He Is Watching

"No Nicki... you're not... you're not stupid, I don't like stupid girls you just... overlooked it, its entirely different"

he looked down at her as well, not angry but concerned
Marco was surprised, that went as good as it possibly could have, he was expecting... worse.

Marco returned her embrace, kissing her again, getting lost up in the moment.
Kasumi licked her ice cream as she walked beside chance. "Thank you,"she smiled. Nicki pulled away and wipped her tears away.she sighed and laid down not saying a word.
marco smiled and laid down next to Nicki, smiling at her.

"that went better than i thought it would...."

he moved a bit closer to her, a smile still on his face.
Nicki also moved closer and ended up cuddling with him. Her head rested on his chest with her arms wrapped around him."your so pale. "Nicki said running her fingers over his skin.
Marco ran a finger across her skin too

"and you're so tan..."

he couldnt help but smile, he leaned forward again and gave her another kiss, this time on the tip of her nose.
Nicki shivers. "Hey that tickled!"she giggles and hugs him tightly. "You're not really gonna lock your self up to look like L are you? "
"do it? you sound like i haven't started... ever wonder why you haven't seen much of me lately?... I've been keeping out of the sun and making myself nice and pale like L for a month or two now... of course if you like, i could stop all that"

Marco got relaxed, moving on to his back and putting his hands behind his head, taking a deep breath.
"heh, didn't you listen to me earlier before we came down here?... i would have gotten out and all that, but i was getting myself nice an pale to catch you're attention, since you clearly have a crush on L and all... well, i guess isnce thats over i can finally get out and catch some rays... speaking of which, you never rubbed in that sunscreen... aaand now its got sand stuck to my back 'cos i layed down without it rubbed in...."
"say..." began Marco "... how do you think chance will react with you dating me?... think he'll have any issues with it?"
kas stoped."say,isn't our spot that way?" she asked looking around to find the had wondered into the parking lot.Nicki shrugged."i don't know or care" she said and smiled.
Marco chuckled

"well, i guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it..."

Marco took a deep breath

"... Hey Nicki... what do you think of those stories about those people who went missing?... about the Slenderman?"
Nathan looks at her "Hey. Yo owe me a kiss for that." he smirks as their place on the beach came into sight.
Kas giggles and took another bite.Nicki sighed. "Sometimes i-i feel like I'm being watched. I think he is after me and chance next."
Marco nodded "yeah..."

he put an arm around her shoulder.

"well, dont worry, anything comes after you, he'll have to get through me... and you can always come around to my place... Chance too"
Nicki looked at chance. "Thanks "suddenly her phone rang. Nicki jumped up and grabbed Kas"uh we have to go...to a party."
Chance checks his phone "John disappeared.." he swallows hard and looks around "Well. Lets go home. I need to go for a ride. Nikki you are not going anywhere. Kas i dont really want you to go home.. You either marco.. Hang out at our place. Ill drive you home later. "

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