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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]
But thank you for a male character

I was gonna make a female...
@Veyd Sahvoz

Sorry moving the OOC chat here, you can use wrath if you want since I'm fairly sure no one has tried going for it yet. But just know that the CS will have a little higher standards than the other races.
Sinister Clown] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24503-veyd-sahvoz/ said:
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL]
Sorry moving the OOC chat here, you can use wrath if you want since I'm fairly sure no one has tried going for it yet. But just know that the CS will have a little higher standards than the other races.
Can I have Envy????
Kayzo said:
This is a fandom?
Yes, although I encourage that you try make some differences to the characters you inspire from something else. It was mostly because all the idea's I had some what come from other anime or rather that I've seen myself.
Veyd Sahvoz] [FONT=Lato][SIZE=14px][border=1px double black][/border][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Lato][border=1px double black][/border][/FONT] [FONT=Lato][border=1px double black][/border][/FONT] [border=1px double black] [IMG]http://www.animacity.ru/sites/default/files/imagecache/photo-big/users/10287/photo/2014/39/5lygUtvJRUQ.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=14px][FONT=Lato]? ? ?[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Lato][SIZE=14px][border=1px dashed black][/border][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Lato][SIZE=14px][border=1px dashed black][/border][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Lato][border=1px dashed black][/FONT] [FONT=Lato][SIZE=18px][COLOR=#000066]Hitsugya Udaza[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Lato][/border][/FONT] [FONT=Lato][SIZE=14px][border=1px dashed black][/border][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Lato][border=1px dashed black][/border][/FONT] [border=1px dashed black][/border] [border=1px dashed black][/border] [SIZE=14px][FONT=Lato][Tabs][Tab=Basic Information][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=14px][FONT=Lato]Name: Hitsugya Udaza (Doesn't really have a last name)[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=14px][FONT=Lato]Alias/Title: The Black Dragon[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=14px][FONT=Lato]Age: 19[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=14px][FONT=Lato]Gender: Male[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=14px][FONT=Lato]Weight: 167 (A little bit more than half of his weight is muscle)[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=14px][FONT=Lato]Height: 6'3 [/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=14px][FONT=Lato]Race: One of the 7 deadly sins: Wrath[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=14px][FONT=Lato][/tab][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=14px][FONT=Lato][Tab=Personal Information][/FONT][/SIZE] Appearence: He has a [URL="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0e/59/db/0e59dba862feb279896f6d14db578705.jpg said:
[/URL]Black Fire dragon tattoo/mark

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0e/59/db/0e59dba862feb279896f6d14db578705.jpg on the back of his right shoulder that takes up the width and length of his entire shoulder blade. His other tattoo/symbol is another

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4e/9a/9c/4e9a9c46fd551d400b41d8d556645fd6.jpgdragon mark

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4e/9a/9c/4e9a9c46fd551d400b41d8d556645fd6.jpg except on the front of his right shoulder. Throughout his entire life he's gone through vigorous training, that in which he broke some bones, and with his racial advantage of having a ridiculously enormous amount of strength bundled up inside him (not to mention his dragon mark) he exceded in physical training quite well. From his young teens he's had a very toned upper, and lower, body, including an 8 pack of abs and his biceps being very toned as well. He may not look as though he's very strong but he is. Very strong.


Gear: He wears 120 lb weighted gloves and shoes practically all of the time. They were invented to help people gain muscle while doing daily life necceseaties and or training, though only few pairs remain from the studies, Hitsugya was lucky to get his hands on them and since then pretty much wears them all the time. He also carried a


http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net...minator.png/revision/latest?cb=20141113122320 with him that can switch between 4 different modes. (if I remember correctly) Hitsugya's favorite is the

http://i.imgur.com/m6dCf3q.gifterminator mode

http://i.imgur.com/m6dCf3q.gif. His second favorite is the

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8d/1d/17/8d1d173a8a038838895e84755cc9579a.jpgassault mode


Affiliation: Hitsugya is solo, he doesn't have a partner and he doesn't plan on getting a partner.



-Seeing his enemies die before him



-When people underestimate him

-People who get in his way

-Pretty much any one who annoys him

Fears: Having to actually help people for a "Greater-cause" Other than that he doesn't care about much.

Personality: Hitsugya absolutely loves fighting and killing for fun. He doesn't show remorse, or mercy, to any of those that he's killed and he doesn't plan on it.

Is chill pretty much all the time but he can get agitated. He's always never wanting to talk too much or take help from anyone, because to him people are a pain in the ass.


He lost his memory when he was 3 and found out he was a fallen angel when he was of the age of 8 and realized that was why he had black wings, his foster family treated him like crap because of it. He was found in an back alley when he was a baby and was taken to foster care. The family he was forced to live with was absoulutely horrible, they hit him and swore at him when he did something wrong. He was constantly under stress and had a bit of depression most of his life. Was bullied throughout his childhood which lead to him taking martial arts, which was the only place he could take his anger out. Many competitions and tournaments he won with his talent of fighting but no matter how many good things happened he just ended up being shut down and his family continued the same thing. Everyone treated him like crap, they thought he was weird and different and didn't want him around because of it, just like his family. Three months away from his 10th birthday he was jumped, a group of 8 kids surrounded him and beat him, shoved him and even strangle him until he was in tears. He got so angry that he punched the person who was punching him in the gut, and shattered 6 of the kids ribs, he turned to the other kids and punched three of through the wall. He nearly killed all of them in his rage before he realized what he'd done.

A 3 month long suspension was his punishment, and once he was allowed back at school nothing was the same. Nobody talked to him, they shunned him and swore at him whenever they saw him. Instead of cowering in a corner like a fool he embraced his alternate self and became stronger, mentally and physically, by allowing his rage and inner darkness to make him more than what he once was. Since he was 14 he's been known as The Black Dragon because of his black wings and ability to create/control Black Fire and Lightning.


[tab=Combat Information][/tab][tab=Combat Information][/tab][tab=Combat Information]

Fighting Style: From the time he was young he's been taught in street fighting, such as Krav Maga and other forms of martial arts, along with

http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/japanese-martial-arts-stylesjapanese martial arts

http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/japanese-martial-arts-styles and other types/forms of cold straight on fighting.

Crimes Committed/Achievements: His crimes are mass murders that almost leave no trace whatsoever and pissing off some of the larger gangs. In his eyes, his greatest achievement was a heist and

Abilities: He can

jump very long distance and to incredible heights with the amount of power and strength he has. His main ability, and what he's known for, is being able to create/control black fire and black lightning. Also plays the guitar, and sometimes the piano

Strengths: His main strength is that he doesn't care or worry about pain, cold, people, or "The greater cause" which allows him to get stronger by not being held back from the fear of hurting others

Weaknesses: Getting attached to someone, like he has in the past and he's never been able to get away from the thought that haunts him. Way under all of his evilness and non caring he actually is a nice guy that cares about some people, but he's afraid of someone revealing that.



No pain, no gain. No blood, no tears. . .No regrets



? ? ?

Accepted, he seems to stick by the rules of being a Sin since he only has two abilities.
Kayzo said:
I can make an OC, right? Or is it stuff only from shows?
That's not even a question, I'd rather people be original I just don't mind if they inspire their characters from other anime.

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