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Heart within the beast

Kurogan blinked a little as she pulled away her hands, realizing he had said that last thought out loud.


He stuttered a bit as he tried to come up with a reasonable explanation

"Yes. Compared to someone like myself--"

He flexed his hands together, very self conscious now of the multiple calluses and scars that covered them.
"You mean your hands? Its just shows you were a hard worker. I had always lived a soft life... I only lived the way I did for a short amount of time... the few months that my brother had passed away." She told him, "Your hands just have more personality to them, a bigger story to tell." She encouraged quietly.
"I'm not--It's not that I dislike them like this. You just . . . have very soft hands . . ."

Kurogan had his head turned slightly away. The crimson on his face was starting to become very acute as he weakly continued
Rhea felt her face blush a bit harder, "T-Thank you..." She said in return. She was not sure what else to say to that.... she really did enjoy the compliment though...
Kurogan shifted a little, scratching the back of his head. The silence seemed to stretch on for an eternity, even though it was only a few minutes. Part of him just wanted to curl up in a corner and hide right now. He finally opened his mouth, then closed it again without saying anything. It took him another minute before he set his hand on her head.

"You're--You're welcome."
Rhea smiled when he put his hand on her head... he was right with one thing, it did feel right. It felt nice. The small moment was interrupted when there was a knock on the door. "Miss Rhea, It is time to wake... we have a lot to prepare for." Came Bella's voice.
Kurogan flinched a little when the knock came. He bounced off the bed, shifting in mid-air to land gently on all fours as a wolf. He shook himself a little before looking back at Rhea. Part of him was grateful for the interruption, as he wasn't sure exactly where he would have gone from there . . . though he did wish it had gone on for a bit longer.
Rhea nearly had a heart attack when the knock on the door, "I-I-I am up.... come in.." She said, holding her chest.

Bella opened the door and looked surprised, "Are you ok miss?" She asked. She was holding a large square in her hand. Rhea knew it to be one of those Tablets.

Might as well use this to her advantage... "Yes I am fine... you just scared me... I still have flashbacks about the guy breaking in..." She told her. "Kurogan keeps me calmer... Speaking of that... Bella can you put a note in to get Kurogan papers and all the necessities to become my service dog. I will most likely require some counseling as well. I am sure my schooling will resume soon with a personal tutor."Rhea said though she seemed to slowly compose herself.

"Yes Miss Rhea. Your father will discuss your schooling and future later with you." She told her, though she began to take notes on the pad.

"Also Kurogan will only be leashed in public places and formal greeting. He is allowed to wonder where he pleases, tell everyone he is kind and will not attack." She told her, though Bella continued to take notes. "Also... I hate to do this to you miss Bella... but I want no one but you to touch the belongings in my room. So be sure to pass on the information to the maids that they can clean, but to leave everything where it is..." She said quietly, though she finally stood up, though she placed her hand on Kurogan's hand like normal. "That is all I can think of right now..." She said quietly.
Kurogan trotted over beside Rhea as she listed off multiple things for the woman. It was clear she was used to this sort of environment. He sat down beside her, enjoying her hand atop his head when she finished. A personal tutor, counseling, what all did her parents have planned? He still had not met them, and Rhea's words of not aggravating her father still rang in his mind. He walked along her side as she spoke up. He could not deny that, despite her saying how much he helped her, she was helping him right now. This place was alien to him, not even a hint of the natural world seemed to pervade this place, and it left him uneasy.
Bella nodded and came in closing the door behind her. She then went to Rhea's closet and picked out a soft pink dress for Rhea before dressing her, braising her hair up into a bun, commenting on how she had lost a lot of weight since she had left. She talked about things like one of the maids had gotten married and had a child. She talked about changes that happened in the garden and some of the new staff members. When Rhea was ready, she made one last check over the girl with a satisfied nod. "Alright, I think you are ready for dinner. And what will the handsome Kurogan have to eat?" Bella asked scratching the top of the dogs head.

"A bit of meat... humans foods are OK to give to him, as long as they are healthy." Rhea told her looking at herself in the mirror. She just looked worried more then anything else.
Kurogan let himself lie down, head facing away from Rhea, as she was dressed by the woman named 'Bella'. He did not wish to take advantage of his form . . . despite Sage's comments to the contrary. His ears were turned in the direction of the conversation the whole time, picking up a few tidbits of knowledge that didn't mean much to him since he hadn't been here before. What was becoming more and more apparent as his (admittedly brief) time in the house grew, was that Rhea had come from a very different world than he was used to. It made him wonder more about the specific circumstances of what had caused her brother to rebel as he had. His thoughts were broken by a hand on his head, which he recognized as Bella's. He got to his feet and turned around, mentally noting to thank Rhea later for giving him real meat at dinner--he had to do a double take almost when he took a look at Rhea. Was this the same woman he'd been around the last couple of months. He shook his head quickly before someone noticed that he was staring. Kurogan sat himself next to Rhea, noting her worried expression. He wasn't certain what to expect from her parents at this point, if they had disowned her, and she was this nervous . . .
"Don't be so nervous...." Bella tried to say with a soft smile.

