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Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

@Silver Wolf[/URL] @Mitchs98
[QUOTE="Silver Wolf]Lunarin actually expected some reaction, and he had already sent an illusionary copy, so after it got punched Lunarin had walked out from a wall shrouded in the dark and said, "Well, it was nice to see you too," he said as he put on a very ecstatic smile. Then he lost that smile and said in a dark tone, "I wouldn't go out there if I were you. Someone is bound to attract attention after they screamed their existence. As my doppelganger clone said, the lockers have likely been drained of all potential food. The cafeteria is out, I'd rather take my chances in the wild."


Elizabeth jumped a good foot in the air and abruptly turned, ready to cut whoever spoke to shreds. Then she noticed it was Lunarin, or rather an illusion that Opi had punched. She frowned slightly at his words. "
I..I dunno. There's tons of lockers, people probably prioritized hiding over checking them.." She replied. "A-and that's what I told her. Its dangerous out here." She added.
Mitchs98 said:
Maria blinked. Was Luna sure this was a favor to her and not a favor to them? Of course she'd be more than willing to go with them. She was sure Elizabeth and Bismarck would be to. They wouldn't have to worry about much then, not really. The only thing they'd have to worry about would be killers trying to do their thing. When she was finished speaking she nodded, "
Of course we'll join you. Me, Liz, and Bismarck that is. I dunno if the others will or not. I'd assume Haruka would though, and probably that other girl." She replied. "I'm not entirely sure how this is a favor to you..but if thats what you want then I'll gladly agree." She added.

"I don't care much about imposing favors on other people. I also want to see lots of survivals through my own eyes. And, I have a feeling that after some idiot announced the presence of life in the building, people are going to be drawn here like moths to a flame, especially killers," una said as she walked out of the curtains. She then walked over to the cabinets and began rummaging through them. Then she picked up a very interesting drug and said, "So that's it...and how sadistic."



"If they were killers they'd probably take the food, and survivors may have hid for a while and waited for the slaughter-fest to pass before raiding lockers. The school is probably not as empty as we think since it may be a giant game of hide and seek with unlimited hiders and the killers are the most likely seekers," Lunarin explained. This kind of concept wasn't new to him at all. "It's a very basic rule of hunting that even cats know," he said as he held up Serena as an example. "They stalk their prey until the best moment to attack. Sometimes this means wait and hide or hide."

Lunarin then stopped talking. He walked around with silent footsteps and then up to the two girls Opi and Liz. He looked down the hallway and back. Then said, "I think we should get back into the infirmary where we are safest."

@femjapanriceball @Kazehana


Opal calmed herself and felt a bit better once she realized the Lunarin she punched wasn't actually real and just and illusion of sorts. She looked at him and said
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea Lu, we should probably get back and get some rest anyway..." Opal started back towards the infirmary while she hummed a medieval mountain song quietly to herself. @Mitchs98 @Silver Wolf
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@Mitchs98[/URL] @Silver Wolf

Elizabeth still wasn't convinced the lockers were raided. There were thousands of them, there was no way they were raided already. Not all of them, anyway. Plus she doubted most people thought to check in their panick. She tried to not get creeped out by his explanation, but understood his point. Still, she had to believe not everyone went psychotic over some random slip of paper. It didn't make sense to her. She nodded at his suggestion, "Yeah. I agree. L-Let's go." She replied, quickly following Opi and Lunarin back to the infirmary.
Mitchs98 said:
Elizabeth still wasn't convinced the lockers were raided. There were thousands of them, there was no way they were raided already. Not all of them, anyway. Plus she doubted most people thought to check in their panick. She tried to not get creeped out by his explanation, but understood his point. Still, she had to believe not everyone went psychotic over some random slip of paper. It didn't make sense to her. She nodded at his suggestion, "Yeah. I agree. L-Let's go." She replied, quickly following Opi and Lunarin back to the infirmary.


When Opal got back to the infirmary she slumped down against the wall. She pulled a big black hoodie from her bag and put it on. She snuggled with the hoodie and laid down on the floor, her back still against the wall. Soon enough she was fast asleep, her head resting on her back pack and her small body engulfed by the hoodie.
@Silver Wolf @Mitchs98
Bismarck looked at Maria and Luna as they spoke and nodded slowly. "....Yeah. I'd be willing to help you guys with anything." He watched curiously as Luna brought out some kind of drug, his expression turning to that of distaste. "......Urgh....what is that thing?" he asked curiously, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and leaning in for a better look.

@Mitchs98 @Silver Wolf ((Sorry bout that, I wasn't getting any alerts T~T))
Luna & Lunarin

Luna held up the bottle and checked inside quickly. She then quickly closed it and said, "It's a drug with a common name of Devil's Breath. A chemical which is found in Borrachero trees. Commonly used by criminals to remove independent will from a person while preventing memories from forming," Luna said as she pocketed the drug. "Could be useful for some things, but I'd rather destroy it. I wonder how it got here."

