He Is Watching

the monster was fipped over easily, enough, but its not the fall that got it, it was how when it went down, it fell through the bottom of the floor, which then repaired itself right before Nicki's eyes.

in the distance, she could hear a fight happening, clashings of metal, grunts, one muffled, one out loud... in a familiar voice...

upon approaching, she saw Marco and a monster fighting, he weilded a metal pipe with a sharp tip, the other had a knife, the one with no face lashed out at Marco, he leaned to the side, dodging it and hitting the other across the face with the pipe, he followed through with a kick to the chest, sending the other to the ground.

he looked down at the other, having not noticed Nicki, he gritted his teeth, gripped the pipe, and, grabbing the other by the leg and dragging it, kicking and screaming to the middle of the path, he stabbed it in the legs, then moved up, driving the pipe into it's head, his head tilted, looking now at Nicki.

in the distance, Nicki could hear that little girls laughing...

he gripped his bloodied pipe, glaring at her.

"Another, huh?...heh, no matter how much you f*ckers kill me in here, the slenderman still doesn't have my body like he has yours!..." he seemed to notice Nicki haden't ran at him screaming with a weapon raised "... not running at me screaming?... well let me ask you something you faceless f*cker, do you have even the slightest memory of what you were before you came here? HUH!?... i remember, I remember betrayal, betraying and being betrayed, but enough pissing about..."

Nicki could hear the girl's laughter even more now, as Marco took the first few steps at her... then a few more... before she knew it, he was sprinting at her, pulling back his hand holding the pipe, about to strike...
Nicki gasped falling back, she did not know what to do so she quickly moved out of his way. She looked at him in the eye thinking about how she could comunicat with him without getting herself killed. She reached out her hand to him calmly hoping he would see she was different.
her answer came in the form of Marco spinning around and hitting her across the face with the pipe, he followed through a kick to her belly, when she bent over, he clubbed her across the back of the head with the pipe... he was fast, much faster than he was earlier this day... or was it yesterday? time was freaky in this place... just as she went down, she felt his foot plant into her ribs, followed by blows to her back, each one as merciless as the last.

from the darkness, she little girl walked up "such an animal!... oh thats right, did i tell you before? time moves differently here? that a few hours in the "real world" could be the blink of an eye or millenniums in here?... to his perception, he's going on 5 months now you should have seen him when he first arrived! he was ripped limb from limb almost a dozen times every single day for about two months!..." it was clear Marco had no perception of the girl, Nicki's pain from his blows seemed to numb as the little girl spoke "don't worry, dying here isn't death forever... he he he!"

just as she ended, Marco's blows ended, blood poured from Nicki's mouth, her insides were mush, looking up, she would see him standing over her, he knelt down and bought up the pipe, with one hand holding her head still, the other bought down the sharp end of the spike into her eye...

Nicki woke up in shock, her insides stung and her eye did too, she was falling, free-falling, as she hit the ground, what appeared to be cement turned out to be water, in the distance, a small green flashing light called to her, to the entrance to a small tunnel...
'i guess i needed that...' she muttered getting up and making her way into the tunnel. She thought over new plans in her mind as she looked for marco being more cautious then before peering around corners instead of just walking out in the open. she held her stinging rib cage as she looked around for rocks or anything she could find to use hoping there would be chalk lying around but she doubted it.
although it wasn't really chalk, as Nicki came around another corner, that little girl was there again, she was drawing something on a wall, the wall was broken and made of concrete, she was picking a bone from a crach, clearly there from a previous "encounter"

the girl began scraping away at the wall, drawing something, as if the bone was chalk, she looked to Nicki and smiled "have fun with you're lover's reunion?" she followed this with giggles, after Nicki's response she continued "oh you never HONESTLY thought you could just come in here, find him and bring him home did you?... do you forget?"

between them 2, a smoky image of herself came up, jumping at Rocky and kissing him, then the image faded away

"this is a place for betrayers... your mate betrayed you're group by freeing that girl, and you betrayed your mate by throwing yourself at another... this is you're punishment as well as his!"

