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Heart within the beast

Rhea turned to look at Kurogan, at first she seemed a bit confused, but then remembered what they had talked about earlier. "I don't have a choice Kurogan... I am not 18, I can't chose to live on my own..."
Kurogan gave her a small smile

"Well, you're not alone. And I know Sage won't let you stay alone either."

He walked back over to the sofa and sat down. A lot had been revealed that day. On the table was what he had drawn. There was a vaguely masculine/feminine figure, arguably Sage, with her arm flailing in front of her. On the ground were a bunch of people in black outfits, all bending down as she shouted at them
Rhea laughed loudly, noting that it was the lawyers. "You draw really well... how is your studies for reading coming along? Did you want me to teach you some?"
Rhea smiled at Kurogan, "Ok, we can do that now if you would like." She walked over to one of her selfs and pulled out a smaller book and turned to look at Kurogan.
"Thank you."

He looked down at his hands for a moment

"It's a little embarrassing that I have to ask for help with this . . ."

Kurogan shook his head as he pulled up another sheet of paper. What he scratched on it however, was not a compilation of lines that formed a picture. It was a series of loops and flowing lines that seemed to form a sentence.


"I learned how to write from a young age . . . and now I feel like a child because it doesn't apply here."
Rhea smiled warmly at him, "Why? You are learning a second language. That just means you're so much smarter than other people who only know one." She said, reassuring him, "We all start from somewhere, it is when you refuse to learn that you should feel like a child."

Kurogan smiled at her before pointing out where he was having issues. It was less with direct translation and more with the difference of sentence structure between the two languages
Rhea was shown to be incredibly patient person as she tried her best to answer all the questions he asked... and if she could not answer his question, she would look it up herself and learn with him. She seemed confident for once in what she was doing, and she seemed happy in doing so.
Kurogan kept going until later that evening, where he took a break to fix dinner for the both of them. He felt like he had learned a lot with Rhea's help

"Thanks Rhea. You know . . . you're pretty good at this."
Rhea smiled a bit, "Its one of the few things I actually know I am good at... I've always excelled in learning, reading and teaching." She pushed a few of the books away from her, "I would have already been in college by now honestly... but my brother told me I should not skip grades and savior my high school life. It is part of being a kid... He said I was being force to grow up too fast, and he did not want that." Rhea seemed to Sigh and hold her long braid in her hands, gently playing with stray hairs between her fingers. "I've tried really hard to continue with his wishes... but... it is hard... I just want to drop out and work full time... it would be easier."
Kurogan was silent as she spoke, listening carefully.

"In the wilds, one is expected to grow up as nature dictates. I lost the chance to act as a child at a very young age. I wouldn't know whether it is the right thing or not to continue your schooling, we didn't even have such a thing in the wilds. All I can tell you is to follow what your heart says."
Rhea smiled, she always followed her head... because her heart would tell her to do things that were not what anyone else would want of her. "Its ok, there are a lot of things you might not understand, but please don't be afraid to ask me, I am more then happy to try and tell you." She assured.
"How long until your parents come to take you back?"

Kurogan tried to avoid putting any spite into his words

"I don't like not knowing when something's going to happen . . ."
"Might not be to long." Rhea said quietly, "Might be a few weeks to a few days. Depends how long it takes them to get the legal documents... Don't worry. I am going to make sure you stay with me... I would like you to stay with me anyway..." Rhea said.
Kurogan chuckled a little as he reached over and ruffled her hair again. It felt natural to him, some way to calm her down or let her (and himself) know everything was okay.

"They wouldn't be able to get rid of me that easily."

He offered her another smile
Rhea offered Kurogan a soft smile in return before turning to help him again with his reading.

Rhea continued on her days normally like every other day. She would go to school, work and then come home to Kurogan and eat whatever he had made for that day while she helped him and then went to bed with reading out loud. It was a week later that the women showed up again with the other men. Rhea had not let them in again until the slid a paper under her door way saying that they had a right to take back into the custody of her parents.

Rhea sighed and opened her door once she had told Kurogan to take his dog form. "You can come in... Please take a seat on the couch.. it is the only place I have to sit." She told them. They came in respectfully, though one of the men made a face at Kurogan... hug black dog.

"Interesting dog... is it friendly?" The women asked.

"Yes, very, to me. He is the reason I am still healthy and unharmed. He is very well trained." Rhea said. She sounded incredibly formal with these people compared to her quite timid manner that she spoke with Kurogan.
Kurogan kept up something of a facade over the next several days. While he was not happy with the fact that Rhea was being pushed around for her future, she didn't need to see him constantly angry about it. He instead focused on learning what he could from her, and trying to cheer her up whenever possible.

Kurogan shifted into his wolf form without complaint when they arrived again. He stayed right next to Rhea as she spoke to them, noting the change in her tone. Each one received a pointed look from him as they entered, particularly the one who made a face. He made effort to keep himself civil, pushing these people out wouldn't do any good
"I did not know your brother owned a dog." The women said.

Rhea sat down on the floor on the other side of the coffee table, "He did not. I purchased him with my own money. His name is Kurogan, I would like you to call him as such please."

The women nodded, "Miss Rhea, My name is Mrs. Rosetta and as you know I work for your father, he has requested that you come back to the family. I am deeply sorry for your loss of your brother... but the only reason you were able to part from your family was because he was able to take care of you as your dependent. Now he can not... and you need to come home so that you can properly be taken care of. We have all of the legal documents here with us today showing you being taken back into the family custody." Rosetta continued to drone on for several minutes about her coming back into the family.

Rhea looked through several papers that they had brought to her, it was almost in a business like manner. When everything was all said and done, Rhea told them that she had no more questions and she understood what would happen. "The only thing is Kurogan is coming with me... and if this stipulation is not meet, he won't see me again. My father should be greatul my purity is still with me because of him."

"Of course. We are sure your father will welcome your dog with open arms. We are all overjoyed with your return. We will be later this afternoon to move you out, please don't worry about making any preparations, all of it will be done for you." Rosetta said happily.

Rhea nodded, "I will be expecting word this afternoon then." She told her, and lead them out the door. When the door shut Rhea let out a long sigh and leaned on the door, sliding down it pressing her face to her knees.
Kurogan stayed directly by Rhea's side throughout their entire visit. He kept his eyes trained all all three of them as the woman spoke. Once they had left, he looked back to Rhea with concern in his eyes. His muzzle met her neck as she slid down the door, rubbing it along her like he had so many times in the month before.
"I am ok... Everything just moving a bit fast... on the bright side I don't have to work anymore and you don't have to worry about me walking the streets at night..." She said quietly with a smile.

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