Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

[Get better Lucas! alright no one dies, I wouldn't want to make a character then just kill her off without reaching maybe 10 posts as her.]

Carlos had pulled out the pistol and emptied the clip. A large hole had now formed on the table. "You're not even worth my time. In fact, why don't you go back and do something for me? You don't really care about the council right?" He undid the bindings and handed her the gun and few clips and her stiletto. "So go back there, and gut them all, for your mother....and brother."

Alisa was surprised that she was still breathing. "What makes you so sure that I wouldn't kill you, here and now?" Her fingers tightened around the trigger.

"I don't know, because in a way you are my sister. I know for a fact that YOU were turned into an abomination by the COUNCIL, not our MOTHER." Carlos turned to face her. "That YOU were simply a pawn to be discarded soon enough. However, some pawns make it all the way to the end and become greater. So, I'm just giving you the chance to straighten up and maybe redirect your vendetta to those RESPONSIBLE."

"Alright, suppose I humor you, dear brother. Suppose I succeed, where does that leave me?" Alisa had always wanted purpose, if she fulfills her vendetta then she'd have one less reason on a short list of reasons to still draw breath. "Suppose everything works out, can I still come back here? Well, not here but you, brother?"

"I don't see a reason why not." Carlos was gambling a lot on this. But he was confident that all his sister needed to do was vent so she could actually think straight, she got parts of that off her chest by attacking Zwei. The rest would be turned to eliminating the council. It was a long shot, but it was something.

Alisa laughed at the situation. She stopped and considered everything. She looked up to her brother and planted a light kiss on his cheek. She proceeded out the operating room, but stopped and turned back. "Then I hope you'll still be here waiting for me, brother." She turned the knob and walked out, effectively bumping Zwei. She bowed a little in apology. "I am very sorry mother. Please forgive me, I promise to be a good little girl. Brother even told me to go kill something important to make you and him proud." She said the last part giggling.
Zwei looked at Alisa and shrugged before walking over to Carlos, "Why doooooooes theeeee girl keeeep calling me Mooooother?" She was confused since she had no children.
(I'll make her disappear for a bit, i.e not gonna show up until I feel like bringing her back, I want to make her more insane.)

As she exited the tower, Alisa had checked the guns she had on her. The rifle, and both pistols seemed to be fully loaded, the Stiletto was still strapped to her waist. She dusted herself off and skipped towards the territory of the Council, she was happy today for some reason, then again she was insane so nothing would ever make sense to a bystander. As far as she was concerned only her brother and mother understood her. I'll be back brother~


Mother, she was simply referring to the fact that all three of us are a byproduct of your research on the Haze. Please do forgive her mother, I have sent her out on an errand to remove the people hounding you, I think that would be a most proper penance for her sins. I have full confidence in sister's abilities." Carlos had allowed Alisa a way to prove herself to at least him, maybe even Zwei. He still had one more problem to take care of. A problem that's been eating at him from the inside. "You're free to accompany her, mother." Carlos stepped out to look for Oswin.
Zwei grabbed at Carlos' arm and growled, "Don't call me Mother. Mother's are the worst things around and are not needed." Her eyes showed a mixture of sadness and anger.
"Alright, Shade. I didn't mean to." Carlos could tell from her reaction that Shade did not like mothers at all. What happened to your childhood, Zwei? What happened? "Either way, I've sent her out to deal with the council, should stop them from finding out about you. or me. But there is still one of them apparently embedded in our group. I don't know who, or if there even was one."
"Tony. I think it's Tony." Zwei mumbled whilst staring at the ceiling. She turned to Carlos, "They'll always be after me. Always and nothing can stop them. They want to put me back to where I apparently belong." She searched through her memories and raised a hand to her head so she couldn't feel the pain it brought her. She stared up at the ceiling as she did this.
"We can't be too sure, not yet." Carlos didn't want to pursue this line of discussion, it was obviously causing pain to Shade. She had already been through enough as it is, she needed rest. "Why don't you lie down here on the table and rest a bit. Don't worry your son will not leave you." He took a seat near the table.
Zwei shook her head and turned to Carlos, "I want to go to where I lived. Where they kept me. It may have clues hidden in the building." I think that those walls had all the names I ever heard written on it.
"And where might that be?" Carlos had no idea to where she was referring to, he may have had glimpses of it in his childhood but he could not remember where it is or if what's on his mind was the same destination as Zwei. He could only guess, and guesswork was never his strong suit.
Zwei pointed outside the building, "Out there, close to where I found Lucas and not far from where I woke up." She headed on in the general direction and made sure Carlos was following.
Carlos followed Shade as she left the room. She would be the guide for this journey. "Alright, light the way Shade." He had no specific idea where she meant, he could remember bits and pieces of the first time he met them all.
Zwei left the tower and headed through the streets. She didn't stop once and kept on moving, looking all over the place in order to find what she was looking for. It was this way. I hope it hasn't been destroyed or who knows what.
Carlos followed Zwei as she left the tower. He might find out more about Reaper if he goes with Zwei and Oswin already left him. Like Alisa, he was running out of reasons to breathe. He needed this breakthrough at least about himself. "Zwei, are you sure about this? What could we find in the old lab?"
Zwei turned her head, "It's not the old lab. I burnt that down just before my amnesia kicked in. We're going to the room I spent my whole life in. It holds all the answers we might need." She turned down a street and continued down it.
Carlos continued following Zwei down the street. He could remember seeing the riverside where everything started. The whole standoff of David and some other guy, when he first saw Lucas all rebellious and Zwei pulling him out of the crossfire. The images resurfaced on his mind like they were a fresh memory of yesterday. "How much farther, Zwei?"
"We're here now. It's this little building." Zwei murmured, stopping and staring at the well camoflauged building before walking up to it and staring at it. "This is my birth and childhood. All here."
"It looks old and dilapidated, I'll go in first." Carlos still had his desire of putting himself in danger to prove a point to someone. He walked up to the door and opened it. The dust trapped inside the building dispersed upon contact with the air outside. It was dark as far as he could tell.
Zwei walked in and instantly felt like walking our again, but knew she had to do this, "It's always been dark. There's no windows or lights. It's a single room and if we had some source of light, you'd see what I've written on the walls. Not something pleasant either."
They had to rely on their senses and the light filtering through the door to navigate the windowless building. It eerily reminded him about when Zwei wanted to kill him, dark hallways and not knowing where to go, only navigating through feel. He made the mistake of not holding onto Zwei before, he didn't do it now. "Just light the way, Shade."
Zwei bent down and felt around the pitch black room before moving one of the floor boards and pulling out two candles and a box of matches. She lit both of them and held one out to Carlos before lifting her own to illuminate the room and reveal the writings of blood on the wall.
The dark room was illuminated by the small flame of a matchstick, but Carlos had seen enough even in the low-light. Zwei made all these, he couldn't make out the writings but was sure it might help him figure out what's wrong with him, if there ever was anything wrong with him. This was also important for Zwei. "What specifically are we looking for here?" He asked Zwei as he looked over the blood writing on the wall.
"Names. The Pure Council often visited to see if I was dead and they never actually thought to consider that I'd remember their names. Plus, it explains my personality and most of the Haze." Zwei yawned whilst looking.

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