she stood up, walking over to Nicki, the girl's eyes were black as hell, she offered Nicki the bone "here... there are more in the wall, some are as hard as steel, like this one"

the girl giggled and skipped away...

behind Nicki, she could hear another fight, turning around, she saw a smoky image of Marco in another fight, he moved with purpose, his fighting style was anything but graceful, but it was brutal, and efficient she saw him snap a monster's neck, before another came up from behind, it got him in the neck with a hook and lifted him up, as he struggled and kicked, another came from the front, sticking another hook into him, just below the middle of the rib cage, and ripped down, emptying his insides, she could hear his screams of agony as the image faded...
"Marco!" Nicki cried and ran off to go find (in gamer talk) where he would respawn. She didn't care what she ran into along the way, she only had one thing in her mind "I have to find him" She said panting as she ran up and down every long hall to find him. She gripped the bone tightly in one hand and used the other to feel the wall as she ran feeling when the corners where since she was going to fast to see where she was going clearly.
As Nicki ran and ran, she heard the little girl giggling, the hallways and chambers all looked the same, some had creatures fighting, but so far, none were him, for a bit everything was clueless, in one chamber though she got a clue, she came in and saw 2 creatures and a disolving body on the floor, one was huge with great powerful arms, the other was smaller, a female, with a hook, the 2 who just tore down Marco, as his body disolved, she saw his remains under the steel grating, they traveled under the floor, as the 2 monsters then began to fight each-other, Nikki could follow what was happening under the floor.

the remains didnt travel far, a couple coridors, then to a glowing spot at a hallway ending, where the parts all re-assembled and he was bought back up, being bought up in the Fetus position, he wore the same pants made of flesh as the others, and for a bit he didn't move, he was just curled up, getting a few seconds of sleep, but he soon woke himself up, he looked up, seeing her, well, seeing a monster where she was standing.

his face wasn't of fear or even suprise, but instead his face reflected caution and preparedness, slowly, he got himself a grip on the floor.

"Well this is different... usually when i'm found respawning the one standing over me would tear me apart or jusr crush my head..." his eyes narrowed "whats you're deal?... or are you new here? if thats the case, then you don't understand a word i'm saying and i look like some hideous monster to you, right?" he sighed.

he had an idea, he still did that thing where he raised an eyebrow when he got an idea.. as a test, he held his hand out to Nikki, to see her reaction.
Nicki backed up looking at him and shook her head when he asked if she saw him at a monster. She kneeled down and spelled out her name on the floor with the bone then pointed to herself trying to tell him.She hesitated as she reached out her hand to touch his letting her fingers lightly touch his before backing away crying. she sat there just looking at him.
Marco looked kind of confused when she shook her head "you don't?... huh" that was all he could being himself to say, in fact, this is the longest he'd talked to anyone or anything in here since he arrived, even though it was one-sided, at least she wasn't gouging his eyes... and he knows first hand that is NOT a pleasant experience. when she got a bit of bone out, Marco jumped back, thinking she was going to use it as a weapon, but instead she began scribbling something on the ground, when she was finished, Marco looked at it for a bit "I'm sorry... i don't understand this, what is that, Cuneiform?"

upon closer inspection, Nikki would see that she had in fact not written her own name, but instead just a selection of lines and curves which looks like a completely alien language to the both of them, she didn't even notice as she wrote it.

"hey... i remember you" he said snapping his fingers ".. I killed you! i remember now! back when i had my pipe... sorry 'bout that, been in here a fair while, learned not to take chances..." he looked up as he heard some approaching footsteps, with dragging chains and muffled moans.

"damnit... sounds like a big one... we best get out of here... you can come with me if you want... i'd really like the company of someone who doesn't want to butcher me"

the footsteps wee getting closer "well, come on then!" he ran off, looking back to make sure she was with him.
Nicki nodded and followed him close behind. she sighed trying to think of how else she could talk to him. She looked suddenly stopped and hugged Marco from behind happy to see him.She missed him so much and this was the first time she saw him and didn't have him trying to kill her.
when she hugged him from behind, Marco raised his arms in preperation of a strike, but as he bought his elbow down intent on getting her in the eye, he stopped, hesitating, she wasn't hurting him in the slightest...

he lowered his arms, putting one on hers "there there... its okay for now..." he thought she wanted comfort...

as they walked, they noticed the hallway getting quiet...

