Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Tony turned and looked at Oswin. "What? Got a problem with him?" Tony snarled. Anyone with a problem with either of them had a reason to leave.

Lucas stared up at Eimin. "Oh, well… what now?"
Oswin raised an eyebrow. "I have no problem with either of you, and, please pardon me for saying so, you don't exactly have to pull the Angry God Complex every time his name comes up. Despite your disbelief, Lucas has the ability to take care of himself without your snarky and overprotective attitude." Her expression softened, "Maybe you two just weren't matched together in the right way. If we end up living long enough, maybe you'll find someone else, someone more...um...compatible to you."
Eimin got closer to him as he held him up smiling. "Anywehere you want to go, or do you want to go running." He pressed his lips against his, blushing a little as he he pulled away shyly.
Tony stood up so fast his chair tipped over. "He is perfect! Dont you ever say anything like that about him." Tony glared at her. "Dont ever say something like that about him." Tony saw the dents in the table from his fingers. "Sorry." He sat back down and sighed.
Oswin sighed and leaned against the wall of the lab and sighed.

"Whatever, can we just see Zwei's records?" She asked.

(Did you still want to do that thing where Tony has info on Oswin's dad or...?)

Tony ran his hand over the keyboard. "There." All information on the Haze came up on the screen s surrounding the room.

Lucas blushed and his eyes widened. "Do that again." He didnt say this as a command. He looked up and tentavly blinked. "Please?"
In a sort of daze, Oswin wandered around each screen, her eyes wide.

"My God," she muttered, "how would one find information on just ONE person?"
Tony shrugged. "Just say the name of whoever you want to find information on. The computer will find it for you."
Alaska woke not too soon later, finally getting fed up with walking around aimlessly. She threw on her book bag over her shoulder and set out to find Carlos. She had heard the elevator working, so he must have made his way back up here.

She rounded a few corners and saw a group of people huddling around some files and a computer. Taking her chances, Alaska knocked on the door frame and stood there.

"Hello? Have any of you seen a guy named, uh, Carlos I think it was? He sent me up here from downstairs."
Oswin was about to ask the computer about Zwei when she noticed the girl standing in the doorway. As she asked for Carlos, Oswin looked over her shoulder. She nodded her head in her boyfriend's direction.

"There's Carlos, I'm Oswin," she muttered in a rather annoyed tone. How many friends was Carlos going to make without her? She turned back to the computer and said, "Um, hey there, computer. Info on Zwei? Or Shade? Or whoever she is?"
Right away.

The screens cleared and a file opened up, revealing a file on Zwei. Tony spun his chair to look at the girl. "Carlos is here. If you dont have anything to do, you can come help me over here."

{Meh, short post.}
Carlos had noticed Oswin's reaction as that girl from before arrived looking for him. She looked annoyed, "Not what you think, just being the door man" He whispered to her before addressing that girl from before. "Right miss tattoos, need me for something?" He said as Oswin ran a search on Shade and her research in the database. "Tony try your best to calm down, if you want I can attract another horde for us to fight against to blow off some steam."
"Hey, and i was actually going to find you if there was anything I could help out on. And yeah sure, what do you need?" she said, making her way next to Tony. So far they didn't seem very violent, so she set her book bag by the door.
Tony sat forward as she put the bag down. "Oh, you may not want to do that. Uh- just bring that here." He gestured to the floor around his overly-cluttered desk. "Someone will come and... pick it up, if you don't put it somewhere safe. And-" He held his finger up with a cheeky grin. "I need help recalibrating the system." His hand felt the desk around him until he came across a two pairs of goggles, and tossing the smaller pair to her. "You do't mind getting your hand dirty right?"

((First RP on the site. Lucas won't be on for a while as he is hyperventilating over a surprise I bought him.))
"Uh-okay. Thanks" She quickly put it in the corner around where he was pointing, and placed the goggles around her neck.

"Not at all." She said, a sly smile spreading across her face. Mechanics and technology was definitely something she could work on.
[research specific and maybe little backstory....on second thought, just send me the whole thing xD ]

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