Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Zwei decided to leave the room and just slowly walked down the hall in an attempt to find Carlos and Oswin. She looked around and giggled, I need my insanity baaaaaack. There's someome eeeeeeeelse in the tooooooower. She began to sing as she walked.
Alaska hadn't even gotten a reply back when shivers ran down her spine. Someone was singing. Did she mean me? She worried, gripping the screw driver in her hand just a little bit tighter. Nervous eyes glanced to her bag, then back to Tony, awaiting an answer as she seemed to regain her calm poise.
Alisa had a psychotic grin on her face as the girl had agreed to bringing them to where the rest of their group resided. In truth, she didn't need The Shade, they council said they already embedded someone in there, she only needed The Reaper. She decided to take it a little bit further, she commanded the Reaper to hold her and kiss her deeply one more time, one more to provoke his girlfriend, to stain his blood on her hands. She broke the kiss and the hold over both of them. "I'm sure I taste better than her, Reaper. Remember, if you tell anyone about what I am and what I intend to do. I will make you kill him slowly after I've killed everyone else." As if to show that she was serious, Alisa had suggested the girl take the knife and place it near Reaper's neck. "If you ever thought I was bluffing, this is your proof that I am not. Oh and don't even think about fighting me Reaper, I'm twice as good as you in fight and I can simply end the fight without touching you too." She broke the hold over the girl. "Shall we? Or would you prefer to go all the way with that knife, little girl?"


Carlos didn't want to put the rest of the group at risk, but was relieved to know that he'd live to fight another day. Vindicator would prove to be a large problem, that they will have to wait a bit before dealing with. He could feel her eyes piercing him toward his very soul. And out of nowhere he found his hands on her shoulders, then wrapped around her waist as he pulled her in for a kiss. She broke it and suggested they get on their way but not before making Oswin draw her knife and place it just in front of his neck. If he had any notion of a small hope against Vindicator, it was all shattered by this simple act.
As Alisa kissed Carlos, Oswin wished she could look away. Her heart felt like it was being beaten mercilessly. Then, when she was forced to put the knife to Carlos's neck, she thought she was going to lose it, but somehow managed not to. As Alisa's hold released her, she strapped the knife back to her belt with a shaking hand.

"No blabbing about who you are really are. Sure. Got it. Let's go," she said the last words with a slight crack in her voice. With a shaken expression, she turned around, leading the two with her arms crossed tightly to keep her hands from shaking further. As she walked, she walked ahead of both of them, avoiding any sort of eye contact. Just keep walking. Don't break down. You're stronger than that. Or maybe not. Who knows?
Carlos kept silent on the way back to the tower, he had been through enough today. He needed to apologize to Oswin as soon as he could, it was after all his idea to go out there and put them both at risk. He shouldn't have brought Oswin along, that way she didn't have to see this any of this. There were so many things he wanted to tell her and do to her. His heart sank when he heard the slight crack in her voice. There has to be a way around this. If I can get rid of this girl, I could square things away with Oswin. He gulped a bit after considering another possiblity......that Oswin would actually leave him. That terrified him more than anything.
As Oswin walked, she kept her arms crossed and looked down at her feet as she walked, only looking up to make sure she was going in the right direction. All of the emotions she felt were practically drowning her. Hate. Anger. Terror. Heartbrokenness. Especially heartbrokenness.

She wanted to get rid of or get away from the psychotic girl so badly it hurt, but she couldn't see any way to do that. As Oswin caught a glimpse of the building that held the group in the far distance, all she could think was Carlos, I know you can't here me, but please think of something. She's going to kill everyone in that building, and then she'll have me kill you. I don't want to kill you. At least I don't think I want to.
Zwei heard footsteps and stopped pacing the hall. She'd given up searching, but continued singing. The new noise stopped that as well and she turned her head. Wonder what's going ooooooon. I hoooooope that my Draaaawing Board is okay.
Alisa studied the tower as they arrived. So this is where the renegade Shade dwells in. I would also like to meet whoever the council embedded in their group. She relished the opportunity to meet with whoever had begun research on the Haze, the opportunity to meet Zwei in the flesh. She giggled anticipation, she'd love to rip that b*tch a new one for giving her a purpose to live, she was content to be outcast among the pure or die as one, not become an abomination like the Reaper. She extended her senses to probe the tower, when they had gotten near enough. Lots of security, 5 or 6 more people inside, one of them is Zwei...the other is a pure.

She was conditioned and designed to always have an edge over everyone in anything, her senses, reflexes and strength are far superior to the reaper, the Shade was one of the only things that rival her Vindicator. The Shade allows for schizophrenia in an attempt to merge two different races together, which renders the control effect of the Vindicator ineffective. She may control Humans and Hazed, but a Pure is a different matter all together.


