Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

(NONONONO...dont apologize...that was the most I laughed all day xD

I think I'm going to assume new girl is Oswin...)

Oswin seemed a little surprised with the little performance that was going on in front of her. Lucas and Tony were (obviously) close. She was also surprised how the Used boy held such a polite demeanor.

"Um," she stuttered, "the pleasure is all mine. I was the one or sort of, er, intruded. Is there anything I could do to...er...help?" Oswin was angry with herself for sounding so bending and willing. She would do what only SHE wanted to do. 'But I want to help,' she thought, 'So, I suppose I'm not following orders DIRECTLY.'
[so can I have my character refer to yours as Potato Girl, just for the fun of it, after the introductions.]

Carlos had been standing opposite of Lucas and Tony, when this girl suddenly comes out of nowhere. They do a brief exchange introductions. Apparently, we have a new member to this dysfunctional family. He saw that Tony and Lucas were leaving and followed after them. I mean they are my bosses after all. Carlos wondered how he would keep the Anesthetic mask on Lucas, if Lucas ever decided to turn or go ballistic. Nah, he wouldn't do that with Tony around, would he?
(Alright, I can do that after we do a introduction of our characters or I dunno.....lol POTATO GIRL xD )
Oswin, while waiting for Lucas to answer, looked over at Carlos. He seemed generally normal and a fairly handsome fellow.

"What about you, skippy?" she said, taking notice to the way Carlos trailed the other two boys around, "What're you part of in this little scheme? Let me take a guess..." She pulled another chip from the bag, "...I'm guessing you're the almighty surgeon." Oswin stuffed the chip in her mouth with a pleased disposition. "I'm Oswin, by the way," she continued, realizing she hasn't introduced herself to any of the boys.
POTATO. That grabbed Carlos's attention. He only realized she was talking to him. "I-I'm sorry, I'm just the assistant Tony and Shade are grand surgeons. I am just the human assistant to this surgery." He answered her with a sheepish grin, but his attention was to the bag of chips. "I'm uh Carlos by the way." He couldn't stop staring at the bag of chips. "Potato girl, right I'll keep that in mind."

He realized that he had not eaten anything since the encounter with Lucas and rest of the gang and his stomach was grumbling. He suddenly felt aware that he was very hungry. "Um uhhhh.....Potato." He had not once looked at whoever held the bag of chips, He just judged that she was girl due to the voice.
Oswin laughed at the potato comment. "Cute," she said, dark eyes sparkling against the lighting, "but if you wanted some chips, you just had to ask." She fished in her knapsack for another bag of chips, "I don't bite," she continued, "Well, most of the time."

Oswin tossed the bag in his direction. "So, Carlos," she said after a brief silence, "this...operation. What are you and the other two guys going to do, exactly?
Carlos had catched the bag of chips and took a few and gave it back to Oswin. "Cute" he muttered under his breath as he took a good look at whoever owned the bag of chips. "Are you an angel? Is there more food?" The question rolling out of his mouth. He caught himself and apologized to Oswin. "Well the operation is to cure Lucas of the Haze virus. I'm a bit skeptical it will work, but if it does, I know it would help a lot lives....uhhh....Potato girl. Sorry forgot your name." He bowed in apology.
Oswin laughed once more, finding Carlos's demeanor hilarious. "I do beleive I have a granola bar or two.." She pulled said granola bar out of her bag, and handed him back the bag of chips he had just eaten out of, as well as the granola bar. "You look a little peaky," Oswin said with a smile. "Keep the chips. Is there anything I can do to help out with this operation-plan-scheme-ect."?
"Thank you." A tear forms in his eye, He wipes it away as he took the bag of chips and granola bar. "Well, I'm only on anesthetic duty, I don't really know how a human like can be of much use to two pures and one used. I'm guessing you are human? Well, Welcome to our Dysfunctional family, you'll fit right in, Potato Girl" He said with a grin on his face. "As for helping, ask Tony maybe he'd have you help me with the anesthetic or he'll just have you train with Six." He gestured to David.
Oswin was definitely surprised at Carlos's emotional response to just a little bit of food, "Um, you're welcome." She then looked around at the other boys, not exactly sure of what to do. She felt just a slight more comfortable about this culinarily-emotionally-driven boy than any of the others.
Cordis looked straight into Oswin,walking towards her in a dark shadowy room,"Who is this guy?"He dropped all the medicines and syringes and scratched his head,"I was gone for a long time then I come back seeing a girl?"He scanned the room if there was an opening that Oswin could have possibly entered.He began questioning and scanned her whole body,"No guns...just a knife.What's your name?"He grabbed her hand and took the knife off her,"Pure?"
(I know that, I just don't know how your character got in the complex is all bro or if he has introduced himself to the rest of the group)
(If you look to my CHar Sheet im not much really friendly and I dont trust someone easily.I'm only helping you cuz I want to get out of the tower)
(No, I mean how did you get in the story. Like Potato Girl for example, She had been on the run and took shelter in a nearby building which conveniently had the group in it. If i could remember right you just seemed to warp right out of nowhere.)
(No.I was trapped in the room were David was shooting at the 3 of us.I was trapped becuase I had a team and all of them died.SonowI'm trapped in the room that time and suddenly you guys popped up :)
Oswin recoiled as the boy grabbed her hand.

"I'm Oswin, I'm human, and that's MY knife. And, not to be rude, but I'd like it back." Well, it wasn't HER knife, exactly. She had the drunkard's knife is knapsack and the one strapped to her belt. Oswin didn't appreciate this stranger approaching her in such a snarling way. She turned to Carlos.

"Help me out a bit?"

Shade huffed in annoyance and sat on the ground before staring up at the ceiling. She decided to ignore everyone around her for the time being and went through the knowledge that she actually had in her empty head.
I don't remember much. Just bits and pieces of what I've seen the Haze do.
((carly, you still have to introduce your character. You just popped out from nowhere and knew everybody?)) 
((carly, you still have to introduce your character. You just popped out from nowhere and knew everybody?))
Cordis gave the knife back to the girl.He stared at her rudely,in another way of saying 'I got my eye on you'.He sat next to Shade,and bowed down.He was stressed that will not live.His bitten arm was very furious when it reacted to the immune Pure.

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