Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Lucas looked back down at his leg. "Look away innocents." He pulled a needle out of his pocket. "You want it to be fixed? Fine. Ill fix it." He pulled a loose thread off of his pants and looked back up at them. He slipped the thread through the eye of the needle without looking. "Seriously though, you might want to look away. Im going to do something Im used to doing, and if you want to watch be my guest. But I really wouldn't recommend watching me sew my leg up." He smiled at the end.
Jett stood back. Not to for the fact that she didn't want to watch or for the fact that she was afraid of blood or of the sort. But for the fact that she wasn't used to being so close to people like this. After her father's death it had just been her. Me, myself and I, right? She didn't look away though. In the district where she lived, she was practically used to blood, to gore, to death. The only thing she did look away from was the girl. She didn't want to touch her, to speak to her, to hear her, or look at her. She new she was being rude. But hey, that was who she was.
Lucia looked down at her feet, digging her toes into the dirt. She tried her best to listen to him, doing everything to keep her eyes off it. Count to ten Lucia...that's fun....one...two...three...four...five...six...seven...eight...nine...ten. She count in her head. She mind smiled at her brilliance but she didn't smile physically at all. She looked up at the other girl with a blank expression. She felt judged for the first time in her little fifteen years of life. This feeling didn't go away so she looked back down at her feet, trying to make herself feel better about things.
The needle went into his skin, and he did the only sensible thing to do when your sewing your skin. He started whistling to the tune of 'He's a jolly good fellow' and started closing the wound making it bleed more. He kept whistling happily oblivious to the others discomfort.
She would glimpse between him and the girl and on occasion send a half growl towards the girl. She didn't know why she stayed there. She could just leave them behind and go on her own way. But somewhere deep in side her she wanted to stay, to not be alone. She almost let out a giggle when she heard Lucas begin to whistle. She had heard that tune several times before. Something her father used to sing to her as they quietly waited for the fish to come snatch up some prey.
A small smile started to creep across Lucia's face when she heard the song. She played this on the piano when she was just learning. My piano! Lucia looked up towards the building she just ran out of and she felt something come over her. Was this sadness? Well it sucked and it was hard to hold back. It felt like there was a knot in her throat that she couldn't undo. Those monsters up there...why can't they all just die!? Lucia screamed in her head even though she didn't get to catch a glimpse of what destroyed her living area.
He stopped whistling as he cut the thread with his teeth. He looked back down at his leg. "There. Done!" He stood up, and noticed he was shorter than Jett and about the same height as the other girl. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. Why are you so short?! He looked back over at the girl. "So. Whats your name? Lets just start with that."
Anton smiled but then Lucas was suddenly pulled from his grasp and ushered out of the window by Jett. The Russian's first thought was to pursue them through their exit, but he was smarter then that. He climbed on top of building and looked down at them. They were talking, unknown of what was about to happen to them. It was all of a sudden night, but that didn't bother Anton. He slowly made his way down the building, hiding in the shadows. Then Anton leaped out of his hiding spot and seized Lucas' neck, grabbing it and then putting a dagger in front of Lucas' throat.

"You really are dumb. Did you think you were safe. We are smarter then that you know." Anton said in a cold but creepy voice.
Lucia looked back at the guy who just sewed his wound shut and gave a mona lisa smile, "Lucia...Lucia Hophman..." She told him. Maybe you should ask for his name too... She looked over at the girl maybe her's too. Even though she was honestly thinking about it, for some reason she couldn't bring herself to. It was like the simple words 'What's your name?' Couldn't surface from her throat. Then without warning someone came out of nowhere and went after the boy she was talking to. She was curious as to who he was, staring at him intently. Is he...like me?
She had stayed quiet when the two spoke. She didn't care for her name, but she wasn't going to make any rude remarks...well okay, she'll make one. She grunted when she heard her name. Lucia. She could care less. She was going to speak once more before someone came out of nowhere. No, not just someone. That same man who they were running from. He grabbed Lucas once more, pointing a dagger to his throat. She was going to help him, but she knew if she made any move, Lucas would be dead for sure.
Lucas snorted. "Pffft, I'm never safe." He stared back into Antons eyes. "Why do you want me so bad? Why do you keep coming after me?" He started pushing himself against the dagger, a thin red line appearing on his neck. He looked back over at Lucia. "This is what your race does. This is what they are like." He looked back at Anton smiling, looking sadistic. He looked down at the knife. "Answer my questions."
Before Anton answered Lucas, the Russian looked at Lucia. It was no doubt another one if his kind, and that made Anton happy. He sent a signal to the female Pure by locking eyes and then turned his attention back to Lucas, who was now pushing against the dagger. Anton shook his head.