"I'm guessing you have someone waiting for you out of here somewhere?... heh, i know i do... a girl, walked in on her and a male "friend" kissing, i ran off, did something stupid and wound up here... i was right to be angry, but i could have handled it a hundred times better than i did, its supprising, of all the running and fighting, what you do most here is think and reflect... i could have just taken some time, gone for a walk, cooled down, gone back and demanded answers... stupid how i only realized that in here... of course i doubt she'd be waiting for me this long... over five freaking months in here, she's probably finished grieving and gotten together with Rocky at this point... was that his name? Rocky? Stoney? Stanley?... damnit i forgot..."

they came to a dead end, but this dead end was unlike the others, there was a small handle on the end, like a door

"huh... moment of truth..."

he reached forward, and pushed the door open...
Nicki frowned and held his hand tightly looking at the door.she was scared at this point and just wanted out.She looked around for the little girl inside the room as she carefuly stepped inside.(writers block T.T)
what was on the other side... wasn't another cage, no blood, instead there was a bright light, and when it faded, Nikki found herself in the middle of what looked like a glacier. In the distance was an almost comically built 5 story black house, it had a base smaller than the top floor and the top was leaning hard to the side, of course normal laws of physics didnt have to apply here.

she heard a deep "ooooo" behind her, looking back she saw 2 enormous feet, each the size of 2 distant mountains, and legs teaching high into the sky, both black as night, a torso and high up, in where the stratosphere should be, was a head, with out a face looking down, watching her, it's long arms, reaching down to the ground, in a single step that enormous slenderman could topple cities, destroy countries, but instead it just stood there, not moving except sometimes tilting it's head.

from the house, she heard something call out to her "... over here!" went the distant voice, it was a little boy near the house calling out to her, from what she could see, there were 2 cute white ears like on her on his head, the little boy turned around and ran ito the house after getting her attention, in the window, she could see 2 figures, one was small and feminine, the other, taller, skinny but definitely male, sitting on either side of a table...
Nicki was so confused but she followed this random little boy anyway inside the house?

(Idk I'm so confused! So I didn't post much x.x
(maybe a reaction to the massive freaking slenderman behind her? or the environment? or wondering who the little boy is? or wondering what part of the slenderman's realm they're in now? or how she feels in this place, if shes cold or room temp, if she still looks like a monster, wondering if thats Marco and the little girl in the window? looking around the house? come on!)
Inside the house, Nikki found the house to be both rotting and ultra-modern, rotting wooden walls, roof, floors and furniture, but a large flat screen LCD 3D TV on the side of the wall, in the corner was the small child, he looked around at Nikki, smiling "hello Mommy" he said, smiling, before turning back to his toy cars.

in the other room, Nikki could hear Marco and the little girl talking, but their words made no sense to her, they were random jumbles of words from "golf" to various swears all made in random orders...

in the real world, Rocky had finally gotten Marco's and Nikki's bodies in the back of their car, with Nikki on top

"they wont mind waking up in that possition... i hope"

down the road, they saw police lights coming

"oh... hell, Makoto... for the love of the gods, don't do anything rash..."
Makoto turned to him."Rash? I'll just kill them."She said and ran off.She was pretty fast for having such a thin little body. Approaching the cop's she grabbed ones nightstick and smacked it across his face she seemed to hold her ground for a good while as more and more came to back up the now dead cops. A female cop drew her stun gun when Makoto was turned away shooting her right in her bare back. Needless to say after she went down they put her in the back of a car and took her 'down town '.

Nicki looked at the boy."I'm not your mother! "She hissed backing away. She walked in the room with Marco and the girl."Marco!" She called running up hugging him. She backed away not understanding him so she returned to the boy."where am I? How do we get out of here!" Nicki cried a bit scared.
Rocky's eyes went wide "oh, no DONT!" after he saw her grab one's nightstick, he put his hands on his head and clenched his teeth

"for crying out loud, STOP IT!" but in the end, they got her, as they loaded her into their car, some more came at him, he put his hands behind his head and got on his knees without a fight

"okay, in my defence i DID try and stop her, she's crazy i tell you!" "yeah yeah yeah, try telling that to the wives of those men who wont be seeing their husands anymore... or their kids..."