"Who knows, maybe a student or maybe a teacher. We know enough now that this school is extraordinarily sadistic," Lunarin said as he walked into the room. "We should probably leave the building for the woods. Being in a dark school with no resources except bait and a lot of people who are either out to kill us or take no chances."

(Note: Devil's Breath is an actual drug from the actual Borrachero trees which grow in Colombia. It does as described too. You won't remember anything while drugged and you obey anyone without question.)

@femjapanriceball @Kazehana
Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia Vines
Ciri nodded, her smile still on her face. Between the two of them they'd be able to make it out alive for sure. And like he said they don't have to kill anyone. They'd be just fine. All the teachers were dead..so..it wasn't like they'd be stopping them anytime soon, or rather forcing them to play their role. "Yeah, you're right. It'll be easy, we don't have much to worry about as long as we stay in here." She replied. Besides, at-least they were together. It wouldn't be all bad, she'd be able to spend time with Emmanuel..even if she wished it could be under better circumstances. When he finished moving his things into his bag she moved to sit beside him and scan the room herself. The main issue was the windows seeing as they were on the ground floor. Those would be the hardest to barricade and junk.

She looked up to him when he said he wanted to go home, nodding when he said they'd do whatever it took. She gently grabbed his hand and nodded before sighing, "
Yeah..I do too. And we'll make it. No matter what." She replied. She knew what that entailed, but really..she was fairly sure everyone else was willing to kill for their own survival too. She'd just have to accept the fact she'd probably have to kill one or more people in order for her and Emmanuel to survive.
femjapanriceball said:
Then, right outside Emmanuel and Ciri's door, a commotion could be heard. A small gang of Killers had completely surrounded a small freshman girl. They closed in on her slowly; the girl backed away, bumping into the door. She breathed a sigh of relief and moved to open it. Locked. "No, no, no! Is someone in there?! Help! Heeeelp! I don't wanna—oof!" She let out a squeal as she was punched to the ground. The guy who had done so got in closer, aiming his knife at her throat....
Emmanuel eyes the rattling door and the desperate cry of a girl is clearly heard. He looks at Cirillia and after a second, he shakes his head and mouths 'No' at her. If they want to survive the three days, they have to keep still. After all, they barely have enough for themselves. To be honest, he is surprised that there is still people running around. He has thought everyone is hiding in a classroom like them, but then again, there're may be people being chased down and stuff. He winces, hearing the girl get hit, and his grip on Cirillia tightens without his notice. When did he hold on to her hand?
TripTripleTimes said:
Emmanuel eyes the rattling door and the desperate cry of a girl is clearly heard. He looks at Cirillia and after a second, he shakes his head and mouths 'No' at her. If they want to survive the three days, they have to keep still. After all, they barely have enough for themselves. To be honest, he is surprised that there is still people running around. He has thought everyone is hiding in a classroom like them, but then again, there're may be people being chased down and stuff. He winces, hearing the girl get hit, and his grip on Cirillia tightens without his notice. When did he hold on to her hand?
femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck took a few deep breaths, closing his eyes. ".....Sorry," he said quietly, looking at the people who were pretty much holding him back from completely attacking the girl. His eyes softened; she was probably just as scared as him. He looked over at Maria, wincing. He really shouldn't have put so much pressure on his bad leg. "I.....I'm fine....." he muttered softly, trying to prevent the tears from falling down his face. He had to be strong. For everyone that he had lost. "I just.....lost someone important to me to someone who used that same exact excuse. I....I trusted him and he......" Bismarck's fists clenched. Then the girl he had yelled at spoke; his face reddened in embarrassment. "N-no, I should be the one to apologize. I shouldn't have yelled like that....it....it was wrong to just...snap at you like that."


((Get the Killers moving yay))

Then, right outside Emmanuel and Ciri's door, a commotion could be heard. A small gang of Killers had completely surrounded a small freshman girl. They closed in on her slowly; the girl backed away, bumping into the door. She breathed a sigh of relief and moved to open it. Locked. "No, no, no! Is someone in there?! Help! Heeeelp! I don't wanna—oof!" She let out a squeal as she was punched to the ground. The guy who had done so got in closer, aiming his knife at her throat....

