He Is Watching

(no i didn't lets remedy tht, shall we?)

Although Chance didn't notice it initially, Rocky's highly attuned ears heard the rustling and grunting of approaching orcs, they were going in the direction nicki went off in

"... gotta go!" he said quickly before he darted off, speeding away in the direction of Nicki.

just as the Orcs came up to Kasumi, Rocky came bursting into the area, slicing one across the face with his great claws, sending him flying into the side of a tree

"get Nicki back to my house! i have antidotes and medical supplies there! I'll cover you!"

an orc went at Kasumi and Nicki, his spear raised, but he was taken out as Rocky threw a stone at him, taking off half of his head.

"MOVE!" he roared, he looked to the orcs and snarled "which gang are you, huh? Gorgogutz? Neck-Braker's gang?..."
Kasumi nodded running over to Nicki.Kasumi started to grow taller as she ran almost as if transforming into her true self.Scooping Nicki up with ease Kasumi rushed for Rocky's house."Chance come on!" Kas called behind her wanting to make sure he was ok just as much as Rocky woulf for Nicki.Nicki was knocked out at this point from the posioned arrow tip and blood loss after one of the orcs ripped out the arrow.
Rocky stopped one more orc, grabbing the orc's fist in mid-punch, twisting it back then landing a devistating blow to his head, looking up, the others backed off, he snarled and then he launched off back to his house.

arriving back, he cleared his table, sending cloths, mugs, the bones of his last meal and plates to the ground, he then turned around and grabbed the bandages and antidotes

"let me see the wound..." he said, pushing kasumi aside "a few years ago i took some Orc arrows in an assassination job, the shaman i was working with, who belonged to the rival clan who was smart enough to hire me, she taught me how to treat basic Orcish poisons, this one doesn't look so tough..."

he got some herbs and spices, mixing them up and pulling out certain undesirable parts like stems, seeds and unwanted spices, he ground them into each other with a mortar and pestle "okay... this'll sting" he placed the remedy on the edge of the wound, then, using his finger he pushed them in, widening the wound a bit, he wiped the extra blood away and grabbed the bandages "Kasumi, lift her up so i can bandage her properly" after he did so, he had Kasumi let Nicki down

"alright, she'll have some hot flashes, she'll be sweating a lot for awhile, sweating out the poison, the herbs i put in there dissolves easily in blood and causes the toxin in Nicki to retreat to the surface of the skin, where its soaked up by sweat glands and expelled from her body, the spices don't cause searing pain like other spices in wounds, this spice causes her to sweat profusely for a bit... give her a drink when its all out of her system and she'll be alright, unfortunately you'll need a proper healer for the wound... you know its lucky you were hit by an orcish arrow, i only know how to treat the weak kind of orcish poison like in that arrow... i could tell 'cos the wound had a green tinge around it where the toxin was introduced, if it was any other kind, there would be puss, purple coloration, or worse... no sign of poison at all, but she'll be out of the woods soon enough"

Rocky went about cleaning up after his basic treatment was given

"so... think she'll go after him?... i think she'll be better off here... with me, not chasing a loser like him"

on the other "side"

Marco was walking out of the facility, seeing the car they arrived in, he sighed, but he looked around and sure enough, he saw another Vehicle... a private car... american muscle

he went back inside, into the cells "Alright, who knows how to hot-wire a car!?" from a cell, a feminine but very strong hand beckoned him over, it belonged to a woman, an orc, her dreadlocks were long but ordered, she wore a black tank top, black leather pants and thick biker boots, she had some real muscles on her too "I can... what you need?" "Customized 1970 Dodge challenger" "piece of cake... you scratch my back i scratch yours, its the way of the Orc, you gonna let me out big boy?"

