Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

[Got it, brah.]

The light above the exit door suddenly turned green and Carlos was able to open it. He dashed out into the hall way and proceeded to move forward. His thoughts kept returning to shade as he ran though the deserted corridors. She just has no idea what she is capable of.
[i've finished the Bio. I'll send it after this post.]

Shade ran through the halls and tried to find Carlos so they could go together. She felt uneasy around the many hallways and hoped not to run into Tony at all. I need to find Carlos. He knows about me and I can't let him leave without me! She wasn't paying attention to where she was going and ran into Carlos, causing her to fall onto the ground.
He got lost. Without Lucas to guide them, the Laboratory complex beneath the skyscraper (Am i doing it right?) looked like a labyrinth. He had slowed his pace down to walking, when he heard footsteps. He continued walking forward then rounded a corner when Shade ran into him. She fell down to the ground. "Running from something I assume is deadly?" He asked Shade as he helped her up.
Shade accepted the help, "No. Just in a hurry to find you. I thought you might get lost." She stretched and yawned in tiredness. Her back hurt from when she fell from the vent and stretching eased the pain a bit. "I didn't know if I opened the door or not at first, but I guess I managed to."
"Sure you did." He was kind of flustered, a girl was looking for him. "Yeah you opened the door, and if you hadn't noticed all the other doors to" He pointed to down the corridor he came from. "Anyway we should find a way out of here and help Tony fend off whatever it is that came knocking on his front door." he took a handgun from his bag and tossed it to her. "Ready whenever you are, just say when."
Shade caught the handgun, nodded and jogged off down a different corridor. She turned her head to make sure that Carlos was following and mumbled, "This shouldn't be to hard to find a way to Tony. Just gotta take the right turns." She turned down another corridor and waited for slowed to a walk.
He followed Shade. She seemed to know her way around the lab complex. Did she work here before? Or was this her research lab. The way she expertly navigated the corridors was suspicious to Carlos. He bumped into Shade, because he did not notice her slow down and was absorbed in his thoughts. "Is there something wrong, Shade?"
Shade shook her head, "Nothings wrong. You suspect something about me though? I can read it on your face." She turned on her heel and walked off down the corridor before making a left turn and seeing some stairs up ahead. That caused her to run towards them.
He had no answer, even though he is one of the people who knows her past. Zwei Frost. He followed shade up the stairs. Shade had left the door open. He joined her taking in the scene before them.

(Short post, sorry. Hey maybe we should let the others move their characters around?)
[They aren't online, but I'm fine with waiting until they post.]

Shade stopped at the top of the stairs to see many more corridors. She sighed and leaned against the wall to catch her breath. This is taking forever. I'd suggest taking the elevator, but we don't want to let Tony know that we are roaming around…

The endless corridors, had slightly demoralized Carlos.
Another labyrinth to negotiate. He glanced over at Shade, she seemed annoyed more than anything. If that is any indication of things, we might be here for a while. What kept him on edge though was what he learned about Shade, who she really is.
[That might be best. Lucas should reply a bit later.]

Shade stopped and closed her eyes for a minute. She tried to remember the path they had taken and what she could see now. Giving a smile, she started walking again and turned right and asked, "You alright or do you need to rest Carlos? This is a far distance that we've walked." She stopped again when they came to a four way path and grumbled unhappily.
"Rest? me? nah" He said this as he was trying to catch his breath, his chest was tightening and he was short of breath. I have never ran so far and so fast for such a duration in my life, She calls this walking?. She had suddenly stopped again. A four way path had greeted them. "So....where...to....now?" He was still trying to catch his breath when he asked the question. All four paths looked identical. He could only rely on Shade at this point.
"Gimme a second to think. Just have to remember which way is the right way..." Shade murmured thoughtfully. She looked down each path before deciding on the left one, "This one. Are you sure you aren't tired?" She questioned turning to face Carlos with a skeptical face.
"I think I'm not tired" He blurted out a half-lie. His body was burning and was screaming "NO MORE!". A human can never keep up with the pace set by a pure for extended periods of time. He swore he'd been running for 15 minutes straight. His bag suddenly seemed very heavy. He went down on one knee. "I am very tired." He sat down leaning against a wall. "Left, huh, you can go ahead....I'll just try to catch my breath, I'll be right behind you." Once again another lie.
Shade shook her head and sat on the ground with Carlos, "I am not leaving you behind. I will stay until you are not tired." She gave a smile and looked down the left corridor to judge how long it was, but she couldn't see anything through the darkness. No lights huh. I should expect it to be like that.
He was glad for the company. He never expected kindness from anyone, much less a pure. "Do you remember anything about yourself, Shade?" The darkness of the corridor stretched on and on. Shade could maybe see through the darkness. Beyond this point it would be difficult for me to see anything beyond a foot from my face. I already had trouble seeing in this dimly lit underground.
"Let's make this worthwhile then, eh?" David made himself prepared, knowing that the battlefield could change any minute, he quickly removed all the equipment he carried, enough to make a special-ops soldier jealous.

He removed a small packet he had strapped to the inside of his trenchcoat. He ripped it off, opened it and retrieved several parts, assembling the AK-5, the Swedish Standard Issue Rifle, He took out a seeral things from a pocket in his pants, attaching them to the barrel of the rifle, including a flashlight/laser sight on wich he activated the laser sight, a 40mm single shot grenade launcher and a silencer. On the top of the rifle he attached a small red-dot sight. He twisted his belt around, showing several grenades that had previously been on his back. Putting on some night-vision/IR goggles but not treading them over his eyes he said "Let's go."
[Yes! Your back Luklilo!]

Shade blinked at the sudden question, "No I don't remember anything. If I did, I wouldn't go by the name Shade. It annoys me that I don't though." She sighed and leaned up against the wall, "It's going to be very dark down the hall we're going. Will you be able to manage it?"
"Hugging the wall might help my situation it's just the intersections that will prove to be a problem for me, Unless you have a better idea? I'm all ears, Shade." He grab his things and stood up, staring into the pitch black corridor ahead of him. "Ehh what's the worst that could happen, we run into some of the Haze victims?"
Shade also stood up and shrugged, "Who knows what we'll see. If you need a guide, just grab onto my jacket and I'll guide us. I can just see the path." She started to head down it and instantly heard the echo of her footsteps. She stopped and called back, "Or just follow the sound of my footsteps!" She started walking again.
Carlos decided to follow the sounds of Shade's footsteps. He just kept moving trying to make his footfalls as light as possible so he wouldn't get mixed up with whose footsteps he is following. He kept all the noise he was making to a minimum. The last thing he needed was to get lost. He tripped along the way. Apparently this place hasn't seen maintenance in a long while. He stood up and tried to get his bearings....He could not get his bearings and was lost in the pitch black void. "Shade?!" He calls out her name. He waits a little bit....No response. "Shade!" he tries again....praying that she hasn't moved on too far or that she notices he is gone.
Shade hear Carlos calling and jogged back to him, "You lost me didn't you?" She wasn't surprised in anyway since he probably couldn't see her. You should've grabbed my jacket. Then you probably wouldn't have separated from me... She coughed as some dust fell from the ceiling.
"Yeah I kinda tripped and fell and uhh, which way is the right way?" He said not really sure if he was facing the right direction. No matter which direction he looked at everything was pitch black. "Are we anywhere near the exit?" Carlos picks a direction, where he thought Shade was and began stumbling....into a wall. He collided with the wall generating a loud crash. "Yeah, I dunno where I am going anymore."

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