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Heart within the beast

Kurogan was silent for a minute longer, never breaking the contact the whole time.

"I am."

One hand went on top of her head, and his fingers were visibly shaking

"I'm afraid of me. Afraid of what I might do . . . what I'm capable of."
"What... what might you do..?" Rhea asked, unsure of what he meant. It almost sounded like he was expecting to suddenly turn feral. Rhea felt his hand shaking. If he was scared of himself... was she being a fool by not fearing as well?
"Rhea . . . that night, when you didn't come home, and I found you . . ."

He took a few calming breaths before continuing

"I wanted to tear them to pieces. I could have easily ripped out their throats and watched their life bleed out . . . I came so close to doing it, you were the only thing stopping me. I almost crossed the line from 'hunter' to 'beast'. I thought I'd pushed it to the back of my mind but . . ."

He shook his head softly
"How... how did I stop you?" Personally.. that did sound scary. It sounded terrifying. The thought of people getting hurt was never something that appealed to Rhea. That was why she wanted to be a doctor... she wanted to see the hurt be whole and healthy. "Maybe... maybe I can do it again... and you don't have to be scared anymore." Rhea felt like a child right now. Like a child who couldn't understand the world. That it was something to vast and complicated for her sheltered mind to understand.
Kurogan let out a long, slow breath. As he did so, he brought himself down to his knees, inadvertently bringing Rhea down with him.

"You . . . gave me a place to stay. A reason--to remain more than a wild animal."

There was a smile on his face as he spoke
(I forgot how much taller then her he was.... Rhea is 5'2. One of my shortest (human) characters.)

Rhea fell with him as he got on his knees. Rhea ended up sitting on the ground, her legs parted a bit. She moved her head against his chest a bit to look up at him. Her hands trying to wedge between his chest and hers so that she could push off him enough to look at him. She wanted to tell him something, but she wanted to tell him while looking at him... not while hiding in his chest. That would be the easier thing to do.
(If I remember correctly he's 6'3 or 6'4 . . . so it's a bit of a disparity xD )

Kurogan felt her shift beneath him, and then her hands trying to pry between the two of them.


Kurogan let his arms drop, allowing her to push away a little bit

"Sorry . . . that was a bit sudden wasn't it?"
"I... I wanted yo..you.." She started, though she felt her face flush at she looked up at him and her eyes started to wounder away from his face again. "I wanted you to know... that... you had given me..." Rhea took a long breath to calm herself. She felt rather embarrassed, "A reason to keep going... with everything." Rhea told him softly, she started to tear up, "After Roen died... after he died.. There was nothing left for me... until you. For once..." Rhea finally looked up at him with teary eyes, "For once I wasn't afraid anymore. So.. if I am your reason to not be a wild animal... be my reason to be brave... please."
Kurogan's eyes widened as Rhea slowly spoke, taking several pauses much like he had. His reaction when he finished however . . . was somewhat unexpected. He started to chuckle a little under his breath a little. Not very loud, but it was certainly there.

"I guess we're both kind of lost without each other then, aren't we?"

That was not what he had been expecting . . . hell he had never expected to hear such a thing from anyone. His hand went up to her cheek, his thumb wiping away the tears from one of her eyes

"I promise you. I'll be the oak from where you can stand."
Rhea closed the eye he swept the tears from lightly. "I'll try and keep you sane..." Rhea said, though she thought she was not near as poetic as the way Kurogan had phrase it. "I promise I'll try."

(The notification got lost...)
( -_- they seem to be doing some updates on the site. It's fine)

Kurogan pulled her into a hug, but he was smiling this time.

"Yeah . . . we'll both try."

There was some moistness on the corners of his eyes, though he wasn't outright crying. How long? How long had it been since he had been relied on by someone? Been allowed to rely on someone else?
He could feel Rhea wrap her tinny arms around Kurogan in return and buried in her head into his chest, nodding lightly in affirmation. She was going to try her best to take care of Kurogan here, but how long will he really be able to last here in her world?
Kurogan leaned back against the bed frame, letting Rhea remain against his chest. One of his hands was on the back of her head, lightly brushing through her hair. Whatever came next, he wouldn't have to face it alone, that thought comforted him more than Rhea could possibly imagine . . . or maybe it was just the same for her? Kurogan let his thoughts drift away and just remained like that for awhile, his eyes softly closed, and Rhea against his chest.
They didn't move and Rhea began to grow sleepy because of how much crying she had manage to do in the last hour. Kurogan softly pushing his fingers over her hair was helping lull her as well. She breathed him in quietly, only a sniff from her waterworks to be heard until her breathing slowed and she had falling asleep while leaning on him.
Kurogan gave a small smile when her crying subsided, continuing to run his fingers over the back of her scalp. It took him a second before he realized that she had actually fallen asleep against him. He gave a small chuckle but kept it quiet. He stayed there, his eyes slowly closing from the warmth. His ears started to twitch occasionally, alert for any sound. Particularly in the direction of the door as he fell into his slumbering watch. The first time he had slept in the form of a man in months, if not at least a year.
(Lol the last paragraph was awful. I was so tried when I wrote it. xD )

