Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Lucas looked back over to the girls. He smiled and glanced at Anton. "You guys may want to leave. This may get messy." He looked down at the knife. This probably a bad idea.... He looked over at Lucia noting how uncomfortable she looked. "I know its a lot to get over. What I am and what people like me do." He looked back over at Anton. "And no doubt he has something horrific in mind, but if I can save one or two more lives, then its all okay. Got it?" He looked over at her and smiled again. Lucas turned towards Jett. "I just met you. And this is crazy what Im about to do, but I need you to watch her okay?"
Anton grabbed Lucas' head and smashed it against the floor, still holding the boy's neck. There was a satisfying crack, and Anton smiled. Then he said in his cold voice,

"I'm not letting you get away with anything."

((Incoming lazy post, I'm sorry))
((lol XP))

Lucia flinched at the sound. "Don't you think that was a bit too much?" She asked, trying to do something now. "You want him alive right? Well why not keep him in good shape too? There's no shame in doing so is there?" She walked over to Anton and tugged onto his arm slightly. She had to stop him from hurting Lucas even more...she couldn't handle to see the pain. Not right now.
(And then Lucas died........ No just kidding)

Ow, ow, ow, ow-oh crap, blackout. Getting your head smashed into the pavement wasn't exactly the most fun he could be having today. His internal injury list included [but was not limited to]; Stab wound in leg, broken nose, broken ankle, head smashed 2-3 times, and a cut throat. Lucas glared up at Anton. Would it be too much to ask for you to STOP DOING THAT?!
Shade walked down the street and stared up at the sky, I wonder if this place will have some clues? She then looked straight ahead to see a dead straight road. She decided to follow it and just walked along casually, hiding herself in the shadows of the buildings to help avoid being seen. Giving a yawn and a stretch, she stopped by an alleyway and headed down it.
Lucas looked over and saw a girl [or was it a boy?]. He knew this was a good time to escape. "HEY!" He yelled over at her, out of no where. "Come and give me a hand?!" Lucas was desperate.

[sorry that was so short.]
Down by the river Brian sat fishing and drinking breakfast… whiskey. The days were getting longer, and the jobs were paying less, it seemed hopeless. Oddly he looked over to see a violent scene unfolding down the river. He dropped his bottle and drew his sidearm. Swiftly he maneuvered toward the group of people which included those d*** Pures. He aimed at the shoulder of the male Pure who was standing over some other beaten guy. He fired knowing that wouldn't truly hurt him, he just wanted his attention. "What's up big guy, I guess I'm gonna start my day with you comrade!" Brian said noticing his Russian features.
Shade turned her head and looked surprised to have someone talk to her. Carefully scanning the scene she saw, she decided to help him and get him away from the Pure person that was also there. She ran towards the people and grabbed Lucas' hand. She pulled him to his feet and looked at his injuries. "How injured are you? Can you run?"
"Can I run?" Lucas snorted. "Hell no." Lucas looked over at her and then looked down at his leg. "Maybe we should get out of here before something bad happens." He looked over and saw that the Russian seemed dazed. He looked over at the man [brian], Lucia and Jett. "Hey! Get away from him while you still have a chance. Or you'll look like me." He looked at the girl expectantly. We have to get away from here before he comes too.
Attracted by the sound of gunfire that was not his own, David started making his way towards the sound.

When he saw all the people, he knew something was going on. He eyed through the crowd. One person with firearm, blood on the ground. Probably a knife fight over a loaf of bread.. or a Pure that started messing about. David drew his six-shooter and shot once up in the air, then aimed at the man with a gun.

"What the f*** are you all doing? I don't want people shooting if I'm not involved! Also, drop that damn gun before I blow your head off, and don't try anything." he yelled and put on a grim smile.

Estimated range about 40 meters. No adjustments to aim. Now let's see what they think they are doing disturbing me mid-drink. Vilka galningar (What maniacs).
Crap. "We have to get out of here. Now!" Lucas grabbed the knife from the ground and threw it, clipping the guy in the shoulder. "He is dangerous, we have to get out of here right now!" Its not safe for you.

[ Im having trouble making long posts :/ ]
Oh for crying out loud, why can't people remain calm for a single second? The knife took him in the left shoulder, hitting the bone and bouncing off. It left a decent sized jack, weakening the left arm as well as distracting. What a b***, I just got this new coat. Whatever, I need shoulder armor of some kind, that will cover up the hole. Reaching down with his left arm, still keeping his revolver aimed at the big group of people, David pulled out a small Glock and fired a couple of shots in the general direction of the knife-throwing brat. Due to one or another cut in his shoulder, and the fact he was aiming the other gun, the shots probably missed by a bit.

((Think more, good for filling up a post. :D ))
[This is my last post for a few hours. Going somewhere for the day.]

Shade shrugged and just began to pull Lucas along with her as she ran. I'm not going to leave someone for dead with some creepy guy. She ran down the road and looked over her shoulder to see if the man was keeping up. She stopped and asked, "Is this far enough?"

Carlos jumped the sound of a gunshot further down the alley he was currently Passing. He decides to pick up his pace to see what was happening.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

More gunshots were fired, Something must be happening further down this alley. Carlos sprints the remaining distance to the opening of the alley. He hugs the wall near the opening and peers out into the scene playing before him.

