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Heart within the beast

(It's perfectly legible, no problems here)

Kurogan shook himself a little when she walked in, walking up to her where she ran her hand over his head. His head turned slowly, following her gaze to the ladder. Kurogan let out a huff and walked over behind the bed, gripping Sage by the back of her collar with his jaw. It wasn't that hard of a grip, so she wouldn't find her shirt ripping, but he gave a brief tug
"HEY!" Sage said flailing a bit against the dog. She had a scowl on her face because 1. she is actually terrified of dogs and being dragged by one was not on her list of things she liked. 2. She didn't like being dragged by her nice shirt.

Rhea gasped a bit, "Sage! What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I'll tell you!" She said before pushing Kurogan away from her and standing up.
Kurogan let go of Sage without comment. Apparently she did not like being grabbed by the collar . . . he would remember that. He looked over at the two before trotting over to the door and pointedly lying down directly against it. If someone wanted to butt in on the conversation between two young ladies, they would have plenty of warning.
Sage stood up and looked at Kurogan with a huff. After she watched him lay against the door she just shrugged and went to go sit down on the bed. Rhea smiled at Kurogan. She figured he was doing it to cover for Sage.

"So I actually came to see if you were ok and all..." Sage said sitting down. "Also I wanted to see if I could break into this house."

"You were worried?" Rhea asked with a small smile. She pulled the chair up to her bed so that she could sit in front of Sage.

"That's what I said wasn't it? Whats in your hands?" Sage said for a quick subject change.

"Oh. All the official paperwork for Kurogan..." Rhea said, "He passed a bunch of courses so now hes pretty much certified for everything..."
Kurogan crossed his paws in front of him and kept an eye on the two. Of course Sage had been worried. Kurogan wouldn't be surprised in the least if she still continued her 'monthly checkups' on Rhea despite the change in location. At least it seemed all the necessary paperwork had been sorted. Mother gaia . . . all this just to stay in one place . . .


Where was he? Where was he?! The falcon flew over the apartment again and again, looking for any signs of the black wolf or that bitch he was staying with. The creature took a break, ruffling its feathers on the roof of a nearby building. Had she left with him when they had been discovered? Oh when she got her talons on them . . .
Rhea and Sage visited with each other for at least an hour before Rhea sure sure her maid was going to come around. "Come on Sage...You should go home. Specially before it gets dark, that's when security is around more." Rhea told her.

"Oh really? Thanks for telling me." Sage laughed.

"I'll leave my window open from now on." Rhea said with a small smile.

"Ok, that makes my life that easier. With your luck though... you should just keep it locked." Sage said opening the window and slowly lowering the ladder down.
Kurogan shook himself a little as he stood up, trotting over to the both of them as he shifted.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it. She'll pick her way in regardless of whether it's locked or not."

Besides which, maybe if she asked politely he might let her in without having her pick the lock in the first place.
"Sage... you make me think you do bad things with the fact you actually know how to do these things." Rhea said a bit worried.

Sage laughed, "Nothing too illegal." she said with a wink.

"Sage!" Rhea almost whined.

"Kidding! Kidding!" Sage said throwing her bag out the window. She climbed out and smirked, "Maybe." With that, she slid down the ladder and Rhea made a pouting face. "I swear... she makes me so upset sometimes.." Rhea said as she watched Sage run to the garden with the ladder and out of sight.
Kurogan shook his head at Sage as she slid down.

"Sometimes I think I've got her figured out . . . and then she throws a curveball at me."

He turned his head and looked at Rhea, putting one hand on top of her head

"But she cares. She can't hide that."
Rhea smiled at Kurogan, "Yeah... that's true..."

The first week went by and Rhea didn't do much of anything besides take Kurogan outside to the garden. Which was large and lavash. There were a few people that came around to talk with Rhea, most older and friends of her father or mother. Many gave their condolences to Rhea. Being reminded so often about Roen would often bring Rhea to tears.

Rhea ate her meals with Kurogan most days and most meals, occasionally eating with her parents. Those days would always be the most tense or nerve wrecking for Rhea.

But one thing stayed the same, every night Rhea would read to Kurogan before they went to bed.

The next weekend, Rhea was told at one of her rare dinners with her parents that they will be hosting a party for Rhea's return into the family. Rhea didn't really want it... but she did get brave enough to ask to invite some friends over... since it was her party. They offered that she can bring two. She thanked them happily and that evening sent off an invitation to Sage, telling her she can bring whoever she wanted to the party with her.
(anyone? O_o oh jeebus . . .)

