He Is Watching

Marco went quiet for a bit

"for thinking skinny pale guys are cute.. for punching a guy for giving you a compliment... for licking some blood off my face, oh! that reminds me, i dont have any blood diseases but you might want to keep a close eye on you're health for a couple weeks... drinking someone else's blood and all... "

he sighed

"to be honest Nicki... yes, you are weird, but to be honest, personally, I'm not bothered by it, I don't think there is anything wrong with being a bit "weird"... its just a part of who you are"

he selected the biggest eggs he could find then he put them carefully on the counter

"right, thats the egg, now i'll just go kill us a pope and we'll be ready for the casserole" he joked
Nicki laughed and whisked the eggs,milk,green onions,onion powter and salt togather."if you want to get anything from your house do it now!"
Marco just laughed.

"nah, i'm good..."

he stood beside her then walked off, coming back, with her still working he put an apron around her neck, and worked about tying it behind her slender back.

"Can't have you cooking in a bikini, can we? a bit of oil bounces up and BAM burned..."

he finished tying it up, he had to admit, she was in great shape, thin, yet had the muscles of a surfer-chick.

"Seriously though... if we're hitting the beach then i'll just dry out on the walk home and I've got a couple Aloe-Vera plants back home I can use for the sunburn.

one bad side to having pale as hell skin even in an effort to win over the girl of you're dreams... you still burn almost instantly on a sunny day...
"oh thanks" Nicki giggles and looks at him.she put a layer of bacon on the bottem if the pan followed by the egg mix she made.she waped it up with plastic wrap and stuck it in the freazer."ok well we have time now" she said and suddenly ran upstairs to her room.
"okay then, so what should we-"

he was cut off by her removing the apron then running upstairs again, into her room.

"uhh... okay then... i guess"

Marco decided she was probably getting some stuff together, or putting some more clothes on, not like he minded her walking around in a bikini.

Walking to the front door Marco leaned against a post, this was all a bit too much at once, he needed a minute to get his head together.

"right... right..." he said.

"Well then, guess i better call the others..."

walking out to the front gate, Marco called out

"Hey guys! its ready!" he yelled.
(um no its not lol)

Nicki came back down and looked at Marco.She was whereing a necklace and she smiled a bit."what are you up to?" she ask peering over his shoulder.
"Oh, nothing..." said Marco, in truth he was just doing a drawing on some paper lying round with a pen he found on the table, he was honestly a great artist, considering he would draw in class whenever a substitute teacher would come about or he would finish his work, of course with all these dissapearances in a lot of classes they would barely even give out a single sheet since they can't handle giving the students even more stress than this dissaperance fiasco has given them.

On the drawing, he was making a drawing of a female fantasy warrior, however he hadn't put on a face.

"Still missing a face though..."

he turned to Nicki

"Hey, mind if i use you're face for this character?"
"ok i guess" Kasumi said."im hoping to meet some hot guys !" she laughed and turned to him."um..sure!" Nicki said and sat next to him.
Chacne looks down sadly "Oh.. Sounds fun i guess." he looks around "maybe i should stay home." he looks at the ground still
Chance looks at her he couldnt handle her flirting with other guys. If he went to the beach there would be a fight between him and some guy she was flirting wit"Because i told you there is a girl i have had a crush on for years.
"oh right...so who is she?" she asked and spoted a guy walking down the steet"mm..." she licked her lips watching him.
Chance looks down "One of Nikki's friends. Why does it matter." he looks down sadly he hated this.
Chance looks at her "No you shouldnt." he looks down hoping Niki would come to his rescue soon.
Chance stands there for a second. He kisses K deeply "Because. I have a huge crush on you." he turns and sprints into the house then up into his room and he falls on his bed breathing hevily. Whhy did he do that?
Marco just smiled as he put on the face to his drawing, drawing Nick's flowing hair, of course he knew chance had a crush on Kasumi for awhile now, he has a tendency to pick up on these things...

just as he finished the picture, he handed it to Nicki


the image was of a fantasy girl in a somewhat skimpy outfit but wasn't "slutty" but instead more on the side of being very sexy, the image had her character sitting on a log, one leg bent the other outstretched with a spear over her shoulder, she wore what seemed to be a bit of clothing which looked somewhat like a one-piece swimsuit, with thigh-high boots, muscular arms with large leather gloves and a scarf around her neck.

just after he handed it to her, Chance kissed Kasumi and Marco's head snapped around

"oh my god he actually freaking did it..." he said quietly, in his head, he had his fingers crossed that kasumi wouldnt reject him.
Nicki jumped up and hugged Marco. She then ran into her room to hang it up.Kasumi sighed as he ran off."this makes things odd..."she said and took a walk
Chance hits his wall and yells angrily "Dang it!" he sighs and sits down agains the wall and hangs his head in shame he just sits there hoping no one comes in to check on him to see whatthe loud thud was or to try to make him feel better
Marco looked at Kasumi and sighed

"I'll go take care of it..."

Marco followed Chance up into his room, seeing him there banging his head, Marco put his hand between Chance's head and the wall

"you finally confess... and you're first reaction is to come up here, bang you're head and cry... now what kind of message does that send to Kasumi? she didn't seem upset, but here you are throwing a f**king tantrum..."

Marco spoke plainly and to-the-point.
Chance looks at him "Hey im not crying!" he looks at Marco " Fine ill go down stairs to get rejected ." he slides down the stair railing and hops off at the end and grabs an apple off tje table
Kasumi and Nicki glare at Chance."PUT THE.." Nick started and paused as Kasumi finshed"APPLE DOWN." they waited for a respond from him.

so either he put the Apple down or this will happen

(Nicki ran at her brother and tackled him,Kasumi joined in by pinning him down and allowed nicki to run to her room then back making Chance"pretty" with her make-up.)
Marco came down the stairs, shaking his head

"honestly Chance... drama queen much?"

after getting down there, he saw the girls yell at Chance for picking up an apple

"for crying out loud, all of you, calm the hell down, Chance, say what you gotta say, you're too far gone to back out now!"

everything was focussed on Chance right now, but Marco was trying his best to help Chance get through this at LEAST with his dignity intact, or better, with his dignity intact AND Kasumi clinging to his arm as they head down to the beach, of course by the way this morning was going, it would be unlikely they would get to the beach full-stop

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