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Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

Wyatt said:
"Well Cez, it is just you and I right now, I am going to make the base a little more comfortable for us, but what else do you think should be done?" He pointed his wand at the branch they were on and it began to grow wider and much easier to stand on. Then it grew up as thought it was making walls but if you were to look at it from below it would appear as a really big branch but on the inside it was a little like a shelter where it would be hard to fall out of and there were strategic places where you could look out and see people as they approached.
@Wyatt @LilyannaGaming

Theme Songs:

Hide's Theme Song:

Rai's Theme Song:



Mitchs98 said:
Maria and Elizabeth
Maria listened to the conversation between Luna and Bismarck, nodding to herself ever so often as they spoke. It was probably a good thing they'd met Luna, she'd make the healing process go much faster. She looked over to the cat everyone seemed so fond of ever so often. Something seemed..off..about it but she couldn't quite figure out what. It made little sense that it just immediately started being nice and compliant when it was trying to get away previously. Oh well. She figured it was probably nothing...if it was some kind of familiar or something they could easily dispatch it. She was more concerned of Bismarck, she hadn't noticed how bad his leg injury actually was. "
Well. I was going to disinfect it then wrap it up." She replied before shrugging. "It was the best I could do, really." She added.

Elizabeth meanwhile walked over to the cat Lunarin was holding, gently petting it. It was probably a bit weird for a half cat person to be petting a cat, but she didn't care. It might be a bit bias considering, but cats were nice.
Mitchs98 said:
@Shnuydude @Kazehana @femjapanriceball @Helm Dexter @Crimson Night
Maria and Elizabeth

Maria nodded and watched as Luna dressed Bismarcks' wounds. She felt kinda useless, but Luna did have healing magic. If anything she could kill to help them survive when need be. Added natural survival instinct, she guessed. She felt a tinge of guilt for murdering the one that shot them, but really he attacked first and would of killed them. "
Yeah..I intended on removing the bullet it if it was lodged. I was referring to his leg." She replied. "Thanks a lot though, I appreciate it. I'm sure Bismarck does too." She told her before quickly asking "If it's not too much trouble could you look at my wound to?" Gesturing to her left shoulder as she did so.

Elizabeth looked up at Lunarin and nodded. "
Y-yeah. I like cats. Th-they're really soft." She replied. Soon enough he asked what her name was. She could of sworn she told him alongside the rest back at the cafeteria..oh well. "I'm Elizabeth. That's my sister Maria. You can call me Liz if you want though.." She replied, gesturing to Maria as she introduced her before returning her hand to the cat and gently scratching its back.
Bismarck was about to object to the whole "take off clothes where the wounds are" thing, but Luna had already taken off those clothes and did her magic. He felt kind of stupid, listening to her explain how she was going to heal him, but he stayed silent. He could hear Chaka screaming in the background; he tensed slightly. At least now, he felt a little better; that is, he wasn't in extreme pain at the moment. "Thank you," he said, keeping his voice perfectly calm (though it shook a little). Chaka's....still....alive.....this is bad.....now I actually have to fight him......
Eric took in a deep fake breath as Hide came back. "You haven't missed much, I just rearranged some trees is all." He bit his lips as he started to get flustered seemingly out of nowhere over the boy. He then began to become ghostly again, hardly visible as he lost his control over his body for a short while. Dammit, why must he love her and why must she love him. I wish we could be together. He thought to himself, wanting to cry and feeling alone as he did so. He faded completely out of sight before he could cry.


She was enjoying all the petting until the man grabbed her scruff. How rude. But that didn't mean that he won or anything, oh no. She looked at him for a moment, then passively looked away at what Bismark was doing. Cats were drawn to movement anyway, so it wasn't like this was suspicious. But she couldn't keep her gaze fixed on that for too long, as that would be suspicious. So she casually blinked and began looking at nothing, then closed her eyes for a moment. What she wouldn't give to curl up in a patch of sunlight and nap for a while. This whole process was getting too tedious and annoying for her. If only she could just go over to the bed. Cue internal sigh.

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
"Yeah, must be nice being a cat. I heard that animal instincts are stronger in most shape-shifters. So small, and so vulnerable. I envy you for your stealthy abilities, but I am also glad I'm not you because look at your state," Lunarin said as he held Serena up and slightly away from him. His eyes were still white, but he really didn't care. "Listen, if you can co-operate, I won't have to do anything to you out of caution," Lunarin said as he pulled out a hunting knife. He was clearly threatening the cat, but he really hated looking like this sometimes. "If you don't want to be a prisoner or a naked cat, I'd recommend talking to us as a person."


"That doesn't look good," Luna commented on Maria's wound as she examined it. "What exactly caused it?" (Trying to determine he injury and how it was made.)

