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Heart within the beast

Bella took Kurogan to a rather large room which was set up with with several obstetrical courses. She pet the top of his head and then passed him off to a man who was the what he could gather though conversation the person in charge of the test. The man then ran Kurogan through several tests, though this time he was on a leash and had to 'help' the man. He would ask Kurgoan to get things for him occasionally. He put him through tests to see if he would get detracted by simple things like meat, noises and and other people.
Kurogan found himself wondering just how many rooms where in the establishment here as he was passed off. Gathering the method in which the test was to take place, he put up with the leash for now, doing as he was told. Obviously the 'distractions' didn't mean anything to him, as they weren't serious, so the test ended without much eventfulness.
It only took a bit under an hour but without any effort at all he passed the last test and got his third certificate of paper. The man talked to Bella and gave Kurogan nothing short of amazing in praise. After that Bella patted the dog on his head and smiled at him, "There now you've meet all of Rhea's parent's requirements for staying here.. and Rhea now put an official extra percussion... There is no way her parents can take you away now." Bella said rather happily while petting him.
Kurogan let out a happy bark and followed behind Bella. The whole ordeal seemed rather pointless, but at least it was over now. As for what happened next . . . he would see. For now, he wished to return to Rhea's side.
(How do you teach someone to RP better without coming across as a jerk? xD )

Bella seemed to hum as she walked, she was rather please Kurogan was following her around. They went back to Rhea's room and just started to clean the area with Kurogan there. She didn't really told him the way Rhea did, which was almost all the time. Even before she knew Kurogan could shift forms she still talked to him.
(Um . . . depends on what they need to improve on >_>)

Kurogan sat down quietly back in Rhea's room, watching Bella as she cleaned. He waited several minutes before he seemed to slowly pace around the room. He had to admit he was . . . anxious without Rhea around.
When Bella was done she left the room and shutting the door behind her. The room was rather quite for a long while before there was a soft clatter outside Rhea's window. It kind of sounded like metal hitting the side of the wall.
Kurogan eye's followed Bella as she left, at which point he finally let himself lie down at the foot of the bed. After what seemed like eons, his ears twitched in the direction of the window. Kurogan shook himself a little before walking over to peer through the pane, sniffing the air a few times as he did so.
It wasn't long till a familiar blue haired female's head appeared in the opposite side of the glass. It looked like it took her a moment to register it was Kurogan looking at her, she gave him a skew look before she pushed her fingers under the seal trying to open it. The window was locked and it was obvious She was not going to get through it with bruit force. She then put a finger up at Kurogan and put her bag down of the ledge and started to pull out tools. It looked like she was fully expecting to break into Rhea's place again.
Kurogan let out a snort before the paws on the windowpane turned into human hands. There was a brief *click* and then the window was opened from the inside

"You know, it never hurts to ask nicely."

He took a few steps back to let the 'woman' into the room
"Oooh so you just willingly let a molester into Rhea's room? You are the worst guard dog ever...." Sage said before she climbed in. She turned around and pulled the ladder into the room with her before setting it sideways on the ground against the wall. She closed the window behind her before looking around. She grinned at Kurogan and tugged on his metal chain, "Nice collar. Where is Rhea?"
Kurogan shook his head, choosing to ignore the obvious taunts.

"She had some kind of appointment. One 'Doctor Ritta' if my memory serves me correctly. I'm hoping she won't be too much longer."

Kurogan absentmindedly leaned against the wall to the side of the door, his ears occasionally twitching with outside noise
"Ooh? I was hoping to come often and convince her to run away with me. I am going to taint her and turn her into a rebelling teenager!" Sage said suddenly, flexing her muscles, which there seemed to be a little of. "I show my rebellion in different and creative ways." That was a lie... but whatever. "Anyway... her parents are d!cks. So I might come around more often to play, specially since you guys are way closer now." Sage said before she seem to take the liberty to just look around the area.
Kurogan chuckled a little at Sage's apparent lack of muscles.

"I sincerely hope you don't plan on using physical means to turn her into such. I don't think it would work out for either party."

