Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

"Yes beauty is on the inside....like a fridge or a bag of potato chips." Carlos picked a direction and began walking, his sights are now set on venturing deeper into the city. "Why don't we head deeper into this ruin? Who knows what mystical beings we might find? Hazed, Pure, Crazy Humans and a colorful variety of assorted mutants from maybe dogs to bears? Or maybe hidden treasures of scrap metal and discarded tech." He tried to make their little excursion sound more colorful and vibrant than it should.
Oswin smiled briefly at Carlos's potato chip joke, then began looking around where they currently were.

"I suppose we could go deeper," she said, "we might not find something as intriguing as a dog mutant, but you never know, I guess."
Carlos checked his guns to see if they were fully loaded, and swung the broadsword a few times. "Alright let's go on an adventure!" He was trying to put some life and color back into the city. He saw ruined buildings to the left and ruined buildings to the right, they all look like they've been picked clean of anything and everything. "This is going to be one loooooonggggg waaaalk."

(I wonder if I should make a second character just so that they could run into someone who'd last longer than 1 or 2 posts, but then I'd have to wait for Lucas's approval xD )
(I'd hate to WAIT for Lucas. He's hardly on anymore. I wonder if you could go ahead and make one, then drop to our knees anf kiss Lucas's feet in an apoligetic way when he gets back xD )

Oswin smirked as Carlos complained about the walk. "It doesn't seem like a very long walk," she said playfully, punching his stomach lightly, "Perhaps you should work out more."
(nah better yet just make it a random character that either dies or leaves for a while and comes back for good once I really have a profile ready and approved xD )

Carlos wasn't sure Oswin got what he really meant. And debated internally whether or not he should clarify it, then decided to speak his mind to her. "What I mean by a long walk is that we'll never find anything out here. It will just be a long walk." He gestured to the buildings around them. "I mean do you think that after all these years, these buildings would still have something in them?"
Oswin looked back over her shoulder and shrugged. "If you don't think we'll find anything, Almighty Carlos The Pessimist, then we can just turn around and go back. Or we could go even further. Whatever you want to do is fine with me." Frankly, she was still running on fumes from the moment the two of them were about to have before Shade had woken up and interrupted them, and just wanted to be by him at all costs.
"And suddenly, a title for me?" Carlos tried his best to sound cheerful and innocent. "Let's see what we can see in these ruins." Carlos had opted to go deeper into the ruins of the city. "I could be wrong, always am." He shrugged as he kept on walking. "We must be really drawing attention to ourselves with all this talking." He could not shake the feeling that they were being followed.
Oswin shrugged. "If we're being followed, so what? You're practically an armory within yourself." She came closer to Carlos, nudging him and playfully squeezing his hand. "And you're not always wrong, y'know. You were right when you said that you could save Shade, weren't you?"
"I never really believe what I said about saving her, I was just going with my gut feeling about it. So yeah I could have really died back then." Carlos didn't want to be reminded of the fact that he had nearly died. "I'm only carrying a limited amount of ammo anyway. This bag is virtually empty. So we just keep walking until wherever but we should head back when it starts to get dark."
{I do too, but Tony was like "GET IN YOUR LOKI STUFF!" And I look over and he looks like someone tried to paint his face....... with paint...... Hes all: "I GOT IN MY TONY STARK STUFF!" And he looks like someone threw a rainbow at his face.}
(Wow... my mom always makes me do stupid pictures. On Thursday, I was forced into a ballgown and she straightened my hair. But guess what? The freaking straightener was broken!)

Oswin let go of his hand and crossed her arms again. How much longer was he going to keep shooting down everything she said? As she walked, she got about a foot ahead of Carlos, looking from her shuffling feet to the picked-clean buildings, taking in the strained silence of their environment.
The Stranger had kept the rifle trained on the two who were walking down the road. The Stranger had not seen people for as long as they could remember. The Stranger kept shadowing the couple, they were downwind from The Stranger so they may not be able to catch The Stranger. The Stranger was watching them both, the male looked like he was dangerous the female looked like she was equally as dangerous but in close range, The stranger could make short work of either of them.

(Trying to keep the character anonymous, depending on Lucas I may make a profile for The Stranger.)
(I'm laughing bc I keep picturing The Stranger in a hooded overcoat and a squeaky voice, referring to himself in third person.)

Oswin continued to walk in front of Carlos, giving him space seeing as how he was acting a tad pessimistic and grumpy. She quietly admired some of the larger buildings, not being able to shake the feeling that chaos could ensue at any moment.
So many thoughts ran through Carlos's mind, but they were irrelevant. He could sense that they were being followed by something. He had let Oswin take the lead and just follow her, while he was busy glancing over his shoulder. He was just on edge today for some reason.
Oswin figured that Carlos was a tad paranoid, considering the tense emptiness that the city was radiating. She decided to stay quiet and let him do his own thing while she lead, occasionally looking over her own shoulder as well to make sure he was still there.
The Mysterious Stranger had continued following The Mysterious Stranger's targets, silently picking off anything that got even remotely within seeing distance, using The Mysterious Silenced Rifle. The Mysterious Stranger had been curious as to how far The Mysterious Stranger's prey would go into the city, maybe they might find what The Mysterious Stranger had been looking for, it was not much to go on but it was all The Mysterious Stranger had.

(Just waiting on Lucas, So I can make a profile lol I dunno what I'm doing anymore xD For now it is simple The Mysterious Stranger.)
{Whoa, sorry. I lost my phone for a sec. My bed just like..... swallowed it.} 
{And, if you want to make a profile for stranger, you can.}
{I did. I mean, its not like its hard when you can just picture them. I think I put on the sign ups, that you can have up to 3 characters.}

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