"I want you because you are special. You are... infected. You just don't know about it. Also Lucas..." the Russian trailed off for a moment, not caring about the sensitive information he was about to disclose,"I have never met a homosexual. But that is besides the point. The first reason is the main reason."
Lucas's eyes widened. I know your a pure, but Im guessing you can hear me like this? He locked eyes with Anton, and his eyes darkened. Lucas glanced over at Lucia. She's different. Don't drag her into my twisted little mind by throwing things like me being homosexual out there. He looked back up and Anton.
Lucia felt a clash of mixed emotions. Lucas was nice to her sort of but this other person is like her. She must stay with her own kind right? That's why they are called her "kind" right? She watched this play out, reasoning with herself that it's probably best not to interfere if she doesn't know what's going on and...whats homosexual. She shook the thought out of her head and watched, feeling a bit more calm as if this was just a game...and she liked games.
She had enough of the man. She didn't know him, nor did she want to. And she didn't know about Lucas either. Besides his name and now his sexuality. But that was besides the point! Why was this man threatening him!? Why was he doing all of this? She took a step forward, but no more then that. "Hey!" She shouted out. "Leave him alone! Leave us all alone! So what if we're infected!?"
Anton stared through Lucas' soul with his cold violet eyes. Yes, I can hear you. As long as I'm in touch with your body, we can chat through our minds. She isn't different. She is one of the Pure, like me. The Russian looked back at Lucia.

"Have you killed any of the Haze, Used, or Humans today my friend?" he asked politely. Then Jett had taken a step forward and Anton trained his eyes on Jett.

"Don't come any closer or he dies. The Pure are rising. To create a world of peace we must kill all others."
Lucia shook her head, "I don't really...understand...but I know my mother and father are...Pure...and they have been hiring people to raise me over in that building over there," Lucia gestured behind her, "I've never been out...well...today I have...there were...things in the building....everyone is gone..." She got a bit more quiet and quiet as she spoke until her story faded into nothing, just her mumbling a bit.
Lucas tried to get Antons attention back on him, by pushing himself farther into the blade. This one hurt, but if he could just get the mans attention off of her. She's innocent. I don't care if she's a pure, she's different. Lucas turned his head toward Lucia. "Those things are victims of the Haze. I have that virus inside of me too, which makes me something called a Used. I used to be human, and then I got infected so I became Used. You and this guy," Lucas's eyes flicked up to Anton. "You guys are what is called Pure. Your race is trying to make everyone pure, and if they don't want to become pure, they kill them." He waved his hand at the knife pointedly. "There another race, but they seem to be going extinct. Or changing back into humans." He looked back to Anton. Keep her out of this.
If she is Pure and won't follow the code, I'll have to kill her. Do you really want that? The only way she lives is if I add her to the equation. If not, then I assume you know what will happen. What do you mean she is different? I scanned her, and she has almost the same D.N.A as me, except her gender, hair color, things like that. What can you tell out of her that I can't? You are only human, soon to be Haze, maybe. Anton stared back at Lucas. The Russian wanted to kill the boy so bad, but he needed more information.
She's innocent. She doesn't deserve what you monsters do to people. He glared back at the man. Why was he keeping him alive? Lucas had nothing he could give to the man, why was he still here? Why wasn't Lucas dead?
The Haze... She echoed in her head. That's what killed everyone in there... Lucia was thinking about all the races, having it click in her head and make some sort of twisted sense. "Wait...what about homosexual...what's that?" She asked bluntly. She thought it was another race that was special or something, but of course her thoughts were idiotic. She was kinda lost in her own brain, not paying much attention anymore.
Anton looked back at Lucia. So she really wanted to know? No point in not telling one of his own kind. However he would have to choose his words carefully, or otherwise Lucas might go berserk.

"If you are a girl and like boys, or a boy and like girls, that is heterosexual. Homosexual is boys liking boys and girls liking girls. The first one is referred to as gay, for boys. The second one is referred as lesbian, for girls. Did I clear that up for you?" Anton finished. Then he released Lucas from his grasp and pulled the knife away. There was nothing important about him, but he just seemed special. The Pure Council would like him.
Lucas looked at the ground, appearing almost ashamed at the description. "Women just don't appeal to me." He fell to the ground as the man released him, and his hands went to his neck. He sat, feeling the cut, and then looked up and Anton. What are you gonna do with me now? He glared up and Anton as he thought.
She watched the whole this transpire, unable to do anything. She never wanted to be this close to two Pures at once, but it seemed her pathetic wishes for that failed. She almost let out a scream when Lucas pushed his neck further into the knife. She didn't want to see someone else killed. She took another step forward and stopped once more as they continued to talk. She really couldn't do anything. 'What tough girl? I'm so pathetic.' She thought to herself. She was literally starting to know the word fear.
Lucia nodded her head Seems legit... She thought at the explanation of homosexual even though she exactly understand completely. For some reason Lucia was feeling...comfortable watching Anton do this to Lucas. She didn't do anything about it even though she considered asking if Lucas was okay. She stayed quiet and over all apathetic and uncaring. But what if Lucas is really hurt...she wondered to herself.

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