They were nearing the tower when Carlos had an idea, though he'd need Shade to pull it off. A tandem attack on the girl, it was a long shot, but it was the best he had up his sleeve. There were still several variables that he needed to account for as well. One, how many people can she have full control over? Two, if her reflexes are good one on one, what if she takes on more than one opponent. Even, in the heat of a fight, Carlos could only capitalize his heightened reflexes and senses when they were focused on just one opponent, since the girl was a modified Reaper he was betting that she'd have the same limitation. He could only hope that Zwei gets the hint when he starts attacking the girl, but first he needed to get Oswin out of the crossfire before the fight even starts.

It was a desperate attempt at resistance and they were drawing closer to the tower. Time was running out, he was certain this psychopath will begin killing everyone else when she's done with Zwei, I can't hold her alone and neither can Zwei, but maybe two may succeed where one will fail. He had to act fast and he needed to strike hard, the first few seconds of the fight dictate how it'll end......I don't even think it'll last a few seconds if I get it wrong.

They arrived at the tower and Carlos took a deep breath as he opened the door for the girls. C'mon Shade, show yourself.
[Right. Shade's thoughts in this one is sung in her head.]

Zwei heard the door open and spun around to come face to face with her Drawing Board, Oswin and another girl. She giggled and her face went twisted, "Your baaaack. You leeeeft meeee alone. All alone." She laughed again and straigtened up before staring carefully. Can't make a move or I will die.
There were two things Alisa was sure of about the Shade. One, it was this girl in front of her. Two, she should not be trifled with. She could feel a shift in the air behind her. "Greetings Shade," She pulled out the stiletto and lunged at Shade, making the sword swing from behind her miss and getting the fight started. "or maybe ...Mother. You destroyed my life, b*tch." Alisa was going against the wishes of the council, but she couldn't give two sh**s about what the old council felt. She just wanted to either fulfill her little vendetta or die gloriously.


Carlos decided this was a good a time as any to begin. He shoved Oswin away with one hand and pulled out his sword in an overhead arc bearing down on the girl with the other. He knew his opening gambit failed because he sword met nothing but air and the girl was right in front of Zwei, calling her "mother." He lunged in after her.
Zwei laughed and dodged the swing easily before taking a few steps back, "Mother? I haaaad no childreeeen. I'm only fiiiiifteeeeen." She spun around in delight and cackled before singing the first song she sang when she got her memories back before flinging her arm downwards and revealing the blade hidden in her sleeve. Her face twisted into an insane grin and she lunged forward whilst singing:

Wander freely, wander far,

off beneath the devils star...

In the dark, a girl so bright,

got up to see the day by night...

Her fear in hand, her fear in heart,

her fear will tear her soul apart...

White of flesh and white of bones,

the worms will leave your soul alone...

On and on the road does go,

down into the depths below...

In the darkness dwells a place,

where demons and devils does it grace...

Off you went to see the king,

you wish to hear the devil sing...

"The lullaby of mother~" Alisa sighed in delight as she smiled back and twisted the blade in her hand to deflect one of Zwei, redirecting it toward Reaper. "Isn't it delightful, brother?" She turned to ask Reaper with the same pyschotic grin and shine in her eyes, as she delivered a good elbow onto Zwei's face. "Oh I'm sorry, brother. But I know you won't die just from that." She winked at him as she continued to fight Zwei.

Carlos had been caught up in the exchange of two insane people. Zwei moved to strike Alisa but somehow she managed to redirect Zwei's blade, which broke skin and entered his stomach. The world suddenly began to blur. He kept his guard up and withdrew a short distance to allow Reaper to kick in and heal him. Alisa was taunting him. He knew two things. One, his sword won't work in such close proximity. Two, he needed Oswin's knife. He was still recovering so movement was not yet an option for him.
Zwei growled as the elbow hit her, "I am noooo mother. Haaaave no children." She used her speed to get behind Alisa and punch her squarely in the stomach before thrusting the blade straight after it.
(I'm bringing Naomi back. :big grin: )

Naomi wanders through the halls aimlessly, and then sees Zwei fighting with some girl. What the heck? She thinks, before pulling out her camera and filming it. What else would she do, walk over and sing a creepy song? Like that one she wrote a while back?
Oswin believed that things were happening too fast for her to keep up. The fight had begun so quickly that it took her a moment before even realizing that Carlos had pushed her back. She watched in a sort of daze, her eyes widening and stomach dropping upon seeing Carlos being stabbed. He stumbled back, practically into her, and Oswin felt a vague reassurance that the Reaper strain was going to heal him. As Shade and Alisa fought, she thought for a breif moment, looking from Carlos's sword to Alisa, then her own knife, then to Carlos, then back to Alisa.

