He Is Watching

Nicki did flick her ears a bit feeling his hand then lightly put her tail over him to keep him warm.She kissed his lips softly and cuddled next to him."y-you can put them...If you want.." Nicki said looking up at him cutely.
Marco held her close, sighing contently as his hands stroked her head, touching her ears, to be honest, he was having trouble coming to terms with all the things happening today, first he confesses this morning at the beach, then they move into her's and Chance's house, then he found out Kasumi and Nicki were some kinds of... secret agents? then they (beep)ed then they were attacked by some hit squad from hell, then they abandoned their homes, then informed that Nicki wssn't human and that mythological creatures including the Slenderman were real and here they were in some fantasy world on the other side of this weird portal... he was amazed that he haden't entered shock, but then again, maybe he has and its just not sunk in yet, like if you get shot and you dont feel it 'cos your in shock...

"So... why did you bring us here? surely it couldnt have been just to swim and cuddle..."
Nicki had closed her eyes purring softly as Marco pet her lightly.Kasumi sat by the water."We want to offer you a place to stay here." She said."Look around,your world is much darker,noisyer and smellyer...smell the air.. its clean and the water is pure no matter how many things are in there" Nicki looked at Marco."Will you?"
Marco looked down, leaning back, he lightly

"... no... no, i can't just sit back and stick my head in the sand while the Slenderman is running amok back home, i just can't... I'm sorry Nicki"
Nicki got up walking away from Marco. She understood but was saddened by it.Kasumi stoped him if he tried to go after her."We are doing everthing we can to stop the slender man, but Nicki wants you safe in the prosses" Kasumi sighed sitting down next to him as Nicki vanished in the trees.
Marco watched Nicki vanish, he sighed

"... no-one worth their salt would just sit by in safety and comfort while those he loves are in danger from the Slenderman and those commandos or whatever else... "

Marco looked up at the waterfall, mapping out a route to climb back up

"you have to let me go back..."
"Fine, we will, we will need a team first though" Kasumi stood waiting on Marco to follow her.They walked for a whil until hitting a large cave."This is some one i know can help us... he likes Nicki as well"

(First one is a werewolf, so if you want to play him speak now beacause Nicki is inside with him)
Marco got really suspicious when she said he likes Nicki too, with the door open he walked in, as soon as he saw him with Nicki he instantly didnt like him, he nodded to them "hey..."

he waited for Kas to speak next.
Nicki was hanging on to the Wolf's back happily chatting with him.Kasumi looked at Marco with a slight grin."Hey Rocky! We need your help." Kasumi said bluntly and waited for his answer.
Of course like any guy, seeing his girlfriend hanging to another guy's back like that made him... uneasy, especially after hearing he likes her... more than once he's heard of girls hanging with "guy friends" all the time and turns out they're cheating on their bfs... if thise was the 1950s, Marco wouldnt have worried, but times have changed... (friend of mine's girlfriend did exactly that)

"having fun, are we?" he said to Nicki, his tone was pretty clear even though eh tried to make it sound friendly

(sorry, are you wanting me to control Rocky?)
Rocky turned to Kas and Marco "Kasumi! how you been girl!" he got up, he held Nicki's legs so he was giving her a biggy back, but his hands were a bit too "close" for comfort with Marco, and he seemed to be doing it on purpose.

he looked at Marco, he saw where marco's eyes looked, at his hands on Nicki's upper thighs, he sneered "what you some kinda pervert boy? lookin at her thighs!" "no, i'm looking at your hand... on her thighs..." Rocky hoisted Nicki up again, his hand sliding up a bit more, touching her butt a bit, Marco's eyes narrowed "Nicki..." he looked at her, he was NOT ammused by how she was just sitting there letting him run his hands all over her... it made him very uncomfortable as to what she might let him do if he wasn't here...
Nicki giggled loving to be carried even more by Rocky beacause he was strong and furry.Kasumi smiled widely looking over at Rocky."Busy very busy, which is why I'm here.The Slenderman is attacking Marco's home"Nicki leaned up nibbling on Rockys ear before useing her cat skills to stand on his left shoulder and flip off."No need for the dirty look Marco!" Nicki hissed crossing her arms still upset he wouldn't stay with her.Kasumi sighed looking at the two."Nicki just kiss him already!!" Kas snapped making Nicki jump back in fear."You don't have to snap geez!" Nicki then suddenly pulled Marco close planting a deep kiss on his lip.She could care less if it angered Rocky she just didn't want Marco upset with her.

