He Is Watching

Rocky sighed, "Mohga kibullit makaari brosh" (She attempted to cheat on her mate with me) of course Rocky was a sharp guy with plenty of books, he learned the language long ago.

an eye glanced at Nicki, almost all respect for her was gone "Kerabu serrah Makaari robusia walum yobursh wakimati quem" (her angered mate has done something foolish, we're going to stop him before its too late, you can come with us)
Makoto stood removing the bow from her back and smacking Nicki across the face with it.Nicki hissed after hitting the floor and pounced clawing at her face but it was useless as she used her bow to roll on top of Nicki and choke her with the string."waele murrpau waele waele murrpau dos orn yaith whol dosst mithuth" (stupid cat stupid stupid cat! you will pay for your sin!)Makoto hissed with a clawed up face.She looked over to Rocky with her ears twitching slightly as if asking if he wished her to stop.
Rocky sighed, "Il xo'ausulu dunga pholor ilta m'ranndii xuil uns'aa" (She attempted to cheat on her mate with me) of course Rocky was a sharp guy with plenty of books, he learned the language long ago.

an eye glanced at Nicki, almost all respect for her was gone "ilta analdi m'ranndiiuriu xunor folbol waela, ud'phuul aluin ulu vrine'winith ukta p'los olt ichlgajen, dos shlu'ta doer xuil udossa" (her angered mate has done something foolish, we're going to stop him before its too late, you can come with us)
Chance stands there and looks at niki he was generally pissed off so him yelling may have been a bit scary for niki or kasumi since he never yelled "Damn it niki!!! Yoi are rediculous!" he looks at Rocky now "Watch your mouth! If you ever call my sister anything like that again you will be hurt." he looks at kasumi and smiles "I still love you ." he smiles and starts walking
Makoto stopped and looked at Chance so Nicki hit her in face face with her own bow."Rocky help"Nicki yelped as Makoto hissed taking out her knife.
Rocky growled "alright! thats enough!" he roared so loud the house shook, they could geel the vibrations from his voice in their bodies

he stood up, grabbing nicki by the head and Chance by the head, and he threw them out the door, sending them sprawling onto the grass out front of his place, he then turned to Kasumi, snarling face-to-face with her

"... out.... now" he grabbed her also by the head, but she was too tall to throw out so he just shoved her out, when he did so he looed at Chance and showed his big claws, intimidating him into not acting.

he slammed the door after they were out "honestly! when someone tells you to get out of their house, you dont stay around and make more drama, YOU GET THE F**K OUT!"

he turned around and saw Makoto still in there "oh... you're still here"
Makoto looked at Rocky with her head tilted in a cute way.She didn't want to go and he could tell that by the look in her eye. She reached out a hand for him to take for she just wanted to help.
Rocky sat down, putting his head in his hands, he was honestly shaken up by this, he's known Nicki since he was but a pup, and here she was trying to cheat on her newfound mate with him, barely a day after first mating, when their bond should be strongest, but then again, he blamed himself as well for initially driving him away, but still he found Nicki's behavior afterwards to be inexcusable.

he glanced over, seeing Makoto holding her hand out, slowly, he took her hand and held it tightly, he didn't say anything, but he did find it comforting.
Makoto tilted her ears back and smiled. She pulled him up and leaned down just hugging him tightly. She hummed softly trying to calm him.she may hate him but he had no one to speak with so fighting could wait in her book.
Rocky sighed (can;t be bothered translating now, but just assume he's speaking the language she speaks) "I dont know anymore... everythings changed so much..."

he looked around the room, everything in there was old, in need of replacing "haa... what do you think Makoto?... even when angry you never mislead people... should i go help them get their friend back?... do you thnk they'll ever get over their personal drama before he gets himself killed?..."
(Same here I'm to tiered) Makoto pulled back and looked Rocky in the eye."They shouldn't have brought such things in your home of peace. "She said and let him go.She took his hand and pulled him to the bed."Rest, I stay and watch over things "she turned to leave but stop turning her head "stupid dog " she said with a smile since she always called him that.she just wanted to see him smile.
Rocky went along with her, lying down on his bed, as soon as his head hit the matress, he realized that he was in fact tired, he tended to get tired when angry, even feeling angry burned up his energy like crazy, he was of course about to protest, about to say "but i'm not tired! i need to do something!" but no, as soon as he was down, he just sighed and relaxed... Makoto knew him more that either of them realized it.

he wasn't asleep though "Makoto... listen to me, Nikki's mate... he's a good guy, i can tell... before i knew Nikki was mated, when i thought she was still undecided i kissed her, her mate saw and assumed she was in on it, he left in anger and has done something stupid and he's gonna do something thats gonna get him killed... oh, and remember earlier when i said Nikki cheated? yeah, after the first kiss and after i was told she was mated, she kissed me, didn't hold back either..."

he realized he was rambling, but he corrected himself.

