He Is Watching

Nicki was enjoying the moment they had and didn't seem to see the apple fly right passed her view.Kasumi shot the apple down and looked down at Nicki."hey-"Nicki tossed Kas her gun."don't Kasumi"Nicki muttered laying on the cold concret.
Marco sat next to her on the concrete, looking up and smiling in the sun.


he smiled contently.
Marco smiled, leaning down he kissed Nicki on the lips, before standing up and joining in the throwing of fruit, he picked up another banana

"Kas, heres a challenge for ya, 3 shots, one at each end of the banana then split in the middle!"

he threw it, sending it spinning into the air.
Chance leans against the house hiding in the shadow of the back porch. Sure he had a girlfriend but he was still exteremely shy. He walks forward out of the shadows. "Marco" he whispers urgently "Marco. I just saw something moving in the woods. It wasnt an animal either."
Marco's face went blank

"what did it look like?..."

suddenly, Marco began to feel cold, as if Nicki wasnt even there anymore...
Nicki sat up.she swallowed looking at Kasumi but that was soon lost when a steel pipe met the back of Kasumis head.kas hit the ground dropping her guns."Kasumi! "Nicki called and flipped up getting in a fighting stance. 5men stood with weapons. Kasumi laid there for a bit as one steps on her back to keep her down. Nicki growled a bit but held her ground."don't move "Nicki said glaring at Chance.
marco turned around, raising his hands

"well... brilliant..."

Marco stood slightly in front of Nicki, covering her mostly from the front

"Nicki... what the hell is this?..."

he had to admit, it was strange, the very day they admited who they really were, a hit squad was sent at them.
Nicki looked at Marco."he is just here for the..."Nicki paused for a moment as the men started talking in german.Nicki looked down at kasumi."Marco what would you do for me?"
"well, i was hoping to go a bit longer before i'd have to sacrifice myself to help you get away from gunmen... at least i'm not gonna die running..."

he gulped, wanting the guy to get a bit closer, within arm's reach.. Marco was pale, and he couldnt shoot, but he has learned self defence...
"no i just need you two to be a human shield sorry love you both"Nicki pushed both of them into the men freeing Kasumi as they all fell like dominos.Kas lifted one up yelling at him in german before sliting his throut.both of the girls eyes were of a heartless killer.if you didnt know any detter you would think they were possesed.
Marco tried to balance himself, but Nicki was incredibly strong for her size, he collapsed onto the guy, but didnt fall down, as soon as he got his ballance again, the other guy had got his gun pointed at Kas's head, in a striking move, Marco hit the man in the elbow, then, grabbing the gun in his hand, turned it inward and fired 2 shots into the man's stomach, he fell, still alive, with Marco holding his gun... it seemed those Krav Maga lessons his dad gave him were paying off.

he watched the girls slice and kill the men like wild animals, his eyes went wide with horror as he saw Nicki's face splattered with the blood of a screaming soldier, before she swiftly silenced his cries...

when it was done, he just stood there, looking at her, horrified, when she moved towards him, he took a step back... terrified of the bloodthirsty "monster" standing before him...
Nicki regained her emotion but soon regreted it seeing the look on Marco's face.Nicki looked down as she was covered in blood,none of it hers but still.Was she really a monster?Nicki had a sad look on her face as she turned to Kasumi who had just cleaned up the bodys stuffing them in her trunk.turning back to Marco she looked at the gun in his hand and fell to her knees before him."Shoot me..."she said looking down so it wouldn't hit him as hard.
Marco's eyes narrowed, packing the gun into the back of his pants, he knelt down to the moaning body of the man he shot.

"might as well see if this guy has any answers, or just kill him... like the others..."

he found the man's pistol clips, he took them in their holder pockets which detatched from his black vest.

he stood back up, standing before Nicki.