Kurogan found the next week incredibly stifling. Despite how large the house was, that didn't change the fact that it was closed off from the outside. In fact, people seemed to go out of their way to remove any semblance of the natural world from within its halls. Everything was kept immaculately clean, to the point where it smelled unnatural, and whatever plants he saw within the house were quickly discovered to be fake. Luckily, he was not limited to staying within the house. Rhea brought him out to the gardens as quickly as was allowed, and while still immaculately tended, at least this place smelled the way he expected it to. He stayed by Rhea's side for most of his time, though whenever she was required to be without him he would walk out to the gardens. Still . . . their nightly ritual never ceased, something he was grateful for.

At one of the dinners with Rhea's parents, Kurogan found out something interesting. A party? He was not sure what a party in a venue like this would entail . . . Festivals back at his home for far more rambunctious than a place such as this would stand to sustain.
(Lol, you'll like him.)

The night of the party, Kurogan could see people arriving at the beginning of dusk in large cars. The women wore fancy dresses and the men black suits. Rhea of course was being fussed over for hours that evening, slowly being prepared in a gown. Rhea didn't look like she was having fun at all. A lot of the maids talked among themselves mostly excited about the festivities that would be going on. Mostly dancing and eating. Kurogan was feed a bowl of his normal meat before the party, though they were unsure what to do about him to make him less.... scary.

"We can put a big pink bow on him. Nothing says sweet like pink." One gushed.

Bella rolled her eyes as she finished braiding Rhea's hair off to the side, "Just put a bow tie on the poor dog...Make it red... black might disappear in his fur."

Rhea gave Kurogan an apologetic look at the maids kept putting things on him to see if they would fit or make him look cute, though Bella's final decision led to a red bow tie around his neck. A vest also went around his sides. It was his serves dog vest, which he had to ware when Rhea went to meet other people.

When Rhea was done getting ready, she stood up and looked at herself in a mirrior while Bella finished the final touches. She was in a rather beautiful green dress.

"There... beautiful as always Miss Rhea." Bella said, proud of her work.

Rhea blushed a bit, "Thank you..."
Kurogan had to continually resist the urge to roll his eyes as he was fussed over by multiple people. Okay, so he was a big dog. It wasn't like he was going around growling at people. He had tried on the service vest a couple of times before now. While he did not like how it felt constricting, at least it was bearable. Clearly it was designed to be worn for long periods of time, so it wasn't too uncomfortable. The bow tie, on the other hand, was downright intrusive. He made a mental note to secretly claw it off at some point during the festivities, when it had been forgotten somewhat. His gaze continually drifted over to Rhea while he was attended to. If he was mildly annoyed with what was going on, she looked almost crestfallen at the whole ordeal. Then again, from what he could gather, this didn't seem to be anything more than a gathering of people who had a lot of wealth to show off to each other. Not the sort of thing Rhea enjoyed in the least. He let himself stand up and shook a couple of times once Rhea was done be tended to. She did look rather . . . striking. Nothing she had at the apartment had accentuated her eyes in quite that fashion.
(Sorry for such awful slow responses. Spending time with my family. I travel Monday back home and, Tuesday morning to my mom's. xD )

Rhea smiled before leading the way with Kurogan beside her. She would sometimes run her hand through his hair on his head for her own reinsurance. When they got into the large ball room that hosted hundreds of people. There was a small moment when all eyes were on Rhea as she walked into the room. She seemed very nervous, wanting nothing more then to go back to her room.

However her father appeared right next to her and took her hand, "Don't be nervous. This is for you." He told her, "Remember, a ladies confidence." He told her before leading her down the satires.

Sage was easy to find since she was the only person in the room with blue hair. She was wearing a suit and tie like most of the men. Next to her was a taller man, still a bit shorter then Kurogan however. He was blond and standing next to Sage. Sage was smiling, but the man however was frowning.

He made a small motion to get someone to tap on a glass, quieting everyone in the room. He then spoke loudly, making the announcement. "Thank you everyone today for coming to see Rhea's return into the family. We are so very happy to have her back safe into our arms." He said, hugging Rhea to him, "Please enjoy the festivities! Also, Rhea's previous suitor was no long meeting my expectations and she is now open to be engaged too. Have a good evening." He said, releasing everyone's attention from him. He then pat Rhea on the shoulder gently, leaving with her mother to go speak with people.

This made Rhea glance at Kurogan for the first time, she almost looked hurt at the fact her faster said it. She had wanted to tell her herself... be she hadn't found the right time... the fact that she was to get married as soon as she turned 18.
(It's cool I understand. Also back with family now, and I'm just taking the time to RELAX. Can hardly blame you for doing the same :3)

Kurogan stayed nonchalantly by Rhea's side. Or as nonchalantly as a creature of his size could remain. However . . . he couldn't help but stiffen slightly when Rhea's father finished speaking. She was what now? His eyes turned to meet Rhea's as she glanced at him. Why hadn't she told him? Though . . . when had she really had the opportunity to. He turned his head back to the gathering of people, and came to the sudden realization that every single young man in the 100-some people there was now a potential threat.
(Lol may the relaxing days come freely!)

