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Heart within the beast

Rhea smiled, "I'll tell you more when we get to my parents house." She told him, reached out to touch his head. The Drive felt long because they were moving across the city, but eventually they reached a gate that lead to a rather large dirt road. The grass and trees everywhere was beautiful and there was a large garden like landscape on both sides of the road. It was not long before the car approached a rather large three story mansion, it looked like it stretched many yards either way.

Rhea stayed where she where she was until Bella had came to open the door for her. "Miss." She said.

Rhea smiled at her a moved out of the car, lightly tugging on Kurogan's leash to get him to follow her.
Kurgogan lifted his head up slightly against her hand as she pet his head. He would occasionally look outside the window as they drove, getting somewhat disoriented by the apparent speed outside and the seeming lack of it inside.

Once at the mansion, he jumped out behind Rhea, shaking himself a little after the long drive. He followed slowly, though his head darted from one side of the "house" to the other, as if it seemed impossible to take in. Such a large house for one family? You could fit an entire village in there!
"If you don't mind Bella... I would like to rest for a bit before we get to the day's activities. An hour nap would be wonderful..." Rhea said quietly.

Bella smiled, "Of course, you room has already been prepared for you, they even made accommodations for Kurogan here." She told her.

Rhea nodded and followed the women into the house. There to greet her was several people, which surprised Rhea. She honestly thought her father was going to treat her rather coldly since she had moved in with her brother... but instead she was being greeted like she was coming home from study. "All of you go back to work, Miss Rhea is tired and will be retiring for a nap." Bella said, shooing people away.

The house was huge and clean on the inside, a spiral staircase meet them in the foyer which Rhea gently coaxed Kurogan to follow her up them. On the second floor she followed Bella through several halls until they came to some double doors. Bella opened them for Rhea leading her into a room with a rather large bed. There were a self with serveal stuffed animals and books, a study desk and two other doors. There was a window with a balcony and lastly next to Rhea's bed was a large fluffy looking mattresses, it looked like it could fit Kurogan 3 times over.

"Everything is made a ready for you... would you like to slip into sleep cloths?" Bella asked.

'No that is fine... thank you." Rhea said happily.

Bella nodded, "We recently got the bed there for Kurogan, we were not sure if you wished him to sleep here or in a different room, or if you wanted him to have a room of his own."

"This is fine for now. Tell everyone I am very thankful. You're dismissed for now. Thank you Bella." Rhea said.

Bella smiled and curtsied to Rhea before leaving a closing the door. Rhea sighed and collapsed on the bed, "It is same now if you want to transform... I can tell you my plan." She told him.
Kurogan had to shut his eyes occasionally just to try and process the information that was coming in through his other senses. The whole place smelled clean . . . artificially clean, as if it was missing that layer of natural that should be there. Every moment he walked through he was nearly overwhelmed by the size of the place. This was for one single family? How many people lived here? How many people COULD live here? When the door finally shut, Kurogan visibly relaxed, looking up at Rhea as she fell back on the bed. Kurogan sniffed around for a bit, listening for any footsteps outside before he finally shifted back into his human form.

"Just how many people live in this house?"
"Quite a few." Rhea told him, "Most who work here live here as well." she said, sitting up and gently smoothing her hair back. "Most who live here... work for myself, my father, mother... and a few other people." She told him, though she got up and walked to the desk, where put her backpack on top of with all their stuff in it.
Kurogan walked up next to Rhea as she dropped the pack. This was still just a bit overwhelming for him.

"You said you had a plan?"

Kurogan was uncertain what exactly she had in mind. More to the point, why would her father wish to get rid of him?
"Its a precaution... to ensure you stay with me... You can be a bit... scary in your wolf form, and frankly wolves are not known to be house pets." Rhea said, taking out the things in her bag slowly, Placing books down on her desk, taking out the frame and picture, as well as Kurogan's doll.

She smiled at him as she handed him the small doll, "I've been through some really traumatic things this past months.... I lost my brother... I was attacked by thugs and nearly raped by someone... and I would bring no doubt that I was perhaps in a bit of denial... Not even properly grieved or realized the full length of the danger I had been in..." She said as she walked over to her bedside and put a picture on the side of her bed, "And now... I am moving into a new life once again... I should be an emotional wreck."

She sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at the frame, but she smiled a bit, "Animals, Dogs mostly, are sometimes used to serve humans when they are in need.... they help keep us calm and healed, they are there for when humans have heart attacks or seizures. Service dogs are meant to remain with whoever needs them... Well I need you Kurogan... You saved my life twice... and you've comforted me when I miss my brother. I just have get you a certificate... and then you become my service dog, so everything will be the same for you and me... its just somthing to help others know you have to remain with me or I might very well go... well crazy." She said with a soft laugh, "That was a long winded explanation... sorry about that."
Kurogan let out a small chuckle as well

"Don't worry. I think I understand. Basically, word of mouth isn't enough in the human society, so there needs to be some document saying I can't be kicked out."

He put his hand on her head, ruffling it a little

"I'll go ahead and be this 'service dog' or whatever it is."
"I guess in a way, it means your my protector. You keep me safe in a way no one else can. And... in this new life... that is very true, without the paper, you mean nothing. That is why I have been thinking so hard to find a way to keep you officially with me... Because I promised... this would be the perfect way." She told him with a smile, "Because it has to be you... no other dog can do what you have for me."
Kurogan offerred his own smile as he sat down next to her.

"To be fair, I'm a little more than your normal dog . . . but you've done plenty for me as well."
Rhea blushed a bit, "I've not really done much... but I know now that you are not a dog... but a man. I wanted to treat you more like what you are... but I feel a bit bad forcing you to be a dog again..." She said, looking at her hands.
"Rhea. I am a beast-kin. My wolf form is as much a part of who I am as the one I stand in now. Staying in such a form does not bother me. As long as I can help you."

He put his hand back on her head again

"Don't worry. It'll be all right."
Rhea smiled at him, "Ok.... by the way... is there anything you would like? Like... what you want to eat every morning or things you need? Is the bed ok... do you want your own room?" She asked him.
"I don't think I'll need anything immediately. And I think I'll be fine without my own room. I wake up every morning with the sun, so you shouldn't have to worry about being unable to move me."

Kurogan rubbed his hand through his hair as he spoke, trying to think if there was anything else
"Well if there is anything, please don't hesitate to ask... here I don't have to barely scrape by to ensure tomorrow." She told him, though she stared at the top of his head at his ears. She kind of wanted to touch them... she scratched them when he is a dog, and he seems to like it... well she thought he liked it. She wondered if he would like if she touched his now... or if it would bother him. She wondered if they were as soft as his fur... she wondered if his hair was as soft as his fur...
"I'll . . . keep that in mind."

Kurogan tilted his head to the side a little, trying to figure out where here eyes were looking. It was difficult to tell with the foot of difference in their height

"Something the matter?"
"I..." She started a bit, though she blushed, "Was wondering what your ears.... felt like... in this... from... and if you likes... them being scratched..." She said mumbling a bit out of embarrassment.
Kurogan turned his head away and turned a shade crimson.

"Well . . . you can feel them . . . if you want to."

He couldn't deny that he enjoyed it when she scratched them in his wolf form
"C-Can I?" She asked, just making sure though she he looked away she blushed a bit more herself.
"Sure. Just don't yank on them please."

Kurogan tried to let himself lower down a little, to compensate for the difference in their height
Rhea gently reached up and touched the tip of his ears, she ran her hands up the base of his ear to the tip of it then she touched his hair, gently running hands through it as well.
Kurogan's ears involuntarily twitched a little when she ran her fingers over them. Her fingers felt soft, something like a memory from a long time ago. He was somewhat surprised when she started to run her hands through his hair as well, but did not resist. His hair felt somewhat coarser than his fur in dog form, something sturdier, but still held the same thickness.
(I refreshed the page.. and your avatar scared me at first lol xDDD)

Rhea smiled, "Your hair is not as soft as you fur... but it still feels nice." She told him. He probably already knew, but she was glad she could answer the question she had thought of earlier. Though he continued to pet his hair and ears slowly, she liked the feel of it on her fingers.
(Just a planeswalking mage xD )

Kurogan closed his eyes as she ran her fingers across his scalp. It was a calming feeling.

"Your hands . . . are very soft . . ."

He didn't fully realize he'd said the words out loud.
Rhea blushed a bit, "R-Really?" She asked, though she withdrew her hands, now rather selfish conscious of what she was doing.

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