He Is Watching

Nicki giggled."never heared of it..." she thought for a moment. NickI had a few posters of only the girls from H.o.t.d.she didn't have any posters of a male besides Light,L and the death God from death note. She smiled and looked at him.she crawled across her bed to the posters on the other side."L I just love his big eyes and odd ways...who wouldn't?" She giggled and sighed."only if they where real.."
Marco chuckled a bit when she talked about L

"so if i locked myself in my room for a couple months, ate nothing but rice cakes and came out pale, with dark eyes and a sweet tooth, then you'd be all over me, huh?"

he decided to say something again, before she snapped at him for allegedly "ripping on" one of her favourite characters.

"hey don't get me wrong, L is a damn cool character, and you know there are guys with weird habits, thin and with pale skin, its just that you'll need to break into their flats and lofts to drag them out... and the're usually junkies" he hoped to hell she took that as the joke it was meant to be.

putting his hands in his pocket, Marco couldn't help but take a glance at Nicki's cute butt with her bikini bottom on and her crawling on the bed.

"so, shall we get going?" he asked, gesturing to the door "or do you have something else to put on?"
Nicki turned to the death god."i more then likely would be all over you if you did that.." she said and NOT in a joking way.she then giggled looking at light."dont even get me started." she said and crawled off her bed.she moved over to her closet and bent over searching for somthing(also giveing him a nice view though she didnt mean to xD )
Marco chuckled

"well, for the record i'm not exactly tan and not exactly "thick"" he ended this with a laugh, in truth Marco had tried that approach of making himself look like L to get her attention but he gave up about halfway through thinking it to be useless... it seemed he had best get back to it now.

when she bent over to grab something, Marco's face went from kinda pale, to tomato-red blushing, he turned his head away and coughed

"o-okay, what you looking for?" he said trying to keep his eyes off her, if she say how he looked at her when she bent over, she would have probably slapped him and called him a "pervert".. right now was a mixture of heaven and hell for Marco, heaven because he was in the same room as the girl he loved and she was in a freaking bikini, and hell because he couldnt bring himself to make a real "advance" on her, like a pickup line, or a comment on how "fine" she looked.
"yeah i think you look way better then those over tan over muscled guys at beaches and stuff...i mean there so fake its unreal and half the time there jerks so i tend to avoid them." she grabed a make-up box and smiled."water proof make-up!"she smiled.
when Nicki turned around, she actually caught Marco with a red face from her compliment

"R-really?.. wow, heh, to be honest i always thought you'd just see me as the creepy pale guy next door..."

he turned to the door again

"r-right, lets uhh, lets go!"

he stood by the door with his arm out meaning "Ladies first"
Nicki giggled."no no..you always peeked my interest you seem so much like L.your only missing the big eyes and odd ways with a bit paler skin" NickI said and pulled him back closing her door."to cold out there.." she said and sat down.
Marco decided this was a good time to earn some "Brownie points" as the saying goes.

marco then took off his jacket and laid it over Nicki's shoulders, it was instantly warm from him wearing it and it fit loosely over her shoulders and down to her waist.

"... better?" he asked "of course you could slip some pants on if you wanna..."
Nicki kissed his cheek."thanks!" she said and dug in the make-up case."i wonder if maybe an edgey look is goo...no softer is so in..but all th modles go for a fierce cat eye.."she says talking to herself.she picked out a eye colour and wondered into the bathroom.
marco was essentially frozen in place by her kiss on his cheek, his heart was pounding, he could barely respond when she started talking about what makeup to wear

when she was in the bathroom Marco suddenly found some courage now that she was out of the actual room.

