expanded on a bit as far as her actual style, a few brief sentences will work.

-----------------As for fighting style she is a coward so most of her fighting is screaming or cheering or distracting....she would heal people when hurt or take the hits if someone was going to get hurt...figure her powers would help but will be awkward in battle when she kisses someone to heal them and falls after using her powers.

  • Her being weak and frail would go to weaknesses, not strengths(Not exactly against the sheet, just a design flaw I should point out)

----------------------Yes was saying that to be funny xD but yeah forgot to list them in weaknesses but I will have my profile serious other than bio or history when there are moments for funny things.

  • Personality needs to be expanded upon, I'm decently sure you intended to do so already. At-least a paragraph is required.

------------Yes definitely plan to explain this a whole lot more just getting a basic skeleton feel of it....

  • 106 lbs at 5'6 would put her grossly underweight, not sure if that was intended or you're unaware of average female weight. General thing is 5'0 is 100 lbs for a healthy optimal weight, every inch after should add 5 lbs. Again, not saying you have to change it just helping you out in that aspect.

--------------yes I know its very underweight.....figured with her power she is not really able to gain weight since it keeps eating her carbs and fats changing into sugars for the power....figure she binges everything like eating all the pasta at the table or buying three bags of cheatos and eating them all the time...aka she is always snacking on something be it pocky or some other junk food.
Kaylin said:
  • Mutant humans aren't a thing, we also don't mean nationality as far as race goes. If you're making the Sin of Lust their race would be Human/Sin of Lust.

-------So how would we have powers if not a mutant and human...or do we just give them powers....if not maybe she is part demon....

  • Incredibly interesting power for the auras. The ability to regrow limbs would need to be fleshed out a bit, such as more drawbacks and weaknesses than just not being able to regrow heads.

---------------Also yes I figured as much reason I posted to see if anyone had some suggestions. Was thinking it takes a lot of time and food....her carbs could burn out faster when she regrows limbs

  • Fighting style will need to be expanded on a bit as far as her actual style, a few brief sentences will work.

-----------------As for fighting style she is a coward so most of her fighting is screaming or cheering or distracting....she would heal people when hurt or take the hits if someone was going to get hurt...figure her powers would help but will be awkward in battle when she kisses someone to heal them and falls after using her powers.

  • Her being weak and frail would go to weaknesses, not strengths(Not exactly against the sheet, just a design flaw I should point out)

----------------------Yes was saying that to be funny xD but yeah forgot to list them in weaknesses but I will have my profile serious other than bio or history when there are moments for funny things.

  • Personality needs to be expanded upon, I'm decently sure you intended to do so already. At-least a paragraph is required.

------------Yes definitely plan to explain this a whole lot more just getting a basic skeleton feel of it....

  • 106 lbs at 5'6 would put her grossly underweight, not sure if that was intended or you're unaware of average female weight. General thing is 5'0 is 100 lbs for a healthy optimal weight, every inch after should add 5 lbs. Again, not saying you have to change it just helping you out in that aspect.

--------------yes I know its very underweight.....figured with her power she is not really able to gain weight since it keeps eating her carbs and fats changing into sugars for the power....figure she binges everything like eating all the pasta at the table or buying three bags of cheatos and eating them all the time...aka she is always snacking on something be it pocky or some other junk food.
  • Read the mechanics tabs and all of the other tabs. These are EXTREMELY important, both to know wtf is going on and to help with your sheet. Sins are considered gifted, not mutants. Think magical powers basically.
  • I'm unsure what lust has to do with a lot of junk food, but if you want to do that be my guest.
  • That's fine. Just add her mannerisms into that field beyond 'runner/medic'.
  • Good ^-^
  • Again, not entirely sure what weight loss has to do with Lust but that's entirely up to you how you function and/or do the mechanics of your powers for the most part as long as they aren't OP.
  • Sorry if this is a bit of a hassle, but Sin asked for decently detailed sheets and I intend on keeping them that way ^-^

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