People, looks like a fight broke out. One man, he has his back turned to me, pointing a handgun and a revolver-no, two men with guns that seem to be standing off, two young girls and another male are right in the crossfire, and another girl or is that a boy dragging what looks like a beaten pulp of a young man to safety away from the stand off.

Carlos pulls out the rod from his bag, extends it, leaves the alley, and creeps up on the man with the handgun and revolver, poised to strike or dodge out of the way if necessary....assuming he was fast enough to do either.

This feels like a bad idea, but I cant seem to sit still and watch this all play out for some reason.
Brian knew he was outmatched and outgunned, oh boy he thought. In a split second he started firing off shots to cover his retreat. The man with two firearms fired back. Why did Brian have to be so helpful, he could have just slipped away and let them go about their business. None of that mattered now he was just running looking for some place to hide, two Pures and a trigger happy stranger were not on his schedule today.
"WHOA!" Lucas smiled over at everyone. "When did everyone become buddy buddys?" Referring to the other people. "You guys need a hug or some therapy or something. Well-" Lucas thought for a second. "I do too, but thats for a different time." He smiled again. "Can't we all just get along?"
Deafned by the loud bangs from his revolver David wouldn't notice someone creeping up behind him. The man with the gun was fleeing, and none of the others were doing anything dangerous. Putting hid Glock away David started reloading the revolver. "You threw a knife at me for no good reason, your one to talk", he shouts to the kid on the ground. David takes out the cigar and rolls it between his fingers while blowing out the smoke.

"Anyone mind telling me what the hell was going on here?
Lucas looked over at him in confusion. "They are fighting. I think it is pretty obvious." Lucas knew he would probably be shot for what he just said but wasn't exactly afraid of dying. "And by the way you seem a little old to be out at this time of night. Dont you have a girl or something?" He smirked. "Or are you too ugly to get one?"
"Not telling you. Having a girl everybody knows about is a weakness. I'm pretty sure you'd do anything I told you to do if I had this gun to your partners head, eh?" David muttered something about 'durak' and put out the cigar under his boot. "Mind telling me why they are fighting, wise-a**?" David spun the drum on the revolver and cocked the hammer.

((This problem with short posts seems contagious.))
"Pfffft, I wouldn't know anything about woman, and I as the cats out of the bag, I guess I can just say it again. Everyone knows about my boyfriend and he has never been safer." He brushed his hair out of his smiled again. "I just sewed my leg up. I can take a little more pain. And hell, does this look like a caring face?" He made a face of utter amusement as his eyebrows rose. "Hell no. And you know why?" He paused for a moment. "Because I don't know or care."
"I said partner, not girlfriend. I suggest next time you listen. And who knows? I might pay your boyfriend a visit tonight." David looked at the kid and muttered something about the youth of today. He took out a cigar from a pocket with left hand and then took out an engrved lighter with scraped desert camo. A silent thanks came across his lips as he bit the end off and then lit the cigar. "Words will be the death of you, young man."
"Oh, so you have a boyfriend? Or will even they not have you?" Lucas dissolved into laughter and sat on the ground shaking. He was paler than usual as he had lost a lot of blood, and probably wasn't doing his body any good services by doing this. "And, by the way," Lucas stood up straighter. "Anthony can defend himself fine. He is that one pure who goes against the status quo." Lucas smiled in remembrance and then frowned. "But.... I haven't actually heard from him in a while." Lucas went quiet as he realized what he had just given away.
Carlos stopped sneaking up behind the man with the revolver, apparently the other man started firing in the general direction of "Revolver" and felt one of the bullets whizz past him. That was close , I knew this was a bad idea but I don't think this will get any worse. He was almost within striking distance and everything just got worse. Apparently he could not keep the terror from having a stray bullet end his life at bay for long and it caused him to cease his movement, his legs refused to move and his body would not stop shaking, his ears were still ringing from the shots, the rod in his hand was held too low and shaking caused it to repeatedly hit the ground, he noticed it too late...


Crap. Revolver is going to notice, turn around and most likely end me. Worse, "Trigger-Happy" just left the scene so that means Revolver has no immediate and pressing threat. Mom...Dad I think I might just be visiting you slightly earlier than I planned.
Ah, shit. Somebody behind me. But they aren't moving, if they move I'll have enough time to finish them, but I don't want to turn around and let somebody run away. "Fellow behind me, why don't you step out here so I can see you? I'd very much like to know you before I choose if I should shoot you or not." Remain calm. You have this situation under control. Right now. Let's hope nobody else does something stupid.
Crap. He knows I am here. I should do as he says, he might just have the balls to blind fire behind him. "Alright, I'll do you as you say...Just dont get trigger happy like that last guy"

Slowly, Carlos rises from his crouched stance and rushes over in front of "Revolver"

I need to think up of a plan to get me and these other people out of this mess.Carlos notices the wound on Revolver's shoulder.

I could capitalize on his injury, that would take out his left arm and render him unable to aim his glock properly or make him drop it. Although his revolver could still blow my head off, so let's not do that. "I don't know what is happening, but is it possible we could all calm down?"

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