Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Shade nodded. "There's no one else nearby. I'd hear them if they were." I feel so drowsy. There's no gas in the area though. Injury? I highly doubt it. It could be the- oh s***. It's the Haze.
Carlos had caught Shade before she fell to the ground. He shook her. She didn't look so good. "Shade, are you alright? Answer me shade, answer your drawing board please."
[face desk]

Carlos turned to Oswin. "what should we do about her?" Shade was surprisingly light.

(sorry short post T_T)
Oswin looked at Zwei for a minute and shrugged.

"This looks a lot like what happened to me when I became infected. In my opinion, I think we should take her to either Lucas or Tony. They both have a general idea of how to use the Cure...IF she's infected."

That was the only idea she had.
Lucas stared at Eimin. What is he trying to say? As Eimin got close to Lucas, he unconsciously moved forward, towards Eimin. Oh god. This is too soon. He blinked a couple times and thought about what he should do next. Keep him occupied. Delay him, just distract him. "But, Tony said that too. He said he would never hurt me."
(Remind me to never lose track of keeping up with you guys, kay? xD )

Alaska wandered around the current floor she found herself on, quite bewildered that no one had seen her yet. These people all seemed to be so bound up in arguing and finding themselves in each other that they hadn't been keeping tabs on who goes in and out.

After about an hour, she had found herself to an empty room that seemed as if it hadn't been used in a long time, so she took that as an invitation to curl up in an old office chair and sleep, clutching her book bag to her chest.
(I'll keep reminding you in the convo then xD )

Carlos had decided to bring Shade back to their room and set her down on the bed. He turned to Oswin had took note of what she said earlier. "That would have been convenient however, like me, she is a special case. I'll go cut to the chase, she is both PURE and HAZED the same way I am both HUMAN and HAZED." Carlos wasn't sure what would happen to them now that he had blurted out his secret, or maybe he already did before...
Oswin crossed her arms and looked over to Shade, biting her lip. While she was a bit bothered that he hadn't told her he was hazed. However, she still loved him. Why would this change anything? She looked back to Carlos and saw that he was suddenly bothered.

"Okay," she said firmly, "what? You think I'd hate you or run off if I knew you were Hazed? Because I don't. I love you all the same because you're still Carlos and I love Carlos. So let me just set that straight so your head doesn't explode or anything."

Her eyes drifted back to Shade, wandering what they were going to do about her.
"I guess the only thing we can do is to just let her rest. We don't have access to any of her research material nor the final products of her research. I'm guessing it was due to the stress of our little sparring match before I went up and got my ass handed to me by Tony." Carlos looked at Shade and offered whatever insight he could on the matter, which was limited in itself.

He turned to Oswin, suddenly remembering something. "Back at the lab I noticed Tony had a file on Shade, maybe he also has tabs on her research? Because talking to the man right now doesn't seem to be smart." His hand instinctively went for his throat. "And uh thank you, Potati Girl. You have no idea how much that means to me." He tried his best to beam her a bright smile.
Oswin nodded at Carlos's idea. "He's extremely temperamental. It would be better to just take a look at it ourselves. Let's go." She walked through the bedroom doorway and out into the hallway with the laboratory as her destination. She looked over her shoulder and gave him a alluring smile, "And you're welcome."
Tony sat in his lab, muttering to himself. "Great goin Tony. Look what you did. You just lost your one chance at Lucas." He hit his table with his fist. "You just lost your f*cking boyfriend." He sighed and put his head in his hands.
Carlos followed Oswin out of the room and shrugged. "Alright." Everything felt that they had fallen back into place after being messed up for a while. Just need to fix the problem with Zwei, I'm sure Lucas and Tony are squared away. They had both made it to the lab. Carlos opened the door and entered first. "Well, we should get started with the research then, Tony must ha-" He saw the dejected Tony in the lab. "Hi Tony." He kept the smile on his face as he greeted the owner of the tower, he didn't expect to see Tony down here alone.
Tony looked up at him. "Hi." He turned his swivel chair around to face the opposite wall. He reached to the far end of his desk, and grabbed a half built gun. "What are you doing here?"
"We uhh came here to dig some files about Zwei, what kind of research she was doing. It might help us figure out why she doesn't look so good. She just passed out." Carlos had to keep himself calm, but he needed the info from her research it could also have some insight regarding him. "You don't look so good as well, is there something wrong?"
Tony spun around sticking his tongue out. "Lucas broke up with me. Well… he kinda broke up with me." Tony sighed." He spun around in the chair. "I believe that he told you everything, and you probably believed him, so youll never hear my side of the story." He turned back to his desk. "I have all her research here. I have all research regarding Haze, because…" Tony paused and laced his fingers together and smiled. "Im head of the Pure council."
"Pure council? Wait, he broke up with you? I never came across Lucas. So what happened?" The fact that Tony was the head of the pure who was hounding Zwei did not register much to Carlos, his attention was taken by what Tony said about his relationship with Lucas. What could possibly break that happy couple I saw dancing?
"Lucas has had some… bad experiences with me, so he decided to dump me." Tony spun around in his chair. "Lucas and I were, at one time, happy. That changed a while ago when I forced myself on him. He took it and was injured for quite a while. When he came back to me, after a brief period of living with his brother, I did it again. He wasnt angry at me, but I could tell he was disappointed in me." He spread his hands out in front of his desk. "He was fifteen when most of this happened. He is sixteen now."
Eimin shook his head as he put his forehead against Lucas. "When I say something I keep my word, I protected my mom for half our lives I am sure I can do the same for you." He smiled as he pushed him up a little. "I will never betray you."
"I...just don't know what to say...I'm sorry I couldn't come up with a speech like last time while you were operating on him." Carlos had no idea the problem ran this deep, yet for all the time they had been together how could Lucas break up with Tony, unless he had intended to do so from the start, unless the love never really existed in the first place.
Oswin stood behind Carlos, her arms crossed as she awkwardly looked around to the walls, to the the computers, and then to her feet. Of course, ever since Eimim entered the picture, Oswin had a feeling that things between Lucas and Tony would get shaky, especially with the little episode Tony had gone through, but she didn't intend to say it out loud.

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