Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Lucas smiled in relief. "Thank you so much. He will be happy to meet you." Lucas smiled wider. "He doesn't have many visitors." He looked at them again. "Well then come on." He turned on his heel and started sprinting down the street heading towards the tallest building in the city. "Tony." He laughed in his head. "Im coming back."
Off it the distance Carlos could see what looked an abandoned and ruined skyscraper. I guess that's where we are headed. He took note of the fact that Lucas was headed down the street toward it. "I'm assuming you were headed to this "Tony", then got jumped back there?" He asked Lucas, not really expecting an answer but more to just break the silence.
Shade ran alongside Lucas and looked at the tall building. I wonder what this Tony guy is like. Maybe he'll know something about me. So many questions that are going to be left unanswered. She looked over at Carlos to make sure that the guy was keeping up with the two of them.
"Yes. I was going to him to see if he could stop the Haze." Lucas kept running. They were so close to the scraper. So close to Tony. "He thinks Im dead." Lucas ran up to the door of the building and entered a passcode on a seemingly non-working touch pad. When he finished aswering the password, [8 digits] the door opened showing someone laying underneath a table. He didn't look up or even acknowledge their presence. Lucas took a hesitant step forward. "Tony?" There was a bang and a string of swear words as the man under the table tried to stand up [but he was under a table so it didn't work out]. He sat down there swearing for a second and then,

"Sorry. Visiting hours are over." He stood up and turned around to look at them. "Your going to have to come back next-" Tony's eyes widened in shock, and then narrowed in anger at them. "I swear to god, if he is infected or dead and being used as a puppet, I will kill both of you." He glared at the others expecting an answer [ignoring Lucas].
Shade scratched the back of her head, "I have no interest of using this guy as a puppet when I have problems of my own. Lucas wanted to come and see you anyway." She glared up at the guy in front of them and carefully looked over him to see if he was dangerous or not.
Lucas walked up to Tony and slapped him hard across the face. "You know I am infected." He glared hard at Lucas. "You know that I would die before being used as a puppet." They looked like they were both about to start yelling, before Tony bent down and kissed Lucas on the cheek.

"Nice to have you back." Lucas kept the glare up, but it was weak now. Tony walked away and sat down in a chair, reclining back a bit and put his hands behind his head. "So, what can I do you for? Weapons?" He gestured to one side of the room, which was lined with all different kinds of weapons. "Cures?" He nodded at Lucas. "Information?" He motioned towards the many computers and the technology surrounding him. "Sex?" He looked at Lucas again with a smile, who just glared back. He looked back at the others. "So?"
"I didn't do anything to him, man, I swear." Carlos felt terror, He looks pissed enough to rip me in two without much effort. The immediate "danger" drew his attention more than the pieces of technology littered throughout the room. On a normal day, he'd have considered this a treasure trove."Just calm down,I'm here for you tech- I mean I accompanied Lucas here."
Shade stared at Tony with an expression that just showed complete confusion at what he'd just said. She took a few steps towards the weapons to examine them and coughed, "Well. I don't know about the others, but I'm looking at everything minus the last one." She paused and continued, "I may be a guy, but I'm not gay. Not that I have anything against gay people!"
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"Well the cure and information bits sound interesting, A new weapon would be nice too, yeah I'm not so keen on the last one" He says this as he takes a quick look around the room. He walks over to a computer and starts it up, However it shut down almost immediately, He went down to his knees, pulled out some tools and opened up the computer.
Tony calmly watched the man try to turn the computer on. "You won't be able to do it." He smiled. "You might turn it on, but you can't make it work. The technology is too advanced for you. Its so far ahead of your time, that only I can make it work. Now." He clapped his hands together and stood up. "Let me scan you all. Except you Lucas. I already know what I have to give you." He dug through some drawers, throwing random tools and technology on the floor. He held up something that could be a scanner and walked over to each of them. Carlos, "Human. You don't need anything." Shade, "Human." He smiled at them both. "So the only one that really needs anything is Lucas." He walked back over to his desk and pulled a syringe filled with a yellowish green liquid out of one of the drawers, and then walked over to another drawer and pulled out an empty syringe. He smiled at the others. "You may want to watch how this works. I can give you some and if it begins to show again, you will know what to do."
Shade smiled breifly at being pronounced Human and not a Used before watching curiously. She was curious as to how this could work and mentally took down what she was seeing. When she saw the liquid, her brain tried to tell her something, but she couldn't figure out what.
Tony walked behind Lucas and held his hand out. "Come on. I know you hate this, but I don't want you to die." Lucas scowled, but took Tony's hand. Tony flipped Lucas's wrist up so you could see the viens on the underside of his wrist. All of them were bright red. Tony put the filled syringe in his arm. You could see the yellow pulse out and turn it back to blue. It did that until it reached his face and then disappeared. "Why didn't you come back earlier? I probably could have stopped it. Its progressed so far that there isn't much I can do." He put the empty syringe in the boys wrist and got a blood sample. It was no longer black, but now a regular looking red color. "There. I can make a better vaccination for it with this." He walked away, letting Lucas's arm drop to his side.
He stopped before He could unscrew the first screw, he replaced the screw. He stood up and waited to be scanned. "Human? so I guess I really am not affected by the Haze." And I thought I was a Used.