( Oh and you+Rocky= AWESOME!!!)
Marco returned her kiss with a passion, wrapping his arms around her as they made out right in front of Rocky and Kasumi... Marco wasn't the "jealous dickhead" type, but any guy would be pissed if they saw another guy with his hands on his girlfriend's ass, and that "pissed off" spreads to her if she's still smiling when he does it and doesnt ask him to stop... but he guessed this made up for it... Rocky would know that his time with Nicki was over... he knew he had been friendzoned.

Rocky's eye twitched "are you freaking kidding me?..." his jaw was almost on the floor "are you freaking kidding me!? Nicki, you're a clear 10, and this guy is a 6 at best! come on, i thought you could do better than that! or did you just abandon your standards after living in that human world too long!?" Marco raised an eyebrow, honestly surprised, this guy was kinda simple in the end, so easy to anger and so quick into jealousy "... snappy"

Rocky too a deep, shuddering breath, and as he exhaled he pulled his hands back and pressed his arms out, as if pushing all the anger and jealousy away "control yourself Rocky, you're not that man anymore..." he said quietly ".. Sorry about that, i've uhh..." "always beena bit like that?" continued Marco "y-yeah, but i'm trying to cool down" replied Rocky, scratching his head in embarrassment "try seeing the lighter side of everything, you know, laugh things off, works for me in most situations..." and then quietly "not so much lately...." Rocky nodded, it seemed they reached some kind of understanding, his time with Nicki was gone, but a big, strong, protective guy like him... he had a few girls already vying for his attention, it just seemed the one he liked the most was now out of his reach, he started to think of this a bit, as the "lighter side"

Rocky turned to Kasumi "what do you need me to do? i can fight off an ogre or a rouge werewolf pack, you've seen me do it, but the slenderman... even i can't take him..."

Marco's hand touched Nicki's, and he gripped her hand tight.
Hearing Rocky made Nicki realize she liked Rocky as well wich only made her depressed as she looked Rocky in the eye pulling her hand away."Rocky I.. I.."By the look she was giving Rocky he should be able to tell she did like him as well but before anyone could say a word Nicki ran off.Kasumi glared at them"Look what you did!!"she growled but sighed turning to rocky."we need you to help us catch him"
Rocky grinned turning to Marco "why dsont you just sit here, make some tea and wait for the big boy to go catch "your" girl..." he laughed as he took off out the door, following Nicki's scent, Marco glared "for crying out loud... when i see Nicki next, im gonna have to have a talk with her about being suck a f**king drama queen!" he took off too, he didn't know the area but he was gonna see if he can follow their tracks.

soon, Rocky caught up with Nicki, he grabbed her, tackling her to the ground in a soft patch of grass, he ended up on top of her, smiling "... gotcha"
Nicki screamed as she fell and then blushed seeing it was Rocky."Oh..H-hi Rocky" Nicki smiled warmly reaching up and scratching him behind the ear."Do you need me?"Kasumi ran after Marco grabbing his arm"Stop! Your like a child!All of you are! Being stupid and ignorant like a child!" Kasumi hissed.her grip was suprzingly stong on Marcos arm.
"a child!?"

Marco breaks her grip and a fist lands in her face, sending her to the ground

"... you dont have someone you love fooling around with someone else right in front of you, don't think you understand..."

he went out the door, following Rocky's tracks with ease...

In the grassy clearing, Rocky smiled, his ear twitching as she scratched it "you know.. i missed you while you were in the human world..." he stroked the side of her face "He's not good enough for you, you know... a girl like you, smart, capeable, confident in yourself and driven... he's just defensive, Jealous and did you see his face when he saw you with me? a guy like him wouldnt let you have a life of your own, he's possessive... But you know me Nicki... you've known me for a very... long... time"

he put a finger over her mouth for a bit, enjoying the silence then... he leant in, he leant in and kissed her, he kissed her deeply.

when he finished the kiss, when nicki could see a bit behind him.. marco was there, standing on the side of the clearing, his eyes wide in shock, but then they changed... became the exact same eyes as back when he came into Rocky's house, for a sew seconds he didnt say anything, ocky glanced back "look who it is..."

