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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

Mitchs98 said:
LOL. Tbh, Maria too tired for that shit d:.
Although, it might be a possibility.

Only because the IC is on page 69 :^).

But probably not. Kek.
xD I was kidding...I have a feeling they both would just fall asleep in the middle of it.

Also, random thing, but you just now made me curious about Maria's nightmare about killing Bizzy....what is freaking wrong with me....
femjapanriceball said:
xD I was kidding...I have a feeling they both would just fall asleep in the middle of it.
Also, random thing, but you just now made me curious about Maria's nightmare about killing Bizzy....what is freaking wrong with me....
I was to. Maria is legitamately too tired to even suggest it. It'd probably be the one time she told him to fuck off. Lol.

That would be fucking amazing though. Elizabeth walking in in the morning, them asleep like that. Lmao.

Also. The nightmare was Lily killing Bismarck while Maria watched, not the other way around d:
Mitchs98 said:
I was to. Maria is legitamately too tired to even suggest it. It'd probably be the one time she told him to fuck off. Lol.
That would be fucking amazing though. Elizabeth walking in in the morning, them asleep like that. Lmao.

Also. The nightmare was Lily killing Bismarck while Maria watched, not the other way around d:
Oh, I thought it was Lily forcing her to kill Bismarck slowly and painfully. Whoops.....
Mitchs98 said:
@femjapanriceball @Solemn Jester
Don in a nutshell rn:

femjapanriceball said:
Lol. It would be worse if Bismarck and Maria did it again while Don and Anita do it.
Elizabeth: Why can't I have nice, normal nights anymore?
This yes xD please
femjapanriceball said:
Oh, I thought it was Lily forcing her to kill Bismarck slowly and painfully. Whoops.....
Nope. Sorry if it was unclear.

[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]This yes xD please

Maria 2tired4dat. But I can guaruntee a half asleep pissed off Elizabeth thinking its Maria and Bismarck.
femjapanriceball said:
@Sinister Clown When will you write a post for Day Four? I think we're all waiting for it....
Sorry Ive been busy lately and today Ill be busy too until later, day 4 wont happen until I get the sins together which Ive been planning to do for James' next post before heading into day 4. Simply because then there is only another 3 days in rp till the first arc ends and the next week (arc) starts so Ill be trying to get more official plot stuff done soon
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Sorry Ive been busy lately and today Ill be busy too until later, day 4 wont happen until I get the sins together which Ive been planning to do for James' next post before heading into day 4. Simply because then there is only another 3 days in rp till the first arc ends and the next week (arc) starts so Ill be trying to get more official plot stuff done soon

Okay that's cool
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Sorry Ive been busy lately and today Ill be busy too until later, day 4 wont happen until I get the sins together which Ive been planning to do for James' next post before heading into day 4. Simply because then there is only another 3 days in rp till the first arc ends and the next week (arc) starts so Ill be trying to get more official plot stuff done soon

Sounds good, can't wait ^-^.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Yeah Greed and Anita will just be continuasly fading to black until then I think xD

Inb4 Elizabeth threatens them with a katana.
Lotusy said:

Dr. Janus Kyle


"Oh, everyone loves the tale of the two-faced! I'm no exception!"

"Hah, here's the basics! Get to know me!


"Doc", but "Hyde" by night.






165 lbs








Dr. Kyle is a man of moderate physique, never the tallest guy on the block, but never the shortest. His face is constantly bright, with moderately set cheekbones and grey eyes. Dr. Kyle's regular attire consists of a brown suit and tie, with glasses, but when at work, he dons his standard surgeon's garb. His most notable features are his smile and the relatively healthy and happy air he keeps around him, most likely due to his nature as a doctor.


Not affiliated with any gangs, but will give medical aid to anyone within the boundaries of his clinic.


(Non-gang) Head trauma surgeon



"Here's what makes me tick... this is the juicy stuff!"


-A healthy environment

-Saving people's lives

-Positive attitudes

-The feel of a human heartbeat in his hands...


-Gang violence, thinks it's unnecessary (but it fuels his job, so he's quiet about it.)

-Weapons in the clinic - anywhere else is fine by him

-An early, painless death...

