Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

(Blegh I lost my place again, so Laska can just idely walk around in the tower?)
[Oswin and Carlos left the tower, everyone else was stuck doing their own thing, i just introduced a new charcter xD ]

Alisa had kept her sights locked on to the male. She was sure this was the Reaper, she could sense that he different. The female on the other hand seemed expendable, normal. She had tracked down the reaper(Carlos) and the shade (Shade/Zwei) to an abandoned tower with one of the pure council embedded in there, whoever the pure council had sent there would deal with the Shade. She needed to deal with the reaper. She gave a small sigh of relief when the reaper had left the tower along with a companion to go wherever he needed to go, it was also another blessing that they went deeper into the city, it would make shadowing them easier.

She could sense something wrong in the air, the breeze was carrying a rotten stench to it. She pinpointed the source of it all. 20 hazed, dead ahead. She squeezed the trigger of her rifle, then pulled. The Hazed at the vanguard toppled over and the rest of the group went ballistic, their screams filled the air. She cracked a smile as she chambered another round and continued toppling the Hazed, one after the other. However, she was painfully aware of one fact, at least half that group would make it to the Reaper's location. She stopped dropping Hazed, she wanted to see what the Reaper was capable of. "15 left, I hope you are as deadly as they say you are Reaper." She giggled a bit on her vantage point overlooking the boulevard, excited to see if this target was really worth her time.


Carlos had felt paranoid, now he had felt tense. The screams of maybe a dozen Hazed kept him on high alert, they'd be on them both in any second and he needed to keep Oswin safe. She didn't look like she'd listen to what he was going to say so he needed to act first and fast. He kept the broadsword at the ready and bolted toward the source of the sounds, he had limited time window to kill as much Hazed as he could before Oswin could catch up to him. He ran up and leapt from the overturned tanker situated in front of their current position, it was a slightly long walk and served as makeshift barricade for the couple. He landed on the other side taking out two of the Hazed in the process. Not fast enough.
Oswin was completely and entirely confused. Her thought process was sort of like this :

Okay, there's a Hazed.

Sh*t, that's a lot of Hazed.

Nooooww there's a gunshot.

Carlos, what the f*ck?

Where did he learn to do that?

Great, now I have to follow him.

He has a nice butt.

Wow, I kind of want to have sex now.

WHOA, why I am thinking about sex?

That's quite a distraction.

I am so confused.

Her thoughts were stopped short as she caught up with Carlos, finally. She pulled out a large knife and practically split one of the Hazed in half. Oswin then looked to Carlos.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" She shouted, followed by tackling one of Hazed, awkwardly straddling it and ripping it throat open.
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[Alisa is not supposed to be known yet, she was still shadowing them and she's a bit far away from them, but uhhhh ehhhhhh ahhhhh ]

"The hell should I know, just keep killing until they all die. We can sort out the rest later." Carlos shouted at Oswin so he could be heard over the din of the crazed screaming of Hazed, one of them was able sink their teeth into his arm and he answered with a swift slash across the body, splitting it in half. Two more decided to try and jump Oswin from behind, one second he was busy dealing with a trio of Hazed the next he was right behind Oswin with sword on an intercept arc that cleaved through the pair of Hazed as he brought it down on another one looking to flank them both. "They're everywhere, but they seem to be thinning out, just a little more, Potato Girl."
(*edits post with head hung low*)

Oswin looked over her shoulder as Carlos completely annilated the Hazed behind her. As he spoke, calling her Potato Girl once more, another Hazed leaped from practically nowhere. Oswin leaped after it before it impacted Carlos, bringing it to the ground and decapitating it.