@femjapanriceball @Kazehana


Maria and Elizabeth

Maria followed Luna to the small curtained off area and proceeded to unbutton her top, bringing it down just enough so she could get at her gunshot wound effectively. "I got shot ripping a guys throat out that shot at us..." She told her lowly, hopefully low enough that only Elizabeth would be able to hear. "It looks worse than it feels, really." She added. Elizabeth smiled slightly at Lunarins compliment, "Thanks.." She replied. And then he started threatening the cat. "No! Don't hurt it! I..I think it's just a normal cat!" She shouted, really hoping he'd listen and not kill it.
"It doesn't have the aura of one, when it was panicked, I noticed two things. It's aura was not that of a cat, and it was quite adaptive to being touched by strangers. It even has an odd presence," Lunarin said as he flashed his eyes back to normal color then white again. "I can see it, an aura of magic is surrounding this cat's very existence."


"I see...I'm going to check for a bullet now," Luna said as she checked both sides of the shoulder. "It seems to be a single bullet pierce. I don't see any signs of a shotgun, and there's blood on one side. I'm going to need to get the bullet out. So get read," Luna said as she turned on a light to view the wound and began searching with magic for the bullet. Eventually she found it and gripped it with her magic and said, "I'm going to pull it out on the count of three...one, two, three!"

@femjapanriceball @Kazehana

This was getting ridiculous. How rude was he to dare accuse her of not being a cat? She was clearly a cat! No matter. It wasn't like he had any proof that she wasn't. Everything about her was currently feline, down to the DNA. What could he possibly have against her? To her, it seemed like speculation. He was probably just crazy. She looked at the girl as she exclaimed her indigence to his idea, then looked at a nice little bed that looked cozy for sleeping. Wait, this isn't what she needed to be thinking about! Stupid cat instincts and need for more sleep. She was starting to get annoyed with how long he was holding her, as it was beginning to get uncomfortable. She wasn't a kit anymore; she wasn't supposed to be picked up!

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
Kazehana said:
SerenaThis was getting ridiculous. How rude was he to dare accuse her of not being a cat? She was clearly a cat! No matter. It wasn't like he had any proof that she wasn't. Everything about her was currently feline, down to the DNA. What could he possibly have against her? To her, it seemed like speculation. He was probably just crazy. She looked at the girl as she exclaimed her indigence to his idea, then looked at a nice little bed that looked cozy for sleeping. Wait, this isn't what she needed to be thinking about! Stupid cat instincts and need for more sleep. She was starting to get annoyed with how long he was holding her, as it was beginning to get uncomfortable. She wasn't a kit anymore; she wasn't supposed to be picked up!

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
Lunarin grinned and held the knife in front of Serena's eyes, waving it around, seemingly carelessly. He then said, "I don't enjoy doing this the hard way. You're a risk to the group, so get out of that fake cat skin and talk to us. If you're a killer, I won't go easy on you. I won't say you have to stay with us, but you will if I can't get a clear answer out of you," Lunarin hen waited for the cat's next response.

  • upload_2016-4-18_21-22-38-png.266848
    "Hey Eric you okay dude!?" The boy asked in a panic while looking at the boy's reddened cheeks. He placed his hand on the boy's forehead feeling for any sign of a fever or something "Are you sick?" Hide asked while looking around for any sorta medicine that could help. Looking though the bags for anything that helped and finding nothing left him feeling useless. He looked back at where his friend was but found no one "Eric?....Eric......Eric you there....buddy?" He questioned while walking up with teary eyes and swiping at the space where his friend once stood.

Chaka yawned and decided he would go to sleep for the night."I guess I'm not going to find anyone anytime soon." He said drowsily as his wires began to wrap around him like a cocoon."This should keep me safe for the night. Good night everyone!" Chaka called as he slowly drifted off to sleep. He had figured that either most of the students where dead, sleeping, or hiding. So he wasn't really worried about looking for anyone at the moment. Besides as long as he had his cocoon he was safe. Although he would probably have to do more killing and food scavengering so he didn't lose his cool. He placed a sign around the cocoon before it completely wrapped around him. The sign read," Chaka sleeping do not disturb....unless you have food for the Chaka then he will not mind." As Chaka slept he had the most pleasant dream of giant pieces of food running away from him. He chased the screaming food around the school happily. Upon catching the food people he would gobble them up as they screamed in pain.

@femjapanriceball @Cicero @Wyatt @LilyannaGaming @Helm Dexter @TripTripleTimes @Crimson Night

(Tagging everyone so they know that Chaka Is sleeping in his indestructible cocoon in the middle of the hallway, sorry if I forgot someone.)
Chaka continued to snore contently from his cocoon." That's right nummy food people, come to Chaka." He mummbled as he snuggled up on his wire cocoon. His snores where just loud enough that anyone who walked by the cocoon could hear them. While you wouldn't think it would be comfortable, or safe to sleep In a cocoon. It was quite the contrary. He couldn't have been safer and more comfortable, if he was sleeping on a cloud surrounded by guards.