Marco shook his head bit, his face angry, with Nicki's superior ears, she heard what he said ever so quietly... "f**king whore..." he didnt attack rocky, try to pull her away, none of that, he turned around and walked off into the woods.
Nicki twiched her ear frozen at this point.What Marco said replayed over and over in her mind.She watched Marco walk off.'How much did he see?Did he really see it all? If so then he should have seen Rocky kiss me not me kiss him' Nicki thought turning to lay on her side with her eyes shut.She hugged her knees with her ears down a her tail limp.'Was Marco right? Was she a wh*re?' Nicki suddenly started to cry uncontrolablely."But, but. Marco!" Nicki cried not caring Rocky was still on top of her.
Marco heard her cry out, but he was on his way back to the portal

"screwing me around... just like all the other girls, she sees a cute guy and shes all over him..." (assuming Kasumi went out of the house) he walked past Kasumi "your friend's a whore" he said to her, not even looking at her as he kept on walking, making his way up the hill towards the portal, this place was nice, but he wasn't going to screw around here with (what he thought was) a cheating now ex-girlfriend...

Back in the clearing, Rocky looked down at her, stroking her hair

"don't feel bad... he missed out, he wasn't for you... if he was..." then came the words that would echo in her brain painfully "... its not like you tried to stop me... in fact, i think you liked it..."
Nathan clenched his fists he runs past Kasumi and taps Rocky's shoulder when he looks up nathan says "Hi there. Im Nikki's brother and i just want to say. F**K YOU." he hit him in the jaw knocking him onto the ground he pulls out a knife "You don't do that. That is marco's girlfriend and my sister. If i ever see you with your dirty hands on her again I will cut them up and shove them down your damn throat so you choke on them." he kicks him in the face while he was on the ground Nathan was pretty strong from doing parkour and such
strong or not, Rocky was a hardened hunter of beings that could rip Nathan's arms out using only their index fingers and their thumbs, such kicks were strong... by human standards, but he's the kinda guy who tanks sledgehammer blows from Orge warbosses to slice their necks open.

"You think I was what? molesting your sister? raping her?... she never stopped me, she never tried to hold me back, i gave her plenty of time to stop me, but not a word..."

he grinned to Nathan (I thought it was Chance?) Rocky got up, he was completely unfazed by Nathan's attacks "now now boyo, that was a good kick, and a good punch... by human standards... but you humans never drove the werewolves back beyond the woods with brute strength, you're more clever than that, arent you? use a machine, some contraption, a ruse surrounded by traps?... don't wanna sound like I resent humans for diminishing us so much, no werewolves or orcs do, you are worthy enemies, not strong, but clever and cunning..."

after Rocky's little rant on how humans werent strong enough to beat him, but only say, a crossbow or a gun or a sword might stop him, he lashed out, he had his hand open with his claws drawn, but he clenched it into a fist and plowed it into Nathan's stomach, hitting him so hard he was lifted up off the ground "or... are you the kinda brother who dictates who his sister is with?..."
(Sorry it's chance haha.) Chance coughs and falls to his knees he stands up and laughs "You must be weak by werewolf standards. You hit like a b***** " he kicks Rocky in the side of the head "Don't touch her ever, or kasumi. I swear." Rocky would notice his arm was bleeding a bit from a deep cut
Nicki stood and walked away still crying but she didnt wont in the fight.Kasumi narrowed her eyes looking around."Nicki... stop.. Nicki!" Kasumi called turning her head to see an arrow sticking out of Nickis side and orcs running fast to try and pick her up before they could interfear.
at the portal back, Marco stopped, looking back, he looked over the world he was bought to, and he scowled , he turned and walked on through the portal...

Rocky smiled "oh i like you, you have a fire in your belly!" he didn't even notice the bleeding, in fact, right before Chance's eyes, the wound he was bleeding from healed over "haa... little scratches like that... no problem" there was still a scar mark on his arm "he flashed his claws at Chance "back away buddy... i dont wanna hurt you"

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