Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

(you know what time for my character to do his thing)

The sound of screaming resonated for miles from a single point. In the center of a group of Pure a red lab coat could be seen as silver flashed across the sky and red flew through the air. In the center of a massacre stood Kyle his family's ancient broadsword gripped tightly in one hand an a pistol in the other. His lab coat hadn't always been red but with all the blood flying it dripped with crimson. His face donned a twisted smile as he murdered the helpless individuals slashing through the closer ones and shooting those that ran. As the screams died down Kyle stood and looked upon his masterpiece with a long psychotic laugh. A single movement caught his eye as he saw a Pure try to run the cut to his shoulder having not finished the job. It only took Kyle a few steps to catch up and shove cold steel through the mans heart blood hitting his face and glasses as he whispered. "You didn't give them a chance to run so why should I give it to you?"
{I REALLY want to start this back up. Im going to get this back up soon. (sorry for being gone for so long. Some personal stuff.)}
Thomas woke up that morning as he usually did sweating. These dreams he had ever since he lost his wife 3 years ago bugged him. He sat up reached over and grabbed a bottle that held his pain medication which he found he found helped with his dreams. He took 3 pills out of the bottle and and swallowed them. He then got out of his bed and walked over to his window. From his window he could see the area that was mainly populated by the pure o how he longed to be there. He shut his window and walked into his bathroom where he proceeded to take a shower and shave. Once he was finished he got dressed in his white slacks and his white Nehru jacket as well as slipping on a pair of white gloves and shoes.

As he stepped outside he saw some looters raiding a near by liquor store "How pathetic.", he thought as he watched the scene. All of a sudden one of the raiders saw Thomas and called out, "HEY ITS ONE OF THEM TRAITORS!". Upon hearing this about 4 of them grabbed tire irons and pipes and rushed at Thomas. His brain began to run through the situation as it was unfolding the one who would reach him first was wielding a tire iron. Crude but effective he reached up and grabbed the mans wrist then head butted him square in the nose shattering it into his brain. Thomas grabbed the tire iron before letting go of the mans wrist the second man kept charging him so he dropped to a knee and connected the tire iron with the raiders gut cause him to double over. He stood up and brought the tire iron down on the back of the man neck causing him to collapse. The last two were smarter and flanked him on two sides. This should be fun Thomas thought as he set his feet. The two raiders then screamed and charged Thomas, he stepped back and allowed the two to bump into eachother. Thomas then walked up and snapped one of there necks before the second got up. "Okay pretty boy your mine." The raider said. Thomas toke his stance and raised his tire iron like a sword. Him and the raider began to move in a circle. The raider then ran in at Thomas and swung his lead pipe down at him. Thomas grabbed the pipe moved around behind the raider and began to choke him with the pipe. As Thomas was holding the pipe against the raiders throat he could hear the choke the gasping of life and he squeezed harder. Suddenly the man stopped and grew lifeless. Thomas let go of the pipe letting the man fall he then fixed his clothes and brushed back his slick hair. Thomas looked around and began to go on the stole he had intended to take.

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