"I'm not gonna shoot you Nicki... get up... i think we can assume we need to get out of town"
Nicki glared at him."well you might have well shot me! cause your killingme mentaly anyway!"Kasumi put a hand on Nicki but got fliped over her shoulder."Don't try to calm me down! your scared of me and i love you....i would never hurt you Marco."Nicki couldn't hold back the tears any longer.she pucked up a gun that was hidden away in a mans vest and looked at the side off it.
"Nicki... I'm not scared about myself... Nicki, if you saw me slicing people's necks open with ease and without hesitation, killing people so... mercilessly... you'd be scared for me... wouldnt you?... its the same now, I'm not scared OF you Nicki, I'm scared FOR you..."

they were both killing eachother in the inside at this point.

he knelt down, looking at the gun, he reached out and held the gun with her, in case she tried anything with it, of course if she wanted to kill herself, the best he could probably do is redirect the gun towards himself.
Nicki sighed.she dropped the gun and stood."You don't need my mess in your life.Live a normal life while you still can Marco."Nicki picked up all the wepons even stripped Marco of his and tossed them in a bag throwing in the trunk.
Marco stayed silent at first, watching her pack the things in the trunk, but when she was done and she closed it, he spoke again.

"I'm going with you Nicki... even if I wanted to stay, which I don't, the fact is... i shot a freaking agent, i'm a witness and if they found out what you and i are... theres no way in hell they'd just let me live a normal life... i'm going with you"

he figured she would probably insist he stay if she honestly believed he would be safer here, thats why he added in the fact hes a witness and he wouldnt be safe here... he knew, the fact that she was a killer agent, probably an assassin, and she was completely head over heels for him, she would only do what she believed would be safest for him.. and right now, both his wish to go with her and her wish to keep him safe were one in the same, they need to stick together.
Nicki didn't speak.He had a point but..."this is all my fault"she said and walked inside and up to her room.she closed the door and sar on the bed."i ruined his life!"she cried and threw everything she could find.
before Marco could respond, she ran upstairs, he heard her banging around, even though he wanted to go up to her and comfort her again, although he had bought a bag with some clothes, there were some things again in his house that he wanted to get, he figured they'd at some point go over to his place as a group for a change in scenery, but that wasn't happening.

"Nicki!" he called out "I'm just gonna nip back home and grab a few things... i'll be back in a few minutes!"

he went out, jumping their fence and going inside.

soon, from Nicki's window, she would be able to see Marcos bedroom, he was in there, packing away personal things... not even to leave with, just to keep them safe, in case he ever came back... packing them away into boxes, his books, computer, personal items ect...

when he came back out of the house again, he had with him a shoulder bag full of personal items, his electric razor, MP3 player, a couple novels, you know, normal young man crap.

when he got back in, he went up to Nicki's room, opening the door he saw her sobbing and her room was a mess, he didn't say anything, he just dropped his bag and sat next to her, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back onto the bed, putting his head against hers.

"... don't blame yourself... you didn't mean for this to happen, and there was no way for you to know... i don't blame you Nicki..."

inside Marco's home, along with leaving a perfectly clean house, he left a single sealed envelope on the kitchen counter... for when his parents got back, it was in his own handwriting, it said...

"Dear Mom and Dad.
While you were away, a lot of things have happened, I won't lie, its not good, and its big, too big... I'm in trouble Mom and Dad, I've thrown my mobile down the garbage disposal, thats how big this is, I've gone into hiding, but i'm not alone, i'm with someone I trust, i know you will be worried sick about me, and no matter how much i tell you not to, you still will, just know that i have not abandoned you, or our home, when I can, I'll contact you.

I love you. sincerely, Marco Carver, you're loving son xoxoxo"
.. He was ready to leave.
"Well. Looks like we ar leaving. OOH let me grab my knives!" he laughs and runs upstairs returning with his arm full of knives he smiles like a little kid in a vandy shop
(since this is in the fantsy cat can i make it have like elfs and stuff it will be fun^~^)Kasumi laughed a bit.she stepped out of the car since she left to drop the bodys off.Nicki sniffles a bit."you will hate me.sooner or later you will find out who i really am."Nicki sighed sitting up.
Marco sighed

"i won't hate you Nicki.... and we'll cross that bridge when we come to it..."

he stood back up, holding her hand, he pulled her back up, when she stood back up, Marco held her other hand and stood face to face with her, putting his forehead on hers.

"I don't hate you, I don't blame you, I'll never hate you, and I'll never blame you... so stop hating and blaming yourself"

he followed this up with a long kiss, when he released from it, he planted a second one on her forehead.

"... we good?"

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