She stood up, eyeing the blood all over her with disgust. "God, I'm actually considering taking my shirt off. This is disgusting." She was obvioualy annoyed, mot thinking about the provacativeness of what she had just said. Oswin then saw another Haze, decapitating it rather swiftly as well.
"Then why don't you?" Carlos had called Oswin on her statement as he finished up with the last of the Hazed. Their little section of the boulevard was a small red island. The hazed had once again been eliminated. Carlos suddenly had a reason to take Oswin's shirt off, so he did and checked her for bite marks. He had to be thorough for this one, He didn't want his girlfriend to up and turn on him.
Oswin strapped her knife back to her belt and removed her shirt, holding it and examining it with distaste. "Ugh," she muttered, then realized that she was revealing herself to him. She looked up, blushing softly, then looked down at her feet. "Um," she said quietly, "do you see anything? Any, um...marks, I mean."
"Well, no bite marks, so that's a good sign." Carlos had finished checking his girlfriend for any bite marks, she was clean as far as he could tell. He looked over behind him, whoever did the shooting most likely came from the 5 story building behind them. "I think the shots came from there." He pointed out the building to Oswin. "Should we check it out? I mean, if there is someone there, then means they have supplies or something. Maybe we could even make a trade or something?" He wasn't entirely sure about anything, but they needed to figure out who that person was.
[Riiiiight... I know what's happening, but don't know what to do since I won't be on for four weeks starting Saturday...]
Oswin pulled her shirt back on as he pointed out the building to her. It seemed harmless enough. If whoever shot at the Hazed was trying to kill them just like they were, he/she couldn't be too dangerous to them, right?

"Sure," she said after thinking for a moment, "why not?"
Alisa noticed the couple walk toward her position. They knew she was there and would possibly try to make contact. "I wonder why they want to talk to me?" She giggles a bit to herself before leaping off the 5th floor of the building and landing on her feet on the ground very much like a cat would. She started walking towards them, stowing away her rifle. A smile on her face, her attention was for the male.....the Reaper. "Greetings, Reaper." She greeted him with a smile akin to a predator studying its prey then continued walking up to him and plants her lips on his.

Carlos was almost certain the girl didn't want to be contacted as he saw her jump down from the 5th floor, turns out she was still okay and in one piece. This ain't good. He motions for Oswin to slow down if she ever was following him. The stranger had kept walking towards them. No, she seems focused on only me....What is her game? She had a rifle strapped to her back and pistol around her waist on the left side, while what looks like a sharpened stiletto hanging off on the right. Her red and black outfit seemed to have a more maneuverable cut to it and a red beret sat on her silver hair. She got within earshot gave him a greeting, called him "Reaper", then kissed him. What the hell?! How does she...maybe...no, but what if. He was trying to sort out his thoughts in an attempt to not fall into the kiss.

(decided to blow a greeting out of proportion wanna see how Oswin reacts to this xD lolololololol)
Oswin stood, dumbfounded for a minute, then snapped back to reality.

"Ha, that's cute," she muttered, then wiggled her small figure between them, elbowing both of them in the chest to rip them apart rather harshly, knocking Carlos to the ground but gentle enough to keep the girl on her feet. Oswin glared down at Carlos, giving him a You didn't pull away when she kissed you so we're going to have to have a talk about your unintentional wiles later, mister. look, then looked to the other girl and raised an eyebrow.

"We've had sex twice. You're a little 'tardy to the party', here."
(lol tardy to the party xD )

Carlos was sure he'd suffer a fate worse then infection at the hands of his girlfriend. He'd await punishment later, for now he needed to know who the girl was and how she knows about the virus in him. "You called me Reaper, why?" He asked the girl as he stood up from the ground. "And how do you know about me. In fact, who are you?" The girl suddenly looked like she was pierced by something painful, on the verge of tears and he suddenly felt a little guilty, he wanted to comfort the girl and redo his questions. He always had a soft spot for people like that for some reason. She responded and began her story. Vindicator? She's also like me? She continued on with her story and she suddenly clung to his arm and pleaded for him to not leave her alone. This is getting out of hand. He looked over to Oswin who seemed to be getting more pissed at the moment. That being said, he can't seem to resist trying to comfort the crying girl. Almost out of instinct he ran his hand through the girl's silver hair. Her piercing green eyes seemed to try and relay her pleas to his soul. "I won't leave you." Damn it what the hell am I doing? He was fully and painfully aware that Oswin was right there but he couldn't seem to control himself.


Alisa had gauged how important the girl was to the reaper and vice versa. It will be hard to convince the reaper to meet the rest of the council. Hard but not impossible. Reaper had begun asking her questions. They came off as a little aggressive and used that to her advantage, she acted hurt and looked scared at him. He looked like he instantly regretted his choice of words and tone. "B-b-but The Reaper and The Vindicator are the same. W-w-we are the same, d-did you forget me already?" This would at least drive a wedge between the two and make it clear that I know what he is. "S-s-some one told me to look for you. They said that I won't be alone anymore when I find you." She continued playing along as the weak-willed and innocent girl. Now, to add some flair. She ran over and clung to his arm as she made tears run down her face. "Please don't leave me." She looked up at him, the tears still streaking down her face. "I was alone for a long time." Her virus allowed her to release and stimulate various hormones, in truth she could easily seduce the girl as well, but found it more entertaining not to do so. Ah the Vindicator, a mix of control and combat.

