Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Lucas snorted. "Thats what Ive been trying to do!" He looked over at the new guy. "Your not pure are you? Because I havent exactly had the best experience with pures." Says the boy that looks half dead. While smiling. "So, yeah. Why don't we just all get along and leave my boyfriend out of this." He smiled again. "Kay?"

[sorry for the short post. Im in school and dont have a lot of time to do this.]
"Me? Pure? Sorry, I'm not what you expected brother." The injured guy was still able to talk, but he looks like he is in bad shape. It is a wonder how he has not passed out yet. It is even amazing that he can still run his mouth like that. Wait boyfriend? which one? and that means he is....oh this is new. For some reason, a small smile unconsciously forms on Carlos's face. Two used, Two pure, Two humans held at gunpoint by another human.
"Yeah, Im homosexual." Lucas smiled guiltily. "People say its a bad thing. But my boyfriend is being used against me, even though no one here has met him." He shrugged. "And you know, its a wonder Im even alive considering what Ive been through tonight." He laughed, "You know, Ive already passed out twice tonight. But for only a little bit." He smiled again [at Carlos's smile]. "I don't know why everyone has the urge to go after people like me. Me being a used, but I find it rather offensive." He made a fake frown. "But, what can you do?" He laughed again.
Carlos momentarily gets flustered by Lucas's words, but regains his composure in the blink of an eye. "See I'm liking this guy already...not in that way. You ought to do the same, Revolver, just calm down and let's all laugh this off. In fact I'll go first." Carlos says this addressing the big man with the revolver pointed to his face, he drops his rod and raises his hands in the universal gesture of "I dont want any problems." He realizes what he has done and mentally facepalms himself, but assumes that disarming himself would help calm down the big guy or maybe get himself killed. Sweat begins to form around his face. "T-this guy get's it, we just need to calm down and c-cool off is all" pointing toward Lucas "This guy....uhhh...what's your name brother?"
"My name is Lucas....... Homeboy." He crossed his arms in front of himself and made peace signs. "I am a used." He lowered himself a bit in the form of a bow and then winced in pain, proceeding to collapse to the ground. He had been pushing himself to stay awake, and conscious, but the effort seemed to be finally taking a tole on him. He was still awake, as he was still fighting to remain awake, but it wasn't apparent of how much longer he was going to be able to fight it. He looked up at Carlos from where he was lying on the ground. "Get me inside." Lucas said desperately. "Please."
"What?! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" that did it, Carlos's composure snapped. His body started shaking again, sweat pouring down his face, he had to blink back the drops that went into his eyes. He took a deep breath to stop the shaking. "As uncomfortable as this is to me, I'll help you up. I wont allow you to bleed out on the floor." noticing that the wound on Lucas's leg might open up and start bleeding, he couldn't allow anyone to die in front of him..he could not allow a repeat of the previous week. He moves over slowly toward Lucas, not making any sudden movements for fear of getting his head blown off by either the revolver or glock. "and no, I'm not gonna get inside you. Just call your boyfriend off if he decides to go ballistic for what I'm about to do." Carlos squats down and put Lucas's arm around his shoulder and proceeds to slowly stand up. He could feel the weight of Lucas pressing down on him, but manages to stand up. "Either you're heavy or I'm very weak." With his right hand holding Lucas steady, his left hand moves behind his back and slowly goes into his messenger bag which shifted positions from the left side of Carlos to behind him. His left hand grabs a handful of bolts and screws from the bag. This will not do much, but at least it might disorient Revolver, I just need to find an opportunity.
Shade followed Lucas, deeming him as someone that she would be able to trust when necessary. Might as well as stick with these guys. They were just arguigpng before and that got on my nerves. But they seem fine now. She stared at all the other people as she followed him.
Lucas smirked weakly as he was picked up. "He's not my boyfriend, but that doesn't mean you have to put the moves on me." He laughed weakly, but stopped immediately when he flinched in pain. He shoved Carlos off of him and feel to the pavement on his hands and knees. He started coughing until he sprayed the concrete with dark blood. He stared at it with wide eyes. It didn't look right. It had a slight black tinge to it as a metallic smell filled the air. He stared at the ground, paralyzed in shock. He knew that the others would now try their best to kill him. Dark blood is a sign that Haze is progressing. He stared at it and started hyperventilating. His head whipped around to look at them, eyes wide with fear.
Shade saw Lucas' fear and crouched down in front of him. She whispered to him quietly with a smile, "I won't let them kill you if they try. You do not yet need to be killed." She looked at the others from the corner of her eye to see what they would do. At least… I hope they don't.
David shrugged his shoulders and looked at the Russian Pure. He seemed to be the most dangerous person in the group. None of the others seemed to pose a threath to him, atleast for the moment. He made sure the hammer was cocked and started approaching the group. "Alright, now that everyone is calm, can somebody tell me what the hell was going on here?"
Lucas glared over at him. "Im basically dying here." He looked up at Shade. "Thats the thing though. I don't know how much longer I can last." He grabbed her shoulder rather roughly and started to push himself up, using her as leverage to stand up. "You gotta get me away from humans." He took a shaking breath. "You might need help, my legs aren't working very well at the moment." He looked her straight in the eyes. "Now."
"Alright I'll lay off"

He is still staring at Lucas and notices him coughing up blood...but the blood looked darker than usual.

