Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Shade refused the ammunition, "I don't need it. All I need is my brain and a dagger. I dislike guns. There what cowards use." She walked to the door and opened it before poking her head to check if it was clear, "It's safe to leave."
Cordis looks right into Shade's eyes as if it was the only thing that Cordis loves."Don't worry,we'll get there soon enough and find this Tony you all are looking for."He pulled out his pistol and turned on it's flashlight."We won't be needing that torch anymore,those pistols I gave you got lights too"
Exactly how the hell did you get into my tower?

Tony was mad to say the least. How many people had got into his tower in the last twenty minutes? Two? Thats a new record.

Im coming down to your location.

There was the sound of wire and a hole opened up in the ceiling right above the door. Tony's head popped out and he smiled. "Does anyone care to explain to me whats going on here?" He looked at the other people in the door way [the ones who broke in] and frowned. "Grand. Plus de personnes. " <Great. More people.> His head popped back up and he dropped down from the ceiling. "Yes. Well," He straightened up, "I'm Tony." He bowed to the others. "C'est presque un honneur pour faire votre connaissance. Si vous n'aviez pas pénétré par effraction dans ma tour." <It is almost an honor to make your acquaintance. If you hadn't broken into my tower.> "Now." He stood up. "Can I offer you a tour?"

[Lucas is still missing. {technically}]
This guy seems to be only showering attention to Shade. He kept silent as he studied the new comer. Several ideas weaving in and out of his mind. We don't know who he is, but he seems to know Shade. We don't know how he got here, must have slipped in during the commotion, I'm pretty sure the alarm was loud enough to be heard in a small radius outside the complex. And more importantly is this guy Pure, Human or Used? I can't tell from a surface glance, well as long as he doesn't go ballistic. He couldn't be a fully turned Haze victim, then again my parents were infected with a mutated strain and I haven't seen them ever since. Shade had already began to leave the corridor, her follower in hot pursuit. Carlos guessed that her claustrophobia was kicking in. "Six, you coming?" He asked David after he scanned the corridor one last time, then gestured to the door Shade had opened and walked through.

(Did I just unconsciously do a partial pseudo-introduction for the new guy? Thats it Luuklilo I'm calling your character "Six" from now on xD ).
Shade stared at Tony and eyed him off. She had questions for him, "Who are you really? We don't know much about you, so enlighten us please." She was silently pleased that she was out of the corridor and into a wider space.
He had heard the voice of Tony beyond the exit door. As usual, Tony had sounded extremely foreign<well, duh> to Carlos. He could only register the "tour" part. He walked through the door to find Shade questioning a very annoyed looking Tony. He dared not intervene and was content to simply watch.
Cordis stared at the place where the Tony guy popped out.Who was he?Why did he not kill us?He followed Shade leaving the others.He pulled out his knife and gun in case anything goes wrong,"Who was that guy?"He stared and held his bitten arm,"No.......No!NO!It's starting to turn!Argh!!!" His arm was violently turning into a sharp hand leaving his body paralyzed,"Shade!Get away!" His arm started to crawl brutally towards Shade.
"Who am I?" He looked at her as his smile dropped. "I am a Pure. I can save you guys. You can't kill me from a flesh wound. Im immune to the Haze. Im dating Lucas." He looked at her calmly. "Is there anything else you want to know?" He ignored the other guys outburst and didn't move as he answered her.
Shade raised a hand to her chin and thought before answering, "Who am I? I wasn't able to read one of the files on the computer. You must know who I am." She wanted to see if the guy would answer her or change the subject.

[i'm writing so many short posts...]
Cordis was passing out.He noticed that his hand was reacting to the immune Pure.His hand was beginning to dance wildly as if it was trying to break free from his body.He pointed out his pouch to Shade,"Shade....pouch....syringe!"Before he passed out,he threw a device that would follow Tony.
[ Did she already send you the background? I have copy of it in a convo.] 
[disregard that last one from me]
"I was the one who created the machine that altered your brain." He stopped. "I can tell you everything. The counsel will try to kill me, but they already have been. Im like you. Im a Pure that went against the status quo." He stepped forward. "I can show you everything. I can bring your memories back." He bit his lip. "If you help me with Lucas."
Shade thought carefully, "I suppose I can help you. Only if Carlos comes along. He also knows who I am and wouldn't lie to me." She stayed where she was and watched Tony with caution.
Tony sighed in relief and looked at his feet. "The Haze is beginning to affect his brain. Theres a procedure that I can do that might save him, but..... It could also kill him." He looked back up at her. "Im too scared to try it, but he is willing to go through with it. I don't want him to die." He looked at her with watery eyes. "Im going to give you your memory back, and as you were a Haze researcher, I want you to help me." He looked hopeless. I need your help Shade.
"Wait what?" Carlos snapped out of his thoughts at mention of his name. It seems as though Tony and Shade had come to an agreement, they both seemed to have cooled down a little. However, the deal included him in the mix. "I'll help, dunno how helpful I'll be to a Pure though." Throwing out the statement to no one in particular. "So what do I do?"
Shade saw the hopeless look he gave and nodded, "Alright. I'll help you. Just take us to where Lucas is and where we can get my memories back.I need them before anything else." Only problem is that once I get my memories back, anything could happen...
Tony looked at Carlos. "You will be very helpful. I need help. Anesthetics don't work very well on him. Actually, he should be waking up at any moment n-" There was a muffled thump from a couple floors up. Tony looked at them with a guilty smile. "He's probably going to be mad at me, but when he hears you guys are willing to help, it will probably calm him down." There was a shuffling noise and Lucas dropped down on top of Tony.

"Comment le défi vous font cela?!" <How dare you do that?!>

"Désolé ! Je ne pourrais pas vous faire blesser encore ! Et il y a les gens ici, nous peut continuer ceci plus tard ..... Ils acceptent d'aider avec la chirurgie." <Sorry! I couldn't have you hurt again! And there are people here, we can continue this later..... They are agreeing to help with the surgery.> Tony held his hand up in a sign of surrender. "They can help." Lucas's eyes widened as he froze. He looked up at the others.

"Your going to help me?" He looked confused. "But, why?" 
[ill be back in an hour]
Before Carlos could utter anything in response to the statement, Lucas had dropped on Tony. The two men seem to be arguing in french, not that he could understand it. Lucas had asked them why they would help. "Well on my part, I just want to see if a cure for the Haze is possible...a permanent cure. I can't speak for Shade though." He had given his reply to Lucas. He decided to go completely honest with these people. He turned to Tony "So how exactly will I be helpful to a Used and two Pures?"
David stood there looking at Tony. "Were you not supposed to kill me? Also, if you decide to not do soo, mind if I tag along? I want to follow my new-found companions. Six points to Shade and Carlos. I'd rather not abandon them." David looked at Tony

with a grin.

((Dese short postd))

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