Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

He was in some part that was missing the emergency lights. He pulled down the goggles over his eyes and set them to night visio. He didn't know where he was, but he had a suspicion that he didn't need to know that either, eventually someone would find him, or he would find them. He aimed dow. The corrdior, the laser sight playing around on the dust in the air. "Come out and play!" he shouted, assuming the person from before was listening.
Shade laughed and grabbed Carlos hand, "I'll lead you. Prepare yourself to run since I want to leave this corridor soon." She then pulled on his hand and began running down the pitch black corridor. I'm starting to get claustrophobic and an uneasy feeling...
He felt himself get pulled along by Shade. She possessed more strength than knew of and couldn't really control it. Carlos had to readjust himself mid-run so that it doesn't look like he is being dragged, which in turn would make easier on Shade. He felt them make several turns and the speed at which he was moving was increasing with each turn. "Are you claustrophobic?" He asked as he was being pulled along by Shade. She's moving too fast and she is too strong, she doesn't feel weighed down by me at all.
Shade pulled Carlos along, not bothered by his weight and replied, "Yes. I'm claustrophobic... sadly. I can't handle small spaces or dark places." She turned another corner and saw a faint light ahead, "We're nearly there Carlos." The sooner I get out of this corridor, the better. It must remind my brain of something... it's starting to hurt again.
[we could stop right here and wait for everyone else to move around, how's that sound. because I'm guessing that light would be leading to the area where David and Tony stand off?]
[Yeah. I suppose that we should stop there. I think Shade and Carlos have had enough of running through corridors.]
[Well, if that's the case what David was doing could be this. Takes another entrance, maybe follows the tracks of Shade and Carlos. And what you were posting was what David was doing which is happening simultaneously with our running around, I dunno. Just a thought.

luuklilo said:
He was in some part that was missing the emergency lights. He pulled down the goggles over his eyes and set them to night visio.
I had a strange feeling you were going to meet up with us due to that statement.

[We just got out of the darkness. Maybe you catch up and tail us, or we take our sweet time being awestruck by the architecture of the main hall that you caught up with us?] 
[ I think we should sort everything out first, before we continue]
[Alrighty then. I shall continue. Short post. My keyboard hates me...]

Shade pulled Carlos towards the end of the corridor and slowed to a walk before stepping into the light. She gave a sigh and dropped Carlos' hand before sitting on the floor.

[bit late...]
[ Oh well, well I'll try to mention you in my post Luuklilo. *fingers crossed* Hope you don't post yet. I'm gonna make shortcut]

He was out of breath long before they broke free of the basement. Carlos was catching his breath when his attention was drawn to a door on his right a little farther from where he was sitting. He shambled over and inspected it."Another entrance to the basement?" He could see a figure stalking into shadows. Oh God he's here. Carlos bolted as fast as he could back to Shade. "Revolver guy, it's that revolver guy from before. Did he tail us?"
[What do you mean?]

Shade thought, "He could've tailed us. I highly doubt it since we did leave him behind." How could the revolver guy have found us? I'm sure that he was left behind… unless he knew where we were going and waited until we were actually here. Shade was confused and began to think about what she could do if he attacked.
(School shit got in the way, here comes the post.)

Noise, who is it? It's probably that weird guy that wants to kill me. Let's go hunting. He slid into cover, took of his goggles and checked that he had a round chambered. "Alright, Mister Torpedo guy, let's get this going."

He positioned the rifle on top of some crate he found and aimed it at where he heard the noise. If he saw someone, they'd be dead the next second. "Come out and playyy!" He lit up a new cigar and spied down the hall.
[ O.o Luuklilo, your character scares me.]

Shade whispered to Carlos quietly, "Don't move! He heard us and it seems that if he sees us, he will kill us. You are not going to die on me." She laid on her stomach and stared towards where she had heard the noise of a gun being loaded. He probably thinks that we're Tony. He won't listen until it's too late.
"Then what do we do?" Carlos whispered back to Shade. "He has more firepower than we do. I only have one handgun plus the one I gave you a while ago." He had an idea it was risky but it was something to go with. "How fast can you get to him? I'll draw his fire."
Shade smirked and replied, "The chances of me dodging his firing would be about 60% and if I dodged them, I could easily disarm him. I'd rather you didn't draw his fire. My weight wouldn't hold him down, so when I disarm him, I want you to squash him." She pushed herself in a kneeling position to execute the plan.

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