Rocky was thrown into the back of the car with makoto, he glared at her, enraged beyond belief

"you... f**king IDIOT!... do you have any, ANY idea what you've done!? our connections won't to jack shit against what YOU'VE gotten us into!... oh dont you cry, you've lost the right to cry..."

he looked ahead, seeing them pull Marco's and Nicki's body out of the car"oh hell... Makoto... letting you come along was a huge mistake..."

Marco took a few steps back when Nicki hugged him, due to the fact she essentially ran in to him, "N-Nicki, what are you doing here!?"

"she came here looking for you... well, now that everyone is here, i think you should see a couple of thngs... Marco..."

the room changed, they were back in the hallway again, but this time it was different, they saw Marco, he was facing down against a monster...

"hey i recognize this... the last monster i killed..."

the monster's shape morphed, into Nicki, and then came the kill, him beating her to death with his feet and with a pipe, Marco's eyes went wide with horror

"oh god... i.. Nicki i..." he was in too much shock to finish, but then the scene changed, this time, inside Rocky's house, it showed Nicki getting up and forcing herself on Rocky, kissing him, the little girl giggled

"the first kiss, Marco was Rocky's doing... this one, which came after.. was all her"

Marco's face turned from horror and shock to blankness

"... Nicki... is it true?..."

the little girl giggles "she lusts for Rocky, she only came after you Marco out of guilt!"
Nicki sighed."It is, it was out of anger against you. I deserved what you did, I am a monster I came because you don't deserve this place. I wish to stay and let him free." She looked at the girl completely serious about this.

Makoto looked at him."I'm not crying..."she muttered looking at him.she turned her back to him. "Come on let me pick those things."she hissed.
"no... not yet" said Rocky "trust me, i now these kinds of places... we don't leave just yet... and anyway, we need to know where they're taking Nicki and Marco's bodies first..."

a cop got in the front

"alright you two psychos, i'm taking you downtown, we've radioed ahead... a couple of cop-killers coming in..."

Rocky sighed "Sir, I know this is bad, i realize that... but my friend here, she's not from our... culture"

"uh-huh, bet she's a tribal from papau new guinnea and thought we were an enemy tribe, go to hell!"

Rocky sat back, well, there was his story out the window, and he couldnt claim "racism" on that remark because the cop was also black, for some reason he was wearing big aviator sunglasses and had a huge handlebar mustache.

ahead of them, the car with the 2 bodies in it turned off to the general hospital

"okay, thats where the bodies are going... Makoto, i can't help you or he'll see me, pick your own cuffs and i'll do my own as well, and keep it quiet.. or do yuo want to go on another killing spree and get us both shot?"

Marco looked at her with horror, the little girl continued to giggle "you wanna replace him! ou wanna replace him! hehehehehe!... no Nicki, i'm afraid i can't let you do that... here, have your boyfriend back, walk out the door and you're both free, but before you do..." Marco turned his head to the girl and she lashed out, sticking 2 fingers into his eyes, blood squirted out, and when she pulled her fingers out, Marco's eye sockets burst out into flame

"GYAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" he began to stumble back, hunched over with the flames coming from his eyes

the little girl pointed "uh-oh, looks like his dream has become a nightmare... go on Nicki, take him home... wake him up..."

the door flew open, the light shining, the flames from Marco's eyes stopped, leaving him on his knees lokoing down, big black marks where his eyes were, he began to feel around, not able to see

"dont worry, his blindness won't last when he awakens, but he will find himself... different, a gift from me..."
Nicki helped Marco up taking to the light. She awoke in a car."Marco! "She called out immediately sitting up.

Makoto began to pick her cuffs once done she winked at Rocky and started yelling at the officer suddenly looking pregnant she cried out in pain still screaming in her strange language.
Marco awoke, but Nicki wasn't there, instead he was on a gurney, being taken into the emregency room


a cop was the first to hear "Doctor! he's awake"

the doctor came along, shining a light in his eyes "hold still boy, do you feel pain in your eyes? in your head?"