"Makoto, you're annoying, pushy, creepy and honestly, you stink, seriously take a bath or something... but i know you're not the kind of person to let someone go get himself killed while in a rage... so will you help us?... or at least, help me?"
Makoto sat on the bed next to him."I will help you, not them. You have so much kindness even after what happened " She smiled kissing him behind the ear then stand."and I don't stink dog! "
Rocky shook his head when she kissed him, growling deeply "Don't push it Nymph" (i'm just gonna assume they're Nymphs, since Navi arent based on earth) he got up, grabbing a coat and a bag "do we have any rags that belonged to him? anything?..." he looked around, he eventually found something, a bit of cloth from his clothes which was torn off on a nail which was sticking out of his table.

"good enough... lets go"

he Exited out the front door, he growled at them all "well, since you're more interested in making drama than helping your friend and you..." he looked at Nikki "You're more interested in having a sulk than trying to clear things up with your mate and save him frmo certain death, looks like Makoto and I will be the ones to help him... you all sicken me" he walked off, in the direction of the portal.

in a few minutes, they came to the portal, Rocky sighed "so, ready to go through? have you ever been to the human world before?... you might wanna assume a human form..." Rocky did so, changing his body into the shape of a large, bald man, he looked honestly a bit like 50 cent, but with a lighter complexion and not so much like a d-bag "right, lets move" he grunted, he waited for Makoto to assume a form "you know how, right? you can choose your own skin tone and all... just not facial and muscle structure"
(Hey! 50 cent rules -.-)

Makoto did as he said, didn't work the first few times but she got the form of the much looked Singer Aaliyah. (We miss u angel v.v) Makoto looked around a bit."...everything is taller now ...."She said still speaking her language since she didn't know anything if the humans ways.
(just looked her up, shes beautiful)

"alright can you speak any human languages? English? Dutch? Japanese? Chinese? Arabic? Russian? Swahili?..." after her "no" Rocky shook his head "okay, don't say anything, just pretend your a mute..."

before going in he looked back, and his face sank a bt more, he was hoping to at least see Nikki come running up to the portal... a little bit of redemption in his eyes, he sighed "to abandon your mate..." he muttered "I'm glad she didn't choose me... i pity Marco for being stuck with her..." he said this in english so makoto couldnt understand him, as quietly as he said it.

coming through the portal, they heard an alarm in the distance "Okay Makoto, try and take everything in stride, we're based on human technology here, not magic, magic barely exists in this world, but luckily... these crafty humans have made these incredible machines which in many cases, are more efficient and effective than magic"

as they walked through the cell block, they saw the empty cell, Rocky flicked his passcard, making the alarm stop "damnit... this is the cell he released, its only a matter of time before things get worse, lets move"

outside, they saw it was dark, Rocky took a second to feel for any magical presence, he could feel it in the distance "damnit.. the Slenderman, he's almost here... there, i mean, and i'll bet Marco isn't far from the source..."


At the site, marco, weilding a handgun from the stolen car hid behind a concrete wall, the orc woman next to him "okay, the pattern says that... here" he gestured towards an overweight brunette girl walking through the park speaking loudly on her mobile "yah? yah Denisha, Brad's such an ass... oh em gee! just dump his ass! get with Kyle!... who cares he god heself a..." she stopped when she looked around, the Slenderman stood behind her, she let out a glass-breaking scream but was cut off when the Slenderman was knocked away a bit by a bullet to the side of it's head, but he didn't dissapear, he looked at Marco with the flaming gun barrel

"... lets do this..."

he walked towards the Slenderman, firing...
Makoto followed Rocky seeing Kasumis classic car nearby. She nudged rocky lightly pointing at it."kas told me stories about that"she said before she was rammed into by Nicki."ow! " makoto yelped falling to the ground with Nicki siting on top of her.
Rocky glanced back at Nikki "well well well... came along to help your mate did you?... or is it me you're after?... doesn't matter, either get in the car or go your own way..." he shoved Nikki off Makoto and helped Makoto up.

he grunted and turned again to the car, his wolf side showing a bit in his grunt.

getting into the car, he waited for both Makoto and Nikki to get in, then he started the ignition "we're short on time... i can sense the presence of the Slenderman, his aura... he's in battle with Marco at the moment, we best hurry..."

they sped off, quickly gaining top speed, part of Rocky's hunter mentality was utilizing everything he can and mastering them to make him the most efficient hunter, from disguises to weapons to vehicles... and it showed in his skillful driving.

