Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

(Prepare for a smack down by the frenchie, little girl xD or not whatever...I'll just have Carlos watch everything play out.)
Oswin stepped firmly between the two, fairly annoyed and angry.

"Alright," she exclaimed, "Tony, she's 12, don't expect her to be an understanding, wise old woman...and don't you have a certain boyfriend you need to apologize to? Oh, and Naomi, for the love of God, stop poking an angry bear just to be the center of attention! We've all been through a lot, and don't have to put up with you! Literally EVERYONE HERE has the physical capability to seriously hurt you and/or kill you if you rub them the wrong way. Let's all stop bickering, okay? It's not doing ANYTHING. Please," she collapsed on the couch weakly and ran her fingers through her hair, "If you must, go your separate and cool down or whatever. This is getting f*cking ridiculous." 
(Sh*t is my post going to even work into this)
(That's just what I've gotten from this. Tony's got some god complex disorder or something)
Eimin realized his struggle and stopped down the hall. Eimin sighed as he set him down on the floor and looked at him. "...no helping it huh" He ruffled his hair as he gave him a fake smile then walked off more down the hall. "God my heart can't deal with this , not a second time at least." He found an empty room to his right and walked in, shutting the door.
Tony nodded in numb shock and went out in the halls to find Lucas and the other one who took him away. Tony was going to kill that guy. Why would he take Lucas away from Tony? Tony was the one who saved Lucas, he owed his life to Tony. And Tony intended on takin him up on that.
Carlos had just watched everything play out. He struggled to get on his feet and his throat still feels crushed by what Tony had done to him. Talking would be very painful for him. He spent his time watching the scene but his mind was working on a way to solve the other problem. Even if it was painful, he had to square things away with Oswin. He just had to know the truth.

(I'll leave here, I don't feel so good and my head seems like it's spinning.)
Oswin was panting softly, faintly aware that she had broken up a fight and that there was a good chance that another one was about to start. She didn't care. That was the others' problem. She looked over at Carlos, who was in as much pain as she still was. At least she could see clearly.

As he approached her, she had a feeling what he was going to talk about. Crap. What do I do? Stall?

"Um," she said nervously yet emotionlessly, trying to avoid eye contact, "so...this reaper stuff...um...what is it, exactly?"
(screw it! I'll finish the conversation with Oswin before I retire for the night xD )

"The reaper, well remember Zwei? and how she is a Haze researcher right? Well, she kinda modified and weaponized the virus. Three strains are in existence, One is REAPER which is what I have, basically makes me a Hazed killing machine when under stress. In a way I was already infected, the virus would then conceal itself when I calm down, hence why I turn up clean when someone scans me. The other is OVERLORD, it makes the victim fully-hazed however they have control over their minds, but are more inclined to obey orders. You know about the horde I faced outside right? My parents were infected with OVERLORD and they sorta led the Horde, I had to kill them" Carlos's emotional barrier was cracking, he could feel tears welling in his eyes. "The third one has no name and only Zwei has it, It makes her Pure and Hazed at the same time." His throat hurt like hell after that but continued on. "With REAPER , I could have handled Tony but I was worn out from fighting the Hazed horde outside and Zwei, who delivered a swift kick to my nuts." He chuckled at the last part. "I do hope I made you happy, I did try my best to look after the rest of the group. Got bitten a lot of times along the way and found out many things that would have driven me to suicide, but I didn't. I know this group will need the awkward guy for as long as we are together. I know I still have to prove myself to you." He ended his statement with a smile, a genuine smile.

(Here is an idea of how painful the nutshot by Zwei was


Lucas looked up as Tony walked into the room. He started scrambling around, trying to get up, but was seemingly unable. "Eimin, Eimin-" Lucas winced as he tried to move. "Please help-" Lucas looked up at him.
Alaska saw a man they had seemed to be calling tony walk the halls, which was soon followed by another boy asking for help. Instincts catching she stayed out of site behind Tony, ready to move of he payed a hand on Lucas. The one pleading was too wounded to barely move, but didn't do anything wrong in her own eyes.
Eimin walked back outside ,after re opening the door. He looked down at him with narrowed eyes. "..." He sighed as he walked over and picked him up once again like a princess. "where to" 

As Oswin listened, she didn't take much inventory as to what he was saying. She was just trying to avoid looking at him. And as he told the part of being kicked in the nuts by Zwei, she couldn't help but laugh. Then he, of course, eased onto the topic of whatever their relationship was/had been. As he stopped his sentence with a smile, she pondered on what she felt and why. Oswin stood up and awkwardly moved towards until they were face to face (sort of, she was a tad shorter than he was), deciding to sort of wing it.

"I don't expect you to be Superman. I just wanted to know that you weren't going to have sex with me and leave me alone. Which you kind of did...but that's not the point. The point is..." She paused and took another breath, "You've-made-me-happier-than-I've-ever-been-and-I-was-afraid-it-was-too-good-to-be-true-and-I-don't-think-you're-awkward-and-if-you-are-then-I'm-the-girl-who-loves-the-awkward-guy." (saying it all in one breath). With that, she leaned in and kissed him quickly and gently, then awkwardly pulling away. "I'm sorry if that was weird," she said quietly.
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Lucas pointed towards Tony and then realized wha he was doing. Tony didnt run at them, or make any move towards them. He just stood there, staring at them. He stood there staring, truing to figue ot how he could get Lucas back. Lucas glared at him from across the hall. "What do you want?"
Eimin looked toward Tony giving hi man emotionless stare then back toward Lucas. He let out a sigh as he closed his eyes waiting for them to see what they would do.
"Not really, I'm weirder than you by a long shot." Carlos had some trouble keeping up with what Oswin was saying but couldn't do anything to stop her. "I wonder though, if I go crazy will you still call me superman?" He was not sure his insanity was gone. "Because you know how Zwei gets." He laughed for a bit and was silent for a while. He turned towards Oswin. "I love you. And you do not know just how much talking hurts for me right now." His hand went up to his throat to feel the indentations of Tony's hand on it as he smiled at Oswin.
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Kavh slowly blinked his eyes open, waking his body up slowly by stretching, and glancing around at his surroundings. At first, nothing registered. There was a whole lot of black. And wet. And red. And a bit of purple.

He wasn't registering the blood. Dang, it took him a long time. Panic. Where was Aria? Why was he in a skirt? Why didn't he remember falling asleep in a crowd of the dead Hazed? "Ari? Ari? Where are you? A?" There was no answer from her; if she was anywhere near this mess, she must be dead already. And if she wasn't, then she'd find him like she always did. So he needed to think about something else.

This crowd of people- Hazed, really- could inspire a massive revolt at any time. Looking as disoriented and messy as Kavh did, and sitting in a crowd of dead Hazed, he could easily be marked as a Haze and killed mercilessly. And he was in no state to fight anyone at the moment. His best course of action would be to find an abandoned building to lie low in and give himself another dose of the Hazehalter medicine.

That tower didn't look very used. And besides, it was close by and easy enough to climb up on to a window and break it. Let's see- bulletproof glass versus Kavh's hand? Kavh's hand wins. He shattered the glass, grumbling in pain as a few shards attached themselves to his knuckles, before sliding easily inside. It was then that he realized, noticing a boy and a girl talking (Carlos and Oswin) that he realized the abandoned tower wasn't quite as empty as he thought.

And he was still wearing a skirt.

And he still was covered in blood.

And he still looked like a girl.

D*** it.
(I don't know what I do because Oswin told him she loved him and kissed him and he just kind of when to sleep. *points to her last Oswin post*) 
(Maybe ill just edit that out and pretend like she hasn't said anything)

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