No one came for several hours, there was a light knock on the door before a call came. Bella was at the door and it was time for lunch. She opened the door lightly and the smell of food came through the crack of the door. The aroma waking Rhea over the sound. She can't remember the last time she had slept so hard. She had been paranoid at nights now, though Kurogan was always a calming factor. Part of Rhea was afraid he was going to get sick of always hiding and leave, get sick of saving her.
Kurogan's ears twitched towards the door as the knocks came, and he opened his eyes. Then he realized what a conundrum he was in. Bella was at the door, clearly with lunch, and was starting to open it. Rhea was still at least partially asleep in his arms. Shifting outright would cause a very difficult entanglement of limbs and positions as his body completely changed forms. He thought quickly and finally leaned over to one side, pulling one of her arms out from under him and shifting before he hit the ground. When he did so, he lay in wolf-form lying on the floor, and Rhea was lying down beside him, one arm hanging over his body while her head remained on his shoulder. A short sigh escaped him as he looked up to the opening door, his tail wagging a little.
Rhea almost didn't know what happened until she felt fur sprout from the figure she clung to and gently hit the floor. Rhea sat up and looked at Kurogan then at the door, watching Bella come in with a cart of food.

"Rhea! Why are you on the floor?!" She asked a bit alarmed.

Rhea sat up a bit straighter and rubbed her eyes, "Sorry... I... fell asleep with Kurogan.." Rhea said softly, a blush creeping over her face.

"Next time at least sleep on the bed... You can get a cold." Bella said.

Rhea nodded before standing up to go to the bed. Bella put down a bowl for Kurogan of meat, this time some chicken. Rhea also was eating a chicken sandwich.
Kurogan shook himself once Rhea had stood up. He would definitely apologize for the sudden awakening when he was able. He had hoped to awaken on his own time, and allow Rhea to do so as well . . . but that didn't seem to be an option in this household. He looked up at Bella briefly as she set down a bowl of food for him, running up against her as he walked over to the meal. His gaze traveled up to Rhea as he neared, noting the blush on her cheeks and the few stray bits of hair. He'd be a little more careful next time he-- . . . . next time he did that? Would there be a next time? He shook his head and decided to simply be glad that it had happened at all.
(So its hard to write when your 2 year old nephew keeps asking you questions about who the bad guy and good guy is in the chipmunks :P )

"The next test you can't be there for, but I'm sure he'll do fine." Bella said with a laugh, specially when Kurogan rubbed up against her side. "He is such a sweet dog. I will admit... he is a bit scary, but not an ounce of bad dog in him."

"Will I be dinning with my parents tonight again?" Rhea asked while she cutting her chicken.

Bella shook her head, "No. Your father is out on a meeting... you mother is with some friends."

"I see... I'll dine alone with Kurogan today in my room then. If you don't mind." Rhea asked softly with a smile.
(Rofl. Always the curious ones)

Kurogan seemed to let out something of a dog-like equivalent to laughter when Bella spoke. He walked back over by Rhea . . . though his demeanor changed somewhat when her parents were mentioned. He looked up at the young woman briefly, his gaze traveling between the two. An odd question popped up in his mind . . . what did she do with her spare time in this place? In the apartment, she had gone out with him on walks, and usually read, but she had been busy the rest of the time.
(Sorry watching a two year old is harder then the kids I normally nanny. xP this kid is so needy hahah xD )

"Maybe I should go outside for a walk in the garden after Kurogan passes his test. I think he needs from fresh air as much as I do." Rhea said softly as she started to finish off her food and start drinking her tea.

"Of course. You have a appointment you need to go to as well. I'll bring Kurogan back to you as soon as he is done with his test." Bella said with a smile.

"Ok... will you be ok Kurogan? Bella will take care of you I promise... listening to her would be good too. I trust her the most, she took care of me ever since I was a little girl. She is... well was my wet nurse." Rhea said with a light giggle.

"I am so glad you think so highly of me Miss Rhea." Bella said with a rather large smile.
(Believe me I understand. I can't handle anyone below the age of ten . . .)

Kurogan let out a short woof before rubbing his muzzle along Rhea's legs that were dangling over the bed. If she trusted this woman, then he would trust her judgement. Besides, Bella had been quite polite to him, ever since she first appeared at the apartment. He walked in front of the woman, sitting down pointedly and looking at her face
(Almost bed time so my replys might stop again... and then I can RP solid.)

"He is so cute! You must tell me the story later how you manage to find a dog like him!" Bella said petting him between the ears on his head.

Rhea smiled, "I will for sure. I'll see you a little later Kurogan, good luck." She said softly leaning down to give the dog and big hug for luck. Bella smiled and then handed Rhea a small paper, "Dr. Ritta will see you in this room." Rhea nodded and left, leaving Kurogan with Bella. "Ok you! Lets go take that test!" Bella said ruffling the top of his head before gently tugging on the collar around him to get him to follow her.
Kurogan closed his eyes and rubbed his muzzle along Rhea's side as she hugged him, watching her leave before he was pulled along by the older woman. She seemed awfully enthusiastic for this, and Kurogan wondered if that was merely a part of her personality. He shook her hand off after the initial tug, following her without complaint. It sounded like Rhea was going to see a doctor of some description, which was probably for the best

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