He Is Watching

Marco came down the stairs, he was holding Nicki's hand, holding it tight.

"alright, Chance... Kasumi... how are we doing this? we gonna stay as one group, or split up?... and, any idea where we can go?..."

after chance spoke, Marco nodded

"well, i know some guys in Chicago, guys from school who graduated, you remember Gus and Davie? but i've been keeping in contact with them...they've kept saying that i can stop by any time for a few nights and theres room for more than one at their house, its not much, but its all i got at the moment, unless you guys wanna go all the way to Australia to live with my uncle who owns a cattle ranch in the middle of the desert..."
Kasumi looked at Marco."we stay as one,However before we go we need to make a fast stop."Kasumi hoped in the car starting it.Nicki let go of Marco getting in the back seat looking out the window.
Marco got in, sitting next to Nicki, he looked out the window as well, sighing, but in his house, he saw something, in the upstairs window.

"what the...?"

in the window there was what looked like a man in a suit, but he had no facial features, no, he had no face full stop! He rubbed his eyes and shook his head then looked again, but whatever was there... it was gone... but not only did he see it's face and suit, but he saw it's arms and how thin it was... there was no way in hell he was going to go back in to have a look, or tell the others yet, they needed to go asap, and not go around chasing a possible hallucination.. in his mind, he heard something "... in time..." it went, his eye twitched... and a cold shiver ran up his spine...
Chance looks at kasumi "You guys take the car ill follow." he walks in the garage and an engine roars and he comes back on a motercycle (Kawasaki ninja) He puts his helmet on and smiles
Marco sighs "showoff... hang on guys..."

he slipped into the front passenger seat

"I'll Navigate.. you know, for after we stop to do whatever it is you two wanna do..."

he grabbed a big book of road maps and put it on his lap

"okay, lets go to where ever this "fast stop" will be..."
Kasumi drove off way over the speed limit. Once there they where pretty much In the middle of no where. Nicki and Kasumi got out of the car standing in front of a large medal igloo looking thing. Kasumi knocked on the door awaiting an answer. "Marco, Chance just stay. Close And don't deal out we are still Kasumi and Nicki
marco nodded, getting out of the car and leaning on the side of the car.

"haa... " he sighed, he spoke quietly, so Chance could hear but not Kasumi or Nicki

"I can't believe its come to this..."
after a while the door opened and Kasumi gave them a sign that they could follow.Nicki entered the place followed by kasumi.on there way dow a dimed hallway it looked like prson cells.everyone eyed the new comers at first they seemed normal but someone at the far end had fur on the side of thier face as they growled at marco.the girls didnt seem to alarmed by this as they got in an elevator going up.
Marco entered, his eyes straight ahead, but he was still a bit nearvous, then came the hallway with the cells, Marco glanced at them as they went, they looked pretty tough.

"so, what are these guys in for? murder? theft?"

then came the one that growled at Marco, he barely reacted

"... pretending to be a guard dog?"
"No they are here for trying to expose our world *Kasumi said leaning on the wall."we are much different from you Marco the stories about werewolves and vampires are real...and your about to see everything this world has to hide "
Marco gulped

"I see... uhh... I promise i wont try and expose you guys..."

when they mentioned that things like vampires and werewolves ect.. existed, Marco raised an eyebrow

"Wait a minute.... Vampires can't exist, they were made up by the author Bram Stoker, for his character "Dracula" who was based off "Vlad the Impaler" an emperor of russia who used psychological warfare to hold back the Ottoman empire and prevented them from overrunning all of Europe... wow, those history lessons finally paid off for something..."

he snapped out of it

"b-but why did you bring us here?... wait, so those legends... the disappearances... are you trying to tell us the Slender Man... its real?"
"we are trying to find out why he is doing this"Nicki said pulling off a wig wich was her long purple hair.Short,white and pink hair with cat like ears popped up.Nicki ran off after exiting the elevator.Kasumi smiled at Chance."dracula is actually real he is the first vampier to exist and just so you know he hates all the movies you made about him..there cheap and lies" Kas turned away to look at a new Nicki.Really the only way you could tell it was her is because she had the same facial features.

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Marco's eyes widened, not in horror like before, but just in supprise

"I... I... uhh..." he honestly didnt know what to say... he was in love with... a Neko? not like he would be complaining, he liked it when girls wore cat-ears, and he has before fantasized about the real thing but... he never imagined it might actually be real

"well... uhh... huh... i guess i better ask then, what else should we be-hold on!"

he turned to Chance

"she's your sister man, so... you have them too?"

he was honestly starting to wonder if Kasumi was human as well.
Nicki skipped over to them but paused looking sadly at Marco."I..I'm still Nicki!" She said bursting into tears.Kasumi glared at him with a sigh."now look what you did?!" Kasumi growled angrily at him before turning away and walking off.They where in a purely white room with a portal in the center with metal stairs leading up to it.kasumi looked at them."are you ready to enter into our world?"
Marco sighed

"Stop crying Nicki, i wasn't accusing you of anything i was just asking a question, come on, it reasonable to assume you have an alias, dont bite my head off over it..."

To be honest, he was offended that she thought he was accusing her of anything,but unlike her, he didn't cry and make a scene of it...

"ugh, whatever... okay, lets go"
Nicki looked at Marco with her ears down"now i made you angry" She said running off into the portal.Kasumi rolled her eys."don't worry about her she will be fine after playing with the mermaid.." Kas turned her gaze to the portal."you first don't need you running off"
Marco took Nicki's hand

"no you didn't... you shouldnt overreact like that... it gets me worried"

he looked at the portal with her, taking some deep breaths

"ok... lets do this..."

he went in after Nicki, feeling the portal pull him apart and put him back together, he came out the other end, and near instantly, he fell to one knee, panting.

"w-woah... just... gimmie a minute" he took a minute to stop his head from spinning and concentrating on not throwing up, after he was confident he wasn't gonna hurl anytime soon and his head stopped spinning, he stood back up, looking around, his eyes wide wth amazement
Kasumi follow marco looking at him with a snicker."you will be fine follow me!"she said running throught the lush grass bare foot and moving through the rees with ease.when marco found her she was standing with nicki at the top of a large waterfall."jump with us" Kasumi said with a smile
Marco approached the waterfall cautiously

"Jump...?" he looked down, but he didnt back down, instead, he leaned back and spat over the edge

"yeah... thats a drop..."

he took a few steps back, he looked into their eyes, he nodded to Nicki

"alright... you guys lead us through a freaking portal... I'll trust you"

he ran at the edge, leaping from the top, going down the waterfall, hoping that the water was deep and without a "rocky finish"
Nicki was next diving into the water right after him.Kasumi was last making a huge wave as she hit the water hard.Nicki hissed crawling onto land shaking out her tail and hair.the water was pretty deep but turned into a river soon after.everything seemed to be smooth. nothing so rocky it would hurt.it was more like several pebbles every where.Nicki shievered laying in the sunlight in a ball.Kasumi happily splashed around
Marco looked down as his feet lightly touched the bottom, the bottom was so smooth, but still natural, he was amazed, butnot nearly as amazed as when he looked up, and he saw a human figure in the distance, a human top and a fish bottom, but the water wasn't totally clear so he couldnt see.

coming to the surface, he bought himself to shore, he dragged himself up next to Nicki, seeing her all curled up, he laid next to her, and he reached out and touched her ear, seeing if she'd flick it, he looked down at her face, and kissed her on the nose.

"... you're still beautiful... in fact, i'd say the ears and tail makes you adorable to boot"

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