Cirillia Vines

Ciri's eyes widened as she heard someone bump into the door, at first she thought it was someone trying to break in to get to them. Though she soon heard someone crying for help instead. She looked up to Emmanuel only to get him shaking his head in response. She understood his reasoning, and she knew she said they'd do anything to survive but..still. Were they really going to sit there and listen to someone get killed? Someone they could save if they helped? Really, they could help her then tell her to leave..sure she might die later but at-least they had helped. "We have to do something." She whispered. She'd already watched someone get killed today, she didn't know if she could handle a repeat of it. Though she wouldn't see it, she could hear every last thing going on with perfect clarity. "We can at-least stop her from dying for now...I..I can't just sit here and listen to her die Emu.." She added. "Come on, help me move the stuff..we'll be okay." She assured him.

With that she stood up and quietly moved to the door, moving the stuff from the door as quickly and quietly as she could. She just hoped they wouldn't be to late. She understood she was putting them in danger, but she couldn't just let someone die pretty much right in front of them.
TripTripleTimes said:
Emmanuel eyes the rattling door and the desperate cry of a girl is clearly heard. He looks at Cirillia and after a second, he shakes his head and mouths 'No' at her. If they want to survive the three days, they have to keep still. After all, they barely have enough for themselves. To be honest, he is surprised that there is still people running around. He has thought everyone is hiding in a classroom like them, but then again, there're may be people being chased down and stuff. He winces, hearing the girl get hit, and his grip on Cirillia tightens without his notice. When did he hold on to her hand?
Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia Vines
Ciri's eyes widened as she heard someone bump into the door, at first she thought it was someone trying to break in to get to them. Though she soon heard someone crying for help instead. She looked up to Emmanuel only to get him shaking his head in response. She understood his reasoning, and she knew she said they'd do anything to survive but..still. Were they really going to sit there and listen to someone get killed? Someone they could save if they helped? Really, they could help her then tell her to leave..sure she might die later but at-least they had helped. "We have to do something." She whispered. She'd already watched someone get killed today, she didn't know if she could handle a repeat of it. Though she wouldn't see it, she could hear every last thing going on with perfect clarity. "We can at-least stop her from dying for now...I..I can't just sit here and listen to her die Emu.." She added. "Come on, help me move the stuff..we'll be okay." She assured him.

With that she stood up and quietly moved to the door, moving the stuff from the door as quickly and quietly as she could. She just hoped they wouldn't be to late. She understood she was putting them in danger, but she couldn't just let someone die pretty much right in front of them.
Bismarck nodded in agreement, adjusting his collar uncomfortably before hearing a freshman scream. For some reason, the first thing that came to mind was "Sierra might still be alive". ".....I'll be right back," he said, getting out his book and summoning not one, but two dragons; his Swedish Shortsnout, Patronus, and his Hungarian Horntail, Severus. He got up onto Severus and muttered, "Find the source of that scream." And they were off, going ridiculously fast. Some students cleared the way, not wanting to get crushed by the massive claws of the monster.

((Near Ciri and Emu's room k))

The Killer stuck his knife into the girl's throat; she let out an anguished scream. Blood gushed everywhere and her eyes rolled up to the back of her head. The boys all laughed, high-diving each other, not noticing the dragon getting closer.

"SIERRAAAAAAAA! Sierra!" Foolishly, Bismarck leapt off of Severus, Patronus just behind him. No. The dead body wasn't Sierrra's. His fists clenched tightly, however. "......Y-you'd murder a freshman....? What on earth is wrong with you.....?"

The guys laughed nervously. "Oh, look, it's the drag queen again. Whaddaya want, Miss Secretary? Geez, even your job is feminine."


"Oho! You want me to throw you out the window again? Do you want me to?" The leader of the gang of Killers slammed him against a locker, punching him in his bad arm. Bismarck winced. "Cuz I can if you want me to."

"STOP it!" Bismarck snapped his fingers; both Severus and Patronus let out threatening roars. "Or they will attack." Silence, then hysterical screams. Bismarck watched calmly as they ran off, out of the hall, and somewhere else.


"Hurry, before they eat us!"

"....Thanks, Sev, Pat....." Bismarck looked at the dead body; his eyes filled up. "......I don't understand......w-well, I think it's appropriate to at least save the body, so her family can mourn her....at least I'll be doing something right....can you help me?"

A soft growl from Severus, who bent over so Bismarck could lift the body onto his back.

"Yes, I'll remember to wash your scales next time I summon you."
Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia VinesCiri's eyes widened as she heard someone bump into the door, at first she thought it was someone trying to break in to get to them. Though she soon heard someone crying for help instead. She looked up to Emmanuel only to get him shaking his head in response. She understood his reasoning, and she knew she said they'd do anything to survive but..still. Were they really going to sit there and listen to someone get killed? Someone they could save if they helped? Really, they could help her then tell her to leave..sure she might die later but at-least they had helped. "We have to do something." She whispered. She'd already watched someone get killed today, she didn't know if she could handle a repeat of it. Though she wouldn't see it, she could hear every last thing going on with perfect clarity. "We can at-least stop her from dying for now...I..I can't just sit here and listen to her die Emu.." She added. "Come on, help me move the stuff..we'll be okay." She assured him.

