Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

"What about most of the Haze?" Carlos wasn't sure what Zwei was referring to which was why he needed to clarify that. Did she create the Haze? A rogue thought entered his mind, he couldn't confirm or deny it. The fact remains that it's source was unknown and that it spread too quickly. Was the Haze a product of the Pure? Did they really engineer the apocalypse and bring about this new world order?
"It's history. I was the one who thought of the idea, but the Council created the Haze whilst I knew about everything." She turned to Carlos, "I can easily create strains of Haze to counteract the one you have and get rid of it. But I can't get rid of my own."
The grasp Carlos had on the new world was shattered. The pure engineered the Haze, they engineered the end of civilization. They put up a new world order, he always wondered how the Pure were able to easily react and respond during the initial stages of the outbreak. Before that, they even went by a different name, a name long forgotten. Their ranks swelled at the beginning but the zealotry drove most of them to certain death, not everyone who was with the Pure really were Pure. His thoughts were running laps around his mind, but that was all in the past, what they needed now was for the future. "Well, Sh*t." He turned to face her. "Who said I wanted this gone?"
"You want to be infected? My plan is to eventually eradicate the Haze once and for all." Zwei yawned before crouching to read some writing.
"I'll take up that cure once, the whole world has been cured. You included, Zwei." Carlos had made it clear he wasn't going to leave his friend alone in a new world, assuming they ever lived that long. He went back to scanning the writings on the wall, the blood had dried and most of them he couldn't read anymore.
"Unless you understand the languages I know, then you won't read many. Only a few are in english." She pointed at one that was obviously German and then another in Galician.
It was true, he never did understand other languages. But finding names shouldn't be this hard. He had conceded in his attempt at reading he had gone over the English words more times than he could count. "Then I'll leave it to you."
(Oh my god I'm only just now reading the stuff about Lucas. I'm so sorry D: Is he doing any better?)
{Okay, Lucas is watching a horror movie {Misery} and laughing at your signature Maeve. He will be out of the hospital next Friday. ^^" (you should have seen his face when I read the Johnlock thing to him. I have never seen anyones head spin around that fast.) And he says that he has seen the burdened with glorious swag thing before. Then he said, "Indeed I am."}
[Now the horrible part. I won't be online after this post for four weeks. So I dunno how this is going to go.]

Zwei nodded, "If you can distinguish the ketters and write them on paper, then that'll make it easier. Blood wears out and eventually fades. It also drips." She continued to decipher the words.
{Okay, its Lucas! They said I can have a laptop so I can roleplay for a little while. Does anyone want to catch me up?}
{pffft, haha~ I guess Im going to sift through post until I find my characters. (I just got yelled at *by the doctors and Tony* for hunching over my laptop and typing to fast. T.T Whats wrong with the world?)}
[ Get well soon, Lucas. Not much happened since you left, last I remember was Lucas was with Eimin in an intimate moment and Alaska down at the lab with Tony, Carlos and Zwei left and will come back either via deus ex machina from me or when Silent comes back, Oswin is just there somewhere.
Nirvana said:
(Naomi is alone... but I don't care much.)
{Lucas says, "I thought you said that you werent even going to be on this anymore. Are you? Or.... arent you? Or... what?" He just passed out, so he wont be on in a little while. :/ }
Lucas said:
{Lucas says, "I thought you said that you werent even going to be on this anymore. Are you? Or.... arent you? Or... what?" He just passed out, so he wont be on in a little while. :/ }
(I'm addicted to this site. o_O and i check every day or so xD )
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc45c1f0_ScreenShot2013-06-25at6.32.39AM.png.8b8394dabd5175bafda3bc24e623efb9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2214" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc45c1f0_ScreenShot2013-06-25at6.32.39AM.png.8b8394dabd5175bafda3bc24e623efb9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Er- wat?



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