Marco nodded, he went about going to the guard's office and pressing the button, luckily if there were any guards here, they werent here anymore. (never mentioned any guards before)

With her out of the cage, they went out and she hotwired the car "so where you going big man?" "hunting" "ooh look at you! big predator! whats your prey?" she said sarcastically "Slenderman" he replied, she looked at him "you're kidding me, right?" "do i look like i'm kidding?..." she exhaled and finished "alright!... dont think you could give a girl a lift?" "where you headed?" "for adventure, think i'll tag along with you" Marco gave her a look then she laughed "listen, i can disguise myself just fine, i was only ever discovered because i got bored and i revealed myself, funny story, come on, i'll tell you on the way!" she got in, Marco sighed, getting in too, they sped off, going back to town, Marco figured that since the slenderman is attacking people in town, thats the first place to look...

Meanwhile in an unknown location...

a man in a black trench coat with stars on his shoulders paced up and down "damnit... was it them?" "yes sir, two, clearly trained... but there is a weakness we saw from our UAV while the team was.... killed, sir" a video popped up on a large screen, of Nicki falling to her knees before Marco, weeping "well well well, it seems the two insepperable assassins have themselves some boyfriends... i think we can assume they havent been trained to dodge sniper bullets... find them and keep them under watch, we'll use those boys to lure them into the open..." "yes sir" replied the technician at the terminal...
Kasumi looked at Rocky."She has to, Rocky she mated with him." Kasumi admited sitting on his couch as she changed a bit more to her normal self.Kasumi stopped and looked down at her phone."No, he betrayed us!" Ksumi hissed standing."he let out an orc!Rocky you need to come bck with us!"
"MATED WITH!?... how did i not smell him on her?... ugh, must've been that perfume i've heard so much about..."

he sighed, stretching his back "well that explains why he's so pissed... thinks his mate cheated on him with me... might need to clear this u-" he was cut off by Kasumi's outburst "why!? seriously? why would he!? what possible need could he use with a freaking Orc?... what could he hope to accomplish?" he sighed, opening the door "lets get going... and hope Nicki wakes up soon..."


The car sped along the highway, the Orc in the side laughed, sticking her head out the window, Marco snapped "get back in here! you'll give yourself away..." "oh come on! i've been cooped up in there for weeks on some trumped up charges!" "which are?" "well... ok ok, i hotwired an ATM machine and took a month long holiday across the Caribean, warm sun, perfect sandy beaches... a big muscly man in my bed each night, its amazing how easy it was to seduce them, i think they like that to them i'm "exotic" he he!" Marco shook his head, looking straight ahead "... whats wrong?" she asked, tilting her head "... nothing" "oh dont give me that crap! being a man on a mission is one thing, but you're face says something else, you're angry" "... she made out with him..." and that was all she needed, she nodded and settled back in her seat "well, I'm Ariel... don't get any ideas buddy, You're not my type, all pale and skinny... egh!" this just made Marco even madder, considering all the months he wasted getting his skin pale, dyeing his once beautiful blonde hair into this jet black mess, sleeping only 4-5 hours a night to get the dark lines under his eyes all to look like L and get Nicki's attention... in his eyes, she was now just like all the other girls, say they love someoen, and the moment they see a guy they think is cute, off they go!... he shuddered a bit, but alongside his anger at Nicki and Rocky, was an overwhelming anger at himself, for he continued walking away after hearing that bone-chilling cry from her as he left...

"so, where we starting?" she asked "simply put, we look where the previous victims were taken, find a connection, see if we can predict the next abduction, intersect" "how you hoping to capture the Slenderman?" "I'll do whatever i can... shoot it, stab it, expose it to U.V rays like sunlight, silver, anything i can...."
Chance sighs as they run he looks at kasumi "Kas when we have a chance i want to ask you a question."
Kasumi paused turning to Chance."Ask now love, you may not have another chance." She said walking over to him.Nicki awoke and looked around before rolling off the table and hitting the floor."OW!" Nicki pouted as she stood.
Kasumi looked off to the side a bit caught off guard even though she should have expected it at this point.Kas walked outside holding onto Chances hand.As they walked Kasumi's skin turned blue,she was still growing taller and started growing a tail.Letting his hand go she ran off it to the forest though somthing soon returned."I am sorry you had to see me like this."Kasumi said stepping out from behind a tree looking down at Chance.pic in a moment)
(i'm not gonna post as Marco for a bit, but i'; keep an eye on whats happening, when i post again, Marco will have made some progress)