@femjapanriceball @Cicero @Wyatt @LilyannaGaming @Helm Dexter @TripTripleTimes @Crimson Night

Maria and Elizabeth

Elizabeth looked at Lunarin like he was legitamately crazy. She knew people had some weird powers. But who the hell threatened a cat with a knife for no real reason? "
I don't think its a person. A-a person would of probably been to scared to just calmly sit like this." She told him. "Stop threatening the cat. C'mon. Give it to me. Don't hurt it." She added, reaching for the cat and trying to take it out of his grasp.

Meanwhile Maria was listening to Luna and watching as she looked at her wound. "
Yeah. It was a handgun. Low calibre." She explained. She could of sworn the bullet went all the way through, but she guessed not. Explained why it hurt like hell, she guessed. She nodded slowly as she looked for and eventually found it, tensing herself as she started counting down. She cried out in pain immediately followed by several swear words as Luna ripped the bullet out. Why did it hurt worse coming out than going in? "Th-thanks.." She told her, nodding as a way to say she was okay.

Elizabeth, upon noticing Opi was walking out alone for some reason gave up on the cat for now and followed after her. She really shouldn't be walking off like that. "
O-Opi, where are you going?" She asked her nervously, walking beside her and looking around cautiously.

She moved her head away from the knife, but who wouldn't when someone was waving some random object in front of you? She didn't know if that girl would be any better, as that wouldn't mean she was anywhere closer to her goal of napping. But it seemed as if that wasn't going to be a huge issue, as she had already started leaving. Well that was weird. Other than that, she really didn't have anything else to do. She was pretty much done with this boy and was just looking forward to her future nap.

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
"Don't rest yet, there's still the healing to do," Luna said as she began using magic to close Maria's wound. While Luna worked with it she gave a very ecstatic smile and said, "You sure do like that Bismarck fellow, yes?"


Lunarin sheathed his knife and held the cat away from Elizabeth. He then said, "Hey, this cat has a weird aura to it. An aura I've never seen on normal cats, it seems like the aura of a person too. Also, since this thing won't change, I'm taking it with us. I know it's intelligent, so I'm not risking an information leak to killers who would love nothing more than do away with us."

Lunarin then took the cat with him over to the drug cabinets. While holding the cat, he began shoving numerous medicines meant to treat infections along with several different pain killers and shoved them in his satchel. He then turned his attention and asked, "Does anyone have a secure place we can keep this cat? Like a backpack?" He didn't want to leave the cat/person somewhere where it would starve to death, he was taking it with until it decided to change and talk.
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Cicero said:

  • upload_2016-4-18_21-22-38-png.266848
    "Hey Eric you okay dude!?" The boy asked in a panic while looking at the boy's reddened cheeks. He placed his hand on the boy's forehead feeling for any sign of a fever or something "Are you sick?" Hide asked while looking around for any sorta medicine that could help. Looking though the bags for anything that helped and finding nothing left him feeling useless. He looked back at where his friend was but found no one "Eric?....Eric......Eric you there....buddy?" He questioned while walking up with teary eyes and swiping at the space where his friend once stood.

Eric could feel Hide's hand going through his body over and over again and it feel rather odd. "Hide stop it!!!" He tried to yell but being in the form he was he couldn't say a single thing. He put his arm on Hide's shoulder most likely sending a shiver down his spine to let his friend know that he was there. Then he went and sort of sat on the edge of the tree branch. Slowly he began to regain his control and energy but it would be a while before he could produce a physical form again.
Mitchs98 said:
@femjapanriceball @Shnuydude
Maria and Elizabeth

Elizabeth looked at Lunarin like he was legitamately crazy. She knew people had some weird powers. But who the hell threatened a cat with a knife for no real reason? "
I don't think its a person. A-a person would of probably been to scared to just calmly sit like this." She told him. "Stop threatening the cat. C'mon. Give it to me. Don't hurt it." She added, reaching for the cat and trying to take it out of his grasp.

Meanwhile Maria was listening to Luna and watching as she looked at her wound. "
Yeah. It was a handgun. Low calibre." She explained. She could of sworn the bullet went all the way through, but she guessed not. Explained why it hurt like hell, she guessed. She nodded slowly as she looked for and eventually found it, tensing herself as she started counting down. She cried out in pain immediately followed by several swear words as Luna ripped the bullet out. Why did it hurt worse coming out than going in? "Th-thanks.." She told her, nodding as a way to say she was okay.