Fears: (At least one)


-Any type of canine

-The dark. (For his own reasons, of course.)


Dr. Janus Kyle is an optimistic and progressively-minded doctor. As one of the few medical specialists who dared to travel to Hell City, Dr. Kyle's main goal is to offer lifesaving, almost miraculous surgery to those in need, and he honestly does a pretty good job of it. Gang affiliations don't matter to him, and has has, and is willing to help many different gang members from all over the city, no matter their background or affiliation. Sometimes, of course, he'll save a gang member sentenced to death by the unfeeling scope of a sniper rifle - and though he may have saved the opposing gang's hit, chances are that Dr. Kyle has helped someone from their gang before, as the good doctor does his best to keep himself out of that very scope of death.

Outside of his usual workplace, Dr. Kyle is still a great guy to hang around. His "help-everyone" attitude carries over to the casual aspect of life, and overall, the doctor keeps a calm and positive attitude towards others. Though he's no psychologist (not his profession, of course), Dr. Kyle likes to keep a friendly air around him, approaching everyone with his signature kind gaze and amiable feel to his person. He's really just a good doctor, down to the very core of his being.

At least, during the day, he is...

The truth? Well, Janus just isn't like that at night. He's truthfully a good person during the day, but at night... he's a brand new person. When the moon rises, there's no more Janus, no more of the "good doctor"... there's only Hyde. Ironically, that's the name he chose for the serial killer lurking inside of him. While Dr. Kyle focuses on saving the lives of the residents of Hell City, at night, Hyde only focuses on taking lives, sometimes the very people Janus works so hard to save in his waking hours. Besides being a killer, Hyde also has a sadistic streak, choosing the long, painful route for every victim, all while wearing Janus's own face. These serial killings are completely random. Sometimes, Hyde takes months to plot a murder, other times, it takes merely one. All that's certain is it's all at the whim of Hyde... and Janus does nothing to stop him.


The doctor... where can we start with him? Well, he was born Janus Bundy Kyle, to the relatively happy Kyle family. Ever since he was little, Janus expressed an extreme love for the care of others, even going so far as to give out bandages to other children on the playground. All the way through his high school years, Janus demonstrated a voracity for his math and science subjects, and shot quickly though his grades. This came as a welcome surprise to his parents, both of whom endeavored to have Janus enrolled in some of the top medical schools in the country. There, he excelled, exhibiting a proficiency for surgery unrivaled by most of his peers. At the age of 24, two years earlier than usual, he became Doctor Janus Kyle, graduating as a top orthopedic/trauma surgeon.

Fresh out of college, Dr. Kyle turned to an unexpected new adventure - he wanted to go to hell city. This idea absolutely appalled his parents. "He'd be squandering his talents," they said. "He'll die there!" Of course, Janus refused to hear any of it. He had a mission, to help out those in Hell City, and maybe even bring out a bit of civility in the city. Thus, with teary goodbyes, he left his home to make the journey to his new base of operations.

Of course, the first few weeks were terribly rough. For a bright-eyed college student, the violent, gang-controlled streets of Hell City were a bit tough for Janus. On occasion, he found himself at the mercy of gang violence, but offered his services in exchange for neutrality. Eventually, Dr. Kyle got used to the bullets by his window and the screams of death outside. He devoted his work to helping the ailing, injured, and those at the whim of the more... inefficient hitmen. It really was a dream come true. Dr. Kyle kept a track record of only three deaths under his supervision, and his talent helped fix some of the most gruesome wounds found on the streets.

Eventually, though, something... changed in the doctor. Despite all the gunfire, deaths, and blood around him, he could save man, many people. It just made him bored. And you know what bored people do? They go... insane. One day, something just snapped in Janus. That very night, he snuck into his hospital ward, eviscerated a patient, and dumped them in the alleyway behind his clinic. And you know what? It felt... pleasing for him. The next week, he tracked down a store clerk, performing the same brutal act. It was just addicting for Janus. Thus, the ball was set into motion. Though he was the good Dr. Kyle by day... he was the fearsome Hyde by night. And that was his new norm.

"So you want to know how I work? Look no further!"