She pulled the knife out of her belt, grabbing Carlos's hand and wrapping his fingers around the handle. "Please get rid of her," she muttered, still refusing to make contact with him, although she sort-of wanted to, "Do it for me, you clever boy."
That would have hurt, but to Alisa it simply tickled. The knife had entered her gut and she was simply giggling. She kicked Zwei back and felt like making her suffer before killing her. She leapt at her and pinned her to the floor delivering punch after punch after punch to Zwei's face. "YOU DID THIS TO ME! BECAUSE OF YOU, I AM ALONE! I COULD HAVE DIED WITH HONOR, BUT I WAS TURNED INTO THIS!" She had genuine tears streaking down her face as she continued attacking Zwei. Blood still poured leaked out and traveled along the blade of Zwei's knife down the handle and dripping on Zwei. The world suddenly faded to black as a sharp pain raced through her.


Carlos had his chance to kill the girl. He had his chance and he didn't kill her, when he looked at it from a neutral perspective, both of them weren't so different. In fact, she had it worse than he did. She grew up practically unwanted. He couldn't bring himself to kill her, not when he could see a reflection of his shadow in her. He crept up behind her and smacked the back of her head hard with the pommel of the knife. It wouldn't break her skull but would at least knock her out, with the added pressure of blood loss. "Well, she did have the same limitation that I did."
As Oswin saw Carlos have mercy on Alisa, she felt her muscles tense. She was unconscious and unable to move, but she was alive. After all she had done.

She simply stared at Carlos, rage slowly boiling up inside of her. Oswin wanted to see what he was going to say, because, frankly, she didn't know what she herself should say.
Carlos had decided to spare the girl, He saw too much of himself in her, and didn't feel like it was right to kill her. He was certain that's how he'd end up if he didn't leave the town. He wanted to set her straight at least change her for the better, idealistic as it was.

He just stared a bit at what he did then, proceeded to haul the girl to the operating room. He needed to restrain her. He needed to be prepared, What he was doing was all on him. He always introduces the new person to the group, he didn't see a reason to change that now.
Oswin looked after Carlos as he hauled the crazy girl off to the operating room. What was he going to do? Save her? He walked after him, confused and angry. He seemed to act like Oswin wasn't even there.

"Carlos," she called after him, her voice beginning to shake again, "What are you doing?"
"Me? I'm just going to bring this shadow of mine to the operating room. Why?" Carlos saw too much of what monster he could have become in her. He didn't know what to do anymore, but he was not about to start killing someone he thinks he could still save. He'd get heavy flak from everyone with what he was going to do, but it would at least put himself at ease. He stopped and turned back toward Oswin. "You wouldn't understand what this means to me. but let's keep it at this." He gestured to the girl he was carrying. "I could have easily become a monster like her, and I think I can still save her."
Oswin stood for a minute, staring back at Carlos. Then she snapped.

"You don't think I understand? What's there to understand? She almost made me murder you. She kissed you multiple times, had you wrapped around her finger, and stabbed you, and you're still putting her ahead of me. You've out EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING BEFORE ME. I know you have some sort of God-Complex, where you feel like you have to Do evrything, but you can't just tell me that I "don't understand" because I've been through too much for you to tell me that I dont understand. Do you think the abomidable snowman injected Zwei for you and fought those Hazed for you? No, I did. I'm not going to take that anymore, Carlos. Save her, have sex with her twice, kiss her all that you want, save the world. I don't care anymore. I just don't."

Her voice broke again on the last of those words. She then turned around, biting back tears of anger, and stormed out of the operating room, past Naomi and Shade, and back out the door, disappearing into the trees, with no sense or care of direction.

Carlos had accomplished his first task. What he was going to do was beyond suicidal. What he was going to do would definitely get him killed, if he made even one mistake. He didn't need Oswin to go worrying about him, she deserved better. He needed to squeeze out as much information as he could out the stranger. What he needed to do, he had felt obliged to do it alone. He had put Oswin in danger too many times, it had to end. I don't expect myself to last until the end of the day. This b*tch still needs to die.He strapped Alisa onto the operating table and waited for her to come to.


Alisa had woken up in a white room, strapped to a table, with Reaper standing watch over her. She smiled at him "I didn't know yo-" "SHUT IT, I don't want to hear any of that unimportant bull coming from your mouth." Reaper cut her off before she could say anything else. She dropped the guise. One wrong move little bleating lamb and I'll make lamb stew out of you.

"Alright, what is important then?"

"What's important right now is who sent you and where are they?"


"Don't f*ck with me b*tch! I am not in the mood to play games."

"Oh the council, if you went a little bit further from where I found you two you'd find their compound."

"Just like that?"


"Now could you let me go?"

"No can do."



"I guess you're going to kill me now?"

Gunshots echoed throughout the hall way.

(I wonder who died or if anyone actually did...hahahahahahahahahah! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

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