Rocky was silent the whole trip, in "hunting mode" Nikki knew this, and she knew he used to have a lot of "left over energy" by the end... but those days are now long past.

as they approached, they saw the stolen car in the distance, before they could pull up they heard a loud BANG! it was from a customized .44 Magnum, the kinda customization that beings above human strength can handle... like an orc.

as they got out of the car, Rocky lead them as they came int the open, in the middle of the area, there was no orc, no slenderman, but Marco was there... on his back, with a hole in his chest... when they came up to him, Rocky looked at the wound "that *****... this wound on his chest.. its an exit wound, he was shot in the back..."

he leant down and put 2 fingers on his throat "his heart... it's weak, but still beating, same with his breath"
Nicki pushed Rocky aside crying as she looked at Marco."I'm so sorry! " she cried moving some hair out of his face.Makoto rolled her eyes and looked at Rocky. "You alright stupid dog"
"i am" grunted Rocky to Makoto, he looked down at Marco "but he sure-shit ain't..."

you got that right silly puppy..." they heard a young girl's voice say it, looking up they saw a young girl standing before them, looking about 11-12 years old, she wore a tattered black gress, her hair was orderly and perfect, a honey blonde tone, but her skin was pale as a ghost and her eyes were as black as night, and her feet, without shoes, but thats not the weirdest thing, hot tar seemed to cover her feet, she left a little bit with every step she took "... my friend took you're friend away but left him here... his body anyway" she giggled "it was so funny, he tired using silver bullets! then bullets which seemed to harness sunlight (U.V rounds) then bullets that went BOOM! (explosive rounds) and even after that failed, the silly billy pulled out a knife and tried to cut my friend's head off!... so my big friend picked him up, and before my fiend could get to eating you're frined's body.. you're frined's green girlfriend shot him in the back, so all we have is his consciousness... and his soul"

the little girl giggles and hopped backwards, sending her flying to the top of a nearby bench

"of course... you can get him back, and have his body fixed without doctors and nurses... but to do so, you'll have to go to where you're friend's mind is, and bring him back... i can take you, and leave your body here..."

she held her hand out to Nikki "you.. i can smell you're regret, you reek of it... i want you to be the one to go after him! it'll be the most fun" she looked at Rocky and Makoto "those two would just be boring..."

while she was saying all this, Rocky was dumbfounded by this girl, he whispered "this girl.., she's not an illusion, i can see her, but i can't smell her, or feel her aura, i can only smell the tar that leaves her feet... be wary"
Nicki looked at the girl then down at Marco."Fine, if it saves him..."Nicki took the girls hand sniffling a bit as her other hand brushed across Marco's face.Makoto would have attacked the girl but she had to leave her bow and knife behind since they where to strong for human hands. She had nothing to defend herself with so unfortunately for her she had to stand down. "I hate this human body. It is short and weak!" She muttered to Rocky eying the young girl. She couldn't understand the girl or care to as she stood close to Rocky for protection.
(srry for the wait, in melbourne, am using hotel kiosk)

The little girl laughed "oh now the game will begin!" As Nikki took her hand, her world seemed to warp and twist, before eventually setting in a very different place...

this other place, she was confined in a large metal cage, 3 metres by 3 metres, a metal grid of 1cm wide metal strips interlinked, the cage was rusted and smelled of vomit, faeces and blood, outside the cage was complete darkness, except for a small burst of flame in the distance and what looked like a dim sun in the distance

"welcome!" said the little girl, this time, all she wore was barbed wire, tearing into her small frame, she didnt seem fazed by it "this is the otherworld, where Slenderman's friends come to play, they run, they hide, they tear each-other apart... and you're "dear little mate" is lost in here, trying to maintain his individuality within this tempest of souls!"

a side of the cage collapsed "... jump on down, and you will find him..." before Nikki could approach the edge hanging open into the abyss "You know, since you're my plaything here i'l give you a hint... in here... well, you'll see them how they will see you, but you're mate, Marco... him alone, you will see as he really is, he is the one who will stand out... have fun"

the cage began to tip, soon it was too steep for Nikki to stay on, she fell from the cage into the abyss...

THUD! she hit something hard, but against all logic, she was unhurt looking up there seemed to be a hallway like the cage she was in before, same smell, same material, same everything... none of this metal seemed new, all of it

sorry, hotel kiosk freaked out and posted that prematurely...

none of the metal seemed new, the blood was long since dried on the metal, in the distance, she heard muffled screams, from the darkness she saw a grotesque figure, it was female, her face was gone, but instead of eyeholes and a mouth were 2 stab wounds where her eyes would be and a big carved-in smile, she wore a small rag around her breasts but her "lower parts" were exposed, they were bloody, bruised and mutilated as well as her legs, she walked crookedly and when she came within 10 feet of Nikki, she stopped, she was silent for about 7 seconds, then, showing her long fingernails, she screached and ran at Nikki, intent on killing.
Nicki gulped looking at the thing before running back at her and useing her shoulder to help her flip over and rush off looking for marco. Makoto looked at Rocky before walking off into the street looking around. The place smelled much different from the fresh air in their relm. She walked into the street thinking everyone is as nice and will stop as they would in her world but clearly she thought wrong and almost got ran over.

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