He Is Watching

Marco patted around "damnit, i left my phone at home... alright, no more parties, no more doing anything alone... this is getting absolutely insane, we need to stick together"
"Go home and get changed first." he looks at her then he looked at marco the look saying 'I have a plan' he smirks a bit she would listen to reason right?
marco nodded


Marco got in the car too, he watched from out the window as they drove.

"this is just... f**ked up..."

when they came to a stop, Marco got out

"im gonna break my own rule here for a minute, i'll just grab some stuff from my house then i'll join you guys..."

he ran next door to his house, getting inside and up to his room, he gathered his stuff, some clothes, his laptop, his phone with charger and other things, including his swiss army knife, the blades on it were more than sharp enough to slice open an attacker... just in case...

he came out of his place with his bag, getting into Chance's and Nicki's house, putting his bags down he sighed "well... i guess s**t just got serious, huh?..."
Chance stands up "I lied you aren't leaving." he had his pistol in his hand just in case "It's dangerous." he looks at the pistol "Oh this is for somethong else not you guys."
Marco sighed, going up to Nicki and nodding, he had his right hand in his pocket, tightly gripping his knife.

"i got a blade.. its not much, but its something... what about you girls? we need to have some way to protect ourselves and each-other.. all of us"
Nicki sighed."ok I guess it's time to tell them Kasumi "Kas nodded siting on the arm of a couch. "We have to be protected every day because of our jobs,we could get shot at any minute "Kas sighed looking at them."we had to be taught hand to hand combat before we could actually get the job "Kasumi added looking down.Nicki swallowed "hey Chance remember the time I had a huge gash on my head...I didn't really fall down the stairs. I was riding on the back of a truck and fell off."Nicki bit her lip kinda ashamed. Nicki went up to her room then tossed Kasumi two gold plated handguns, while Nicki readyed her shotgun as she came down stairs.
Chance frowns "Son of a." he looks at them. "You are done. With the job. Go upstairs." he looks at marco
Marco stood there with his eyes open

"Chance... you're sister... kasumi..."

when they came back down with a shotgun and 2 gold plated handguns, Marco felt right embarrassed, only having a small knife on him

"are you... f**king kidding me!? what the hell is this job of yours!? how... how!?" he had so many questions, like how long they had been doing it, what they did on their "jobs" how they kept it secret from both Chance and himself, he figured jobs like that took years of training, that would mean those two were in training since they were little kids...

in the back of his mind, although he was shocked, behind the shock... he thought it was really awesome, not just the fact those two were a couple of girl 007s but not a single hour ago, he was making out with one of them on the beach... oh crap, in the movies the non-agent love interests always die!
"We can't tell you but we can show you. Kasumi! "Nicki called. Kasumi ran at Marco and used his hip to help her up as she suddenly elbows him on the head in one fast movement. Nick on the over hand walked over to her brother and twisted his arm behind his back much like a cop but her way hurt a lot more. After that both of the girls backed off.Marco would find his wallet and knife missing, Chance had his gun and wallet missing. They giggled a bit looking at there facial expression.
marco got up, rubbing his head "jesus christ... remind me never to sneak up on you, you'd probably break my freaking neck..."

he got up and walked over to kasumi, he wasn't impressed, he snatched his knife and wallet off her rather violently.

"now i dont know about chance here, but i want some goddamn answers, like to the questions i asked right before you both struck..."
Nicki walked over to Marco with a sad look on her face.she attempted to hold his hand if he didn't smack it away. "We can't tell next question? "Kasumi growled at him and crossed her arms sitting back down.
Marco sighed, not knocking her hand away, he shook his head lightly.

"look, sorry Nicki, its just... honestly, how were you able to keep that a secret from Chance? what about you're parents?..."

he sighed again, then he smiled a bit

"well, i guess i can just hope i dont end up like one of those non-agent sidekicks from a james bond movie" he said lightly joking, he looked up at her.

"just... dont go showing off how pathetic i am in comparison in front of people, okay?"
Nicki frowned and looked down. She hated this she hated herself and she never wanted this to happen. Nicki turned and ran up to her room crying. Kasumi followed chance and shoved him back inside locking the door."just chill chance! "
Marco sighed, going up the stairs after Nicki.

he got to her room and he sighed, pushing the door open a bit and going in, he went up to nicki on her bed, sitting next to her, he put a hand on her shoulder

"don't cry Nicki... i dont want to see you sad..."
Nicki turned her back to him."then leave. "She said in between sniffles. She looked up at the picture he drew of her.It made her smile a bit but soon she returned to crying in her pillow.
Marco bit his lip, and he laid down next to her, his arms around her, hugging her from behind.

"I'm not going anywhere..."

he lightly rested his head against the back of her head, his face buried in her long flowing hair, his hands linked around her waist, she could feel him breathing down the back of her neck.
Nicki calmed down after he did that. It made her feel protected. (Like she needed it xD )she turned her head a bit to look at him."why? Why di you still care? "
"you're memory sucks" he said, smiling as he kissed her neck

"remember what i told you back on the beach?... of course i care, do you think i'd say i love someone lightly?"

he nestled his head up against hers, side to side.
Nicki giggled a bit ."actually i have a great memory i can remember everything you said at the beach"Nicki smiled looking at her wall of posters.
Marco smiled, taking a deep breath and tightening his grip around her waist.

"... you know, i always wondered how you stayed in such great shape"

he un-linked his fingers, his fingers were tracing around her abs, unintentionally tickling her.

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