Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Cordis silently gets to cover and walks towards Shade and quietly said, "Hey,you want to live? Come with me." He walks towards a small room silently.
"I could try shooting in the general direction of his knees, might floor him. Besides I don't think reason applies to this guy right now." He had readied himself, ready to run for his life. He had heard something along the lines of "play". That was his cue He bolted out of cover firing the pistol as he ran.
Cordis replied, "Are you serious? I got a knife here and a bitten arm that can transform into this deadly thing.I can't even lay a bullet on his knees!" He means that they can't kill the man brutally but with a strategy.
Shade nodded and also ran. She headed towards where the other guy was and could now see him. I hope this works. The plan is easy, but executing it is a lot harder. There's the chance that Carlos could be fired at instead of me. She jiggled her arm and made a dagger fall into her hand in case it was needed.

ProxCnC said:
Cordis replied, "Are you serious? I got a knife here and a bitten arm that can transform into this deadly thing.I can't even lay a bullet on his knees!" He means that they can't kill the man brutally but with a strategy.
Cordis were you accepted by Lucas?
Cordis was happy both of them trusted him.He handed out an SMG,and a grenade.He said,"Your the smart guy,what should we do?" 

[QUOTE="Silent Howling]Shade nodded and also ran. She headed towards where the other guy was and could now see him. I hope this works. The plan is easy, but executing it is a lot harder. There's the chance that Carlos could be fired at instead of me. She jiggled her arm and made a dagger fall into her hand in case it was needed.
Cordis were you accepted by Lucas?

I wasn't really accepted but if he is online i'm kinda sure he'll accept it.
He silent prayed that Revolver would open fire on him, I make for a much more tempting target, out in the open, blind and wasting ammo. If they did it his way, Shade could get in close and disarm him maybe even subdue him and if she can't Carlos could still incapacitate him.......Assuming I don't get clipped or die outright.

[Wait wut, Did Lucas authorize another new guy?]
A figure appeared from the cover firing into the crate David was crouched behind, drawing his attention. David instantly shot a couple of rounds at the figure and stopped to see if he had hit. He looked at the man and suddenly realized that he was the guy from before, probably not the man with the torpedoes. He stopped firing and wondered why the man had decided to attack me, had he never heard of communicating verbally? Slowly he stood up, lowering his weapon. "Why are you attacking me?"

((Goddammit stress lesson bad post etc go with it.))
He speaks. Carlos had just reached another piece of cover unscathed. "Hey, why are you here? Did you follow us?" For some reason Revolver had stopped firing. "Hey can we all just calm down?" Wow this feels like Dejavu all over again. "Um , what was your name again?" He wouldn't dare leave his cover.
Cordis slowly stood up from his cover raising is both arms."Because your technically attacking us?"He doesn't know who the man is or why he is in trouble but he wants nobody to die.
ProxCnC said:
Cordis was happy both of them trusted him.He handed out an SMG,and a grenade.He said,"Your the smart guy,what should we do?" 

I wasn't really accepted but if he is online i'm kinda sure he'll accept it.
Technically, you can't post until accepted.


Shade crouched in front of Revolver and muttered grumpily, "Yes, do tell us your name and why you were attacking us. We simply defended ourselves from you." She stood up and stretched before holding her dagger. She gave a short laugh, "I will not hesitate to hurt you if you try hurt me or Carlos."
[QUOTE="Silent Howling]Technically, you can't post until accepted.

Shade crouched in front of Revolver and muttered grumpily, "Yes, do tell us your name and why you were attacking us. We simply defended ourselves from you." She stood up and stretched before holding her dagger. She gave a short laugh, "I will not hesitate to hurt you if you try hurt me or Carlos."

Don't worry if I'm not accepted just make me die or something without my permission :)


Cordis glanced and stared at Shade."Can everybody explain what's happening?I just wanna get outta here."
((cordis, the problem is that you can't be where we are, you have to start somewhere else))

David ducked behind the cover, pulling out his knife incase the girl tried something

. "You attacked me! I want an answer to why you're trying to kill me!" David was concerned about Torpedoman appearing so he started reloading his rifle. "I was pretty calm, but then you started shooting at me." David slowly shaked his head behind his cover.
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"How the hell were supposed to know you would not gun us down on the spot?!" Carlos took a deep breath. "Alright, just take a deep breath and let's negotiate this situation? Everyone cool with that? Let's just calm down again. Looks I'm sorry for opening fire, We assumed that bandits had raided the tower. You know, with all the alarms and such." Carlos tenses up behind the crate he took cover in. He glances over at Shade. "We assumed you were a bandit, Revolver." He prayed his limitless excuses would save lives and ammo.
Shade shook her head, "We weren't trying to kill you. We were merely going to disarm you. Of course we'll retaliate if you fire back. Next time, make sure you know who you are shooting at." She sighed and out away her knife, seeing that David wasn't going to attack them now, "Your name?" Glancing back at Carlos, she gave a cough. It was getting darker in the corridor and she didn't really want to panic in front of everyone.
"I'll shoot back if someone shoots at me. Be thankful I didn't gun you down instead. As for my name, Revolver or Six will work fine. I suggest we move before Torpedoman comes and shoots us in the back." David took the knife in his hand and fastened it as a bayonet.

((Sorry for horrid quality posts))
Was that supposed to be a signal? Carlos puts away the pistol and steps out of cover. David didn't seem like he wants to fight. That being said, Why the hell did I step out of cover? "See ..." Carlos holds his hands in the air "...we are not going to do anything. so let's just all talk this out and who knows maybe we'd look back and laugh about this."
Shade shrugged and muttered, "It's getting dark and crowded… I'd like to leave the corridor and find some light." She took a deep breath to keep herself calm. She then thought about introducing herself, "I suppose I should tell you who I am. I'm Shade. And he's Carlos" she pointed her head at Carlos.
"Nice to meet you. If you want some more light, take this flashlight." David extends a beaten, scratched and generally bad-looking small Mag-lite towards Shade. "But, let's move out of here anyways, I don't like fighting in the dark. I suppose you guys know who Torpedoman is? Please tell me what has been going on."
Shade shrugged, "I don't know much. I'll take the flashlight thought." She grabbed the light and turned it on. She was relieved to see the light work and scanned the surroundings.

[short post, but I'm sick. Can't blame me.]
"Torpedoman? As for what is happening I'd like to ask you the same question as well. We were downstairs in the lab when someone tripped the alarms which locked us in. Shade escaped and lifted the lock down in the basement. We escaped, then ran into you. That sound about right, Shade?" He was as unaware of the overall situation as David was, maybe even less.
Shade nodded subconsciously and spun around to see what the corridor looked like. She saw the floor had started crumbling and wasn't very safe to stand on, "We should move. I've got an uneasy feeling right now..." She shined the torch at the exit to where they needed to go to find Tony.
Cordis joined in the conversation."Torpedo what?Guys what are you talking about here exactly?"Before they even noticed Cordis jumping right into the conversation,he began to give Shade some clips and some pistols.He was blushing right infront of her but tried to hide it."Here,this is for all of you"

Hey guys I was accepted!

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