"I can't help it... I haven't seen them in five years.... we didn't leave in happy terms either..." Rhea said softly, "And Roen... they didn't even.." Rhea started to tear up and Belly smoothed a hand over her cheek.

"Shhh, Don't cry. Be strong. I am sure they won't keep you long for this dinner because of everything." Bella said softly before gently spining her to start walking out of her room. Rhea nodded and tried to get a hold of herself, walking out into the hall. She reached for Kurogan to run her hand through his fur. She was glad she was not here alone, but she no longer had her brother to protect her and help her.

They walked down till they entered a large room that had a long table, stretching down most of the room. Men in tailored suits and women in maid outfits were scrambling around the table, setting up seats. A lot of them looked very wary of Kurogan as the big wolf walked by her side.
Kurogan kept measured steps to stay directly beside Rhea as they walked down the hall. Much as he did not want to admit it, she was comforting him in this situation possibly more than he would be any comfort to her. Nothing in this dwelling was known to him, it all smelled alien, like he didn't belong. The only thing keeping him from running right now was Rhea. She had already been on the verge of crying once. Her words from earlier, that he shouldn't antagonize her father, still rang in his mind . . . and a part of him wondered just how difficult it was going to be. He noticed the looks that went his way, but chose to ignore them for the time being. He couldn't speak to them, and he would rather stay by Rhea then try to go around proving he wasn't some wild beast.
When Rhea was seated she looked up to the man up pushed in her chair. "Mr. Dalvic and Mrs. Olivia will be in at a moment." He told Rhea. She nodded her approval and thanked him quietly and watched him move to go to the kitchen. Someone came by and laid a water bowl next to Kurogan before skirting away.

It was several more minutes of silence before an older man in suit came into the room with a women around his arms. Rhea looked a lot like the man, it was obvious with the similarities. He noticed the picture that Rhea had, Roen looked a lot like their dad too. Both had their mother's brown eyes.

The man, Dalvic helped his wife, Olivia into a chair, pushing her to the table before he took head of the table. Rhea was now to the left of her dad and her mother to the right. "Rhea! I am so happy to have you home! I was so shocked and worried when I saw you on the news." Olivia said a in an even tone. "I'm just happy you are in tact and unhurt."

"Its all thanks to my friend Kurogan... He is the reason I am unhurt in more then on situation.." Rhea said softly.

"Regardless.... we are glad you are home." Dalvic said looking up at her, "We have a lot to catch you up on. I am sure the public schools have made you fall behind on your studies. You also look extremely thin... a poor diet, you will need to gain weight again. You will be back with a beginning tutor--"

"I need counseling..." Rhea interrupted.

"And manner edict, I can see you've forgotten them while out in a world full of hooligans." Dalvic said with a gruff look of disapprove. "Also in regards to that dog... he is very...."

"Good, he is a good dog." Rhea defended quickly.

"Rhea! You must stop interrupting your father." Olivia scolded. Tension was a bit high at the moment.

Rhea started to tear up, "You can't take him away... People will get me if he leaves me.." Sage taught her a few things here and there...
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Kurogan let himself lay down next to Rhea's chair, looking up briefly at whomever it was that brought the water bowl. He lapped up a few mouthfuls before the couple arrived. It would have been nigh-on impossible to miss the resemblance between them and Rhea. Even a blind man would likely have been able to guess.

The instant Rhea's father opened his mouth and began to speak, Kurogan couldn't help but remember a certain other middle-aged man . . . He was very much no-nonsense it seemed, and didn't tolerate anyone interfering with his work . . . As the brief conversation continued, Kurogan almost felt like he could cut the tension if he extended his claws, but off course that was silly. He opted instead to merely sit up, bringing his head to Rhea's arm level. A part of him wanted to move around so that he stood between Rhea and her father, but she had specifically said not to antagonize him. Well, she had said don't grow at him, but with a temperament like that it might very well have the same effect.
"I won't get rid of him, but he will get cleaned and he will be sure that he is properly trained as well." He said, though food was being served. Some rather extravagant meat on a plate was served in from of Kurogan. It was tender and still a bit bloody, spiced right.

