Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

[i'm so jealous of him. I'm from Australia and we are pretty much isolated from every other country and it's so expensive to go overseas. I want to go to Germany and Japan when I get the chance.]
(I'm only a kid still, so I'm not really missing out on much... I am going to DC (maybe) next year though!)
Oswin stood rooted to the spot she was standing on, pale faced and trembling. Her limbs finally decided to move, and he was barely quick enough to catch him as he fell. He was basically pouring blood on her, but she didn't care. With weak, shaking hands, she laid him onto the ground, one hand gripping the wound on his wrist and the other on the side of his drained face. She wanted to break down in hysterics and cry over him, but she was stronger than that. There was no point in crying. She looked between Tony and Alaska.

"Hey!" She shouted, though she felt her own voice shaking, "New girl, I need you to take take an injector and that bucket of blood upstairs. Take the elevator and go to the second door on the right. There's a girl on the bed. Inject some of that stuff inside of her, then watch her until she wakes up. Get the hell out of there if she starts singing. Tony," her hard expression weakened,"there has to be something I can do to save him. Anything. ANYTHING AT ALL. I don't care if I lose my life over it, what can I do to save Carlos?"
Carlos had lost too much blood almost filling half the bucket. He was still calm, which was a bad thing. He saw Oswin look worried, that stressed him out a bit. But is it enough for the reaper to kick in? His thoughts traveled back to the break up, to him killing his parents, to him finding out about himself. He tried his best to resurface all the bad memories, before the world decides to go black forever. He was getting stressed, but wasn't sure if it was enough. He then heard her say "I don't care if I lose my life over it." He snapped. YOU DON'T CARE, BUT I DO. He could feel the REAPER accelerate his regeneration and began its work resealing his wrist, even with the accelerated regeneration he was not able to do much yet. Rest would be better for him right now. He said weakly. "Hey Oswin....Shut up."

(Reminder: Because the REAPER makes him semi-Hazed)
Oswin looked down at Carlos's half conscious face with surprise. Wait. He's going to live. I think.

She was now focused more on the fact that he had just told her to shut up. She felt rage sweep over her.

"SHUT UP? Are you really telling me to shut up after you tell me that you love me, then practically KILL YOURSELF in order to save someone who's tried to kill you several times with no regard for how it would make me feel if you died? G*ddammit, Carlos, I have never been so furious with you!" Oswin realized how much she sounded like a shrill elderly woman yelling at her husband.
Carlos could barely make a sentence so contented himself with simple phrases as he waited for the REAPER to replenish his blood."Told you..I...will survive." He smiled weakly at her and her ranting. He wanted to rest but she was berating him, which stressed him out even more. That's right just keep getting pissed at me. He decided he was stressed enough for the REAPER to really kicked in and closed his eyes......

(...forever. lol joke not gonna kill him off yet.)
(You better not kill him off at ALL)

As Carlos closed his eyes, Oswin's stomach dropped. "Hey," she exclaimed angrily, "you didn't let me finish, you jerk." She could feel the tears welling in her eyes.

She looked over at Alaska. "Forget what I said, I can handle this." She grabbed an injector and put it between her teeth, grabbing the bucket in one arm and using the other arm to half-lead/half-drag Carlos back up to their room, where she threw him onto the bed next to Shade. She then took Carlos's blood and put in the injector, then injected it into Shade's system. After doing that, she pulled the chair from the corner of the room next to the bed, fished out a bag of potato chips from her backpack (frankly, Oswin had forgotten she still had it), and crossed her legs, munching on the chips as she watched the both of them. I'm so tired. But I need to know they're alive. They HAVE to live.
(Alright Chill, I'm not gonna kill your boyfriend xD )

In the end Carlos had never found the rest he wanted. The REAPER kicked in as he was dragged to the room and most likely unceremoniously tossed to a bed. He wanted to go back to sleep but the rhythmic crunches of potato chips (it can bring people back to life now xD ) seemed to have been like a wake up call. He so desperately wanted to sleep but with the stress build up and the munching couldn't and contented to bring up some of the prior memories he had, like meeting Oswin, kissing her, patching their relationship up and taking it further....twice. A small smile crept on his lips as he opened his eyes and looked at the weary Oswin munching on the chips. "What if I told you that I was already awake when you tossed me into the elevator."
Oswin looked up from her bag of chips and looked at him with a very annoyed expression. "Then I would say 'I'm angry with you for making me drag you like a sack of watermelons, but I'm already angry with you in the first place." On the inside, however, she felt like she could touch the heavens in joy and relief. He's alright. Thank God he's alright.

She nodded in Shade's direction, "And your little freak of a friend has your blood inside of you now," she muttered, "Wasn't 100% if that's what you were going for, but the synthesis on the computer didn't seem that complicated, so I just went with instinct. Plus, I figured you weren't killing yourself for the sole purpose of destroying me emotionally." 
(It doesn't make me upset, I just wouldn't know what to do with Oswin if Carlos died xD )
Carlos got up but was still a but shaky so decided to just sit down on the bed. He looked over at Shade. "Well what can I say, in both of us are connected. 'One dies without the other, however the other thrives even without the one.' Let's face it she's like a child, she usually dependent on me or herself." He shrugged "Then again, for a moment in my childhood I was dependent on her." He brushed a strand of hair aside. "She's never aged since."

He tried getting up again but found it still impossible at the moment. "You know I'd walk over there to you if I could right." He just beamed her a smile. "But you simply cannot believe how much this hurts. Besides, I wouldn't dare do anything to hurt you. I'm still trying to prove myself, remember?"
Oswin chewed her lip as she sat and simply stared at him for a moment.