Rhea tried to smile at Kurogan, but she felt her heart sink. Of course the feeling didn't last long till Sage came up. "Rhea! So glad that jerk got cut by your dad." Sage said, though she smiled at Kurogan. She knew the whole time and didn't tell Kurogan. In fact, she was waiting for the news to be dropped on him like that. She was grinning at the dog so he knew full well.

"Hello Rhea, long time no see... I'm sorry for your loss... and your gain." The man said motioning to the party.

"Thank you Rick... its ok. Nice to see you again too." Rhea said politely, smiling at the man.

Rick, the man had come up in conversation several times between Rhea and Sage. Rick was 24 years old and a co-worker of Sage's at the restaurant she cooked at part time, he worked full time. Rick was known to be 'Sage's favorite toy' because he actually fought back. Apparently he had quite the temper because he often yelled at Sage. Sage sometimes bragged about trying to molest him once and he hit her with a ladled. Rhea on the other hand knew that Rick often looked after Sage like a big brother, 'keeping her in line' because no one else could put up with her.

"Hey Rhea, you mind if I get a dance later?" Sage asked with a smirk.

Rhea smiled and nodded, "Yeah. I wouldn't mind at all."
Kurogan turned his head to look at the new arrivals. He vaguely remembered Rhea saying Sage would get an invitation. He had to glare at the woman when she smiled at him. Of course. Of course she had known about this. And she would deliberately hold back such a thing just to see how he would react. He wanted to headbutt Sage in her gut . . . but he was distracted by the mention of a name he had heard before. Rick. He had heard that name before. Kurogan's head turned to the man in question. He was fairly tall, and seemed . . . a kindred spirit? It was impossible to tell for a fact, though he did meet the man's eyes when he motioned to him. His ears consistently swiveled around, searching for approaching footsteps.
Rick looked at Kurogan for a long moment when their eyes meet. "Rhea... whats up with your dog?" He asked

"Whats up with my..." Rhea repeated looking down at Kurogan. "Nothing... hes acting normal." She told him with a small smile.

Rick raised an eye brow before he was suddenly pushed into Rhea when a song started, "Hey Rick, you should protect Rhea from dangerous predators.. aka men... or women, I don't judge. I'm going to borrow Kurogan ok?"

"Sorry Rhea.. and since when did you like dogs?" Rick asked suspicious.

"Since Kurogan." She said with a smirk, tugging on his collar. "you will thank me for this, so I suggest you follow me. We'll be back in a minute." She whispered to him. "I'm going to go put him up in your room." She said with a simple smirk.
Kurogan did not trust Sage . . . not by herself anyway. But he did trust her to do what was in Rhea's best interests. And if Rhea trusted this man named Rick, he would be willing to trust her judgement of a man's character. He let himself be led away from the party, following Sage closely . . . he had a feeling she wanted to talk, but what about?
Sage lead Kurogan to a private bathroom before putting them both in it. She shut the door and then locked it. She turned around on him and grinned at him wildly. Behind the door was a large bag. "Go on, I so want to see you get mad." She told him.
Sage would have only had time to blink before there was a fist right next to her head. Cracks had formed in the drywall all around the hole that now housed Kurogan's fist.

"No. You really don't."

The man took a few deep breaths and forced himself to take a step back, towering over Sage was not helping anything. A few small pieces of the wall fell to the ground, and he brushed the dust off his fist.
Sage shivered and was staring at him a bit wide eyed, "Oops..." She said, "I'm not paying for that.... Ok... plan B. Get undressed, just take off everything." Sage said turning around to start pulling things out of the bag. Ok... next time we piss of Kurogan... don't stand within beating range. Because there was no way she would not piss him off for fun. Good thing she came with a safety blanket!
Kurogan raised his eyebrow, but pulled off his neck accessories and shirt without question. He was used to walking around without one. He was already barefoot, so all that was left was a pair of ragged leather pants

"Dare I ask what is going on inside that mind of yours?"

He knew he had scared her, but that didn't mean he was about to open up everything to her.
Sage turned around with a rather large suit and a hat. "Your going to escort Rhea tonight as a human." She said, "I happen to have a friend who is the same height as you.... who also designs clothing. God knows he's been trying to get me into dresses for years..." Sage said, "Those pants might have to go temperately too."

She handed a few more things over to him, "I have a hat to put on your head... and rope to tire your tail to your back if you can't keep it in your pants or something." Sage said.
Kurogan raised an eyebrow, glancing at the fairly large suit with something of an odd look in his eye.

"I assume this won't cause a problem with the other patrons?"

He walked behind the foot of the bed, swapping out his leather pants for the black suit-pants. His slipped his arms into the white shirt, his ears twitching towards the door occasionally. He was not used to the material rubbing against his skin, well-weathered by whatever life he had lead before this.

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