He Is Watching

Marco chuckled "sure... dancing on international spy missions i bet" he kissed her on her neck.

then, he moved, bringing his torso on top of her,his hands on both sides of her shoulders.

"heh... you know, if this turns out to be a dream, i'll be so pissed off when i wake up"
Nicki smiled and looked up at him."well we might as well make the most of it "Nicki said and kisses him.(um..I think we should skip XP)
Nicki was blushing a bit,She laid on her side with an arm over his chest. "Marco, I don't think THAT was a dream.She smiled a bit with her ice blue eyes happily shining.
Marco exhaled deeply

"yeah... you're really limber, you know that, right?"

he leaned his head up, trying to see if there was a clock around to see how long it had been

"what time is it?... ah screw it, i dont even care..."

he bought his hands up and put them behind his head.

"you know, im thinking of getting a tattoo... maybe a tribal on my chest, over my heart, what do you think?..."
Chance sighs "Fine." he kisses her and smiles he looks at her he was still really shy he rubs the back of his neck
Nicki smiled. "Yeah I think it would look good"she sighed a bit and looked up at him."I....I. love you "Kasumi looked down she pulled Chance close and kissed him with passion before backing off.
Marco took a deep breath he didn't reply for a good 10 seconds

"... i love you too..."

he went quiet again for a second then...

"Nicki... i think we jumped into this way too fast... i mean, i love you, i really do but... but i only confessed today, like, barely a few hours ago and we just... i think we took that a bit too fast.. how about we you know, slow down a bit on the intensity and more focus on enjoying each-other... not just our bodies, you know what i mean?"
"I wasn't enjoying your body.I was making a mental connection with you."Nicki said and sat up.she clearly didn't take what he said the right way since she got up right after. She dug in her closet for something to wear then went in the bathroom slamming the door.she was in there for a good while before coming out in a leopard print top and tan jeans to go with.
when Nicki got up and stormed off to her closet and bathroom, Marco sighed

"Nicki, i think you took that the wrong way..."

when she was in the bathroom

"I just think we jumped into... "THAT" a bit too soon, come on, come out..."

when she came out with the leopardskin top and the tan jeans (im assuming tank top and tight jeans)

"... you look good in anything- Nicki, i really think you took what i said the wrong way...."
Nicki crossed her arms. "You didn't stop me now did you! "Nicki growled and grabbed his ankle pulling him off the bed with a thud.
Chance looks at her blushing. He covers his face with his hat then smirks when he hears the thud "I should of warned marco that nikki is freaking insane. " Chance looks at her blushing still.
"now wait a-WOOAH!" THUD

Marco rubbed his back

"I didn't stop you because first you went for your closet, then for the bathroom, if you were going for the bedroom door, i would have stopped you"

He got up, standing in front of her.

"Really now, why are you acting this way? all i said was that we got into having sex too soon, I don't want to fight, just forget i said it, please?"

now that he was trying to explain it, he saw it from a different point of view, them getting all lovey-dovey is just the thrill of the start, considering they just confessed and all, it doesnt have to reflect their relationship as a whole... now, he had to find a way to worm his way out of this.

he went up to her and put his hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eyes

"just forget i said anything, ok?... now that i have to explain it... look, today was beautiful, and i think you agree with me on that... come on, lets not spoil it with an argument and we'll just go along with it... ok?"
Nicki pushed him away."I ment stop "IT " from happening if you're so damn concerned about it! "Nicki then slipped on her black cowboy style boots with a high heel on them.she turned hitting him with her hair then walking down stairs.
Marco sighed, getting his pants back on, and his shirt, he left his shoes and jacket in the bedroom and he went out of the room, not in a hurry of course, dont want to seem desperate.

coming down to the bottom of the stairs, he took a deep breath.

"honestly... first she's jumping around, now she's jumping to wrong conclusions..."
Nicki threw a knife right next to Marco's head geting stuck in the wall next to him.She scuffed a bit and crossed her arms.Kas smiled under the kiss and kissed back.
Chance sees marco and pulls his hat of covering their faces an kissing her he smiles then hears the knife hit the wall. "As much as i hate having to do this. Can you go talk to nikki i would love to kiss you more but she is going tobreak something. Or someone."
Marco got pissed, he nodded to Chance...

"Nicki, calm your ass down... you're gonna kill someone, i didnt even break up with you, i just voiced a thought i had, and now you're honestly acting like queen *****..."

his eyes narrowed

"now if you wanna hurt me for saying something, for voicing a thought i had, then you might as well have hit me with that knife..."

his voice became low, but not gentle

"because i won't waste my time on a girl who flips out and acts like a total drama queen at the drop of a hat like this, ok? now take a deep breath, have a glass of water, and relax..."
Nicki looked at him.she walked over and pulled the knife out showing him a big spider on the end or it."it's venomous next time ill let you get bit!" She hissed and put the knife away after cleaning it.
Marco huffed

"you need to control your temper... Nicki, I'm telling you this because i live you... if you fly off the handles like this then... you know what? i'm not even gonna keep going, i'm just gonna let you cool off in your own way..."

he walked off, shaking his head, he laid on the couch.

"let her cool Chance... unless you know any miracle ways to get her to calm down?..."

he turned on their T.V, on the news they were talking about the latest dissaperance.


on the tv

"witnesses mention a tall, human like but largely alien creature snatching the boy up and then dissapearing, all witnesses are now getting psychiatric, but their testimonies are all identicle from the first abduction till this one, of the few with witnesses, its always the same story..."
Kasumi looked at Marco. "I know what can watch and learn boys "Kasumi smiled and grabbed a bowl of fruit and her guns."come on Nickstar " Kas said wich made Nicki happy immediately."you guys coming? "
Marco raised an eyebrow

"uhh, sure!"

he got up and stretched his back, an old habit, he made a mental note

"right, Nicki loves guns... gotta remember that"

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