"For crying out loud Nicki you don't need the makeup! you look great just the way you are! why are you trying to cover yourself up with all those fake colours?! honestly..."

he didn't yell it out, but he did say it loud enough for basic "room-to-bathroom" conversation.. then it hit him, he actually freaking said it...
Nicki blinked and looked at him."but.." she suddenly fell silent and sat down."um....y-yeah ok." she said puting it away as if she got in trouble for playing with mommys make-up.
Marco gulped and took a step back

"I... I'm sorry if that upset you" was all he could say, in his mind, he honestly thought he might have either scared her or pissed her off somehow, he hoped she didn't start acting all hostile or distant now.
Nicki turned to him. ".." she then clenched her fist and punch the crap out of him."i feel better now" she giggled and looked at him."oh and sorry..."
Marco honestly took the punch like a champ, clenching his face before the hit struck, she hit hard but not hard enough for any real damage, but to make it feel like she gave more impact, he fell backwards, pretending it was from her force, collapsing into the corner of her room.

"aah..." he went, touching his face where she punched, her punch hit in the mouth, cutting his lip on his front teeth, soon blood came pouring out from his lip-cuts, going down and dripping from his chin as he got up, he cupped his chin with his hand to catch the blood but it was really coming out fast

"aah jeez" he went, looking down as the blood coming down "now look what you've done, I'm bleeding everywhere"
"oh im so sorry!" she said and pushed him into the bathrom.she sat him down and started working on the cut."you need to be more careful" she said looked at his hands."i wonder what it tasts like.. "
"jeez... I need to be more careful!? you're the one who punched me..."

the cut was thin but deep, most of the sides were shallow and most of the blood was coming from the centre. it was by no means a crippling or serious injury, but there was a lot of blood which made it look really bad.

Marco turned on the tap and scooped up some water, swishing it around in his mouth then spitting it out, leaving the cut cleaner and all the water was deep red.

"ugh... it tastes like blood, you know, warm, copper-like, all that... you really need to learn to take a compliment"
Nicki laughed and suddenly stoped as a bit more blood started to run down.Little did he know Nicki was a bit of an odd ball when she wasnt around large crowds."oh allow me."she said and brought her face close to his.she smiled and licked off the blood."hmm.." she was still really close to him in case more blood came.
Marco's face went even redder, his heart went pounding a mile per minute, making more blood come out, he looked at her with his eyes wide open, making eye contact, he gulped, completely ignoring the taste of blood in his mouth.

"Th...Thanks..." he said quietly, it was clear she had just shaken him to the core, not in a bad way of course.

"umm... sh-should we uh.. g-g-get going?" he went, barely able to keep himself together, he felt like he was going to pass out, for so long he was hoping just to talk to her alone, and now here they were... and she just... licked... his... face!

his breathing was rapid and shallow, but not enough to hyperventilate
Nicki looked at him."Are you alright?"Nicki asked and looked at him."i will....leave you alone for a moment..." she said then left heading to the kitchen happily.

when Nicki left, marco actually fell to his knees, holding the counter in her bathroom for support, he broke out panting

"holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit..."

he focussed and calmed himself down, soon he came downstairs to where Nicki was, he was still blushing and he looked away from her a bit.

"hey Nicki.... look, about what happened back there..."

he really didn't know how to continue after that...
Nicki looked at him."nothing happened problem solved!" she said and turned to the sink."hey will you get chance and Kasumi in here we forgot about breakfast"she laughed as her stomach growled.she turned to the fridge and opened it."hmmm....what to make what to make"she thought and sighed.
"I dunno I guess, how about some waffles?"

Marco went outside, calling out to Chance and Kasumi

"Chance! Kasumi!... Nicki wants to have breakfast before she goes, you guys want some too!?"
Nicki shruged.Kasumi turned to Marco."ok tell us when its done!"She called and turned back to chance.Nicki got out all that she needed and smiled as she started chopping the green onion
marco nodded and headed back in

"So, what are we making Nicki?"

he opened the cupboard, seeing what he could use to help preparation, he saw her cutting up green onion, so it wasn't waffles they were making...

"So, we making an Omelette or something?"
Nicki turned to him."an egg benedict casserole...my mother taught it to me"Nicki smiled and looked at him."so do you think im weird?"

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