"what, no!"

the cop and doctor looked at each-other

"okay, i wasn't seeing things, his eyes started bleeding and his eye fluids were boiling!" went the cop.

"i know young man, i was there, this is quite a situation..." replied the doctor, trying to think, Marco leaned up "Nikki!" but he fell back, feeling a sharp pain in his chest

"calm down boy, you've been shot!"

marco remembered "... oh.. right.. i dont remember seeing a shooter"

well, the truth was, he did...



Marco walked toward the slenderman

"Run *****! run for your life!" he yelled and that girl ran off as fast as she could

the slenderman looked at Marco, taking every shot and moving back, then... the magazine was used up.

looking down to reload, when he looked up, the slenderman was right in front of him

"AAH!" he fired again, but to no effect, the slenderman grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up

"come..." a voice in his head said... from behind him, he heard his companion coming, shelifted her gun, a large handgun, not as powerful as a .44 magnum, but the bullets were bigger...

"Help!" he screamed, the light armound him beginning to warp as the slenderman tried to take him

"Heh, no... it takes a lot longer for him to absorb "damaged goods" and lets face it..." she aimed "I'd rather he take you slower than waste my ammo helping you"

she fired, shot him in the back...



Rocky got his cuffs off too, he was used to dealing with cops, so acting was another of his strengths.

"oh crap, look dude, you gotta get her to the hospital, man, OH CRAP there's water on the floor! her water broke, there's blood here too man, its coming"

the cop bought up his radio "Base this is Alpha sixer sixer niner, i have a pregnant woman in custody who's water just broke, request permission to take her to hospital, over"

the radio responded "Alpha this is base, according to our tracker you're now closer to the station than the general hospital, a seperate bed is now being arranged and hospital staff have been notified"

"do we have anyone qualified in midwifery?"

"Doctors Henderson, Jackson, Davies and Tzu are all qualified"

"understood... hang on back there girl, we'll get you some help soon!"

the sirens went on and they sped up.

"good plan... it was worth a try" grumbled Rocky, it seemed they were now in a whole 'nother mess..
M growled"I'm getting tiered of this so Fu*k it! " The body fell limp it was died without Makotos soul in it. Suddenly a group of race cars(Lamborghini Ferrari mustang. Ect) The one leading was a 69 shevy impola (something like that got it off of supernatural )

They all worked together boxing them in until they stopped. A female walked out and seeming like 6 black muscular men got out Of their car and followed. She was unarmed but the rest had rifles shotguns and smgs. The girl looked like Nicki Minaj. Before all that plastic surgery.

She chewed on bubble gum as she walked over to the car like she owned the place. She opened the backseat door and yanked Rocky out putting his cuffs back on. She left the girl and lead Rocky to her car tossing him in the car. She speeds off as two cars follow the rest take care of the cops.

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Rocky got out "okay Makoto, who are these guys? how did you leave your own body?... what the hell are you?"

he rubbed his wrists, looking at the other guys

"... seriously, who are you guys?"


a doctor looked in Nikk's eye "hello there young miss, it seems you and another young man were in a bit of a situation with some hoodlums, but its ok, you're safe now, do you feel any headaches? nausea? numbness?"

after her innevidible questions about Marco

"Marco?... that must bt the young man who came in with you, I dont believe in hiding the truth, he seemed to be having some serious spasms, shaking, and there seemed to be blood coming from his eyes... he's in the E.R right now..."


"Get some more seditives in him, NOW!"

"the leather bindings won't hold out much longer!"

"hold on hold on!..."

Marco was on a bed in the e.r, his arms and legs being strapped down, his face was red and he was struggling against the bindings... his muscles were all playing havoc on him

"his body is getting too hot, cool him down!"

under his shirt, his muscles were pulling and compressing, fat was being burned off insanely fast, causing his body to heat up, the same was happening with his neck, his back, his arms and his legs, veins were pressed up against the surface of his skin.

"gyaaaahhh!" he went, the sedatives not doing much.

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