He Is Watching

"yeah, guess it is awkward" replied Marco, he ducked under the water when Chance came back, taking cover while Nicki splashed him, soon coming back up again, his hands together like he's holding something, then slapping his palms together, squirting water at both Nicki and Chance.
Nicki went Marco a huge wave as pay back..she and Kasumi then walked out of the water. They smile and race each other to their spot.(ok that had to be like a complete slow-mo moment for the guys xD ) Kasumi turned on the music as Nicki layed there sun tanning a bit.
Chance runs out of the water after looking at Marco "Dont want them to get lonely. " he smirks and runs towards Kasumi.
Marco came out of the water, slapping his sides sending water squirting water up from his pockets

"aah, i love this..."

he walked up the beach, coming up to Nicki

"hey Nicki, i know this is a really weird thing for a guy to ask a girl but... well, with my pale skin, i burn really easily, so i was wondering if you'd mind giving me a hand putting the sunscreen on the hard to reach places like my back and stuff?..."
Kasumi giggled hearing Marco but Nicki hit her "sorry "Kas growled and turned away. Nicki smiled and crawled behind him "sure! "She said taking the sunscreen and putting some on his back. She more of messaged him then rubbed sunscreen on. Kasumi raised an eye brow "wow "she mouthed and looked away
Chance grabs her hand lightly. He thinks he sees someone again but it wadsnt anyone what was going on?
Chance puts his fingers inbetween hers "Im fine. Being with you makes it great." he kisses her cheek and smiles
Marco rolled his head around on his shoulders as Nicki seemed to more massage him than rub the sunscreen in.

"mmm... thats the stuff" he said quietly without knowing.

as she rubbed it in, Marco smiled at Kasumi and Chance's antics, in his head... he began to think about all the accounts from the witnesses and people close to the kidnappings... rumors that the "Slender man", a monster over 8 feet tall which appears to be wearing a black suit, with many long arms which reach the ground and no face... even without all the dissaperances, Marco would probably freak out if he ever saw such a thing.
Nicki hugged Marco from behind. "I wrote a song for you "she whispered and rested her head on his shoulder.

Kas smiled and hugged chance. "Thanks u
Marco was knocked out of his trance by Nicki saying she wrote a song for him

"oh?.. well lets hear it then..."

Marco leaned back against her, hoping she'd start singing.
"Um..ok sure " Nicki blushed and started to sing in a soft voice.

"I saw you in my dream last night,you had your smile so white, I thought your teeth were the stars. Your eyes they where like tiny rivers, well,it gave me the shivers when you looked right up at me.we never got to say a "goodbye " we never sat down and cried and watched each others tears fall out. So I never got a chance to tell you just exactly how well you carved your home in my heart.you can stay here a while in this hotel heart.people come and people go every day.I'll never let it get cold or dark or crowded. I'll never give your spot away. "She blushed and looked at him
Marco couldn't bring himself to say anything, he was absolutely stunned he looked up at her, blushing just as she was... he wanted to kiss her, to dart up, hold her head and kiss her and well...

Marco gulped, moving off Nicki and turning around, looking into her eyes, he moved closer and closer, his hands went one to her waist, the other to her head, holding the side of her face gently, and his lips met hers.
Marco panted a bit after the kiss, his heart was beating so fast, she could actually see the vibrations on his chest with every beat.

"you know.... I've been waiting to do that for a long time Nicki... i was trying to tell you back at you're place before we left... I... I love you Nicki... I have for awhile..."
Nathan smiles at her and kisses her cheek then turns to the counter "One vanilla and." he looks at kasumi
Marco nodded

"yeah... to be honest i've really liked... loved you, for awhile now, at first it was just a crush but it... well, grew"
Marco didnt know why she was crying, but that "I'm sorry" had him worried... he shouldn't have been an idiot and confessed, now he was in the possition where she doesn't return his feelings.

cautiously, Marco put a hand on her shoulder, hoping to somehow comfort her...

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