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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

Mitchs98 said:
But..Ciri had two..and you accepted her O.o
Honestly I overlooked it cause I sorta had to do something around home...I also thought she was a genetically modified human not a gifted one? Genetically modified people can't have abilities like that...They more have enhanced natural abilities or senses. (Bunnies can jump and since you're also part human, would make kicking a really effective way of fighting since your legs could act like springs)
Okay, now I can go to sleep knowing I'm satisfied with what I've done so far xD After I make my CS...
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Honestly I overlooked it cause I sorta had to do something around home...I also thought she was a genetically modified human not a gifted one? Genetically modified people can't have abilities like that...They more have enhanced natural abilities or senses. (Bunnies can jump and since you're also part human, would make kicking a really effective way of fighting since your legs could act like springs)

She had the same abilities in the other RP..I just wrote them out in more detail ._. If I change her it'll be a very drastic change at this point .-.
That said let me know if I need to change her...they're literally the exact same as the other RP just more clarified. They aren't exactly aura abilities, moreso genetic abilities.
Mitchs98 said:
She had the same abilities in the other RP..I just wrote them out in more detail ._. If I change her it'll be a very drastic change at this point .-.
Sigh...The one ability thing was meant for Aura abilities only...Genetically modified humans have certain exceptions since they are literally being mixed with animal traits. So what you have right now is completely fine I just read it you weirdo....
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Sigh...The one ability thing was meant for Aura abilities only...Genetically modified humans have certain exceptions since they are literally being mixed with animal traits. So what you have right now is completely fine I just read it you weirdo....

Ohh. I was worried I was going to have to change Ciri completely. Lol.

What about Shiro? She was technically a gentically modified gifted human. Is what she could do still acceptable? Or does I has to edit her?
Mitchs98 said:
Ohh. I was worried I was going to have to change Ciri completely. Lol.
What about Shiro? She was technically a gentically modified gifted human. Is what she could do still acceptable? Or does I has to edit her?
Yeah sorry this time round I'd rather if you could just stick to one or the other.
Sinister Clown] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26825-colt556/ said:
Lol it's funny cause after I saw your comment about making adjustments I was about to say you were accepted anyway and I was just gonna have you a bit limited on how much you could do in the RP (And mostly use the character for big plot events cause it is a really OP power to have)
Let's go with that, then. I'm gonna make another character that's more day to day, like I did in the fairy tail rp.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Yeah sorry this time round I'd rather if you could just stick to one or the other.

Inn that case I'll have to completely edit her. Ehh... Now to choose her Aura ability lol...
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Yeah sorry this time round I'd rather if you could just stick to one or the other.

Question..do genetically modified humans have to be modified with animal genes in this iteration? And if so do they have to have obviously obvious animal features? Last question for tonight I promise :>
Mitchs98 said:
Question..do genetically modified humans have to be modified with animal genes in this iteration? And if so do they have to have obviously obvious animal features? Last question for tonight I promise :>
Well, normally yes but seeing as just natural enhancements would make more sense to exist if animal mixed genes were to as well..Then no they don't have to be directly from animals.

And, well if they have mixed genetics with animals...Yes they usually will have a trait or two which shows what they are.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Well, normally yes but seeing as just natural enhancements would make more sense to exist if animal mixed genes were to as well..Then no they don't have to be directly from animals.
And, well if they have mixed genetics with animals...Yes they usually will have a trait or two which shows what they are.

Well in that case I don't have to overhaul Shiro at all. She'd literally be the same just a genetically modified human like wolverine..sorta..but less claws and facial hair. Lol.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Yes sorry you're accepted ^-^ I was just fixing the CS thing


I worked hard for that coding. Shows my appreciation. If I just putterd a background and border, you can have a guarantee that I did not care about the character much. If I use columns, you can be 1000% sure that I love my character.
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[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]Hooray!
I worked hard for that coding. Shows my appreciation. If I just putterd a background and border, you can have a guarantee that I did not care about the character much. If I use columns, you can be 1000% sure that I love my character.

Well I'm happy that you're happy ^-^
It took me way too long, but, I finally finished my character CS~!

Gonna go upload it now... Heheheheheheh

;u; These are tears of joy and pain.
Goldencurls said:



Amare Mortem


Basic Information:

Amare Terrent Mortem


"Love Killer"


19 years old.