"I will be getting a certificate for Kurogan to be my service dog... I have break downs without him... When ever he is gone from my sight.. I can't leave him father." Rhea begged lightly after the food was served.

"As I said, as long as my stipulations are meet. You will also begin the screening... you are almost 18." Her father said cutting into his food.

Rhea nodded, "Of course father... may I see a shrink before I do that? I don't think I'm ready for such a change... everything is moving so fast.."

"So is life, it doesn't wait for anyone." Delvic said with a grunt.

"Mr. Mrs. Might I add that Rhea has gone through some very traumatic experiences... not only with the loss of Roen, but an attack on her purity. She needs help." Bella spoke up, she was standing a ways back behind them.

There was a small silence and the tension grew a bit more, "Alright." Delvic said agreeing after a few moments of though, "I will call a doctor to come and speak with Rhea, we will see what he says."
Kurogan forced himself to hold back a snort as the man referred to him. His pelt was plenty clean, thank you very much. He made sure to keep it groomed. And as for training . . . he honestly wanted to see the man try to find a trainer that could actually accomplish anything. That being said, the man had no way of knowing that he actually understood everything that was being said right now, and also understood basic etiquette in the process. He sniffed the meat in front of him a couple of times, almost wondering if the chef had known that he was actually cooking for a 'dog'. But what caught his attention was the mention of 'screening' . . . Kurogan didn't know much about human society, but given his prior position . . . he could hazard a guess as to what that meant. If he was right--he really hoped that he wasn't right there. He nibbled away at the sides of the meat, endeavoring to not make any noise as the conversation continued. Partly because he was still heeding Rhea's words, and partly because he didn't want to miss on any part of the conversation
The conversation seem to die down in tension after the food was served. Eventually when everyone was done, Rhea had excused herself and moved back into the room with Bella. She thanked the women for her help as her and a few of the other maids tried to help her undress and bath her, but she made them go away saying she could do so on her own.

When she was done and dressed ready for bed, she said good night to Bella and was promised for a early rise in the morning. Rhea sat on the bed and let out a long exhausted sigh.
Kurogan followed Rhea back up to her room, feeling slightly alienated by all the women who had entered with them. He waited patiently when everyone was gone, watching Rhea sit down on the bed with a sigh. His ears twitched for a couple of seconds, and when he was sure he shifted back into the form of a man, kneeling down in front of Rhea. Though with the difference in their heights he was still around eye level.

"That didn't sound easy."

He wasn't sure how to ease his way into discussing what had happened . . . so it just sort of slipped out
Rhea sat up and looked at Kurogan. He looked concerned to her and the comfort was nice to know in her mind. "No... it was scary... but I got what I wanted for the most part... I am thankful for my brother and Sage who taught me how to better go about things.." She said with a smile. "You just have to pass a training class... and then pass the service dog and attack dog classes and you are as good as set for staying with me."
Something of a chuckle escaped Kurogan as he leaned back against the bed, beside Rhea but sitting on the floor.

"I'm not worried. I doubt any of the handlers would be expecting a creature with my intelligence."

His expression fell a little before he turned to look at Rhea

"I can tell why you warned me . . . about your father."
Rhea's smile faded a bit as well, "I'm sorry... I won't let anything happen to you though... I promise...." She reached to him and touched the top of his head, petting his ears as she did so many times before. "With you here... I don't feel near as scared..."
Kurogan closed his eyes and leaned his head back a bit as she pet his ears.

"That's supposed to be my job you know . . ."

As to whether he was talking about letting anything happen to her or petting her head, even he wasn't quite sure. As things stood, she was helping him just as much as he was helping her. Kurogan couldn't help but think of one difference though . . . if he ended up having to leave the house, he could still survive perfectly fine. He could hunt for food, and he certainly could look out after himself. But what about her? If he left . . . what would happen to Rhea?
Rhea smiled, "You've protected me enough... its about time i've payed you back.." She said softly. "I hope everything is OK for you.... but... now that its time for bed, Perhaps we should read? I want to keep at least one thing normal... even through all this craziness.." Thats all she wanted... to pretend everything was fine and normal.
Kurogan couldn't help but smile. He wasn't the only one who wanted to cling to something familiar in the midst of everything was he?

"I thought you'd never ask."

Kurogan's skin sprouted fur all over as the shift back to his wolf form took place. He looked up at Rhea before jumping up on the bed, laying down where she could lie comfortably. He would take the mattress after this was done . . . maybe.

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