"I can work medic duty, I'm not really cut out to be fighting up front." Carlos was never one to go out swinging but preferred the hit and run tactics or avoiding the enemy entirely. He follows the procedure that Tony demonstrated. Hopefully Shade paid attention too, in the event that I die.
Shade ran after Tony and quietly asked him, "That liquid… what is it? Who made it?" She stopped herself from bombarding the guy with questions, but her eyes still showed many questions that she wanted answered. Maybe this guy will have some clues as to who I am.
"I made this." Tony smiled as he walked over to his computer. His hands flew across the keyboard and a picture of the syringe came up. "A long while back, when Lucas and I first met, he found out he was infected." He swiped his hand across the trackpad and a different picture showed up.

*this is what the picture showed*

Lucas was sitting on the counter of the lab. He was kicking his feet back and forth. It was a lot cleaner and both of them looked younger. They were both smiling and they seemed to be getting along perfectly fine. Lucas's hair was much shorter and his eyes were green and not the yellow they are now. Tony didn't have clutter everywhere in his lab and he was standing up straighter.

*back to story*

"We- at the time- were happy together and didn't have a reason to disappear." He turned to look at Lucas. "Pourquoi êtes-vous parti?"

"Élégant, vous savez pourquoi je suis parti. Je ne pourrais pas vous obtenir atteint de quelque chose que j'ai eue, juste ainsi je pourrais être avec vous. J'ai dû vous maintenir sûr." Lucas looked close to tears as he spoke.

"Vous n'avez pas dû partir. Je pourrais vous avoir maintenu sûr." He hesitated before continuing. "Quand quelqu'un vous aime autant que je fais, vous ne disparaissez pas simplement sans trace. Do you know how hard its been without you?" He lapsed back into english and finished his yelling. "I thought you were dead!" He stomped agrilly over to his desk and started arranging the weapons on them. He looked at the other people [who they had both forgotten about]. "Lucas, go upstairs." Lucas obediently left and walked up the stairs. He went to follow, but looked back at them. "You guys can have anything in here. Start by trying the weapons out first. Theres some cool stuff there." He smiled and went upstairs.

[They are speaking in French. Here's a translater if you want to know what they were saying.]
Why did they just leave me behind? They just ran away while I was having a smoke! Gah! David had followed them up the skyscraper, spent a minute bypassing the security and was no searching the deserted skyscraper for any signs of life. Apparently a couple of thugs had made their way in there and he had to shoot them.

Everyone always leaves me! They wont be safe without me, what are they doing!?

((These short posts. :C))
Alert. Alert. Alert. SECURITY BREACH.

"What?! But we were just down there." Tony was confused and pissed that someone had hacked his security. Tony wheeled around to look at Lucas. "Qui d'autre connaît le votre ici?!" <Who else knows your here?!> Lucas looked at him. His demeanor had changed. Tony was one of the few people who scared him.