(I am suddenly getting bursts of inspiration xD lolololol, sadistic and manipulative but still inspiration)
Oswin had grown up enough to meet many kinds of people. There were people who were genuine, and people who could fake the waterworks perfectly, stringing along anyone they pleased and creating chaos along the way.

Oswin knew which one this girl was. And she didn't like.

Carlos wasn't helping the case. He was practically mushing all over her, treating her like he had known and cared for her his whole life, an act of kindness that Oswin didn't appreciate.

As she talked and talked of him in terms Oswin wasn't exactly understanding, she felt hersel become distanced from him, as if she was at the end of a tunnel and Carlos was at the other end, refusing to budge no matter how many times she screamed and cried for him. Frankly, she wanted to slit the other girl's throat open (and maybe Carlos's, she wasn't happy with him either) but this girl seemed to want something more than just a shoulder to cry on. Oswin was afraid that if she killed the girl, there would be too many consequences.

Therefore, she settled with giving Carlos the silent treatment. Pretending like she bought the whole ruse, she crossed her arms and looked at Alisa with an eyebrow raised. "That's very moving, sure, but who told you to come look for him?" She said "him" like it was some kind of disease.
Alisa had decided to ease off the gas this time and gave Reaper back control over himself. She'd have many chances to play around with him later. Whoever, this girl was she was smart, and smart meant dangerous for Alisa. However, she might prove to be a challenge. A challenge worth relishing. Alisa had used the Vindicator on the girl this time. Her personality assumed a different form as well. She wanted Reaper to know one thing: SHE WAS HOLDING THE CARDS.

"Oh who told me to go look for this piece of work? Why the Pure Council of course. They want to see last remaining test subject of the renegade Zwei. They wanted to know why test subjects such I lack the necessary spark as the ones Zwei had experimented on. Now, you will bring me to the rest of your group or I could suggest you take that knife of yours and slice that pretty little neck....ooohhh how about this, why don't YOU kill HIM."

She was serious about her threat, never had she once made an empty one. And she possessed the means to deliver. "I honestly couldn't care more about that council of stuck ups and it's pretty simple to lie about many things, if you put on a believable enough face." The Vindicator allows Alisa a kind of suggestive control over her victims, they are aware of their actions but their actions are dictated by Alisa. She had also taken control of Reaper and eased her control over the girl a little bit, enough for her to talk. "So what you say next will decide the fate of your boyfriend." She giggled like a psychopath as she waited for the girl to answer her.


Carlos had broken free of the girl's control or at least he though he was. His body was still frozen stiff. He could move his head around and was painfully aware of what was happening coupled with the gravity of the situation bearing down on him, Vindicator had simply played on his habits and manipulated him.

Whoever Vindicator was, she had control over the entire situation. She began explaining the rest of the story in detail. She was a one of the people hounding Zwei. She was one like him, a byproduct of Zwei. As she finished her story, He could feel her controlling him again, his head turned to face Oswin.

He couldn't speak. He couldn't do anything. And Vindicator had given the reins of the situation to Oswin, in her pissed state, Carlos was pretty sure he'd be dead. But he had to hold on to hope...which shattered as Vindicator started giggling, the same one that Zwei kept doing that cuts right through him......Well at least the last thing I see would be Oswin....most likely with tears streaking down her face. You win some you lose some.
Oswin figured that the girl was capable of some nasty stuff. She hadn't exactly expected this.

She, of course, felt obligated to keep Carlos safe, and had every intention on keeping him alive, even if she was upset with him. Frozen, but, thankfully, able to speak, she bit her lip, considering her options for a moment.

"I'll take you to Zwei. If the council only needs Zwei, then fine. But leave everyone else out of this. You also have to agree not to harm...the piece of work."

Every word she spoke held obvious distaste, but she didn't push it. She couldn't risk the girl going apesh*t.
Alaska looked over to her side, placing a few of the remaining wire back in and shutting it up. With that the system rebooted, a couple bugs fixed in the process.

"So... how'd you all find yourselves here?" She asked, leaning up against the wall.

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