Rocky grinned, putting a hand on Chance's shoulder "oh you got yourself into one helluva doozy, but why should you be surprised? arent you Nicki's brother? so wouldnt you be like her?" Rocky was now kinda confused, why wouldnt Chance know? he didnt know if Nicki was adopted or not
Rocky looked at Kasumi, sighing again "well then, thats the truth of it... maybe you are human, Chance, if at least one of your parents is human or one of you is adopted..."

he turned to Nicki, putting a cold wet towel on her head "here, this'll help..."

he then went back to Kasumi and Chance "so, are we gonna hunt down your friend or not?... if he's going after the slenderman, he's gonna need our help before he winds up dea or missing... and he'll need to be punished for enlisting the help of a prisoner, and for freeing one..."
Kasumi nodded and turned away,her tail fell to her side a bit limp as she rubed her hands togather to keep them warm.Nicki looked at rocky and suddenly kissed him with a deep passion.Right now Marco is mad at her and Rocky just saved her so he can go to the cell with the orc for all she cared.
Rocky stumbled a bit, shocked at Nicki kissing him.

"okay... I kissed you before, and not resisting is one thing... but even being mated, you willfully cheat on him just because he did something in anger at me kissing you!?" he was mad "he was right, you are nothing but a whore... get out!"

he turned to Kasumi, Chance and shoved Nicki to them "Get out of my house! all of you! now!"
Nicki went stumbling toward Kasumi who immediately moved for Nicki to fall in a bush."AH!" The bush Nicki fell on cried in pain as Nicki attempted to get up."Did that bush just scream?" Kasumi asked turning to Nick with an eye brow raised.
Rocky walked over the othe bush, he reached down, almost seemingly to help Nicki, instead he grabbed her by the arm and threw her asside, he reached into the bush with both arms, he grabbed and pulled up, he pulled up a girl similar to Kasumi by her upper arms "... Kasumi, its your sister..."
Kasumi sighed seeing her sister.They had the same body but slightly different faces. Makoto looked at Rocky before kicking him away then giving him a leg sweep to knock him down and hop on his back crouched down. She moved fast and swiftly putting her ears down and hissing at Chance from her perch on top of Rocky. Though she was surprisingly light for being so tall so to Rocky it would more then likely be like a massage.

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Rocky sighed "my favorite stalker..." he said, un-amused

he looked at Kasumi "Kasumi, also, your sister has been hanging around my house a LOT lately..." he flicked her leg, having her slip so her feet were on his shoulders "might as well relieve some tension while you're up there" he said, her movements actually were like a massage for him.
Makoto's ears moved down with anger as she then stomped on his head and hoped off."Waele auflaque!" (Stupid dog in their language) Makoto barked with a disgusted look on her face as she crossed her arms.
Rocky got angry "does no-one respect anyone in their own house anymore!?" he grabbed Makoto by the ankle and he spun around, letting her go and sending her flying into a nearby tree.

"honestly, i'm kissed by a whore, with her blood everywhere, another couple are having a drama-fest and that abusive stalker calls me a stupid dog when she was hiding in my very well kept bushes! look at it! it was nicely trimmed before she screwed it all up!"
"ilhar arlathil zhal'la naut tlu trimmed waele auflaque!"(mother nature should not be trimmed stupid dog) Makoto hissed after hitting the tree.She stood dusted off then walked over to the bush touching it's leaves lightly.She twiched her ears hearing he was kissed by a whore and turned to Nicki."ele xun dos lar ilta folt natha hass'l kaas?" (Why do you call her such a mean name?)(least she didn't add stupid dog xD )

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