He unfortunately took on a more serious expression when Rhea's parents were mentioned

"I can't vouch for having known them very long . . . but I really do not care for her father . . ."
"Her mom is an air head, her dad just cares about the company. Roen was the first successor, but he basically gave his dad the middle finger and left the family. He was completely cut off and disowned by his father." Sage said looking through Rhea's closet without purpose"He disappeared from Rhea's life for a long time and Rhea got to bare the bounden of all the crap Roen did for so long. Eventually Roen turns up, a full fledged doctor starting his own businesses. He even starts to..." She turned around to look at Kurogan and uses her fingers to quote, " 'pollute' Rhea with ideas of freedom of choice and what not."
Kurogan listened intently as Sage spoke. It was the first time he'd heard anything about Rhea's late brother from someone other than Rhea herself. He seemed to wish more and more that he would have been able to meet this young man before he was taken away.

"So he takes custody of Rhea, giving her the opportunity to follow her own dreams . . . but the tale doesn't have a happy ending . . ."

He couldn't bring himself to be so callous as to simply say 'the man was murdered' as he tried to finish the story Sage started.
"Ding ding ding, give the dog a bone. If you have any questions, you better ask me now before Rhea gets back. I know a lot more then Rhea thinks I know. I knew a bit about Roen too... her family as well. I just know a lot of dirt on people... call it one of my twisted hobbies." Sage said with a grin. "I swear the girl had a brother complex, so I'm surprised she has been holding up as well as she has."
Kurogan looked up at Sage

"I . . . I just don't know enough about the man. It didn't feel right to pry . . . particularly since I've been fairly stubborn about keeping my own past to myself."

He stopped himself and scratched his head nervously

"How . . . did he gain custody of Rhea exactly? What happened?"
"He took his parents to court saying that they were not giving her what she needed. What a kids needs. Roen convinced Rhea to speak against her parents. She stayed with me during that week of trials. Rhea choose to be with her brother, even though she really didn't want to choose. All Rhea wanted was for her family to be whole and loving." Sage said with a shrug. "As soon as the trails ended, Rhea was disowned as well. She went to live with her brother. And she lived a much happier life. Up until four months ago... You know you should really be open with Rhea.... if you ask her things she would tell you yourself.. but you would hear the side that has a hard time seeing the bad in people. Unlike me who can see the bad in a lot of people."
Kurogan let out a sigh and slid down the wall, coming into a sitting position.

"I have no doubt she would . . . it just doesn't feel appropriate."

Her parents were willing to completely disown their own children. Just because one of them, and eventually the other as well, wanted to follow their own path instead of what was desired of them. Kurogan felt he understood, just a little, why Rhea's parents had made absolutely no mention of her older brother
"You know that is the most normal thing you can do since you stalk around her house in the shape of a dog!" Sage said before she laid down on Rhea's bed, plopping down loudly. She saw a bit of the hair on the bed and then smirked, "You even sleep with her.... And you think asking her questions is the part that inset appropriate..." Sage said chuckling to herself as she starts to peel little black hair's from Rhea's linens.
Kurogan let out a sigh and ran his fingers over his forehead. Again with the 'stalking', as Sage put it.

"I've barely told her anything about my past, for good reason mind--but . . ."

He shook his head a couple of times

"I already know more about her past than she knows about mine. That's why it doesn't feel appropriate. Maybe it sounds short-sighted and foolish to you . . . but that's where I stand."

The idea that he had slept on Rhea's bed last night didn't really bother him. In fact . . . if he was conscious of anything it was those few hours when he had been in the form of a man.
"You're no fun anymore!" Sage said leaning back on the bed. Kurogan wasn't reacting the way he use to in the beginning. "I guess it is what ever make you feel better about yourself. If you think your past is really that dangerous... way are you still hanging around here? I would assume that meant it was still following you around."

The door opened before Sage couldn't get an answer before she immediacy ducked behind and under the bed, safe before the door even finished opening.
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Kurogan's ears twitched a moment before the door started to open. Crap--he'd been so caught up in his conversation with Sage that he had let his senses dull slightly. He quickly forced himself onto all fours, sprouting fur in a matter of seconds. His now wolven eyes looked towards the door, looking at whomever was entering.

'No fun anymore'? Well, maybe Rhea's idea of not taking everything Sage said to heart was rubbing off on him
(My grammar and sentence structure if awful... I am so sorry...)

It was Rhea who game in, she looked fine except her eyes were a bit red and puffy. She had several papers in her hand. "Kurogan? I'm sorry.. did I startle you?" She asked quietly and she shut the door behind her. She ran a hand over his head before she turned to go to her desk and stopped a moment to stare at the ladder in the middle of her floor.

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