Fighting Style:

Unfortunately, though he lives in Hell City, Dr. Kyle has no impressive fighting skills to speak of. He took a few self-defense classes before becoming a resident of the city, but the only thing he has going for him is staying fit.


-Over a thousand lives saved since he came to the city.

-Only four in-clinic deaths, the murder included.

-Renowned for some of the fastest surgery times in his area.

Crimes Committed:

-About seventy-four random kills, as Hyde.

-Thirteen different accounts of extreme brutality to his victims.


-An excellent trauma surgeon, able to seal up cuts, reconnect ligaments, and reposition muscles/organs with extreme precision

-Large amount of knowledge about human anatomy, which Hyde uses to torture his victims.

-He's very meticulous about his kills, covering each one up with care.


-Besides being slightly fit, he has no other outstanding combat capabilities.

-He has no control over Hyde, who may put him int he path of danger.

-A crippling fear of the dark (as Janus, of course.)


-A kit of surgical tools, including a scalpel, clamps, bandages, antiseptic, etc.

-A water bottle (stay hydrated, folks!)

-A wallet, surgical license included.

-A spare pair of glasses.

Hanjizoe said:

Smart by birth, lazy by choice



Name: Takuro Saida

Alias/Title: Boring, Lazy, Nerd, Taku.

Age: 18-20

Gender: Male



Race: Human

Sexuality: Straight​



Appearance: Takuro has narrow brown eyes and a typical expression suggesting he is either bored or irritated. He has shoulder length black hair tied in a spiky ponytail. During Part I, he wears a short-sleeved grey jacket with green-edged sleeves under which is a green-lined mesh T-shirt. He also wears brown pants, a pair of silver hoop earrings.

affiliation: TBA

Crush: None

Likes: naps, shogi, kelp, mackeral

Dislikes: Fights, annoying people, doing stuff

Fears: Nonenotable

Personality:is naturally a lazy person and his inclination is to do as little work as possible is able to get away with this, spending his days sleeping, watching the clouds, or playing games of shōgi and Go. His goal is to live unremarkably, free of anything of noticeably good or bad, and then to die just as unremarkably as he lived.

he generally believes he can do anything himself, and as such is mortified if and when a woman needs to assist him in any way; his frustrations are similar when he repeatedly finds himself facing female opponents.​



History: As a little kid takuro didn’t find life interesting, and wondered why he was brought in the first place, his expectations of things was rather high. If anything didn’t interest him, he wouldn’t bother it, and leave it be for someone else to fool with it. Takuro was quite smart in school, passing all of his classes, from his early school years to high school, as he enters his junior year at the age of 18, and the other hand he didn’t feel like being much at all, but his parents expect him to do his best, and go to college.

One day, an unexpected latter had arrived on his desk in his room, their was a picture of a city, and fancy words here and there, as he reads it. He had questioned about this letter, and the name hell city was a a bit suspicious, so he decided go ahead, and go.

He told his parents that it was a school trip that he, and only him was invited to they didn’t ask to see it, nor questioned him, they just said alright, and went on their day. This is the beginning of a lifelong journey in hell city, once he had arrived, and what brought him to this place.

Fighting Style: Due to his lazyness he practically doesn’t try to fight at all, but puts enough effort in, in order to get the job done, though he does avoid any conflict that he is in as much as possible.

Strengths: His intelligence is what helps him in most of his situations, if he senses something that is going to happen, he’ll think of multiple solutions, and problems to get out of them.

Weaknesses: Takuro is really lazy, and careless this can be effective during the long run, if he isn’t careful.

Character Dovelopment





SnowStorm42 said:

  • Name: Ryan Devlins

    Alias/Title: Killshot

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Weight: 178 lb.

    Height: 6'2

    Race: Human

All accepted
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]That won't really scared greed much xD

It'd probably scare the shiza out of Anita. Half asleep cat girl with a katana tired of everyone deciding to get it on in her near vicinity.
Mitchs98 said:
It'd probably scare the shiza out of Anita. Half asleep cat girl with a katana tired of everyone deciding to get it on in her near vicinity.
Be glad she wasn't murdered by Hitsu when he met her xD
Bismarck be like:

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