With that she stood up and quietly moved to the door, moving the stuff from the door as quickly and quietly as she could. She just hoped they wouldn't be to late. She understood she was putting them in danger, but she couldn't just let someone die pretty much right in front of them.
femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck nodded in agreement, adjusting his collar uncomfortably before hearing a freshman scream. For some reason, the first thing that came to mind was "Sierra might still be alive". ".....I'll be right back," he said, getting out his book and summoning not one, but two dragons; his Swedish Shortsnout, Patronus, and his Hungarian Horntail, Severus. He got up onto Severus and muttered, "Find the source of that scream." And they were off, going ridiculously fast. Some students cleared the way, not wanting to get crushed by the massive claws of the monster.
((Near Ciri and Emu's room k))

The Killer stuck his knife into the girl's throat; she let out an anguished scream. Blood gushed everywhere and her eyes rolled up to the back of her head. The boys all laughed, high-diving each other, not noticing the dragon getting closer.

"SIERRAAAAAAAA! Sierra!" Foolishly, Bismarck leapt off of Severus, Patronus just behind him. No. The dead body wasn't Sierrra's. His fists clenched tightly, however. "......Y-you'd murder a freshman....? What on earth is wrong with you.....?"

The guys laughed nervously. "Oh, look, it's the drag queen again. Whaddaya want, Miss Secretary? Geez, even your job is feminine."


"Oho! You want me to throw you out the window again? Do you want me to?" The leader of the gang of Killers slammed him against a locker, punching him in his bad arm. Bismarck winced. "Cuz I can if you want me to."

"STOP it!" Bismarck snapped his fingers; both Severus and Patronus let out threatening roars. "Or they will attack." Silence, then hysterical screams. Bismarck watched calmly as they ran off, out of the hall, and somewhere else.


"Hurry, before they eat us!"

"....Thanks, Sev, Pat....." Bismarck looked at the dead body; his eyes filled up. "......I don't understand......w-well, I think it's appropriate to at least save the body, so her family can mourn her....at least I'll be doing something right....can you help me?"

A soft growl from Severus, who bent over so Bismarck could lift the body onto his back.

"Yes, I'll remember to wash your scales next time I summon you."
Emmanuel tries to catch Cirillia's hand when she slips out from him grip. Too slow; she is already bolting to and from the barricaded door, removing the chairs and desks the two students pilled a while ago. The boy scrambles to jump the girl to stop clearing the door, but at the last second he too turns towards the door and takes hold of a desk from the bottom of the pile.

"Get out of the way," Emmanuel warns with an angry scowl on his face. A step later, the desk is hurled away from the tumbling pile. Emmanuel has jumped away, avoiding the downfall.

"DRAGONS!" The boy's head snaps towards the door, clearly hearing the shout at the other side of the door. What just happened? Emmanuel looks at Cirillia with his brows up high and his once annoyance had faded to peeked interest.

"I think someone got to her before us." he wedges the classroom door open and peeks outside. "Hey!" He yelps and flings the door open. On the other side, he sees the scaly creatures. "I wasn't lying!" He saw one earlier!

TripTripleTimes said:
Emmanuel tries to catch Cirillia's hand when she slips out from him grip. Too slow; she is already bolting to and from the barricaded door, removing the chairs and desks the two students pilled a while ago. The boy scrambles to jump the girl to stop clearing the door, but at the last second he too turns towards the door and takes hold of a desk from the bottom of the pile.
"Get out of the way," Emmanuel warns with an angry scowl on his face. A step later, the desk is hurled away from the tumbling pile. Emmanuel has jumped away, avoiding the downfall.

"DRAGONS!" The boy's head snaps towards the door, clearly hearing the shout at the other side of the door. What just happened? Emmanuel looks at Cirillia with his brows up high and his once annoyance had faded to peeked interest.

"I think someone got to her before us." he wedges the classroom door open and peeks outside. "Hey!" He yelps and flings the door open. On the other side, he sees the scaly creatures. "I wasn't lying!" He saw one earlier!

Bismarck looked up when he heard someone speak; a sophomore boy that he didn't know. But he recognized the same loud voice from before. He wanted to say something about that, but he didn't. The guy seemed very shocked that he owned two dragons, though.

"...................Uhhhhh................hello..........." he said shyly, patting Severus's scales. Severus finally had the body loaded onto his back and was now watching. Patronus, being the dragon that she was, milked all the attention by spreading her wings with pride. Followed by Severus letting out a low growl and wrestling her to the floor. He wasn't about to have all the spotlight stolen. Embarrassed, Bismarck hid his face in his hands. "......C-calm down, you two.....honestly........"

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