He Is Watching

CHance looks at him one the girls leave "She is crazy so be careful and her bed is squeaky for the love of god find somewhere else to. Ahem." he laughs and looks at him "and be careful or ill have to hurt you. Also any tips i havent had many girlfriends."
"ok, right, right... and i didnt want to bring it up but yeah, that bed is loud as hell... look man, you know me, i dont beat around the bush, i tell it like it is since i can't lie for shit... and man, i dont think you'd need to hurt me, i think my brains would be decorating a nearby wall if i hurt her"

he chucked a bit at the last one

"many!? dude, i've never had a girlfriend, but uhh... has she had many boyfriends before me?..."
"By many i mean she is my first girlfriend and my first kiss " he rubs the back of his neck "Anyway. She has had a few.."
Marco sighed

"guess i'll have to work my ass off to keep her, i'll bet those other guys were big, 8-pack rich boys, right?... haaa... so, shall we?"

he walked outside, once outside he picked up an orange from the basket, he had Kasumi take a step back and he threw it high and fast.
Marco honestly felt at a disadvantage here.... a big disadvantage, each one of these guys could throw knives, shoot guns, kick ass... all he'd be able to do was jab with a knife, he bit his lip and looked down for a second while he sighed, before looking up again and grabbing a banana, throwing it in a spinning motion, with a flick of his wrist, sending it spinning.

"you know guys... i kinda feel like the odd one out here, you can all shoot, throw knives and all that... and i can't do any of that.."
Nathan laughs "I can't shoot. Ive always been obsessed with knives though. It's taken years of practice. Besides these weapons wouldnt do anything against slend except piss him off"
Nicki smiled. "You remind me of my last boy friend James "Kasumi smiled as well."oh yeah we worked with him I remember you got stuck in the elevator together! "Kas said with a smile.
marco shook his head

"ok, guy rule 101, "dont talk about old boyfriends"!"

he sighed, looking ad his own figure

"... he was better than me, wasn't he?"
Nicki looked up. "He was called the heartless assassin. The most romantic person I ever met.we where going to get married. "Nicki looked down with pain in her eyes.
marco rolled his eyes, did she honestly just f**king say that!? it sounds like shes still in love with him... she probably is, so what is he? just a "comfort device" for her?

he just shook his head "for christ sake..." he said quietly, throwing a piece of fruit back in the bowl, she was his first girlfriend and she has not only had several boyfriends, all of which were probably better than him, but she was still in love with him! he could tell by the way she described him...
"but he died."Kasumi looked down and pulled away from his kiss."yeah... he was the best thief I ever saw" Nicki laughed a bit and looked at Marco."don't die on me!please!" Nicki cried hugging him tightly.
the way she cried and hugged him.. it actually reinforced his thought that he was just a comfort device, in her mind, just a replacement for the other guy.

"... won't die Nicki... i promise..."
Nicki stood there hugging him a moment before pulling away."Then i promise never to leave your side."Nicki gave a weak smile and sat on the steps looking up at the sky."Will it ever get better?Am i stuck here forever?livin next door searching for a place called home.gotta to go and i can not wait,I'm lookin for a place called home don't know how but i'll find a way,I'm lookin for a place thats 3,000 light years away."Nicki sand in a soft voice then smiled."Mother used to sing to me at night as she brushed my hair.it seems like everything i love just,withers away" she sighed looking down.
"last i checked... i'm not withering..."

he put a hand on her head and kissed her forehead

"look, i'm not going to die, i'm not a thief, or an assassin, or some super soldier like i'm guessing you've normally dated... I'm just some guy, we tend to have a longer lifespan than those other guys... just you make that same promise, don't you go dying on me either, ok?"
Nicki looked up at him."I can't promise that.I'm... well we are so wanted if we get caught we could get put on death row."Nicki said and looked down.Kasumi walked over and sat next to Nicki."Relax,we are still young.we can't slip up now."
Marco sighed

"then just promise me you won't get caught, okay?..."

he held her close... thinking a bit of what he was getting himself into...
"ok"Nicki smiled and hugged him tightly giving him a kiss on the cheek.she looked up at the night sky while cuddling with him.
Marco held her tight as well, he guessed that he shouldnt be uncomfortable that she has been with other guys, a girl like her, going around the world,meeting exotic men who find her equally as exotic.. things were gonna happen, he guessed... but he still felt like she was settling for less, just taking him because he's always been here... something to fall back on, but luckily that thought was in the back of his mind at the moment.
Nicki didn't feel that way at all.sure they were all rich and bad a** but they were cocky jerks to,alwaystalking about them self or thinking they own her.she had been around then so long she forgot what it's like to date a nomale guy and forgot how to act with one.she couldn't tell him that though.he would just think she was a hooker or somthing.no she couldnt.Nicki looked down as stuff moves around in ber mind.
Marco stroked a hand down her long hair.

"alright... how about we keep going huh? you were having fun shooting the fruit before..."

he let go of her and picked up an apple.

"ready?..." he threw the apple in a spinning motion.

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