63.7 kg





Theme Song:


Personal Information:

Amare's looks are definitely fancy, she dresses to impress. Upon first sight you might think she's an insane aristocrat; she certainly acts that way for both of the parts.


Cane: She carries her golden cane with her at all times, it'd be quite rare that you see her without such an item. The cane has a thin gold blade hidden in a compartment; when activated by a button, on underside of the curve, it unsheathes from the end. It was originally bought for her self defence.


Currently undecided. Though, be warned; it will not be legal or nice.


  • Flirting.
  • Gold, gold, gold.
  • Puzzles and riddles.
  • Giving people nicknames.
  • Chaos.


  • Getting caught.
  • Doing nothing productive.
  • Those who don't want to play her games.
  • Peace.


  • Having real feelings for someone.
  • Heights.
  • Mice.



She can't (or won't?) stop moving. You can sit her down and have a chat, but, her attention span is short. So, better make it sharp and to the point. Otherwise, she just might make her
own sharp and to the point statement.


She won't have a problem punching you if she gets a good reaction; startled or angry would apply, but if there's no reaction, she'd probably do it anyway.


Don't do that, it's too dangerous and risky- Too late, she ran off before you could even finish. If a stupid and dangerous plan is involved, you can usually count her in. Admittedly, this isn't the
best thing to do, but hey, who ever listened to logic?


She can only see in a greyscale palette, she has a
decent idea of what colours are what. She likes the idea of yellows and golds, though. Often she'll joke and describe someone as "grey".


Deaths and murders are not shock to Amare, she could watch you drop down and die and walk it off. Plus, it'd be hilarious.


so childish at times. Even when murdering... What can ya' do?


She was born into a rich family, they weren't big fans of her personality, illnesses and just her in general.

When she was sixteen, she killed her first person; her father. Her father was definitely the most disapproving, he
hated how she acted and the fact that she couldn't see anything outside of black, white and grey.

Her mother tried to hide how she felt about her daughter's
disabilities, she had introduced Amare to the colour yellow. She explained every colour she could to Amare, her mother helped her find her favourite colour; yellow.

When she was sixteen she killed her first person; her father. In his sleep she slit his throat, marvelling at the blood coating her cane. Her father bought her that cane in an attempt to fufill her dangerous needs and to protect her, ironic, huh?

When her mother awoke that morning with a dead husband, things didn't settle well. She threw Amare out, she didn't want her child in jail. But, she couldn't look at her the same way again.

So, Amare just killed her too. Surprisingly, she wasn't caught! Always a good thing in this
Combat Information:
Fighting Style:

  • Hand-to-hand.
  • Fencing.
  • Strategic.

Crimes Committed:

  • Several accounts of first degree murder.
  • Shoplifting.
  • Usage of illegal fireworks.
  • Public intoxication.


  • Quick footed.
  • Plans.
  • No hesitation in murder.


  • Bad listener.
  • Weak.
  • Stubborn.
  • Can't swim.

Death is just a cruel joke; and I
Amare Mortem
love jokes~!
Amare Mortem
Oh I think I know a particular character of mine who'd have an interest in this person xD Most because of the 'Joke' quote you have very very nice haha, accepted.
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]Happy......... hmnnnn

Lol I think I understand the pun you just made xD

And well I'm still going to be accepted 2 or three people to make a faction so it still may happen. But even if it does I'm going to detail their big down fall (And basically spoil everything I had in store for the old RP surrounding the Mafia's leader Lucifer.)
TripTripleTimes said:
If the mafia is no more, than i can use that as a way how madhu died lol.
Good night guys~
That last message was also for you too xD And goodnight~
Shiet, I'm not sure if I'll even finish making my characters tonight...I'll probably just put up the main template for the characters and finish them off in the morning tomorrow cause I've actually been holding back from replying to other Rp's which are most likely waiting on me to reply~~~

@Lilah Tunth Agrees I'm sure xD
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Lol I think I understand the pun you just made xD
And well I'm still going to be accepted 2 or three people to make a faction so it still may happen. But even if it does I'm going to detail their big down fall (And basically spoil everything I had in store for the old RP surrounding the Mafia's leader Lucifer.)

Yay for puns!

(is it weird that I dislike Lucifer with a passion?)

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