Dark Blood, Dark Blood, now what did that mean again, I know it's important and has something to do with the....shit he has the haze virus.Carlos takes an involuntary step back. His left hand drops the bolts and screws, thankfully out of sight and into the bag.

If he turned while I was helping him, I could have been zombie chow.
He looked over at Carlos. "Please help me. I can keep it at bay for a little while longer, but I need to get some where, where Im not bing threatened at gunpoint." He looked at the mans arms. "Or those." Lucas was utterly desperate now and needed to get away from some of these people. He struggled to his feet and hobbled off into a different ally. He collapsed again [this time only to his knees] and covered his mouth. He started coughing blood into his hand, this time in a larger amount then the last time. He knew his arms were shaking, but he had to find Tony before any of the others did. Tony would know what to do. Lucas continued to cough until he threw up blood all over the pavement. He sat there for a second and watched it steam, as it was beginning to become cold. He stood up and whipped the back of his hand across his mouth, causing dark, almost black, blood to smear across his face. He looked back at where the others were, emerging this time without a smile.

[and and check THIS out. I was like; 0.0 "None of these are right."]
"OH SH***!!!" that was what running on repeat in Carlos's head. First, Lucas was asking him for help, now he looks like he looks very hungry. He turned. Carlos retrieves his rod, extends it and holds it in a defensive posture. "I dont want to do this, Lucas, just back away." He knew that Lucas was beyond reasoning, but he had to try, besides it is not like he could last in a fight against a fully turned Haze victim. "You dont want your boyfriend to see you like this, You dont want him to see you do something like this. Please just back away." Praying that whatever shred of Humanity Lucas had left would listen.

[Lolwut, none of them means haze]
((Actually haze may mean fog))

Oh shit, he turned. Now ignoring the Pure, David took his revolver, aimed at Lucas and fire three times. Eat some hollow point. You chose the wrong day to turn mate. "I suggest you back away, this might get a bit messy!" Pulling out his Glock he signlaed with his left hand for the others to come to him. He chewed a bit on his cigar and then looked back at them. It's guntime.
Carlos backs away and moves closer to David, his right hand still keeping the rod up, his left hand gathering pieces of scrap metal to throw at Lucas if he got any closer, it would be a very vain and futile attempt to disorient Lucas. "Now what? Those bullets hit him, but it cant seem to kill him. It is just slowing him down."

[referring to the fact that the haze can only be killed by spinal cord severing]
"If you can't reach the treasure, you just have to dig deeper a hole. As soon as I dig through his body to his spinal cord, it's good night. Too bad that the bullets don't rip his body in half as they would a normal human."

He says this while reloading, he has already emptied the six bullets into the Haze, and resumes shooting with both the revolver and the Glock. "If you don't have any more firepower than metal scraps, either get out of here or take the .357 strapped under my leg." He is referring to the revolver that is strapped to his thigh, hidden by the trenchcoat. "It's loaded, just cock it and shoot."

Carlos takes the other revolver from David's leg.

Alright, I would assume this has six shots in it, so I better make it count.

This wasn't the first time Carlos had to shoot a gun, he knew it would not be his last.

He holds the revolver with both hands, taking steady aim at the chest area of Lucas

He takes a deep breath and fires, but was not completely ready for the recoil. Luckily, holding the thing with both hands stopped it from rising too much.

He repeats: breathe, aim, fire....breathe, aim, fire...aim,fire...aim,fire....fire..fire

Click, click, click. CRAP!

"I'm fresh out of bullets."

(I'm assuming the gun was the Smith&Wesson revolver. Sorry getting kinda sleepy here 1:30am)
"Do you think I'm a supply truck or something?! I barely have any left for myself!" David mutters something about "idioto" and hands a handful of bullets to Carlos while shooting the Glock. "Make them count!" Just die already! ((Sorry for short posts.))
((Carlos tricked me! Carlos was like "yuh he hungry and want to eat me" and I'm like, ok mon. Bang bang bang.))

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