Elizabeth, upon noticing Opi was walking out alone for some reason gave up on the cat for now and followed after her. She really shouldn't be walking off like that. "
O-Opi, where are you going?" She asked her nervously, walking beside her and looking around cautiously.


Opal stopped and looked at Liz, smiling she said
. "Well, I heard a voice down this way..." She pointed down the hall.

Opal then saw the worried look on Elizabeth's face.
"Why?, should I not be going down there?..." She said with a worried and nervous tone. @Mitchs98 @Shnuydude @femjapanriceball @Crimson Night @Solemn Jester @Silver Wolf @Kazehana


  • upload_2016-4-18_21-22-38-png.266848
    The boy shivered a bit as he felt a cold breeze fly through him "Geez its cold all of a sudden....." He observed as he looked over at the sleeping girl. While walking over to her he took his jacket off and put it over her smiling.

@Crimson Night[/URL] @Solemn Jester @Silver Wolf @Kazehana


Elizabeth looked down the hall, trying to discern any figure for as far as she could see. She didn't really see anything but a window at the end, whatever it was was probably a trick of some kind. Either that or she was paranoid. Either way it wasn't safe, nor a good idea for Opi to be wandering alone. Even with Elizabeth with her it was only marginally a good idea. She shook her head at her question, "I-I don't think so. At-least not without everyone else. I-It could be a trap. A bunch of killers c-could be grouped up waiting to ambush someone at the end." She replied. "W-we can check it out once we're done here, I-I guess. We need to look and see i-if the lockers or something have food..I guess..I dunno.." She told her. Really she was trying to convince her for both of their sakes, mostly hers. If things turned south Elizabeth wasn't sure if she would be able to stay and fight without running away.

"Lockers were probably drained of food a long time ago," Lunarin said as he spoke behind Elizabeth and Opi, as if suddenly appearing from nowhere. In truth he had just spoken, which released his lack of presence. He was very good at hiding his presence. All the while, he was still holding Serena by the scruff of her neck.



Luna giggled giddily and said, "Well. One favor we could have is more people. Me and my brother have a very meager base set inside the forest. Kind of started out gathering herbs and hunting animals like deer and rabbit for food. I think we still have some berries, edible plants, and a few leftover pieces of meat. More people often makes better when in this kind of survival situation. If we are attacked by killers, our survival rate is much higher as a group, with the higher risk of a few casualties. We are more noticeable too, but I'd rather have a higher rate of survival if the chance of being found happens."

@femjapanriceball @Kazehana
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Maria blinked. Was Luna sure this was a favor to her and not a favor to them? Of course she'd be more than willing to go with them. She was sure Elizabeth and Bismarck would be to. They wouldn't have to worry about much then, not really. The only thing they'd have to worry about would be killers trying to do their thing. When she was finished speaking she nodded, "
Of course we'll join you. Me, Liz, and Bismarck that is. I dunno if the others will or not. I'd assume Haruka would though, and probably that other girl." She replied. "I'm not entirely sure how this is a favor to you..but if thats what you want then I'll gladly agree." She added.

Lilac Dubois

Lilac had been quietly sitting in the corner of the infirmary, atop one of the beds. She watched as they healed each other, threatened the cat and wandered towards a screaming boy down the halls. But, before she knew it, Lilac found herself closing her eyes and falling asleep soon after. After all, when the first two entered the room and murdered someone outside of the door, they interrupted her nap. Plus, Lilac hasn't slept in two days. Her head rested against the wall and one of her legs hung off of the bed. Typically, Lilac wound't sleep in front of a group of people she didn't trust, but she somehow felt safe with these people. Also, these people wouldn't kill a person in their sleep. Except for the elf twins who seemed pretty capable, the rest were too soft. Lilac always dreamt of the same thing each and every night; half of the time she would force herself to forget by the time she awoke. Until then, she laid there with a lollipop almost falling from her mouth.

@femjapanriceball @Shnuydude @Silver Wolf @Mitchs98
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Opal spun around and punched Lunarin right in the gut. Realizing what she had done she gasped covering her mouth as she stepped back.
"I..I'm so sorry! It was a reflex!" She looked at him with big eyes, her mouth uncovered now. "You s..scared me." She spoke in a more quiet tone now.

She began to blush and look down. She felt like such an idiot and was very embarrassed.
@Silver Wolf @Mitchs98
Lunarin actually expected some reaction, and he had already sent an illusionary copy, so after it got punched Lunarin had walked out from a wall shrouded in the dark and said, "Well, it was nice to see you too," he said as he put on a very ecstatic smile. Then he lost that smile and said in a dark tone, "I wouldn't go out there if I were you. Someone is bound to attract attention after they screamed their existence. As my doppelganger clone said, the lockers have likely been drained of all potential food. The cafeteria is out, I'd rather take my chances in the wild."

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