Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Tony looked over at Eimin and then at Lucas. It took him a second to figure out that Lucas was afraid of him. He pointed at Eimin. "You." Tony pointed out into the hall. "You, me, in the hall, now."

{Whoops, short post.}
Eimin was a little surprised that he wanted him. He knelt down and gently put Lucas on the ground then walked over. He stopped a good few inches away from him then stared. " yes""
"Lucas is afraid of me." Tony looked down at his feet. "He doesn't have anyone to look after him if I leave him alone." Tony looked up at Eimin. "He doesn't do well with being by himself. I need you to look after him." Tony smiled thinly an walke away, before turning around and looking him in the eyes. "Oh, and don't tell him Im doing this. Just… just, stay with him. I can tell he likes you, I just need you to make him 'Lucas' again." Tony turned and walked back up the stairs to his room.

Zwade (See what I did there?) wandered the halls whilst humming a happy song for once instead of a demonic one. She scanned the area to keep an eye out for anyone wandering the halls as well.
Eimin tilted his head as he looked back toward Lucas. He walked back and picked him up again. His bubbly self returned as he gave Lucas a smile. "Where to Lucas." He laughed a little as he began to walk the other way where he came from

(ever seen origins spirit of the past)
Lucas leaned on Eimin. "Im tired." He let his legs sway as he sat. "What did Tony want?"

{Wooooooooooowwwwwww that was short. O.o }
He walked him in to another room with a bed and some sheets. He looked down at him and gave him a smile. "Nothing he just wanted to tell me something." He had walked over and set him down on the bed. He lifted the sheets and covered him with it. He sat on the edge and looked at him. "Comfortable"
Lucas nodded. "Will you- will you come here a second?" Lucas held his arms out. "Please come over here… just for a second." Lucas looked expectantly at Eimin.

{I have a bad habit of short posts -_- }
(tis ok honey)

Eimin nodded his head as he got up, since he did want to scoot over and crush his legs. He got close to Lucas, putting his hand on the bed and leaning in. "Yes Lucas"
[ O_O what's happening? xD lol go wild. I still can't move, I don't want to break the moment between Carlos and Oswin but I seriously want to spiral him into another awkward situation.]
[ honestly the amount of OOC in this thread is too damn high, Lucas should make an OOC thread xD ]
{Yeah I should}

Lucas wrapped his arms around Eimin's neck and hugged him. "Thank you. For everything." Lucas tightened his grip and presssed his face into Eimins shoulde..
[No I wasn't talking about cheating on you, more like our little angel put words in my mouth xD . Up to you, Maeve, I'll just be up for another 2 hours I guess before calling it in]
Eimin wasn't really in shock but the hug was nice. He smiled a little as he wrapped his arms around him. "It's no problem, I am your protector aren't " He laughed a little as he recalled his statement he said toward Luca and Oswin.
(I know you were discussing your pervy senses before I went to bed, so we can talk about that if your tingling senses are still there. But I wouldn't be able to actually do much until around 6-7pm Eastern Time, which is 6-7am your time, I believe.)
{In your guys little family, can I be that one weird cousin?}

Lucas tightened his grip and sighed. "Tony probably put you up to it right?" Lucas knew that Tony put him up to it. It was just something he would do. But, he didnt want Tony to do it. Lucas knew what he actually wanted them to do. "Please don't do what he did. Itrust you more than that."

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