"I think you've been misunderstanding, Carlos," she said softly, "I don't want you to 'prove yourself'. I don't want you to be some kind of superhero and save the universe. What I want is for you to be there when people need you, and not to throw your life away in the process. Do you realize what you did came across to me as? You acted like you didn't care about what your death would do to what we have. And for what? To prove to me that you're 'the best'? Whether I deserve that or not, Carlos, 'the best' is exactly what I already have." She felt like this would be the time to kiss him, but held back in doubt tht he would be strong enough to take it.
Carlos had taken in what she said. He closed his eyes in thought. He shrugged. "Maybe I've just been looking at everything wrong then." He was never entirely sure about anything he ever did or say. "I'm sorry for doing something irresponsible and stupid, I should have completely taken what you might feel into consideration. By rights you could have been fed up with me and left me possibly for the new guy?" He chuckled a bit as he apologized. But deep down it would have sent him over the edge if she did that. "I will become better for you Oswin." He wanted to move over to her but staggered a bit and fell back onto the bed. "That...I don't know what that was."
Oswin giggled as Carlos was showing obvious difficulty moving. She stood up and tossed the bag of chips into the garbage, and studied the bed for a moment. "Hm, I think I know what to do."

She picked up Shade, who seemed to barely weigh anything, and moved her to the chair. She then playfully hopped onto the mattress and flopped down where Shade had been previously laying. With one hand, she turned Carlos onto his side in such a way that Oswin was able to scoot in close to him, the tips of their noses touching.

"It's hard for me to stay mad at you when you're such a goofy person, y'know." She said quietly, with a small smile.
Carlos was puzzled as to why Oswin was suddenly giggling at him. He saw her move closer then move Shade to the chair while she took Shade's place on the bed. They were face-to-face now, Their noses were touching and Carlos still couldn't think too straight. "What do you intend to do with me?" He smiled back at her.
Oswin leaned in closer, their lips barely brushing together.

"I don't know," she whispered with a mischievous smile, "you HAVE been pretty bad lately...but then again, I don't think Zwei would appreciate waking up to her little drawing board in such an...unusual way."
[Riiight. For reasons beyond my brain capacity, I'm calling her Shade. xD ]

Shade heard noises and slowly blinked her eyes open. She found herself in a chair and yawned. After blinking away the sleep, she stared at Carlos and Oswin, very confused. Going through her brain, she couldn't remember anything from the time she sparred with Carlos onwards, "Explain my Drawing Board. This person is confused." She tilted her head to add to the effect.
It took Carlos a while to realize that Oswin was very close beside him and Shade had just woken up. He quickly pulled away from Oswin, he had to apologize to her about this later. He sat up too fast and his head spun a little. He began explaining the situation to Shade. "Well, you sort of collapsed on us when we found you. We ran down to the lab and pulled up the files on the viruses you made and found how to synthesize more. Basically, my blood stems the progression of the Haze in you. And I almost died curing you, which brings us here." He shrugged at the end.
(Okay since I'm and idiot and didn't follow the thread what's going on. Sorry ;- ;)
Shade nodded and mumbled, "So you've prolonged my life with your strain of Haze. They seem to have accepted each other, but for how long I do wonder..." She trailed off and began thinking to herself about the possibilities.
"Shade." Carlos looked at Shade with concern on his face. "Shade you should just rest for now, you can come up with theories once you get some rest. I'll be outside doing my rounds, so please Shade just rest for now...for your drawing board?" He left the room as soon as he finished. He didn't know where he would go or what he would do but his presence in the room might just end up keeping Shade awake. He surveyed the empty kitchens, the hall way was empty and lifeless as well, as if everyone just up and vanished and he was left alone again, free to forge whatever path he wished.
Oswin sat on the bed for a moment, then decided she didn't want to be left alone with Shade/Zwei. A small piece of intuition inside of her told her that it wasn't going to end well if she just sat there.

She silently followed behind Carlos as he did his rounds, not really caring which way he went. It's not like she had anywhere to be. Carlos seemed to keen to get out of the room, she wondered if he even knew she was there.
Carlos had begun to wander around aimlessly, only now did he realize that the tower was practically empty. The hallways were either dark or dimly lit. The air was stale inside so he went up to a window and tried to open it, it wouldn't budge so he decided to break it open and let the air flow in. He was relieved to have his first breath of fresh air in a very long while. It felt calming and relaxing to him he just gazed out at the ruined wasteland. A thought crossed his mind. What if I make a supply run? He spotted a grocery not far from where he was and little bit down the road he might find other things as well, foolish as it was he just wanted to do something productive and not just get cooped up in the tower. He turned back when he suddenly ran into Oswin, his reflexes kicking in and catching her before she hit the ground. "Hello to you too."
Oswin sucked in a breath as they ran into each other, feeling relieved as he caught her.

"Well, firstly, I wasn't keen to being alone in a room with Shade. Secondly, I figured you were going to do something potentionally dangerous. Couldn't let you do it alone." She smiled, a chill running up her spine as she felt his hands on her body.
(Shade was dying, Carlos almost killed himself to save Shade bc his blood inside of Shade is supposed to save her, Oswin injects Shade with his blood, Carlos uses bad memories to work up his Reaper so he can live for Oswin, he lives, Oswin and Carlos get sort-of romantic but are interrupted by Shade, Carlos tells Shade to rest and went to make a patrol, Oswin followed, and now the two of them are leaving the building for a supply run.) 

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