He Is Watching

Chance sets the apple down and grab a pear instead and takes a bite out of it he looks at kasumi "Can w go outside?"
Kasumi froze.".."Nicki grinned and pushed Kasumi into chance."you can stay we will go!" she said and grabed marcos arm taking him up stairs.
"h-hey! okay okay, i'm coming!"

once upstairs, Marco sighed

"aah... those two, huh?"

Marco rubbed his arm a bit, she grabbed and pulled a bit roughly.
Chance looks at her and looks down "E-e-erm.. So.. Y-yeah.I have a huge crush on you." he rubs the back of his neck and looks around the room
Kasumi smiled widly."mhm go on" she said and steped closer.Nicki looked at Marco."do you have a crush?" she asked and put her hair up in a pony tail.
"S-so w-want to go out sometime and do something?" he looks at her his heart was beating very quickly he grins slightly
Marco was half expecting that question, but still it hit him hard.

"Well.... to be honest, i do, i do have a crush, i've had a crush on her for awhile..."

he made sure the door was closed, so the others didnt hear him.

"Well Nikki... do you wonder why I said you shouldnt wear makeup because you're beautiful just the way you are?...."

Marco nodded and smiled a bit

"... yep i got a crush... on you... have for a long while now, heh..."
"Aw look at the cute puppy! "Nicki said looking out the window and completely ignoring what he said. "I want a puppy! "She pouted and sighed saddly. Nicki turned to him and then sat down."..I want a cuddle buddy! "Nicki layer on her bed.Kasumi noded "we can call the beach a date "Kasumi said and grabbed him racing to the car.she called for nicki and chance and got in the drivers seat. Nicki looked at the door. "Let's go! Oh I want to ask you something why do you look so much like L I LOVE IT! "She said and held his hand.
An invisible anvil slammed on Marco, it took him so long to tell her, and she wasn't even listening... honestly.

when she pulled him along, Marco sighed a bit

"Well, I don't eat much, I don't get out much and i dyed my hair black because I wanted to impress you..." he said this casually, knowing she was probably not listening anyway...
"You dyed your hair for me? "She asked and stopped,she turned to him and looked in his eyes with her sparkling deep blue ones and she moved as close as she could get to him before touching his hair.
Marco tried to hold his ground, not to shrink down.

"well... yeah... i told you just before... but you got distracted by a puppy"

he took a second to make sure she didnt start talking about puppies.

"and well, i did it because... honestly... I've had a crush on you for a long time now..."
"Yes you should have seen it! "Nicki cut him off as she messed with his hair.she smiled a bit and kisses his cheek "I got to do something be back! "Nicki said and ran off for a moment. (I will just ruin the fun if you tell her now xD )
Marco sighed... he hoped to hell that in the end this would all pay off... right now this girl was hopeless, guess just coming out at any old time won't cut it.

he then leaned against the wall, waiting for her to get back.
Nicki returned with something in her hand."hey..i-i made this for you...just in case I went missing .." Nicki walked over and put a necklace in his hand. "It opens up "she smiled a bit and opened the heart attached to a chain,in side was a small picture of her blowing a kiss to the camera. "You can change the picture if you want.. but " she looked down "I know this sounds stupid but..I has always wanted to try something .. you see i-i have never been kissed before and -" Nicki gulped and brought her face close. She then pressed her lips against his lightly, closing her eyes.
Chance smirks looking out the window he was sitting next to Kasumi "So kas what's up with the rain coat?"
"It adds to my wild side! "She giggles and looks at herself in the mirror. "What's up with YOUR hat "she smiled pulling it down so he couldn't see.
He fixes his hat "It's to hide my hair because it's always messy.. And you know its white. I dont like attention." He smiles and puts his hat on her head
Kas giggles and messes up his hair. "Now I get to keep it! "She said and hid it behind her.she reached in her pocket and took out a knife slicing his shirt open.
Chance looks at her "You could of just asked me to take my shirt off. " he takes the hat and pushes it on her head so she cant see and he kisses her
Chance runs after her "My hat!" he smiles at her he thinks he sees something out of the corner of his eye but he ignores it
Marco was briefly shocked when Nicki locked her lips with his, but his shock soon passed, and he wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed back into her kiss, i wont go into to many details to help keep this PG-13 but lets just say, he kissed back with some... enthusiasm.
Nicki held the kiss for a while then pulled back."see you at the car! "She smiled then skipped out to the car letting him have time to "air " out. Kasumi stopped and looked at nicki. "Hey there she is! "

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