He Is Watching

Kasumi frowned."no wonder your still single...here let me show you how it goes." Kasumi said and leaned over kissing him with deep passion.
Chance kisses her back wondering why she was doing it he didnt want to get hurt. He pulls his hat down and smirks under the kiss he hoped nikki didnt see
Chance looks at her "Well i kind of already have a crush and have for years. So truth or dare?"
Chance thinks. "Hmm. I dare you to... To.. Kiss me." he smirks and looks at her where was Niki
Kasumi blushed not expecting him to say that.however being the smart a** she is she pecks him on the cheek with a grin.
"Kas! My hat!!" he runs after her and tackles her but turns so he hits the ground instead of her but she was ontop of him so he rolls and pins her "Give me my hat. Or else."
Chance tickles her "Now give me my hat!" he continues tickling her he smiles down at her watching her carefuly
"Ahh!!! Stop! Stop! "Kasumi said and laughed. Kasumi then threw his hat like a frizbee and looked as it glides through the wind.
Chance sprints down the street and jumps over a trashcan fliping and catching his hat when he lands he has his hat on and he looks at her and winks then he pulls his hat down on his hand
Kasumi blinked."....oh i can so do better!!!"she said and ran at the car.She jumped off the bumper of the car and fliped landing perfectly on the street.
"Maybe if you persuade me one day Ill tell you who i have had a crush on for years." he pulls an apple out of pretty much no where and takes a bite of it
Next door Marco left his place. Coming out oh his place, he. Looked up at chances and nikkis place, he sighed, just then, Chance came running down the street, chasing and catching his hat

"morning chance" said marco "what you up to today? Doesn't look like you're going to school"

Marco's tone was friendly, obvious he w as planning on skipping as well

Sorry for my bad typing, I'm using my dad's new Ipad
"HEY!you cant eat that!" Kasumi yell slideing over the hood and taking the apple."shame on you!" she said.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Nicki was kocking at your door>.<)
Chance turns and looks at Marco "Hey man.Niki Kas and I are going to the beach why dont you go find Nikki?" Chance looks at Kasumi "Why cant i have my apple
"its not YOUR apple" Kasumi said."besides is you eat this apple then thats one less Apple for a shinigami to feed his addition with."Kasumi cleaned the apple and set it on a step.
Marco shrugged, he was blushing a bit

"Ok chance, which beach we going to?"

after the answer, Marco went off

"okay man, i'll go fetch Nikki"

going to Chance's house, Marco went in and went up the stairs, soon coming to the room with "Nikki" on the door, Taking a deep breath in, taking in the smell of Nikki's perfume from her room, Marco prepared himself, making sure he didn't get rubber knees, he never did but he always thought he would.

he knocked on the door three times "KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!" then he spoke "Hey Nikki?... Its Marco from next door, look Chance asked me to come and get you so... are you ready to go or what?"

he tried to sound casual, he felt like he was screwing it all up but in reality he was playing it off pretty well.
Nicki opened the door."No im not ready..i still have to put on sunscreen!" she said.Nicki was a bit tall she was born that way so no one really cared.she turned and sat on the bed brushing her hair.
Marco couldnt help but blush when she opened the door, he looked in her room since she left the door open.

"uhh, alright then, just dont take forever, okay?"

he stepped into her room

"excuse the intrusion" he said casually, looking at the posters and the such on her walls, looking for something to spark a conversation then he rememebered, he looked back and saw her bikini..

"so, new swimsuit?... i like it, it really suits you"
Nicki had a few Death note,Inuyasha,Bleach and H.O.T.D posters (clearlyshe is a huge anime fangirl) Nicki smiled and looked at the papers on her bed."GAH!!" she as soon as she saw them she started picking them up as if she didnt want anyone to see.she stuffed them in her closet and sat back down."so....um yeah i got it at the mall pretty cool huh?"she smiled and got out some lip gloss slowly placeing it on her lips.
"yeah, really cool, i'll bet all the guys will be drooling over you" he said smiling.

he glanced at the posters, then he remembered, Marco himself was an anime fanboy but he kept getting the impression that Nikki was all into what most other girls hr age liked, posters of big hunky guys, pop music, crappy teen romance/dramas ect...

"Hey Nicki... you ever seen Mirai Nikki? i thought it was really good..." he decided to open with something like this, of course Marco had several series box sets of various anime and plenty of it on his computer, but Mirai Nikki had to be his favourite, and not because "Nikki" was in the name, he was in love with her, not obsessive about her.

seeing the lipstick as she put it on, Marco chuckled a bit

"It suits you" he said.

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