"N-aucun!" <N-no one!> Tony walked up to Lucas and shoved a needle into his neck, causing Lucas to fall into Tonys arms.

"Lucas. Im désolé. Mais je dois vous protéger. Votre ne pas me laisser encore." <Lucas. Im sorry. But I have to protect you. Your not leaving me again.> He lay Lucas on the ground and ran over to one of the computers and started typing codes so fast his fingers appeared to blur. He kept typing until he found the breach. "Ha. Good luck escaping."

Send message?


A hologram popped up in front of the person [David]. "Attention. You have hacked into the tower without the compliance of the builder and owner. If you do not surrender to them immediately, I will unleash the entire payload of advanced long-range torpedoes currently locked on to your location. You have two minutes to confirm your compliance. Refusal to do so will result in your obliteration. And If you test me, you will fail."
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Advanced long range torpedoes? In a skyscraper? Torpedoes are under the water, and there are too many corners in this place for them not to crash into everything. Besides, them exploding would make the building crash down, what a joke.

"Here's a quote for you, from a fellow military man: Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead- David G. Farragut". That said, David drew his revolver and shot the holographic emitter to pieces. What are you going to do when I come for you? He then took out a flask, had a sip, lit a cigar and continued his search upward in the building.
I hope he know's that these torpedos do not have to be in water to work. The work perfectly fine in air. And what makes him think that this is simply a skyscraper? Or that it will come down at all?

Tony smiled. "Your not going to surrender, eh?" He spoke into a microphone. "It appears that you will not surrender to me." He picked up a Rubiks cube from the table, and started flicking it back and forth, solving the sides one-by-one. "Because," He held the cube up staring it down. "I will kill you if you get any where near these people." He sat forward. "Now, are you ready to play?"
((Since when can he read my thoughts? BTW, torpedoes in the air are called rockets.. torpedoes use propellers or similar. Look it up! :D ))

"Go ahead, make my day, I used to eat people like you for snacks when I was deployed." I pity the fool. Keeping his revolver in his hand, David slowly continued to search through the building. "Here's David!"

Your move, punk. Then it's my turn. Locking me in here is just as good a decision is to lock a pack of wolves in your house.
[since he was born. Hes a pure and a super genius. And I know, Tony's just a d*ckhead.]

Tony smiled. "Now, am I going to have to force you to be compliant, or will I have to come and meet you?" He walked over to one of the tables and grabbed a gun of his own design. He put his arm in it and it formed up to his arm. He put a pair of glasses on his face and immediately put a 3D map of the tower up. "You ready to play? Then lets play." He typed something at the tower went on lockdown. The lab's [where Shade and Carlos were] iron doors came down and locked the lab. Tony looked back and picked Lucas up and put him in his own bed. "Séjour ici mon amour. Je serai de retour." <Stay here Love. I will be back.> He kissed Lucas's forehead and frowned when he realized he was over-heating. "Je promets. Et rappelez-vous......Je t'aime, je suis fou de toi, je ressens un amour fou pour toi. " <I promise. And remember..... I love you, I am insane of you, I feel a love gives for you.> He walked out and snapped his fingers. All the lights in the tower went off. "Its just you." They flashed once before only the safety lights were on [red flashing lights (much like fire lights)]. He locked the other guys location on his visor. "And me."
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Shade nodded and listened. She wanted to ask Tony more questions, but she couldn't gather up the courage to actually ask. He doesn't seem like someone who would know my real name or even who I am… She gave a sigh and looked at the ground as she walked over to the others. She heard the doors shut and just yawned simply before sitting on the ground to wait paitently.
[You and Carlos are stuck in Tony's lab in lock down. Lucas is passed out in Tony's bedroom, and Tony and David are about to battle it out in the tower. Lucas and Tony are speaking in french randomly <as they are both being stupid and doing this so no one can understand them> Tony has said you can have any weapons or information you like <if you can get the computers working>, and Tony has threatened to blow up the entire tower with rockets if David hurts any of you. <Any of You = Lucas, David, and Shade>]

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